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Global projections of plastic use, end-of-life fate and potential changes in consumption, reduction, recycling and replacement with bioplastics to 2050
Monika Dokl, Anja Copot, Damjan Krajnc, Yee Van Fan, Annamaria Vujanović, Kathleen B. Aviso, Raymond R. Tan, Zdravko Kravanja, Lidija Čuček, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Excessive production, indiscriminate consumption, and improper disposal of plastics have led to plastic pollution and its hazardous environmental effects. Various approaches to tackle the challenges of reducing the plastic footprint have been developed and applied, such as the production of alternative materials (design for recycling), the production and use of biodegradable plastic and plastics from power-to-X, and the development of recycling approaches. This study proposes an optimisation strategy based on regression to evaluate and predict plastic use and end-of-life fate in the future based on historical trends. The mathematical model is formulated and correlations based on functions of time are developed and optimised by minimising the sum of squared residuals. The plastic quantities up to the year 2050 are projected based on historical trends analysis, and for improved sustainability, projections are additionally based on intervention analyses. The results show that the global use of plastics is expected to increase from 464 Mt in 2020 up to 884 Mt in 2050, with up to 4725 Mt of plastics accumulated in stock in 2050 (from the year 2000). Compared to other available forecasts, a slightly lower level of plastic use and stock are obtained. The intervention analysis estimates a range of global plastics' consumption between 594 Mt and 1018 Mt in 2050 by taking into account its different increment rates (between −1 % and 2.65 %). In the packaging sector, the implementation of reduction targets (15 % reduction in 2040 compared to 2018) could lead to a 27.3 % decrease in plastic use in 2050 as compared to 2018, while achieving recycling targets (55 % in 2030) would recycle >75 % of plastic packaging in 2050. The partial substitution of fossil-based plastics with bioplastics (polyethylene) will require significant land area, between 0.2 × 106 km2 for obtaining switchgrass and up to around 1.0 × 106 km2 for obtaining forest residue (annual yields of 58.15 t/ha and 3.5 t/ha) in 2050. The intervention analysis shows that proactive policies can mitigate sustainability challenges, however achieving broader sustainability goals also requires reduction of footprints related to energy production and virgin plastic production, the production of bio-based plastics, and the full implementation of recycling initiatives.
Keywords: plastic use, plastic waste, end-of-life fate, forecasting, hostorical trends, regression analysis, least square method, intervention analysis
Published in DKUM: 31.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 1
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Fatigue analysis of axisymmetric chiral cellular structures made out of 316L stainless steel
Žiga Žnidarič, Branko Nečemer, Nejc Novak, Srečko Glodež, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Abstract In the proposed study, the fatigue analysis of an axisymmetric chiral cellular structure and its modified form, made of stainless steel 316L, is carried out. The main goal of the original structure geometry was to absorb as much mechanical energy as possible with its auxetic behaviour. However, it was found through testing that its response could be improved by modifying the thickness of the struts through the structure. Representative models for the original and modified geometries were generated using a script adapted for this numerical simulation. Three different types of displacement in the shape of sine waves were used to load the structures. A hexagonal mesh was assigned and determined by convergence analysis. An existing material model with the necessary LCF parameters was assigned in the computational analyses. The data from multiple simulations were recorded and presented in graphs that showed how the fatigue life of the structures changed depending on the level of strain. We also analysed stresses and plastic deformations that occur in the structures. The results showed that, despite a better stress distribution, the fatigue life of the optimised structure was shorter in all cases.
Keywords: cellular structures, chiral structures, fatigue, strain-life approach, numerical analysis
Published in DKUM: 10.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 4
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Health related QoL in celiac disease patients in Slovenia
Eva Turk, Dušanka Mičetić-Turk, Maja Šikić Pogačar, Alojz Tapajner, Veljko Vlaisavljević, Valentina Prevolnik Rupel, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: Background: Measurements of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) among celiac disease patients using a validated questionnaire have been lacking in Slovenia. This study aims to measure HRQoL in celiac disease (CD) patients using EQ-5D internationally validated questionnaire and comparing it to the HRQoL of the general population. Methods: In this cross sectional analysis all of the approximately 2000 members of the Slovenian Celiac Society were invited to take part. We used a 3 step approach for recruitment and data collection. HRQoL was evaluated through the EuroQoL EQ-5D-5L instrument (Slovenian version) and analysed using the ordinal logistic regression. Results: Out of 321 patients who gave their consent, 247 celiac patients were included in the study (77%). 68% of the participants were female and 53% of them lived in an urban setting. Most patients originated from North-East Slovenia, whereas approximately 30% of patients came from other Slovenian regions. The EQ-5D respondents’ self-reported health status at the time of the study show that most patients have slight or no problems when living with CD. The duration of the gluten-free diet, academic education and rare (< 1 × year) doctor visits affect EQ-5D in a positive way. On the other hand, higher age and chronic rheumatic disease were negatively associated with EQ-5D also when compared to the general population. Conclusion: This is the first Slovenian study to measure the HRQoL of Slovenian CD patients, using an internationally validated questionnaire. The results of our study show that HRQoL is slightly impaired among Slovenian patients with CD. Clinical characteristics are better determinants of their HRQoL than socio-demographic factors. Greater awareness of the impact of CD on patients’ HRQoL would improve the holistic management of CD patients.
Keywords: health, quality of life, HRQoL, celiac disease, EQ‑5D, valuation, measurement, Slovenia
Published in DKUM: 06.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 3
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Life cycle assessment (LCA) of the impact on the environment of a cosmetic cream with gold nanoparticles and hydroxylated fullerene ingredients
Rebeka Rudolf, Peter Majerič, Zorka Novak-Pintarič, Andrej Horvat, Damjan Krajnc, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: This review provides a comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of a cosmetic cream to assess the environmental impacts throughout its entire life cycle, from raw material extraction to disposal, using the methodology according to international standards. The LCA was performed using the OpenLCA 2.0.1 software, with data from the Ecoinvent 3.8 database and relevant literature. The assessment focused on multiple impact categories, including climate change, acidification, eutrophication (freshwater, marine and terrestrial), ecotoxicity (freshwater), human toxicity (cancer and non-cancer), ionizing radiation, land use, ozone depletion, photochemical ozone formation, resource use (fossils, minerals and metals), and water use. The LCA of a cosmetic cream containing gold nanoparticles revealed significant environmental impacts across critical categories. The total climate change potential was 2596.95 kg CO2 eq., driven primarily by nanoparticle synthesis (60.7%) and electricity use (31.9%). Eutrophication of freshwater had the highest normalized result (3.000), with nanoparticle synthesis contributing heavily, indicating the need for improved wastewater treatment. The resource use (minerals and metals) scored 1.856, while the freshwater ecotoxicity reached 80,317.23 CTUe, both driven by the nanoparticle production. The human toxicity potentials were 1.39 × 10−6 CTUh (cancer) and 7.45 × 10−5 CTUh (non-cancer), linked to emissions from synthesis and energy use. The LCA of the cosmetic cream revealed several critical areas of environmental impact. The most significant impacts are associated with gold nanoparticle synthesis and electricity use. Addressing these impacts through optimized synthesis processes, improved energy efficiency, and alternative materials can enhance the product’s sustainability profile significantly.
Keywords: life cycle assessment, cosmetic cream, environmental impacts, gold nanoparticles
Published in DKUM: 17.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 9
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Quality of life and health status in middle-aged presumed healthy Slovenian family practice attendees
Matic Tement, Polona Selič-Zupančič, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Background: There is a gap in our knowledge of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in a population presumed healthy, so this study aimed to assess the associations between HRQoL, demographics and clinical variables. Methods: The participants were attendees, presumed healthy, at 40 pre-selected model family medicine practices (MFMPs), aged between 30 and 65 years and recruited during a preventive check-up in 2019. Each MFMP pragmatically invited 30 attendees to voluntarily participate. The EQ-5D questionnaire was administered as a measure of HRQoL; the independent variables were demographic characteristics, smoking, alcohol consumption, stress perception, physical activity, signs of depression, cardiovascular risk, body mass index, blood pressure values, and blood sugar and lipidogram laboratory test values. Ordinal logistic regression was used to calculate associations between self-assessed quality of life, demographics, and clinical variables, with P<0.05 set as statistically significant. Results: Of 986 participants, 640 (64.9%) were women and 346 (35.1%) men, aged 42.7+-8.6 years. The average values for the EQ-5D-3L were 0.9+1-0.15. In the multivariate model, a positive association between adequate physical activity (p=0.003), and a negative association between higher age (p<0.001), female gender (p=0.009), signs of depression (p<0.001), stress (p=0.013), and EQ-5D score were identified. Conclusion: Given that physical activity was shown to be positively associated with HRQoL, it is of the utmost importance for family physicians to motivate their middle-aged patients, especially women and those with signs of depression and excessive stress, to adopt a more rigorously physically active lifestyle.
Keywords: health related quality of life, health status, family practice, middle-age, physical activity, depression, stress, coping
Published in DKUM: 11.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 6
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Effects of a serious smartphone game on nursing students` theoretical knowledge and practical skills in adult basic life support : randomized wait list-controlled trial
Nino Fijačko, Ruth Masterson Creber, Špela Metličar, Matej Strnad, Robert Greif, Gregor Štiglic, Pavel Skok, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Background: Retention of adult basic life support (BLS) knowledge and skills after professional training declines over time.To combat this, the European Resuscitation Council and the American Heart Association recommend shorter, more frequent BLS sessions. Emphasizing technology-enhanced learning, such as mobile learning, aims to increase out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) survival and is becoming more integral in nursing education. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate whether playing a serious smartphone game called MOBICPR at home can improve and retain nursing students’ theoretical knowledge of and practical skills in adult BLS. Methods: This study used a randomized wait list–controlled design. Nursing students were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to either a MOBICPR intervention group (MOBICPR-IG) or a wait-list control group (WL-CG), where the latter received the MOBICPR game 2 weeks after the MOBICPR-IG. The aim of the MOBICPR game is to engage participants in using smartphone gestures (eg, tapping) and actions (eg, talking) to perform evidence-based adult BLS on a virtual patient with OHCA. The participants’ theoretical knowledge of adult BLS was assessed using a questionnaire, while their practical skills were evaluated on cardiopulmonary resuscitation quality parameters using a manikin and a checklist. Results: In total, 43 nursing students participated in the study, 22 (51%) in MOBICPR-IG and 21 (49%) in WL-CG. There were differences between the MOBICPR-IG and the WL-CG in theoretical knowledge (P=.04) but not in practical skills (P=.45) after MOBICPR game playing at home. No difference was noted in the retention of participants’ theoretical knowledge and practical skills of adult BLS after a 2-week break from playing the MOBICPR game (P=.13). Key observations included challenges in response checks with a face-down manikin and a general neglect of safety protocols when using an automated external defibrillator. Conclusions: Playing the MOBICPR game at home has the greatest impact on improving the theoretical knowledge of adult BLS in nursing students but not their practical skills. Our findings underscore the importance of integrating diverse scenarios into adult BLS training.
Keywords: serious smartphone game, adult basic life support, teaching, games, gaming, education, nurses, nursing, educational, mHealth, mobile health, applications, smartphones, randomized controlled trial, technology-enhanced learning, life support, knowledge retention, practical
Published in DKUM: 27.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 1
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Numerical simulation of fatigue crack growth and fracture in welded joints using XFEM—a review of case studies
Aleksandar Sedmak, Aleksandar Grbović, Nenad Gubeljak, Simon Sedmak, Nikola Budimir, 2024, review article

Abstract: Numerical simulation of fatigue crack growth in welded joints is not well represented in the literature, especially from the point of view of material heterogeneity in a welded joint. Thus, several case studies are presented here, including some focusing on fracture, presented by two case studies of mismatched high-strength low-alloyed (HSLA) steel welded joints, with cracks in the heat affected zone (HAZ) or in weld metal (WM). For fatigue crack growth, the extended finite element method FEM (XFEM) was used, built in ABAQUS and ANSYS R19.2, as presented by four case studies, two of them without modelling different properties of the welded joint (WJ). In the first one, fatigue crack growth (FCG) in integral (welded) wing spar was simulated by XFEM to show that its path is partly along welded joints and provides a significantly longer fatigue life than riveted spars of the same geometry. In the second one, an integral skin-stringer panel, produced by means of laser beam welding (LBW), was analysed by XFEM in its usual form with stringers and additional welded clips. It was shown that the effect of the welded joint is not significant. In the remaining two papers, different zones in welded joints (base metal—BM, WM, and HAZ) were represented by different coefficients of the Paris law to simulate different resistances to FCG in the two cases; one welded joint was made of high-strength low-alloyed steel (P460NL1) and the other one of armour steel (Protac 500). Since neither ABAQUS nor ANSYS provide an option for defining different fatigue properties in different zones of the WJ, an innovative procedure was introduced and applied to simulate fatigue crack growth through different zones of the WJ and evaluate fatigue life more precisely than if the WJ is treated as a homogeneous material.
Keywords: fatigue crack growth, extended finite element method, welded joints, fatigue life, highstrength low-alloyed steel
Published in DKUM: 25.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 4
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Long-term impact of community psychiatric care on quality of life amongst people living with schizophrenia : a systematic review
Jožica Černe Kolarič, Anja Plemenitaš Ilješ, Darja Kraner, Vida Gönc, Mateja Lorber, Nataša Mlinar Reljić, Zvonka Fekonja, Sergej Kmetec, 2024, review article

Abstract: The review examines the long-term impact of community psychiatric care on improving the quality of life of people with schizophrenia. It addresses the global burden of this disorder and the need for effective community-based care strategies. A systematic literature search was conducted in databases such as CINAHL, Medline, Web of Science, Sage and ScienceDirect, with the search lasting until March 2024 and following the PRISMA guidelines. The inclusion criteria targeted studies that addressed the long-term effects of community mental health care for people aged 18 years and older with schizophrenia and included both quantitative and qualitative research designs. Studies unrelated to the research question or with significant methodological flaws were excluded. The risk of bias was assessed using GRADE and GRADECERqual, in addition to critical appraisal using the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) checklists. Independent screening and data extraction was performed, with results summarised by thematic analysis. In total, 11 studies met the inclusion criteria and included cross-sectional, cohort, qualitative and randomised controlled trial designs. The results showed that community psychiatric care significantly improves the quality of life, well-being and social integration of people with schizophrenia. Effective interventions identified include psychoeducation, cognitive behavioural therapy, social skills training and individualised care plans. However, challenges such as limited resources, labour shortages and social stigma, particularly in low-income neighbourhoods, were also identified. This study highlights the importance of continuous, personalised, multidisciplinary community-based care for sustainable mental health outcomes. Further research is recommended to investigate the long-term impact and strategies to overcome implementation challenges.
Keywords: schizophrenia, quality of life, community, psychiatric care, patient, systematic review
Published in DKUM: 22.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 6
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Person-centred care: a support strategy for managing non-communicable diseases
Mateja Lorber, Nataša Mlinar Reljić, Barbara Kegl, Zvonka Fekonja, Gregor Štiglic, Adam Davey, Sergej Kmetec, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Background: Over the last decade, the inadequacy and unsustainability of current healthcare services for managing long-term co-morbid and multi-morbid diseases have become evident. Methods: This study, involving 426 adults with at least one non-communicable disease in Slovenia, aimed to explore the link between quality of life, life satisfaction, person-centred care, and non-communicable disease management. Results: Results indicated generally positive perceptions of quality of life, general health, and life satisfaction of individuals with non-communicable diseases. Participants assessed their physical health as the highest of the four quality of life domains, followed by the environment, social relations, and psychological health. Significant differences occurred in life satisfaction, general health, quality of life, and person-centred care for managing non-communicable diseases. But, there were no significant differences in person-centred care according to the living environment. The study revealed a positive association between person-centred care and effective non-communicable disease management, which is also positively associated with quality of life, general health, and life satisfaction. Conclusions: Person-centred care is currently the most compassionate and scientific practice conceived, representing a high ethical standard. However, implementing this approach in healthcare systems requires a cohesive national strategy led by capable individuals to foster stakeholder collaboration. Such an approach is crucial to address the deficiencies of existing healthcare services and ensure person-centred care sustainability in non-communicable disease management.
Keywords: person-centred care, non-communicable disease, quality of life, life satisfaction
Published in DKUM: 22.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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