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Particle swarm optimization for automatic creation of complex graphic characters
Iztok Fister, Matjaž Perc, Karin Fister, Salahuddin M. Kamal, Andres Iglesias, Iztok Fister, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: Nature-inspired algorithms are a very promising tool for solving the hardest problems in computer sciences and mathematics. These algorithms are typically inspired by the fascinating behavior at display in biological systems, such as bee swarms or fish schools. So far, these algorithms have been applied in many practical applications. In this paper, we present a simple particle swarm optimization, which allows automatic creation of complex two-dimensional graphic characters. The method involves constructing the base characters, optimizing the modifications of the base characters with the particle swarm optimization algorithm, and finally generating the graphic characters from the solution. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach with the creation of simple snowman, but we also outline in detail how more complex characters can be created.
Keywords: optimizacija roja, kompleksni sistem, kaos, particle swarm optimization, complex system, graphics, chaos
Published in DKUM: 07.04.2017; Views: 1689; Downloads: 100
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Pristop k vizualizaciji podatkov na osebnem računalniku
David Podgorelec, Marko Vinter, Borut Žalik, 2002, original scientific article

Abstract: V članku je predstavljen algoritem za senčenje prostorskih podatkov, ki je zaradi svoje enostavnosti in hitrosti primeren tudi za uporabo na osebnem računalniku. Množice podatkov, ki jih je zmožen vizualizirati, so dovolj velike za učinkovito rabo v medicinskih aplikacijah. Algoritem temelji na sekundarnem geometrijskem modelu, ki smo ga poimenovali seznam vidnih vokslov. Vizualizacijo poskuša pospešiti s predhodnim izločanjem vokslov, nezanimivih za uporabnika. Ti tako imenovani beli voksli predstavljajo zrak, notranjost objektov in dele površja objektov, ki niso vidni iz trenutnega položaja opazovalca. Delovanje in učinkovitost algoritma smo predstavili na nekaj praktičnih primerih uporabe pri vizualizaciji medicinskih podatkov.
Keywords: računalniška grafika, prostorski podatki, senčenje prostorskih podatkov, znanstvena vizualizacija, vizualizacija prostorskih podatkov, izdelava modelov, voksli, vizualizacija medicinskih podatkov, computer graphics, volume data, volume rendering, visualisation, volume data visualisation, voxels, medical data sets
Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2123; Downloads: 53
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Employing visualisation techniques and tools for educational purposes in textile studies
Zoran Stjepanović, Darinka Fakin, 2010, original scientific article

Abstract: Modern textile and clothing manufacturers can today use the entire range of conventional CAD/CAM systems together with new computer graphics and Internet-based technologies in order to strengthen their position on the market, building a completely new electronic-business offer. Graphical presentation of textile products and processing, or visualisation, presents a promising technology that can be treated as a potential enrichment of conventional computer aided technologies used today by the majority of advanced producers of textile fabrics, clothing, and other textile products. The article presents the results of research on designing computer software for visualising the fabric dyeing process. The program package produced enables the effective visualisation of two fabric dyeing processes: a Pad-Batch machine line for dyeing flat textiles in open-width state, and an HT overflow dyeing machine for fabric dyeing in rope form. Graphical applications of both dyeing processes can be used for both industrial and educational purposes. In this article, we focus more on presenting the program structure and functionalities for using the software to support the education of textile students.
Keywords: visualisation, clothing manufacturing, CAD/CAM sistems, computer graphics
Published in DKUM: 31.05.2012; Views: 2575; Downloads: 28
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Influence of blending functions on volumetric cloud images
Bogdan Lipuš, Nikola Guid, 2008, original scientific article

Abstract: Various blending functions can be applied in the volumetric modelling of clouds. This paper analyzes the impact of five different blending functions (linear, cubic, Wyvill-1, Wyvill-2, and cosine) on cloud shape, structure, and area. We have found that there are only negligible differences among them. Therefore, we can conclude that the simple linear blending function satisfies all the desired properties for generating cloud images by volumetric modelling.
Keywords: computer graphics, volumetric modelling, cloud modelling, natural phenomena
Published in DKUM: 31.05.2012; Views: 1870; Downloads: 125
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Rok Povše, 2011, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Diplomsko delo predstavlja ključne značilnosti in omejitve platforme iOS ter navaja različne poslovne modele za trženje mobilnih aplikacij. Predstavljene so ključne tehnologije za delo z zvokom in grafičnim vmesnikom, pri čemer je podrobneje predstavljen odprtokodni pogon za igre, cocos2d za iPhone. Navedene so najboljše prakse in načini za optimizacijo pri razvoju iger za platformo iOS. Zadnji del diplomskega dela obsega implementacijo praktične rešitve, igre Traffic Master. Igra je implementirana v skladu s stopnjami, katerim moramo slediti pri razvoju iger in izkorišča tehnologije predstavljene v diplomskem delu.
Keywords: iOS, iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, razvoj iger, OpenGL, UIKit, Core Graphics, Core Animation, cocos2d, zasnova iger
Published in DKUM: 05.04.2011; Views: 3414; Downloads: 305
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Miha Lesjak, 2010, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Diplomsko delo predstavi okolje za razvoj prenosljivih aplikacij Qt. Nalogo pričnemo s predstavitvijo okolja, njegove arhitekture, priloženih orodij ter s preučitvijo posebnosti, ki jih uvaja. Nadalje naloga razišče procese, potrebne za načrtovanje mobilnih aplikacij ter analizira principe modernih uporabniških vmesnikov za le — te. V zadnjem delu naloge povežemo obe tematiki ter razvijemo aplikacijo »bralnik novic«, ki združuje bogato grafiko, animacije ter upravljanje preko kretenj.
Keywords: okolje Qt, Qt Creator, Qt Graphics View, razvoj mobilnih aplikacij, razvoj prenosljivih aplikacij, mobilni uporabniški vmesniki, Symbian, mobilne naprave, mobilni telefoni, kretnje
Published in DKUM: 26.07.2010; Views: 2894; Downloads: 235
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