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Health resorts and their importance for the development of less developed areas in Slovenia
Uroš Horvat, 2010, review article

Abstract: In the paper is presenting the importance of health resorts for the development of less development areas in Slovenia. Health resorts are one of the oldest kinds of tourist resorts and started to develop in Slovenia already in 18th and in the beginning of 19t h centuries. The main reasons for the first tourists’ visits were connected with bathing in thermal waters, drinking of healing water, socializing of the higher social classes and entertainment. Later, the health resorts became centres of highly qualified medical rehabilitation based on the basis of using of natural remedies and modern medical treatments. The so called classical health resorts prevailed in Slovenia until the mid-1980s. The beginning of the 1990s marked an important turnabout in the development of health resorts in Slovenia. With the construction of modern swimming pools, some health resorts have started to use thermal water for fun and “experience”. The so called “thermal rivieras” or “thermal parks” have emerged with covered or open pools, which are open throughout the year. The reorientation to mass tourism based on recreation, healthy lifestyle, wellness etc., as well as spending of holidays in apartment accommodation have significantly increased the tourist visits in the so called recreation health resorts. These are usually located in less developed areas of the country, which means their importance is even greater for the employment of the inhabitants and the spatial and functional development of rural areas. In the case study author is orientated especially on the development of the health resorts in the Posotelje region (in NE Slovenia).
Keywords: economic geography, geography of tourism, health resorts, less developed areas, Slovenia
Published in DKUM: 29.03.2018; Views: 1224; Downloads: 88
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The influence of tourism on the development of the Rogaška Slatina health resort
Uroš Horvat, 2001, original scientific article

Abstract: Avtor na primeru zdraviliškega kraja z dolgoletno tradicijo obravnava učinke turizma na razvoj in ustroj naselja, ki se je sredi 19. stoletja razvilo v enega najpomembnejših turističnih krajev v Sloveniji, nato pa z razvojem industrije in drugih mestotvornih dejavnosti še okrepilo svojo vlogo v razmeroma manj razviti pokrajini. V prvem delu so prikazane faze razvoja zdravilišča ter značilnosti turističnega obiska v Rogaški Slatini. Povdarjena je odvisnost od turističnega povpraševanja in ponudbe, pa tudi od spreminjajočih se ekonomskih, socialnih in političnih razmer. V drugem delu je predstavljen demografski, gospodarski in prostorski razvoj naselja. Ker je Rogaška Slatina gospodarsko polifunkcionalen turistični kraj, je povdarjen vpliv zdraviliško-turistične in industrijske dejavnosti na razvoj in sestavo delovnih mest, dinamiko prebivalstvene rasti ter ekonomsko sestavo prebivalstva in gospodinjstev. Opredeljene so posamezne funkcijske cone v Rogaški Slatini, zlasti tiste, v katerih sta turizem in rekreacija poglavitni obliki rabe prostora.
Keywords: geography, geography of tourism, tourism, tourist development, tourist sites, health resorts, Rogaška Slatina, Slovenia
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1890; Downloads: 53
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