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Towards trusted data sharing and exchange in agro-food supply chains: design principles for agricultural data spaces
Martina Šestak, Daniel Copot, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: In the modern agricultural landscape, realizing data’s full potential requires a unified infrastructure where stakeholders collaborate and share their data to gain insights and create business value. The agricultural data ecosystem (ADE) serves as a crucial socio-technical infrastructure, aggregating diverse data from various platforms and, thus, advertising sustainable agriculture and digitalization. Establishing trustworthy data sharing and exchange in agro-food value chains involves socioeconomic and technological elements addressed by the agricultural data space (ADS) and its trust principles. This paper outlines key challenges to data sharing in agro-food chains impeding ADE establishment based on the review of 27 studies in scientific literature. Challenges mainly arise from stakeholders’ mistrust in the data-sharing process, inadequate data access and use policies, and unclear data ownership agreements. In the ADE context, interoperability is a particularly challenging topic for ensuring the long-term sustainability of the system. Considering these challenges and data space principles and building blocks, we propose a set of design principles for ADS design and implementation that aim to mitigate the adverse impact of these challenges and facilitate agricultural data sharing and exchange.
Ključne besede: data sharing and exchange, agro-food supply chain, design principles, agricultural data space, agricultural data ecosystem
Objavljeno v DKUM: 30.11.2023; Ogledov: 441; Prenosov: 33
.pdf Celotno besedilo (948,02 KB)
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Towards a virtual product model
Andrej Tibaut, Danijel Rebolj, 2003, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Today, many researchers working on the information management process in construction recognise the problem of modelling complex product-related data structures. Furthermore, many experts doubt whether an all-inclusive-product-model is a solution for an integrated information environment that should efficiently support the life cycle of a product. It seems that rich experiences in product modelling gathered during the last decade do not necessarily lead to better models but rather to the awareness the more complex the product models are, the more rgid and less usable they become in practice. The paper first summarises some deficiencies of complex product models and then introduces a new conceptual solution, called "virtual product model", which is based on the on the decomposition of a conventional product model. The concept investigates the dissharmony in the structure and semantics of distributed (virtual) parts by applying agent technology and then the tuple space communication model.
Ključne besede: gradbeništvo, gradnja objektov, informacijska tehnologija, informacijski sistemi, baze podatkov, integracija, management informacij, upravljanje znanja, izmenjava podatkov, produktni modeli, virtualni produktni modeli, civil engineering, building construction, information technology, information systems, databases, integration, information management, knowlege management, data exchange, product models, virtual product models
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 2647; Prenosov: 93
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Ivica Labaš, 2011, diplomsko delo/naloga

Opis: V diplomskem delu je v osnovi zajeto delovanje prenašanja podatkov v poslovnem informacijskem sistemu MoonLight Business System. Na kratko je predstavljeno programsko okolje in uporabljene tehnologije. Zapisane so primerjave in osnove formatov za prenašanje podatkov in sicer XML, CSV in JSON. Na praktičnih primerih sta predstavljena XML in CSV. Za oba formata je zapisan primer uvoza in izvoza podatkov. Glede na to, da je poslovni sistem povezan z večimi podatkovnimi bazami je potrebna njihova sinhronizacija.
Ključne besede: business information system, MoonLight Business System, XML, CSV, JSON, data base, data exchange, C#, WPF, object
Objavljeno v DKUM: 19.09.2011; Ogledov: 2238; Prenosov: 155
.pdf Celotno besedilo (4,01 MB)

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