1. Inovacije poslovnih modelov v avtomobilski industrijiMatic Buzeti, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Diplomsko delo se osredotoča na raziskovanje ene najpomembnejših transformacij v sodobni avtomobilski industriji – prehoda na električna vozila in trajnostno mobilnost. Avtomobilska industrija se sooča z velikimi pritiski za zmanjšanje emisij toplogrednih plinov, zaradi česar so proizvajalci avtomobilov prisiljeni spremeniti svoje poslovne modele, da ostanejo konkurenčni in relevantni na trgu. V tem kontekstu smo v tem delu preučili podjetje Volkswagen, enega izmed vodilnih svetovnih proizvajalcev avtomobilov, ki se je prav tako znašel na tej prelomni točki.
Volkswagen se je po tej točki znašel na položaju, kjer je bila sprememba nujna za ponovno pridobitev zaupanja potrošnikov in izboljšanje svoje tržne pozicije. Podjetje se je odzvalo z ambiciozno strategijo prehoda na električna vozila, ki vključuje visoke investicije v raziskave in razvoj, vzpostavitev gigatovarn za proizvodnjo baterij ter preoblikovanje svoje ponudbe vozil. V središču te strategije je bila uvedba serije električnih vozil ID, ki so ključnega pomena za prihodnjo rast in uspešnost podjetja.
V raziskavi smo analizirali, kako so te inovacije v poslovnem modelu vplivale na Volkswagnovo konkurenčnost, finančne kazalnike in tržni položaj. Ugotovili smo, da je podjetje s temi spremembami ne le uspelo obdržati svojo tržno pozicijo, temveč jo je tudi okrepilo, kar se kaže v povečanju prodaje električnih vozil, izboljšanju bruto marže. Prehod na trajnostno mobilnost je Volkswagnu omogočil, da se prilagodi novim tržnim razmeram in se postavi kot pionir na področju trajnostnih tehnologij.
Diplomsko delo prav tako opozarja na nekatere ključne izzive, s katerimi se Volkswagen in širša avtomobilska industrija soočata pri tem prehodu. Mednje sodijo visoki stroški prehoda na nove tehnologije, negotovosti glede prihodnje regulative ter potreba po hitrem prilagajanju na digitalizacijo in avtonomno vožnjo. Kljub tem izzivom delo izpostavlja, kako lahko podjetja z inovativnimi poslovnimi modeli ne le preživijo, temveč tudi uspevajo v dobi disruptivnih sprememb. Keywords: Poslovni model, inovacija, Volkswagen, avtomobilska industrija Published in DKUM: 10.09.2024; Views: 38; Downloads: 24 Full text (1,71 MB) |
2. Vloga managementa pri zagotavljanju sredstev neprofitnih športnih organizacijAleks Perger, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Diplomsko delo se osredotoča na vlogo managementa pri zagotavljanju sredstev za delovanje neprofitnih športnih organizacij. V začetku diplomskega dela smo raziskali, kaj sploh neprofitne organizacije so in kakšne organizacijske strukture poznamo. V nadaljevanju smo opisali, kaj so športna društva in predstavili razlike med profitnimi in neprofitnimi športnimi organizacijami. Opisali smo, kaj je to športni management, katere ključne naloge opravljajo športni managerji in katere so njihove lastnosti. V teoretičnem delu smo raziskali financiranje teh neprofitnih športnih organizacij, katera sredstva poznamo in njihove procese pridobivanja. V raziskovalnem delu diplomskega dela smo obravnavali primer ŠD Mladost. V sklopu tega smo si na začetku diplomskega dela zastavili tri raziskovalna vprašanja, skozi katera smo ugotovili vlogo managementa v delovanju neprofitnih športnih organizacij, učinkovitost sedanjega modela financiranja obravnavanega športnega društva in dodatne možnosti financiranja društva. Najprej smo raziskali zgodovino društva in njegovega delovanja. Nato smo s pomočjo dokumentacije opisali vire financiranja društva ter naredili analizo trenutnega financiranja. V zaključku diplomskega dela smo raziskali dodatne možnosti financiranja obravnavanega društva. Keywords: financiranje, športne organizacije, športni management, dodatne možnosti, model financiranja, izboljšanje, analiza društva, neprofitne športne organizacije, sponzorstva, donacije Published in DKUM: 06.09.2024; Views: 87; Downloads: 3 Full text (778,83 KB) |
3. Mitochondrial dysfunction in pancreatic alpha and beta cells associated with type 2 diabetes mellitusVladimir Grubelnik, Jan Zmazek, Rene Markovič, Marko Gosak, Marko Marhl, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a complex multifactorial disease of epidemic proportions. It involves genetic and lifestyle factors that lead to dysregulations in hormone secretion and metabolic homeostasis. Accumulating evidence indicates that altered mitochondrial structure, function, and particularly bioenergetics of cells in different tissues have a central role in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus. In the present study, we explore how mitochondrial dysfunction impairs the coupling between metabolism and exocytosis in the pancreatic alpha and beta cells. We demonstrate that reduced mitochondrial ATP production is linked with the observed defects in insulin and glucagon secretion by utilizing computational modeling approach. Specifically, a 30-40% reduction in alpha cells' mitochondrial function leads to a pathological shift of glucagon secretion, characterized by oversecretion at high glucose concentrations and insufficient secretion in hypoglycemia. In beta cells, the impaired mitochondrial energy metabolism is accompanied by reduced insulin secretion at all glucose levels, but the differences, compared to a normal beta cell, are the most pronounced in hyperglycemia. These findings improve our understanding of metabolic pathways and mitochondrial bioenergetics in the pathology of type 2 diabetes mellitus and might help drive the development of innovative therapies to treat various metabolic diseases. Keywords: pancreatic endocrine cells, mathematical model, mitochondrial dysfunction, cellular bioenergetics, diabetes, glucagon, insulin Published in DKUM: 03.09.2024; Views: 42; Downloads: 2 Full text (1,63 MB) This document has many files! More... |
4. Primerjava izbora članov projektnega tima po metodologijah belbina in chatgptMarijana Koceva, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Namen tega diplomskega dela je izvesti primerjalno analizo med uporabo Belbinove
programske rešitve in klepetalnim robotom ChatGPT pri sestavi projektih timov.
Raziskava preučuje prednosti in slabosti obeh pristopov in njun način uporabe. Z
raziskavo smo pridobili vpogled v to, kako se ta dva pristopa razlikujeta v procesu
sestavljanja timov in kako lahko prispevata k učinkoviti sestavi timov v sodobnem
poslovnem okolju. Skozi analizo njunih prednosti in slabosti smo identificirali optimalne
strategije za sestavo projektnih timov, kar bo pripomoglo uporabnikom pri odločanju o
uporabi obeh pristopov. Keywords: umetna inteligenca, sestava timov, Belbinov model, ChatGPT, primerjava Published in DKUM: 27.08.2024; Views: 54; Downloads: 10 Full text (2,16 MB) |
5. Investigating the influence of reflective materials on indoor thermal environment and solar reflectance in buildingsJihui Yuan, Yasuhiro Shimazaki, Masaki Tajima, Shaoyu Sheng, Zhichao Jiao, Marko Bizjak, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: This in-depth study explores the intricate dynamics of reflective materials, emphasizing their impact on the indoor thermal environment and urban heat island (UHI) mitigation. Examining diffuse highly reflective (DHR), general reflective (GR), and retro-reflective (RR) materials on a simplified building model during summer days, the research utilizes outdoor experiments to analyze air and surface temperatures, as well as solar radiation. Prioritizing key metrics—mean radiant temperature (MRT), operative temperature (OT), and solar reflectance (ρ)—the study uncovers nuanced distinctions in DHR, GR, and RR materials. Solar reflectance calculations consistently show higher values for DHR and RR materials compared to GR material, highlighting reflectance's pivotal role in influencing surface temperatures and indoor thermal environment. When evaluating the impact of exterior wall materials on building temperatures, RR material with a 76% reflectance performs similarly to DHR material (82%). Notably, with a 6% lower reflectance in RR, the temperature contrast between external and internal walls is only about 1.5 °C at its maximum, underscoring RR's effectiveness as an outer wall material for UHI mitigation and building energy conservation, surpassing both DHR and GR materials. Keywords: urban heat island, reflective materials, indoor thermal environment, solar reflectance, simplified building model Published in DKUM: 23.08.2024; Views: 105; Downloads: 3 Full text (4,82 MB) |
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7. Modeling and multi-objective optimization of forward osmosis processTina Kegl, Jasmina Korenak, Hermina Bukšek, Irena Petrinić, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: In order to ensure efficient wastewater treatment and seawater desalination, adequate modeling and optimization of the forward osmosis (FO) process has the potential to be very helpful. This paper deals with the FO model parameters calibration and FO process optimization by a gradient-based optimization method. For this purpose, an upgraded FO model, which involves temperature- and agent-dependent parameters, was developed. The FO model calibration was done using NaCl as agents in draw solution, while MgCl2 was used for model validation. The agreements between simulated and measured FO performance were satisfactory; relative index of agreement are higher than 0.99. By using the proposed FO model, the optimization of FO process conditions was performed with various definitions of the objective and constraint functions. In case of maximizing the water flux, minimizing reverse solute flux, and fulfilling the required constraints, the ratio of water flux and reverse solute flux increased up to 40 % for NaCl and up to 20 % for MgCl2; meanwhile the effective osmotic pressure difference was improved 2-times for NaCl and up to 3.8-times for MgCl2. The optimization process proved to be stable and efficient and can easily be adapted or upgraded for more complex dynamic FO modeling. Keywords: forward osmosis, modeling, model and process parameters, calibration procedure, gadient-based optimization Published in DKUM: 23.08.2024; Views: 62; Downloads: 8 Full text (12,72 MB) |
8. Forecasting US tourists' inflow to Slovenia by modified holt-winters damped model : a case in the tourism industry logistics and supply chainsDejan Dragan, Abolfazl Keshavarzsaleh, Tomaž Kramberger, Borut Jereb, Maja Rosi, 2019, original scientific article Abstract: Forecasting is important in many branches of logistics, including the logistics related to Tourism supply chains. With an increasing inflow of American tourists, planning and forecasting the US tourists' inflow to Slovenia have gained far more importance attention amongst scholars and practitioners. This study, therefore, was conducted to forecast the American tourists' inflow to Slovenia using one of the predictive models based on the exponential smoothing approach, namely Holt-Winters damped additive (HWDA) exponential smoothing method. The model was modified by several improvements, while the obtained results were generalized to other supply chain components. The results show that the forecasting system can predict well the observed inflow, while the methodology used to derive the model might have enriched the plethora of existing practical forecasting approaches in the tourism domain. Benchmarking demonstrates that the proposed model outperforms a competitive ARIMA model and official forecasts. The practical implications are also discussed in this paper. Keywords: tourism, forecasting, Holt-Winters model, US tourists, supply chains, logistics Published in DKUM: 22.08.2024; Views: 38; Downloads: 2 Full text (1,36 MB) This document has many files! More... |
9. Chelation of iron(II) ions by ellagitannins - effects of hexahydroxydiphenoyl and nonahydroxytriphenoyl groupsFranjo Frešer, Urban Bren, Gregor Hostnik, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Tannins represent secondary plant metabolites that are used to control bacterial populations by chelation of essential metal ions. Their presence in food also affects the bioavailability of iron. This study investigates the influence of ellagitannins (vescalin, castalin, vescalagin, castalagin) structure and pH on the stoichiometry and formation constants of ellagitannin-Fe(II) coordination compounds. We demonstrated that ellagitannins are stable for at least one hour at pH values lower than 7.25. The spectra of neutral compounds were measured and explained with the help of TDDFT calculations. Furthermore, the pH-dependence of the ellagitannins UV–Vis spectra was examined to obtain insight into their protolytic equilibrium. Using Job’s method in the pH range 3.50–5.51, the stoichiometry of the formed ellagitannin-Fe(II) ions complexes was determined. A model explaining interactions between ellagitannins and Fe(II) ions, that took into account the protolytic equilibrium of ellagitannins, was fitted globally to all four Job plots, whereby the corresponding formation constants were obtained. Keywords: Ellagitannins, Fe(II) ions chelation, protolytic equilibrium, Job’s method, model fitting Published in DKUM: 22.08.2024; Views: 50; Downloads: 1 Full text (3,98 MB) |
10. Attitude of motorists towards road ethics: empirical studyFunsho Idowu Obakemi, 2018, original scientific article Abstract: Road traffic safety among socioeconomic issues has become the major concern across the globe due to rise in road crashes attributed largely to human factor. This study tends to address attitudinal behavior of road users towards road ethics in Ilorin metropolis-Nigeria; covering both driver and motorcyclists and perception of motorists on road traffic enforcement agent. Questionnaire was employed as survey tools. Ordered logistic model were used to analyse the data on attitude of motorists and road traffic laws enforcement agents. About 87% of the 440 administered questionnaire were returned valid. A 3-model analysis was carried out and the findings showed that the attitude of the motorists, road traffic law enforcement agents and demographical index (gender, age and education) correlated with, and influence compliance with road traffic laws. Keywords: road safety ethics, attitude & behavior, ABC-model, ordered logistic model Published in DKUM: 22.08.2024; Views: 39; Downloads: 6 Full text (430,31 KB) This document has many files! More... |