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Influence of structural and constructional parameters of knitted fabrics on the thermal properties of men's socks
Predrag Tasić, Dušan Trajković, Jelka Geršak, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The research is focused on determining the influence of structural and constructional parameters of rib knitted fabrics on the thermal properties of men's socks. Men's socks are made in three different pattern constructions of three types of basic yarns: bamboo, cotton and a cotton/polyester blend with the additional filament polyamide yarn and wrapped rubber wire for the so-called render socks. For all analyzed sock rib patterns, the most important structural parameters of the yarn and construction parameters of the knitted fabrics were determined. Thermal properties of socks such as the cool touch feeling property, thermal conductivity, heat retention coefficient and thermal resistance were determined by using Thermal Labo and Thermal Mannequin measuring devices. The structural and constructional parameters of knitted fabrics were shown to affect the investigated thermal properties of the socks, making them more or less insulating or heat conducting. Values of the warm-cold feeling parameter as well as thermal conductivity vary depending on the construction pattern, showing a decrease as the number of face loops is increased i.e. in the sequence R1:1> R3:1> R7:1. The ability to retain heat decreases in the opposite sequence R7:1 > R3:1 > R1:1. The highest values of heat retention were determined for R7:1 rib knitted socks by both methods. A regression equation has been established with thickness, loop length, mass per unit area and porosity as independent variables, and thermal resistance (determined by the Thermo Labo method) as the dependent variable. The loop length and mass per unit area were shown to contribute significantly to the model.
Ključne besede: yarn, rib knitted fabric, thermal insulation
Objavljeno v DKUM: 06.02.2024; Ogledov: 286; Prenosov: 20
.pdf Celotno besedilo (541,64 KB)
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Gradnja nizkoenergetske hiše biles
Žarko Milinković, 2017, magistrsko delo

Opis: Magistrska naloga vsebuje idejni projekt (ID) in energetski preračun gradnje nizkoenergetske hiše od temeljev do strehe. Energetski preračun je izdelan s pomočjo programa KNAUF INSULATION in rezultati so podani v tabelah. Program podpira EKO SKLAD SLOVENIJE ter veljavna zakonodaja PURES-a 2010 in TSG-1-04-2010 ki sta nastala na podlagi evropske direktive EPBD 2010. Na začetku su omenjeni najpomembnejši faktori nizkoenergetskih hiš ter veljavna zakonodaja podrobno, potem sledi načrtovanje z vsestranskim prerezam. Rezultati so v tabelah primerjani z mejnim rezultatom nizkoenergetskih hiš in na koncu prikazani z energetso iskaznico, elaboratom ur tet izkazom rezultatov hiš.
Ključne besede: nizkoenergetska gradnja, PURES, energija, knauf insulation program.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 14.06.2017; Ogledov: 1839; Prenosov: 144
.pdf Celotno besedilo (2,97 MB)

Post insulator optimization based on dynamic population size
Peter Kitak, Arnel Glotić, Igor Tičar, 2012, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Opis: This paper suggests the use of dynamic population size throughout the optimization process which is applied on the numerical model of a medium voltage post insulator. The main objective of the dynamic population is reducing population size, to achieve faster convergence. Change of population size can be done in any iteration by proposed method. The multiobjective optimization process is based on the PSO algorithm, which is suitably modifiedin order to operate with the principle of the optimal Pareto front.
Ključne besede: dynamic population size, insulation elements, multi-objective optimization, particle swarm optimization
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 1613; Prenosov: 32
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