1. Road freight transport forecasting : a fuzzy Monte-Carlo simulation-based model selection approachDejan Dragan, Simona Šinko, Abolfazl Keshavarzsaleh, Maja Rosi, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: As important as the classical approaches such as Akaike's AIC information and Bayesian BIC criterion in model-selection mechanism are, they have limitations. As an alternative, a novel modeling design encompasses a two-stage approach that integrates Fuzzy logic and Monte Carlo simulations (MCSs). In the first stage, an entire family of ARIMA model candidates with the corresponding information-based, residual-based, and statistical criteria is identified. In the second stage, the Mamdani fuzzy model (MFM) is used to uncover interrelationships hidden among previously obtained models criteria. To access the best forecasting model, the MCSs are also used for different settings of weights loaded on the fuzzy rules. The obtained model is developed to predict the road freight transport in Slovenia in the context of choosing the most appropriate electronic toll system. Results show that the mechanism works well when searching for the best model that provides a well-fit to the real data. Ključne besede: forecasting road transport, electronic toll system, Monte Carlo simulation, ARIMA models, logistics Objavljeno v DKUM: 11.06.2024; Ogledov: 135; Prenosov: 11 Celotno besedilo (2,36 MB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
2. Predictors of users' satisfaction with E-payment system : a case study of staff at the University of Ilorin, NigeriaAdeyinka Tella, Abdulmumin Isah, 2015, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Background and Purpose: Many organisations are using the e-payment system; however, its effectiveness has not been determined particularly in the Nigeria context. The University of Ilorin as educational organisation started using e-payment system in 2010 and up till now there has been limited or no study conducted to examine whether or not workers are satisfied with the new payment system together with other related ones they are familiar with. It is in the light of this that this study examined users’ satisfaction with the e-payment system at the University of Ilorin, Nigeria.
Design/Methodology/Approach: A sample of 260 academic and non-academic staff was taken from six out 12 faculties that made up the university. Using a survey research approach data was collected with a modified questionnaire. Five research questions were developed to guide the study.
Results: The results revealed that, respondents (93.5%) were adequately satisfied, satisfied and moderately satisfied, while, only (6.5%) of the respondents were less satisfied and dissatisfied. Perceived speed was identified as the characteristics users mostly satisfied with, followed by system security, traceability, and convenience. Moreover, there is significant correlation among the entire e-payment characteristics/factors (perceived speed, security, anonymity, traceability, perceived ease of payment, and convenience); and that all the six factors jointly predict users’ satisfaction with the e-payment system. In order of magnitude of the prediction/contribution to e-payment, users’ satisfaction, perceived speed made the most significant prediction/contribution.
Conclusion: Based on the findings, the study concluded a considerable percentage of the respondents (93.5%) are satisfied with the e-payment system at the University of Ilorin, Nigeria. In lieu of this therefore, there is need to improve the e-payment system so that all and sundry could be satisfied. Ključne besede: users' satisfaction, e-commerce, electronic payment system (EPS), salary, University of Ilorin Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.01.2018; Ogledov: 29425; Prenosov: 239 Celotno besedilo (548,21 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
3. ELEKTRONSKO UPRAVLJANJE DOKUMENTOV V PROCESIH Z UPORABO ODPRTOKODNIH REŠITEVLejla Gušmirović, 2012, magistrsko delo Opis: V današnjem času je na voljo je ogromno poslovnih rešitev, od splošnih do specifičnih, od poceni do dragih, in je težko izbrati najbolj primerno, saj nihče ne more zagotoviti, ali bo izbrana rešitev dejansko najbolj primerna v določenem okolju. Uspeh uvedbe poslovnih rešitev je odvisen od veliko dejavnikov in je sestavljen iz množice aktivnosti, ki morajo biti izvedene v pravem trenutku na pravilen način.
Komercialne rešitve lahko predstavljajo visok finančni zalogaj, saj imajo time ljudi, podporo in veliko primerov dobre prakse, kar končnim uporabnikom v fazi uvedbe zagotavlja visoko mero zanesljivosti in prenos odgovornosti na izvajalca. Na drugi strani pa so na voljo brezplačne, odprtokodne rešitve, ki so tehnično in tehnološko še bolj razvite in varne, saj jih razvija številčna odprtokodna skupnost po celem svetu. Vendar te večinoma nimajo uradne podpore in za uvedbo le teh potrebujemo kar nekaj znanja.
V svoji magistrski nalogi sem želela na konkretnem primeru upravljanja dokumentov v procesih predstaviti možnost implementacije le teh z uporabo odprtokodnih poslovnih rešitev. Upravljanje dokumentov v procesih je v današnjem času eno pomembnejših področij informatizacije in je vsekakor trend. Zaradi kompleksnosti področja uvedbe pri uvedbi sistemov za upravljanje z dokumenti govorimo o stroškovno in časovno zahtevnih projektih, zato je izbira ustrezne rešitve še toliko bolj pomembna. Posledice nepravilne izbire rešitve in partnerja pri uvedbi so lahko za organizacijo katastrofalne.
Zato sem želela v svoji nalogi podrobneje predstaviti možnost uvedbe odprtokodnih rešitev za upravljanje z dokumenti, konkretneje na primeru prejetih dokumentov, prednosti tovrstnih rešitev in tudi morebitne pasti. Ne glede na dejstvo, da je odprta koda najbolj domača na področju operacijskih sistemov in infrastrukture, je področje poslovnih informacijskih rešitev vsekakor področje, kjer so se in se še bodo odprtokodne rešitve pokazale kot primerne za uporabo v produkcijskih, poslovnih okoljih. Ključne besede: Odprta koda, odprtokodne poslovne rešitve, dokumentni sistemi, sistemi za upravljanje z dokumenti, Alfresco, delovni tokovi, poslovni procesi, ECM, Electronic Content Management, DMS, Document Management System Objavljeno v DKUM: 13.08.2012; Ogledov: 2486; Prenosov: 415 Celotno besedilo (1,89 MB) |
4. E-everything: e-commerce, e-government, e-household, e-democracy : conference proceedings2001 Ključne besede: electronic commerce, CD-ROM, computer diskette, compact disc, government, administration, budgets, democration, computer application, users, electronic money, electronic payments, security, data analysis, information system, information science, business, commerce, models, advertising, Internet, computer networks, electronic mail, services, media, public services, regional policy, cases, retail trade Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.06.2012; Ogledov: 1989; Prenosov: 35 Povezava na celotno besedilo |
5. E-everything: e-commerce, e-government, e-household, e-democracy : proceedings2001, zbornik Ključne besede: electronic commerce, government, administration, budgets, democration, computer application, users, electronic money, electronic payments, security, data analysis, information system, information science, business, commerce, models, advertising, Internet, computer networks, electronic mail, services, media, public services, regional policy, cases, retail trade Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.06.2012; Ogledov: 2350; Prenosov: 57 Povezava na celotno besedilo |