1. Evaluation of key performance indicators of logistics firmsNazlıcan Gözaçan, Çisem Lafci, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: Key Performance Indicators (KPI) has been outlined for implementing total quality management (TQM) across logistics sector. This study constituted on the quality values of logistics firms in the logistics sector, which is examined with key performance indicators through the integrated method of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and SMART Goal Setting. The calculations were performed for logistics firms. The method used in this study is the integrated method of the AHP Method and SMART Goal Setting. The results highlight the most mentioned key performance indicators in the literature in a prioritized version also during the prioritizing process via AHP Method, the SMART Goal Setting approach also is applied. Keywords: analytic hierarchy process (AHP), key performance indicators (KPI), SMART goal setting, total quality management Published in DKUM: 22.08.2024; Views: 77; Downloads: 2 Full text (575,21 KB) This document has many files! More... |
2. Multicriteria evaluation of intermodal (rail/road) freight transport corridorsMilan Janić, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: This paper deals with the multi-criteria evaluation of the intermodal (rail/road) freight corridors as competing transport alternatives. For such a purpose, the methodology has been developed consisting of two main components; i) the analytical models for estimating the indicators and measures of the corridors’ physical/spatial or infrastructural, technical/technological, operational, economic, social, and environmental performance; and ii) the MCDM (Multi-Criteria Decision Making) method using the above-mentioned indicators and measures of performance as the evaluation attributes/criteria in ranking and identifying the preferred among the several mutually competing freight transport alternative corridors. The proposed methodology has been applied to two Trans-European intermodal rail/road freight transport corridors. As such, it has shown to be of use, in addition to the researchers, also to the other potential DMs (Decision Maker(s)). These could be, for example, the freight shippers/receivers as the users of the already existing intermodal (rail/road) transport services, the transport and intermodal terminal operators and infrastructure providers, and the business and policy makers facing with the problems of allocating the usually limited investments in the social-economic feasible way to the corresponding infrastructure at the local, regional, national, and international scale. Keywords: intermodal (rail/road) freight transport corridors, indicators and measures of performance, multicriteria evaluation Published in DKUM: 22.08.2024; Views: 66; Downloads: 2 Full text (999,74 KB) This document has many files! More... |
3. An innovative approach to organizational changes for sustainable processes : a case study on waste minimizationEva Krhač Andrašec, Tomaž Kern, Benjamin Urh, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: It is necessary to adapt constantly to the business environment with its changing demands. Understanding the objectives, scope, and limitations of actual process changes is crucial, and can be achieved with numerous measures, methods, and techniques. This research demonstrates an innovative approach to organizational changes to enable sustainable processes. In the first part of this research, relevant measures, methods, and techniques are selected through an in-depth literature review. Then, an international online questionnaire is executed among 213 enterprises from four countries. In the last part of this research, the developed approach is tested for the example of waste minimization in the process of developing coatings. Based on the analysis of the survey questionnaire, the usability and benefits of various measures are demonstrated, namely from the point of view of their positive impact on structural and operational efficiency indicators. At the end of the article, a case study presents the success of the innovative approach in terms of 88% waste minimization and up to 48% time and cost reductions in the process of developing coatings. The proposed approach enables better choices to be made and the more efficient use of various measures, which can lead to more sustainable processes and improve the efficiency of enterprises. Keywords: organizational changes, key performance indicators, measures, methods and techniques, sustainable processes, waste minimization Published in DKUM: 02.04.2024; Views: 286; Downloads: 15 Full text (2,34 MB) This document has many files! More... |
4. The role of performance and environmental sustainability indicators in hotel competitivenessZorica Đurić, Jasna Potočnik Topler, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: Environmental protection and environmental sustainability are becoming increasingly important factors in the hotel business and their competitiveness, in a market that brings numerous benefits. Environmental sustainability is, increasingly, considered one of the most important functions of the hotel business, as well as communication and marketing, which attracts a larger number of guests. Some of the key aspects of hotel environmental sustainability are performance and environmental sustainability indicators, as well as hotel management of environmental performance in order to establish efficiency in that process. The principal question arising is how environmentally sustainable business affects hotel performance, and what are the most important indicators of the environmental hotel business. The aim of this article is to offer an insight into, and analysis of, performance and indicators of the environmental sustainability of hotels through the relevant literature. A case study from Serbia is used to point out the complexity and the significance of these indicators in the hotel business, as well as to emphasise the importance of environmental reports in the case of Serbia. The findings of our study are significant because they help hotel managers identify new opportunities for employing more sustainable processes for saving resources. Keywords: sustainable business, tourism, performance, indicators, hotels, communication, marketing Published in DKUM: 23.01.2024; Views: 316; Downloads: 14 Full text (2,19 MB) This document has many files! More... |
5. Energy Efficiency Indicators of a Single Unit HouseIztok Brinovar, Gregor Srpčič, Zdravko Praunseis, Sebastijan Seme, Bojan Štumberger, Miralem Hadžiselimović, 2019, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: This article deals with the evaluation of energy efficiency indicators of an older single unit house with the use of "KI energija 2017" software, which is widely used among qualified Slovenian experts authorized to carry out the energy performance assessments and issue an energy performance certificate. The energy performance analysis before and after the implementation of proposed measures has shown significant energy saving potential in renovation of existing buildings. Keywords: energy efficiency, energy indicators, energy performance, building renovation, CO2 emissions Published in DKUM: 04.12.2023; Views: 488; Downloads: 22 Full text (18,06 MB) This document has many files! More... |
6. Analysis and improvements of the mechanisms for cross-border interchange and activation of the regulating reserves : doctoral dissertationMarcel Topler, 2022, doctoral dissertation Abstract: This Doctoral Thesis deals with the mechanisms for cross-border interchange and activation of the regulating reserves (RRs), i.e., Imbalance Netting Process (INP) and Cross-Border Activation of the RRs (CBRR), between participating Control Areas (CAs), to reduce the costs of balancing energy.
The main objective of INP is to interchange the RRs between participating CAs with opposite signs of interchange power variation. In comparison, the main objective of CBRR is to activate the RRs in participating CAs with the same signs of interchange power variation. Both the INP and CBRR aim to release the RRs and reduce balancing energy as part of the power system's safe operation.
The Thesis's main objective is to analyze the impact of the mechanisms for cross-border interchange and activation of the RRs on mutual oscillations of participating CAs and stability for small disturbances. The Thesis's secondary objective is to analyze the impact of the INP and CBRR on frequency quality, on the provision of Load-Frequency Control (LFC), on balancing energy and unintended exchange of energies between participating CAs.
Frequency quality in Continental Europe (CE) has been declining in recent years, so it is important that the mechanisms for cross-border interchange and activation of the RRs do not further impair its quality.
Both the classic INP and CBRR include a frequency-dependent contribution and, therefore, inherently affect the frequency response of the participating CAs, which is not discussed in the literature. Thus, the impact of the classic INP and CBRR on frequency quality and the provision of LFC is thoroughly evaluated with dynamic simulations of a three-CA test system and eigenvalue analysis of a two-CA system. It is demonstrated that both the classic INP and CBRR reduce the damping of the entire power system.
Therefore, a modified implementation of the classic INP and CBRR is presented, and improved INP and CBRR are proposed, which have no impact on the mutual oscillations of participating CAs and stability for small disturbances.
Furthermore, the dynamic simulations results confirm that the frequency quality can be improved by the classic INP and CBRR, although there are also cases where it can deteriorate. However, the improved INP and CBRR generally improve the frequency quality in all cases. The improved INP and CBRR also enhance the provision of LFC compared to the classic INP and CBRR. Moreover, the improved INP and CBRR reduce the unintended exchange of energies, thus increasing the economic effects of the INP's and CBRR's activation.
The improved INP increases energy exchange, therefore positive economic benefits can be expected in comparison to the system with the classic INP.
However, the improved CBRR reduces energy exchange, therefore positive economic benefits can be expected in comparison to the system with the classic CBRR, since energy exchange is paid by CA via bidding process. Keywords: load-frequency control, imbalance netting, cross-border activation, balancing
energy, regulating reserves, eigenvalue analysis, performance indicators, area control error, rate of change of frequency, control area Published in DKUM: 09.03.2023; Views: 594; Downloads: 100 Full text (14,64 MB) |
7. Thinking in messages – determine key performance indicators and create environmental reportsEdeltraud Günther, Daria Meyr, Natalia Mikhalenok, Pavel Pervov, Elena Gerasimova, Iurii Kholopov, Elena Lukenyuk, 2016, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph Abstract: Environmental reporting aims to measure, disclose and to be accountable to internal and external stakeholders about to what extent the company uses the functions of the environment and takes action to improve environmental performance. Thus, the communication of a company has two objectives: for internal stakeholders’ environmental performance is measured in order to prepare decisions of corporate management, for external stakeholders the reporting on the environmental management system, the environmental performance, the ecology orientation of the value-added steps, the dealing with stakeholders and process and product innovations as well as environmental objectives are in the foreground. Finally, it should be noted that environmental reporting is increasingly part of sustainability reporting. Keywords: environmental management, environmental reports, performance indicators Published in DKUM: 11.05.2018; Views: 1560; Downloads: 88 Full text (802,28 KB) This document has many files! More... |
8. Environmental management & audit 3: Controlling and stakeholders : Tempus project Recoaud2016, scientific monograph Abstract: The present scientific monograph, entitled “Environmental management & audit“, is the result of three years’ work on an international project entitled “Environmental management in Russian companies – retraining courses for the sensibilization for and integration of Eco-Audit programs in corporate decision-making (RECOAUD)”. Within its more than 600 pages, the monograph features interesting texts written by 31 authors from the European Union and the Russian Federation, edited by dr. Borut Jereb, Darja Kukovič and dr. Daria Meyr.
The monograph “Environmental management & audit“ is composed of four books: “Scarcity and Introduction of Environmental Management”, “Management Systems”, “Controlling and Stakeholders”, and “Environmental Assessment” (Featured Articles). These four topics reflect the complexity, heterogeneity and multidisciplinary of the project Tempus RECOAUD.
The reader of the monograph gets a comprehensive overview of theoretical perspectives of environmental management and audit in the chosen areas. Furthermore, the monograph also highlights the results of research in the field of environmental management and audit as well as trends and challenges in the development of this field. Providing insight into theoretical and research findings, the monograph will prove useful to both practitioners and researchers in the field of environmental management and audit; it can also be used for study purposes. Keywords: logistics, environmental protection, alternatives, cost calculation, cost control, competitive constraints, stakeholders, performance indicators, environmental reports Published in DKUM: 09.05.2018; Views: 1345; Downloads: 90 Full text (4,43 MB) This document has many files! More... This document is also a collection of 5 documents! |
9. Production control of a polymerization plant based on production performance indicatorsDejan Gradišar, Sebastjan Zorzut, Vladimir Jovan, 2008, original scientific article Abstract: The specifics of process manufacturing have a great influence on production management. The focus of process-production control is to maintain stable and cost-effective production within given constraints. The synthesis of production-control structures is thus recognized as one of the most important design problems in process-production management. This article proposes a closed-loop control structure with the utilization of production-performance indicators (pPIs) as a possible solution to this problem. Suggested concept takes into account also economic issues of production. pPIs represent the translation of operating objectives, such as the minimization of production costs, to a reduced set of control variables that can then be used in a feedback control. The idea of production-feedback control using production pPIs as controlled variables was implemented on a procedural model of a production process for a polymerization plant. Preliminary results demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed methodology. At the implementation stage we must be aware that appropriate IT system has to be available which ensures needed online production data. Keywords: production management, production control, production performance indicators, model-based control Published in DKUM: 10.01.2018; Views: 2258; Downloads: 316 Full text (963,78 KB) This document has many files! More... |