1. Collective dynamics of stock market effciencyLuiz G. A. Alves, Higor Y. D. Sigaki, Matjaž Perc, Haroldo V. Ribeiro, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: Summarized by the efcient market hypothesis, the idea that stock prices fully refect all available information is always confronted with the behavior of real-world markets. While there is plenty of evidence indicating and quantifying the efciency of stock markets, most studies assume this efciency to be constant over time so that its dynamical and collective aspects remain poorly understood. Here we defne the time-varying efciency of stock markets by calculating the permutation entropy within sliding time-windows of log-returns of stock market indices. We show that major world stock markets can be hierarchically classifed into several groups that display similar long-term efciency profles. However, we also show that efciency ranks and clusters of markets with similar trends are only stable for a few months at a time. We thus propose a network representation of stock markets that aggregates their short-term efciency patterns into a global and coherent picture. We fnd this fnancial network to be strongly entangled while also having a modular structure that consists of two distinct groups of stock markets. Our results suggest that stock market efciency is a collective phenomenon that can drive its operation at a high level of informational efciency, but also places the entire system under risk of failure. Keywords: collective dynamics, social physics, econophysics, stock market Published in DKUM: 14.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 2 Full text (2,58 MB) This document has many files! More... |
2. A system dynamics approach to decision-making tools in farm tourism developmentMaja Borlinič Gačnik, Črtomir Rozman, Andrej Škraba, Boris Prevolšek, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: Background: Besides visiting the main tourist attractions in Slovenia, many tourists want to spend their free time in the countryside as well, but the number of farming establishments in Slovenia diminished distinctly in the last years.
Objectives: This paper aims to develop a system dynamics model, with the goal to analyse dynamics of the diversification of agricultural holdings into farm tourism activities in Slovenia.
Methods/Approach: A system dynamics methodology was chosen to model the diversification in farm tourism. First, we present a basic concept of a system dynamics model with a causal loop diagram. Further, a system dynamics model with different scenarios is presented.
Results: The main feedback loops were identified, and the simulation model was used to analyse different simulation scenarios of the transition of farming establishments into farm tourism facilities.
Conclusions: The model provides the answers to the strategic questions about the dynamics of transfer into tourist farms, using several simulation scenarios. The transition mainly relies on subsidies, promotion of diversification and the growth of rural tourism, which provides a relevant direction for the development of future incentives. Keywords: farm tourism, rural tourism, modelling, system dynamics, causal loop diagram, simulation Published in DKUM: 13.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 2 Full text (1,12 MB) This document has many files! More... |
3. Interlayer connectivity affects the coherence resonance and population activity patterns in two-layered networks of excitatory and inhibitory neuronsDavid Ristič, Marko Gosak, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: The firing patterns of neuronal populations often exhibit emergent collective oscillations, which can display substantial regularity even though the dynamics of individual elements is very stochastic. One of the many phenomena that is often studied in this context is coherence resonance, where additional noise leads to improved regularity of spiking activity in neurons. In this work, we investigate how the coherence resonance phenomenon manifests itself in populations of excitatory and inhibitory neurons. In our simulations, we use the coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo oscillators in the excitable regime and in the presence of neuronal noise. Formally, our model is based on the concept of a two-layered network, where one layer contains inhibitory neurons, the other excitatory neurons, and the interlayer connections represent heterotypic interactions. The neuronal activity is simulated in realistic coupling schemes in which neurons within each layer are connected with undirected connections, whereas neurons of different types are connected with directed interlayer connections. In this setting, we investigate how different neurophysiological determinants affect the coherence resonance. Specifically, we focus on the proportion of inhibitory neurons, the proportion of excitatory interlayer axons, and the architecture of interlayer connections between inhibitory and excitatory neurons. Our results reveal that the regularity of simulated neural activity can be increased by a stronger damping of the excitatory layer. This can be accomplished with a higher proportion of inhibitory neurons, a higher fraction of inhibitory interlayer axons, a stronger coupling between inhibitory axons, or by a heterogeneous configuration of interlayer connections. Our approach of modeling multilayered neuronal networks in combination with stochastic dynamics offers a novel perspective on how the neural architecture can affect neural information processing and provide possible applications in designing networks of artificial neural circuits to optimize their function via noise-induced phenomena. Keywords: neuronal dynamics, coherence resonance, excitatory neurons, inhibitory neurons, neural network, multilayer network, interlayer connectivity Published in DKUM: 20.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2 Full text (6,72 MB) This document has many files! More... |
4. Developing a diversification strategy of non-agricultural activities on farms using system dynamics modelling : a case study of SloveniaMaja Borlinič Gačnik, Boris Prevolšek, Karmen Pažek, Črtomir Rozman, Andrej Škraba, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: Purpose: This paper aims to analyse the main variables and causal relationships in the system structure of the diversification of non-agricultural activities on agricultural holdings using system dynamics (SD) modelling. The SD model aims to simulate depictions of the behaviour of the real system while testing the effects of alternative decisions over time.
Design/methodology/approach: An SD methodology was chosen to model diversification in farm tourism.
Findings: A system approach increases the authors’ understanding of the transition of agricultural holdings to farm tourism. The results indicate that the transition to farm tourism depends on the level of tourism development in a certain area. The system is influenced by subsidies allocated by authorities to expand primary agricultural activities. The model describes a situation in which the tourism and agricultural industries have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Research limitations/implications: The research is limited by the small set of available data due to the limited number of farms in Slovenia. One major problem is the difference in statistical data on the same activity collected from different institutions in Slovenia.
Practical implications: The paper includes implications for understanding the transition process to farm tourism, allowing policymakers to experiment with subsidies and promotion to explore the efficacy and efficiency of proposed policies.
Originality/value: This study provides a structured, systemic view of the diversification of non-agricultural activities on agricultural holdings, where the simulation results are a reliable reflection of the behaviour of the actual system being modelled. Keywords: system dynamics, modelling, simulation, diversification, farm tourism, farm policy, Slovenia, simulation scenarious Published in DKUM: 11.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2 Full text (1,20 MB) This document has many files! More... |
5. Topological features of spike trains in recurrent spiking neural networks that are trained to generate spatiotemporal patternsOleg Maslennikov, Matjaž Perc, Vladimir Nekorkin, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: In this study, we focus on training recurrent spiking neural networks to generate spatiotemporal patterns in the form of closed two-dimensional trajectories. Spike trains in the trained networks are examined in terms of their dissimilarity using the Victor-Purpura distance. We apply algebraic topology methods to the matrices obtained by rank-ordering the entries of the distance matrices, specifically calculating the persistence barcodes and Betti curves. By comparing the features of dierent types of output patterns, we uncover the complex relations between low-dimensional target signals and the underlying multidimensional spike trains. Keywords: topological features, neural networks, spatiotemporal patterns, nonlinear dynamics Published in DKUM: 27.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 0 Full text (6,96 MB) This document has many files! More... |
6. Diverse strategic identities induce dynamical states in evolutionary gamesIrene Sendiña-Nadal, Inmaculada Leyva, Matjaž Perc, David Papo, Marko Jusup, Zhen Wang, Juan A. Almendral, Pouya Manshour, Stefano Boccaletti, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: Evolutionary games provide the theoretical backbone for many aspects of our social life: from cooperation to crime, from climate inaction to imperfect vaccination and epidemic spreading, from antibiotics overuse to biodiversity preservation. An important, and so far overlooked, aspect of reality is the diverse strategic identities of individuals. While applying the same strategy to all interaction partners may be an acceptable assumption for simpler forms of life, this fails to account for the behavior of more complex living beings. For instance, we humans act differently around different people. Here we show that allowing individuals to adopt different strategies with different partners yields a very rich evolutionary dynamics, including time-dependent coexistence of cooperation and defection, systemwide shifts in the dominant strategy, and maturation in individual choices. Our results are robust to variations in network type and size, and strategy updating rules. Accounting for diverse strategic identities thus has far-reaching implications in the mathematical modeling of social games. Keywords: cooperation, evolutionary game theory, social physics, collective dynamics, complex system Published in DKUM: 20.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 3 Full text (4,71 MB) This document has many files! More... |
7. Strategically positioning cooperators can facilitate the contagion of cooperationGuoli Yang, Matteo Cavaliere, Cheng Zhu, Matjaž Perc, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: The spreading of cooperation in structured population is a challenging problem which can be observed at diferent scales of social and biological organization. Generally, the problem is studied by evaluating the chances that few initial invading cooperators, randomly appearing in a network, can lead to the spreading of cooperation. In this paper we demonstrate that in many scenarios some cooperators are more infuential than others and their initial positions can facilitate the spreading of cooperation. We investigate six diferent ways to add initial cooperators in a network of cheaters, based on diferent network-based measurements. Our research reveals that strategically positioning the initial cooperators in a population of cheaters allows to decrease the number of initial cooperators necessary to successfully seed cooperation. The strategic positioning of initial cooperators can also help to shorten the time necessary for the restoration of cooperation. The optimal ways in which the initial cooperators should be placed is, however, non-trivial in that it depends on the degree of competition, the underlying game, and the network structure. Overall, our results show that, in structured populations, few cooperators, well positioned in strategically chosen places, can spread cooperation faster and easier than a large number of cooperators that are placed badly. Keywords: cooperation, evolutionary game theory, social physics, collective dynamics, complex system Published in DKUM: 22.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 1 Full text (5,68 MB) This document has many files! More... |
8. Collective dynamics of heterogeneously and nonlinearly coupled phase oscillatorsCan Xu, Xiaohuan Tang, Huaping Lü, Karin Alfaro-Bittner, Stefano Boccaletti, Matjaž Perc, Shuguang Guan, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: Coupled oscillators have been used to study synchronization in a wide range of social, biological, and physical systems, including pedestrian-induced bridge resonances, coordinated lighting up of firefly swarms, and enhanced output peak intensity in synchronizing laser arrays. Here we advance this subject by studying a variant of the Kuramoto model, where the coupling between the phase oscillators is heterogeneous and nonlinear. In particular, the quenched disorder in the coupling strength and the intrinsic frequencies are correlated, and the coupling itself depends on the amplitude of the mean field of the system. We show that the interplay of these factors leads to a fascinatingly rich collective dynamics, including explosive synchronization transitions, hybrid transitions with hysteresis absence, abrupt irreversible desynchronization transitions, and tiered phase transitions with or without a vanishing onset. We develop an analytical treatment that enables us to determine the observed equilibrium states of the system, as well as to explore their asymptotic stability at various levels. Our research thus provides theoretical foundations for a number of self-organized phenomena that may be responsible for the emergence of collective rhythms in complex systems. Keywords: coupled oscillators, synchronization, Kuramoto model, collective dynamics, phase transition Published in DKUM: 22.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 1 Full text (632,90 KB) This document has many files! More... |
9. COVID-19 vaccine boosters: the good, the bad, and the uglyPiotr Rzymski, Carlos A. Camargo, Andrzej Fal, Robert Flisiak, Willis Gwenzi, Roya Kelishadi, Alexander Leemans, Juan J. Nieto, Ahmet Ozen, Matjaž Perc, Barbara Poniedziałek, Constantine Sedikides, Frank W. Sellke, Emilia C. Skirmuntt, Anzhela Stashchak, Nima Rezaei, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: Pursuing vaccinations against COVID-19 brings hope to limit the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and remains the most rational decision under pandemic conditions. However, it does not come without challenges, including temporary shortages in vaccine doses, significant vaccine inequity, and questions regarding the durability of vaccine-induced immunity that remain unanswered. Moreover, SARS-CoV-2 has undergone evolution with the emergence of its novel variants, characterized by enhanced transmissibility and ability to at least partially evade neutralizing antibodies. At the same time, serum antibody levels start to wane within a few months after vaccination, ultimately increasing the risk of breakthrough infections. This article discusses whether the administration of booster doses of COVID-19 vaccines is urgently needed to control the pandemic. We conclude that, at present, optimizing the immunity level of wealthy populations cannot come at the expense of low-income regions that suffer from vaccine unavailability. Although the efficiency of vaccination in protecting from infection may decrease over time, current data show that efficacy against severe disease, hospitalization, and death remains at a high level. If vaccine coverage continues at extremely low levels in various regions, including African countries, SARS-CoV-2 may sooner or later evolve into variants better adapted to evade natural and vaccine-induced immunity, ultimately bringing a global threat that, of course, includes wealthy populations. We offer key recommendations to increase vaccination rates in low-income countries. The pandemic is, by definition, a major epidemiological event and requires looking beyond one's immediate self-interest; otherwise, efforts to contain it will be futile. Keywords: COVID-19, pandemic, disease dynamics, exponential growth, virality, vaccination strategy, immunology, massive vaccinations, vaccine inequity, SARS-CoV-2 Published in DKUM: 14.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 6 Full text (278,36 KB) This document has many files! More... |
10. Primerjava CRM rešitev MS Dynamics 365 in Salesforce ter učinki umetne inteligenceTaisa Lin Smrekar, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Za podjetja je ključno uspešno upravljanje odnosov s strankami. Svoji obstoječi stranki, lahko namreč ponudijo hitre in učinkovite rešitve ter jo zadržijo kot plačljivo stranko. Rešitve CRM podjetjem pomagajo tudi z analizo preteklih aktivnosti strank in z napovedjo prihodnjih trendov.
S hitrim razvojem in večjo vključenostjo postaja umetna inteligenca pomembna tudi v CRM rešitvah. Vodilni ponudniki jo vedno bolj vključujejo v svoje rešitve, saj pomaga s podrobnejšo analizo strank. Na tak način lahko v podjetjih lažje predvidevajo prihodnje želje strank in jih tudi uresničijo. Pripomore tudi k avtomatizaciji, kar lajša delo zaposlenih ter jim prepušča več časa za osredotočanje na stranke in na njihovo zadovoljstvo z izdelkom ali storitvijo.
Zaradi teh razlogov smo si za primerjalno analizo izbrali vodilna ponudnika CRM rešitev Microsoft Dynamics 365 in Salesforce. Oba svoje rešitve nadgrajujeta z orodji umetne inteligence in se tako povzpenjata na sam vrh.
V diplomskem delu so predstavljene CRM rešitve, umetna inteligenca in njihova vedno tesnejša povezava. Izpostavljene so ključne podobnosti in razlike med izbranima CRM rešitvama ponudnikov Microsoft in Salesforce glede na arhitekturo, funkcionalnosti, uporabo umetne inteligence in izobraževanja o rešitvi. Keywords: upravljanje odnosov s strankami, umetna inteligenca, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Salesforce. Published in DKUM: 26.09.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 11 Full text (2,62 MB) |