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Impacts of different factors on seepage and land uplift due to compressed-air injection
Zang Yongge, Sun Dongmei, Feng Ping, Stephan Semprich, 2017, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: In this study, using an in-situ, air-flow test in Essen, the impacts of different factors on multiphase flow and land uplift during and after compressed-air injection were investigated using numerical simulations. A loosely coupled, two-phase flow and geo-mechanical modeling approach, linking two numerical codes (TOUGH2/EOS3 and FLAC3D) was employed to simulate the in-situ, air-flow test for comparing the simulated and measured results. As the compressed air is injected, it flows upwards and laterally, and the vertical effective stress near and above the injection zones decreases owing to the pore pressure increasing here, causing an expansion of the soil skeleton in the corresponding zones. The land uplift, induced mainly by support actions from lower deformed soils, is relevant to the distribution of the porosity increments in the soil interior, and it increases rapidly during air injection. After the compressed-air injection stops, the land uplift decreases gradually to zero due to the overpressure dissipation. With a combination of intensive rainfall, the land uplift is slightly greater near the borehole, but it is significantly greater at a distance from the borehole than the land uplift with no or low rainfall, but the air-injection rate remains almost unchanged due to the unchangeable pore pressure near the injection region. As the intrinsic permeability increases or the air entry pressure decreases in the injected strata, both the land uplift and the air injection rate increase, but the time required for the land uplift to become zero is slightly advanced with either a small permeability or a high air entry pressure.
Ključne besede: loosely coupled two-phase flow and geo-mechanical model, in-situ, air-flow test, compressed-air injection, multiphase flow, land uplift, air loss
Objavljeno v DKUM: 18.06.2018; Ogledov: 1181; Prenosov: 140
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Management of soil as a natural resource in the Savinjska statistical region in Slovenia
Milena Petauer, 2010, pregledni znanstveni članek

Opis: Animals, plants and microorganisms could not exist without soil, because without it life on Earth would not be possible. Thus we should always be concerned with preserving the soil condition. This should be a personal, a municipal, as well as a national concern. Nevertheless, the role of soil is not sufficiently incorporated into the planning of sustainable development of the Savinjska statistical region, therefore more active approaches are needed in the field of soil management and protection (education, research, raising public awareness, soil protection programs, soil related educational excursions, etc.).
Ključne besede: pedogeography, natural resources, soil pollution, land use, Slovenia
Objavljeno v DKUM: 29.03.2018; Ogledov: 1258; Prenosov: 144
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Restraints and opportunities of the Romanian rural areas
Vasile Surd, 2010, pregledni znanstveni članek

Opis: Although Romania disposes of an extremely valuable agricultural land, it has proved to be insufficient and irrationally exploited in the last two decades, as a direct consequence of the programme for returning the agricultural areas to the former individual landowners. The lack of technological agricultural means for cultivating the land, its excessive allotment, as well as the rather inappropriate involvement of the political factor in the decision making process and the invasion of imported agricultural products have generated a continuous process of degradation of the rural life as a whole and certain repercussions on the food safety. Currently, more than 50% of the Romanian agricultural area is not being cultivated, while the state imports more than 70% of alimentary products every year.
Ključne besede: urban-rural space, rural state, rural policy infrastructure, agricultural land, Romania
Objavljeno v DKUM: 29.03.2018; Ogledov: 1047; Prenosov: 75
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Remote sensing data and their use in topoclimatic study
Miroslav Vysoudil, 2007, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: This work demonstrates the potential of using current digital satellite raster data to study a topoclimate. Also presented are digital vector data. All data have been provided by the Canadian Center for Remote Sensing in Ottawa within the scope of the solution for the project titled “Environmental Consequences of Local Climatic Effects” (A Case Study: British Columbia). The model region represents the southwest part of British Columbia located between Vancouver and the Okanagan basin. The most valuable components of a topoclimatic research are altimetric data assisting in the calculation of a DEM, multi-spectral images assigned to appropriate land cover categories, and thermal images. Subsequent integration of the DPZ and vector data provides a powerful tool for solving tasks leading to a topoclimate description, potential climatic effects and in wider implications even for studies of their impacts on the living environment.
Ključne besede: topoclimate, remote sensing, thermal imagery, land cover, DEM
Objavljeno v DKUM: 05.03.2018; Ogledov: 1859; Prenosov: 115
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Matej Zupanič, 2016, diplomsko delo

Opis: Diplomsko delo z naslovom Povezava med word artom in land artom znotraj konceptualizma zajema predstavitev konceptualizma z vidika njenih pestrih pojavnih oblik in predstavnikov ter predstavitev lastnega projekta. V teoretičnem delu je poudarek namenjen likovnima izrazoma word art ter land art, od njune splošne pojavnosti, preko zavestne uporabe in umestitve znotraj umetnosti 20. stoletja, pa vse do njune dokončne potrditve znotraj umetniške smeri konceptualizma. V praktičnem delu je predstavljen lastni projekt, ki sloni na analizi značilnosti word arta ter land arta, povezanega v konceptualno umetniško delo, imenovano Otok. Predstavljeno je v obliki besednega napisa, postavljenega na otok sredi reke Ledave. Skozi opis postopka lastnega ustvarjalnega izraza je razvidna osebna konceptualna ustvarjalna izkušnja ter videnje specifičnosti zapisa, umeščenega v krajino.
Ključne besede: word art, land art, otok, beseda, konceptualizem
Objavljeno v DKUM: 21.09.2016; Ogledov: 1204; Prenosov: 131
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Metka Bauer, 2016, diplomsko delo

Opis: Prihodnost Evropske unije in njena preskrba s hrano je v veliki meri odvisna od zdravja njenih naravnih ekosistemov. V skladu z načelom trajnostnega razvoja, se poskuša doseči preudarna raba vseh naravnih dobrin in sprememba v načinu ter obsegu uporabe zemljišč, kar močno vpliva na biotsko raznovrstnost in podobo evropske krajine. Predpisi za doseganje ciljev se dotikajo mnogo področij, ki so medsebojno povezana. Diplomsko delo je omejeno na kmetijski in okoljski sektor, ki imata tudi največji in neposreden vpliv pri oblikovanju zakonodaje in katerima je posvečeno tudi največ pozornosti. Za rešitev problematike degradacije ekosistemov in potrebe po zagotavljanju zadostne preskrbe s hrano, sta predstavljena dva koncepta »land sharing« in »land sparing«, ki obravnavata različen pristop glede rabe zemljišč. Na podlagi analize predpisov Evropske unije je preučena naklonjenost obema konceptoma in s tem smer razvoja okoljske in kmetijske politike.
Ključne besede: Land sharing, land sparing, biotska raznovrstnost, trajnostni razvoj, raba zemljišč, kmetijstvo, okolje.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 20.09.2016; Ogledov: 1095; Prenosov: 79
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Odločba SEU v zadevi Land Berlin proti Ellen Mirjam Sapir in njen vpliv na razlago pravil o mednarodni pristojnosti v Bruseljski uredbi Ia
Nataša Klančnik, 2015, diplomsko delo

Opis: Diplomsko delo obravnava nujnost avtonomne razlage pojma civilne in gospodarske zadeve po prvem odstavku člena 1 Uredbe št. 1215/2012 o pristojnosti in priznavanju ter izvrševanju sodnih odločb v civilnih in gospodarskih zadevah, vendar samo za primere, kjer se na eni strani pojavlja oseba javnega prava. Predstavljene so sodne odločbe Sodišča Evropske unije, med katere sodi tudi odločba Land Berlin proti Ellen Mirjam Sapir, ki je izrednega pomena glede določanja mednarodne pristojnosti po Uredbi št. 1215/2012, v kateri je Sodišče Evropske unije odstopilo od dosedanje sodne prakse. Pod pojem civilne in gospodarske zadeve uvršča tudi institut neupravičene obogatitve ter s tem neposredno širi zgoraj omenjen pojem.
Ključne besede: Uredba št. 1215/2012, avtonomna razlaga, civilna in gospodarska zadeva, neupravičena obogatitev, zadeva Land Berlin proti Ellen Mirjam Sapir.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 12.05.2016; Ogledov: 1667; Prenosov: 235
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Relations between land-use and socio-economic structure on farms with and without agricultural land abandonment
Andreja Borec, Karmen Pažek, Antonin Flambard, 2005, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Agricultural land abandonment and forest expansion is becoming a serious problem in Slovenia. Spontaneous forest expansion has a negative effect on natural and social conditions. Thus the consideration of natural and social conditions is of high importance when talking measures to prevent forest expansion. In the article, the comparison of farms with and without abandonment of agricultural use regarding land-use and socio-economic characteristics was made. The result of test show no statistically significant differences at the 5 % level between farms with and those withoutabandonment of agricultural land regarding socio-economic structure. Analysis of variance ANOVA was used for estimating the difference between various socio-economic structures on farms with abondoned agricultural land. The results of ANOVA show a statistically significant differences (p<0.05) between socio-economic structures on the farms with abandonment of agricultural land. The ANOVA results pointed out that aged farms have the largest abandoned land areas. In order to ascertain the differences between farms with and without abandoned agricultural land regarding their land use structure, t-test was carried out, and its results have shown no statisticallysignificant differences between farms with and those without abandoned agricultural land regarding land-use structure.
Ključne besede: land-use, socio-economic structure, abandonment of agricultural land
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 1280; Prenosov: 28
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