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Tourism experience in accessible tourism : designing a mobile application for the deaf and hard of hearing
Tjaša Alegro, Marica Ilić, Milica Rančić Demir, 2022, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: How someone experiences a tourist experience depends on several factors. This article will focus on ways to ensure active participation and thus a pleasant and memorable experience for people with disabilities, specifically people with hearing problems – the deaf and hard of hearing. With the development of ICT technology, the possibilities for developing tourist products intended for the deaf and hard of hearing are even greater and can be friendlier to them. Various mobile applications complement a city’s tourist products and services and are more than a welcome help for people with special needs. With an innovative Design Thinking method suitable for planning projects or designing services or products intended for end users, we designed an idea for a mobile application for Ljubljana that is tailored to deaf and hard of hearing tourists, as Slovenia does not yet have a similar application. We designed the product idea based on an overview of good practices. Through five phases of the Design Thinking method, we analysed the indispensable elements of the mobile application for deaf and hard of hearing tourists and evaluated it through the HEART framework matrix developed for user experience assessment.
Keywords: experience, measuresaccessible tourism, deaf, hard of hearing, Design Thinking
Published in DKUM: 17.01.2024; Views: 306; Downloads: 10
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User Experience and Interface Design for a Digital Platform to Support Pet Adoption From Animal Shelters and Animal Rescue Organisations in Europe : magistrsko delo
Špela Bricman, 2023, master's thesis

Abstract: This thesis used design thinking to create a user-friendly digital platform named PetScout for adopting animals from European shelters and rescue groups. We conducted user interviews and an online survey and designed personas, empathy maps, and scenarios to understand user needs. As part of the design process, we defined the platform’s requirements and developed the information architecture. We identified two viable solutions for the project based on research findings: a web-based and a mobile-based solution. To visualize these ideas effectively, we developed prototypes at two different fidelities – low and high fidelity. The prototypes were tested in usability testing using the thinking-aloud method, which measured effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction. The usability testing results showed that our platform is visually appealing, user-friendly, intuitive, and easy to use. A vital finding was the platform’s effectiveness, as high-fidelity prototypes achieved a task completion rate of 100%. Moreover, the concept proved highly efficient since participants, on average, needed 166 seconds to finish vital tasks. Additionally, the SUS score of 97, supported by the positive qualitative user feedback, signifies outstanding user satisfaction and a high level of usability. Finally, this study highlights the importance of knowing and understanding user needs in design, and it provides recommendations to improve usability and potentially increase the number of successful adoptions on similar platforms.
Keywords: user experience design, user interface design, design thinking, user research, usability testing
Published in DKUM: 13.10.2023; Views: 505; Downloads: 43
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Oblikovanje multifunkcionalnega stojala za gojenje zelišč v stanovanju : magistrsko delo
Monika Hudournik, 2022, master's thesis

Abstract: Ljudje se vedno bolj zavedajo prednosti sveže in naravno pridelane hrane, ki jo je vedno težje najti. Tudi zelišča, ki jih uporabljamo skozi celo leto. Veliko ljudi želi gojiti zelišča v stanovanju, vendar imajo velikokrat premalo prostora in neprimerne pogoje za gojenje ter premalo časa in znanja za vzgojo rastlin. Z razvojem izdelka, osredotočenim na uporabnika, ki je potekal skozi faze metode design thinking, smo oblikovali multifunkcionalni sobni vrtiček z ambientalno lučjo. Ta bo omogočal enostavno gojenje več zelišč na majhnem prostoru in v stanovanje prinesel košček narave, ob katerem se bo uporabnik lahko sprostil.
Keywords: produktno oblikovanje, design thinking, notranji vrt, zelišča, multifunkcionalnost, modularnost
Published in DKUM: 26.01.2022; Views: 894; Downloads: 87
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Oblikovanje in razvoj vertikalnega vrta
Davorin Mesarič, 2017, master's thesis

Abstract: Področje, ki ga bo ta magistrska naloga pokrivala, je urbano vrtnarstvo. Za to je trenutno velik porast zanimanja, ki že silovito prehaja v trend, saj se ljudje bolj kot kadarkoli prej želijo zdravo prehranjevati. V tej nalogi bomo predstavili celoten razvojni proces in dizajnersko metodologijo Design Thinking.
Keywords: Oblikovanje, razvoj produkta, dizajn, raziskava trga, analiza kupca, design thinking, produktni dizajn
Published in DKUM: 03.10.2017; Views: 1837; Downloads: 418
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