1. Short communication: The orientation of cubicles plays a role – greater deviation from the north-south direction, more technopathies in dairy cowsMaja Prevolnik Povše, David Slatinek, Ines Kramberger, Doris Filipič, Jože Starič, Andrej Toplak, Urška Erker, Andrej Mergeduš, Dejan Škorjanc, Janko Skok, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: cattle, magnetic alignment, stall equipment, animal welfare Objavljeno v DKUM: 04.12.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 7 Celotno besedilo (537,91 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
2. Innovative approaches to wear reduction in horizontal powder screw conveyors : a design of experiments-guided numerical studyMarko Motaln, Tone Lerher, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Numerical simulations play a vital role in the modern engineering industry, especially when faced with interconnected challenges such as particle interactions and the structural integrity of conveyor systems. This article focuses on the handling of materials and emphasizes the importance of using parametric numerical analysis to improve efficiency, reduce wear, and enhance the structural integrity of horizontal screw conveyors. Through the utilization of the Design of Experiments, we systematically investigated critical parameters such as screw pitch, clearance, wear, rotational velocity, and additional structural factors. This examination was carried out within a well-defined parametric framework, utilizing a combination of software tools provided by the Ansys suite and Minitab. The findings demonstrate the effectiveness of the Design of Experiments analysis in achieving improved performance and provide valuable insights for engineers and researchers involved in the design of conveyor systems. Furthermore, this comprehensive approach clarifies how conveyor systems respond to changes in parameters and highlights the complex interaction between transported particles and the conveyor system. We present a detailed analysis that clarifies the complex relationships and dependencies among different parameters, providing engineers and researchers with valuable insights. By understanding the interactions of these factors, the methodology provides not only results but also a strategic framework for advancing conveyor system design and engineering practices. Ključne besede: discrete element method, design optimization, horizontal screw conveyors, parametric study, conveying equipment, bulk handling, bulk solids, abrasive wear, screw conveyor, FEA, performance analysis Objavljeno v DKUM: 09.04.2024; Ogledov: 275; Prenosov: 43 Celotno besedilo (10,51 MB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
3. Numerical simulation of conveying fine powders in a screw conveyor using the discrete element methodMarko Motaln, Tone Lerher, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Due to their high efficiency and spatial utilization, screw conveyors are widely used in pharmacy, agriculture, and industry. Recently, this has made it a popular research subject in the numerical modelling of the transport of bulk solids. Modelling of granular systems at the level of individual particles is mainly possible due to the use of discrete numerical methods. The most common is the use of the Discrete Element Method (DEM), which is still limited from the point of view of simulations on an industrial scale, as increasing the size of the system also increases the cost of simulation. Certain powders with low density, large angles of repose, poor fluidity, and bad flowability can accumulate during transportation, causing inaccurate and non-uniform movement. Additionally, the friction and impact between the particles can cause wear. To address these issues, the present study utilizes the discrete element method to simulate and analyse powder transportation in an inclined screw conveyor using the commercial software ANSYS-ROCKY. Numerous phenomena that arise while transporting and feeding small-sized or irregularly shaped particles, often present in industrial processes, remain insufficiently investigated. This paper aims to analyse the transportation process of adhesive powders in a screw conveyor, with a focus on evaluating the impact of different screw blade speeds on transport. Multiple simulations were conducted, along with the implementation of an additional wear model, to better understand the transport phenomena and wear. An example was used to demonstrate the impact of screw speed on the wear of the transporter due to the interaction between the material and the structure of the conveyor, power consumption, and performance. Ključne besede: abrasive wear, bulk handling, coarse graining, conveying equipment, discrete element method, screw conveyor Objavljeno v DKUM: 12.09.2023; Ogledov: 457; Prenosov: 68 Celotno besedilo (1,69 MB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
4. The organisational and personnel aspects of introducing ICT into grammar schoolsSrečo Zakrajšek, 2009, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: This article presents the results of comparisons between investment into ICT and the current state of equipment in Slovenian high schools compared to similar schools in the EU member states. Extensive research is based on surveying and interviews with the headmasters of 10 Slovenian high schools, jointly representing a typical sample of schools, as well as the different aspects of using ICT in their schools. The research results have shown that Slovenian high schools are substantially worse equipped with ICT than similar schools in the developed countries of the EU. This is evident in the lack of modern forms of organization, operation and education based on ICT. Slovenian high schools can only modernize their organization and operations if the Slovenian government starts investing substantially more into purchasing equipment, teacher training and the promotion of the knowledge, skills and competences that can only be developed using ICT. Ključne besede: ICT, education, high school, schools equipment Objavljeno v DKUM: 22.01.2018; Ogledov: 1315; Prenosov: 349 Celotno besedilo (1,11 MB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
5. Initial study of immersion thermal manikin development and its manufacture from solid blocksIvo Pahole, Bogdan Valentan, Daniela Zavec Pavlinič, Mirko Ficko, Jože Balič, 2015, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Article presents the development and manufacture of a new generation of thermal manikins that can be used for testing different personal protective equipment as used under extreme environmental conditions. The demonstrated steps from the initial idea towards the final product were taken with the help of modern CAD/CAM tools and CNC manufacturing procedures. This article also presents some of the problems that occurred and had to be solved during the designing, manufacturing and assembly of the thermal manikin.
Keywords: Ključne besede: extreme environment, personal protective equipment, safety, thermal manikin Objavljeno v DKUM: 12.07.2017; Ogledov: 1422; Prenosov: 358 Celotno besedilo (2,72 MB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
6. Merjenje vpliva oskrbe delovnih mest na produktivnost v podjetjih znotraj predelovalne panogeGrega Kostanjšek, 2014, magistrsko delo/naloga Opis: Logistika na delovnih mestih in oskrba delovnih mest sta dve izmed glavnih podpornih funkcij realizacije procesa proizvodnje. Različni avtorji se strinjajo da so proizvodni procesi in logistične storitve med seboj povezani in večinoma celo nerazdružljivi. Namen magistrskega dela je podati način, kako se lotiti raziskovanja deleža vpliva oskrbe delovnih mest na produktivnost z uporabo metodologije zajema podatkov in matematičnih modelov za izračun vpliva oskrbe. Vpliv oskrbe delovnih mest na različnih, v praksi priznanih vrstah produktivnosti (OEE, SRP in TRP), smo tako na podlagi matematičnih modelov, ki smo jih v magistrski nalogi definirali in metodologije zajema podatkov razvite z naše strani, merili na praktičnih proizvodnih primerih znotraj podjetij v predelovalni panogi. Na tak način smo realizirali cilj magistrskega dela in prišli celo do konkretnih zaključkov o vplivu oskrbe na produktivnost. Ključne besede: logistika, oskrba delovnih mest, proizvodna logistika, produktivnost, overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), single resource productivity (SRP), total resource productivity (TRP) Objavljeno v DKUM: 29.01.2015; Ogledov: 1813; Prenosov: 225 Celotno besedilo (3,62 MB) |
7. INFORMACIJSKI SISTEM ZA NADZOR STROJEV ZA RAZREZ ŽICEDamjan Praznik, 2013, diplomsko delo Opis: Diplomska naloga obravnava uvedbo informacijskega sistema za nadzor strojev za razrez žice v podjetju Cablex-T, d. o. o. Trenutno stanje v gospodarstvu je takšno, da morajo podjetja maksimalno izkoristiti vsak del proizvodnje, ki ima še mogoče kaj rezerv, da lahko ohranjajo globalno konkurenčnost. V našem podjetju želimo z različnimi analitičnimi kazalniki, pridobljenimi neposredno iz avtomatiziranih strojev in deloma iz trenutnega proizvodnega informacijskega sistema, izvajati analize proizvodnje. Tako bomo spremljali izkoriščenost in učinkovitost proizvodnega procesa v podjetju ter s tem prispevali k boljši kakovosti dela in zniževanju stroškov. Začetek diplomskega dela obsega razlago osnovnih pojmov informacijskih sistemov in jih teoretično predstavi. V nadaljevanju je predstavljeno podjetje Cablex–T, d. o. o., sledi opis obstoječega stanja informacijskih sistemov v podjetju. V zadnjem sklopu osrednjega dela diplomskega dela je opisana realizacija projekta in prikazano delovanje v produkcijskem okolju. V zaključku diplomske naloge je podana ocena učinkov prenovljenega procesa, podane pa so tudi smernice za projekt v prihodnosti. Ključne besede: obrat za razrez vodnikov kabla, informacijski sistem, CABLEX-T, d. o. o., SCADA (Sistemi za nadzorno vodenje in zajemanje podatkov, OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness. Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.05.2013; Ogledov: 1979; Prenosov: 285 Celotno besedilo (3,03 MB) |
8. Strategic role of maintenance in logistics of tomorrowMladen Jakovčić, Bojan Rosi, 2008, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Despite the fact that maintenance of array of machinery and equipment is often considered as one of the backup processes or operative functions, its reliable and safe performance is extremely important for every day-to-day routine work, especially operations related to logistics. The latter is interdisciplinary professional and scientific activity which combines variety of operations and subsystems, including the maintenance, which is the subject of research in this paper. It is important to bear in mind that any object invented or fabricated by man needs maintenance. It is simply impossible to discuss comprehensive and quality logistics without considering the function of maintenance, i.e. providing reliable function of logistic machinery and equipment that is overall equipment effectiveness. Ključne besede: logistics, maintenance, strategy, requirements specification, quality, user satisfaction, overall equipment effectiveness Objavljeno v DKUM: 05.06.2012; Ogledov: 2139; Prenosov: 53 Povezava na celotno besedilo |