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Pandemic and politics in Mary Shelley’s The last man
Michelle Gadpaille, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: As we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, readers and scholars turn to previous pandemic writing. Among the accounts of past pandemics, Mary Shelley’s The Last Man (1826) might not be the most familiar, although it stands out, not merely because of its female author and futuristic, dystopian mode. Its real distinction is that it predicts the social and political fallout of a pandemic in ways that echo the global experience of coronavirus reaction over the last few years, specifically, the ideological polarization created by anti-pandemic measures.
Keywords: English literature, plague narrative, dystopia
Published in DKUM: 02.08.2024; Views: 78; Downloads: 2
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Serious vs. Satire – Today’s Future as Depicted in the World-Building Elements of Blade Runner and Futurama
Anja Švigelj, 2021, master's thesis

Abstract: This thesis explores the world-building elements in the Blade Runner movies (Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049) and the TV series Futurama. The theoretical framework presents the terminology related to the titles’ and their world-building elements: science fiction and speculative fiction, dystopia and cyberpunk, satire and parody. Lastly, the concept of world-building is presented and the framework of the elements that are analyzed is defined. The world-building elements of the worlds of Blade Runner and Futurama are divided into the cultural and physical. The cultural elements are then further divided into: society and social issues, language, and science and technology. The physical are planet and climate, and the cityscape. This part of the thesis is a comparative analysis of the elements. It focuses on how the elements are presented in their respective worlds and compares them to each other and how they might relate to our own reality today and in the future. The comparative analysis shows how the satirical Futurama and serious, cyberpunk Blade Runner ‘predict’ future realities. Those are at the same time alternate and akin to our own.
Keywords: Blade Runner, Futurama, world-building, satire, dystopia
Published in DKUM: 01.04.2021; Views: 989; Downloads: 87
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Thought Experiments, Fiction, and Literary Genres
Tadej Todorović, 2017, master's thesis

Abstract: The thesis explores the relationship between thought experiments and fiction. It argues that thought experiments should be looked at as a sub-category of fiction, as this would enable fiction to be regarded as a source of knowledge and simultaneously preserve the special status of thought experimenting in philosophy. Furthermore, the thesis explores how the notion of thought experiments as a sub-category of fiction can illuminate and resolve certain issues in the classification of the literary genre utopia. Namely, it focuses on how to differentiate between eutopias, anti-utopias, and dystopias. By splitting the category of thought experiments into constructive and destructive thought experiments, it shows that eutopias can be perceived as being built upon constructive thought experiments, and anti-utopias and dystopias as being built upon destructive thought experiments, which suggests that dystopia is a sub-category of anti-utopia. Moreover, the developed theory is tested by showing how Le Guin’s The Dispossessed, Huxley’s Brave New World, and Atwood’s Maddaddam series, examples of anti-utopias and dystopias, are built upon destructive thought experiments, which substantiates our claim extensively.
Keywords: literary cognitivism, thought experiments, fiction, utopia, eutopia, dystopia, anti-utopia
Published in DKUM: 19.10.2017; Views: 1366; Downloads: 209
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The Hunger Games as a Dystopia
Darko Voeroeš, 2015, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: This diploma thesis will explore all three books of Suzanne Collins’s blockbuster young adult dystopian trilogy The Hunger Games. I have compared the novels and their film adaptations, elaborated on the history and creation of the trilogy, identified the dystopian elements within it, and analysed it from a Frommian, Veblenian and Žižekian perspective. I have also sought to explain why both the novels and big-screen adaptations have become so massively popular. I have found that one reason for the popularity of this trilogy is that it resembles the old heroic myths that never go out of fashion. Furthermore, many of the themes in the trilogy have contemporary relevance and examine some of humanity’s most pressing issues.
Keywords: The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins, dystopia, young adult, heroic myth
Published in DKUM: 12.11.2015; Views: 2052; Downloads: 133
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Tomaž Anclin, 2015, master's thesis

Abstract: Privacy is a matter of ever greater concern in the modern world, and tackling it is increasingly difficult as technology and globalisation threaten it at every step. People have been foreseeing such problems since the last century, and the most imaginative of these are the authors of dystopian fiction. Their works show worlds where the individual is controlled by the State, where the concepts of privacy and sexuality are victims or do not even exist any more. This thesis aims at identifying privacy's role in dystopian literature and observes how sexuality fits into the grander scheme of various societies. With this knowledge, it becomes possible to observe the modern world to see where fiction and reality meet on these topics. In order to thoroughly analyse privacy, it was necessary to separate it into different fields. The structure of the thesis follows this separation throughout. Works included range from classic novels, to articles in journals and media outlets. Each author of a dystopia provides a different vision of the future; thus, a range of surveillance methods are shown, although their targets, whether it be the body or the mind, never differ. Some works give certain targets more attention, others less. Yet, in the end the breach of privacy is an important theme in all the dystopias. A lack of privacy helps find the few dangerous individuals who are sacrificed for the stability of the many, the society, which means the safeguarding of the leaders. Sexuality is used against the people in various ways based on the needs and views of the authority, usually the State. In the modern world similar methods for dealing with privacy and sexuality are used, with some authorities behaving in similar ways. Dystopias can thus function as an effective introduction to an understanding of the modern world.
Keywords: privacy, sexuality, dystopia, surveillance, control
Published in DKUM: 16.10.2015; Views: 1432; Downloads: 114
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