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Discovering associations in COVID-19 related research papers
Iztok Fister, Karin Fister, Iztok Fister, 2020, elaborat, predštudija, študija

Ključne besede: data science, metro maps, optimization
Objavljeno v DKUM: 15.03.2021; Ogledov: 1250; Prenosov: 73
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Trendi digitalizacije v podjetju-industrija 4.0
Sara Vaupotič, 2020, diplomsko delo

Opis: Sam začetek industrijske revolucije sega v začetke druge polovice 18.stoletja z začetkom parne lokomotive ter strojev za predenje. Skozi zgodovino so ljudje vedno iskali izboljšave ter delali s tem, kar so imeli na voljo. Od samih začetkov parnih strojev, odkritja električne energije, prvih telegramov in telefonov, avtomobilov, letal, vse do razvoja digitalne tehnologije, poslovne programske opreme, razvoja prvih računalnikov ter superračunalnikov, razvoja komunikacijske tehnologije, prvih prenosnikov ter industrijske robotike, pa se trenutno razvija četrta industrijska revolucija, znana kot industrija 4.0. Razvija se v smeri digitalizacije in avtomatizacije, pametnih tovarn in naprav, povezanih med seboj (angl. Internet of Things), sistemov za shranjevanje velikih količin informacij ter podatkov (angl. Big Data) in proizvodnih zmogljivosti, ki lahko podatke shranjujejo samostojno kadarkoli in brez človeške prisotnosti. Tako proizvodnja, kot poslovanje potekata v veliki meri digitalno. Digitalizacija, ki je že zamenjala nekoč tradicionalno kulturo v podjetju, vso papirno hrambo so že nadomestile različne računalniške rešitve ter sistemi za lažje, bolj pregledno, brez papirno ter hitrejšo poslovanje (DMS). Za hitrejši dostop do podatkov, lažje in bolj pregledno poslovanje ter zbranost podatkov na enem mestu pa skrbijo sistemi za načrtovanje in pregledno planiranje virov podjetja (ERP), ki se lahko povezujejo tudi s sistemi za upravljanje proizvodnje (MES). Prav zaradi potrebe po izboljšavah, večji učinkovitosti, lažjim pregledom nad stroški in logistiko pa je nastala četrta industrijska revolucija. Kot dober primer podjetja, ki smernice četrte industrijske revolucije že v večji meri upošteva, pa bomo predstavili tehnološko podjetje (Xiaomi), ki trenutno zaseda četrto mesto na trgu pametnih telefonov.
Ključne besede: industrijske revolucije, industrija 4.0, IoT, Big Data, ERP, MES, DMS, elektronsko poslovanje, Xiaomi.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 23.11.2020; Ogledov: 1431; Prenosov: 196
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The Impact of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on mobile devices
Domen Hribar, Miha Dvojmoč, Blaž Markelj, 2018, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine novelties introduced by the European Regulation (2016/679) on the Protection of Natural Persons with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data (GDPR) and its key impacts on mobile device users. The paper also presents some of the main changes affecting both natural persons and legal entities. Further, certain issues that might occur while implementing the Regulation are raised together with the degree of individuals’ awareness of the need to protect the personal data stored on their mobile devices. Design/Methods/Approach: For the purpose of this paper, we reviewed the legislation, Slovenian and international literature, brochures and media stories in the field of personal data protection. We also used a questionnaire to determine the degree of awareness of the importance of protecting personal data among the general population. Findings: The findings show that no revolutionary changes are introduced. Nevertheless, quite a few novelties concern data controllers and processors. In particular, penalties for breaching the GDPR are now much higher. Individuals’ rights are strengthened and easier to control. In contrast, data controllers and processors are subject to more stringent duties and legal obligations. These changes also apply to mobile device users. The research findings show that individuals are relatively well aware of the concept of personal data; however, the scope of their knowledge shrinks as this concept becomes increasingly complex. Familiarity with the new Regulation (2016/679) having been introduced at the EU level was claimed by 55% of the respondents (N = 195). Research Limitations / Implications: The limitations stem from the selective choice of the GDPR’s impact on mobile device users. More important influences are emphasised. Originality/Value: The findings will help both individuals and legal entities understand the changes brought to the area of data protection and tackle them more successfully.
Ključne besede: personal data protection, GDPR, Personal Data Protection Act, mobile devices
Objavljeno v DKUM: 20.04.2020; Ogledov: 1403; Prenosov: 86
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Blockchain-Based digital identity management
Nejc Schneider, 2019, magistrsko delo

Opis: Centralized identity management systems are most commonly used. However, they pose certain threats to identity owners using them. Most of these problems revolve around users not being in control of their data. Self-sovereign identity seeks to aid this issue by putting the user in control. The research goal is to find out whether decentralized networks implementation in the domain of identity management can prove beneficial for the identity owners. This research addresses the following questions: • How is the user data managed on centralized servers and how can it be managed in a decentralized environment? • What are the blockchain features that could benefit the domain of digital identity management? • Can the blockchain-based solutions fulfill the requirements of SSI as well as GDPR regulations? • What new challenges do they bring and why has a massive adaptation of blockchain technology beyond the field of cryptocurrencies not yet occurred? Previous academic research and industry reports show the massive potential of Blockchain technology. However, there are only a few examples of how to implement this technology to overcome the barriers (Wadhwa, 2019). Blockchain offers immutability, which can be very valuable for certain purposes. However, it may not be an ideal solution for storing personal data. To offer a comprehensive solution, our use-case combines both centralized and decentralized data storage to protect the user data.
Ključne besede: blockchain, self-sovereign identity, management systems, identity data, Sovrin network.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 25.11.2019; Ogledov: 1501; Prenosov: 403
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General Guidelines for Academic Integrity
Loreta Tauginienė, Milan Ojsteršek, Tomáš Foltýnek, Franca Marino, Marco Consentino, Inga Gaižauskaitė, Irene Glendinning, Shiva Sivasubramaniam, Salim Razi, Laura Ribeiro, Tatjana Odiņeca, Oliver Trevisiol, 2018, znanstvena monografija

Opis: These general guidelines serve as a supportive document for the glossary for academic integrity (sub-output 3G) that describes the definitions of terms related to academic integrity. They serve to help build common understandings of integrity issues in both academia and business. The guidelines outline minimum requirements and responsibilities of various stakeholders in academia. Many of the guidelines are necessarily general, but, where relevant, we provide country-specific examples as well as adjusting to meet to the needs of different fields of study/research. The general guidelines are addressed to a full range of stakeholders, including national ombudspersons, judicial authorities, compliance officers, research project managers and other related bodies or units in academia (such as policy units, educators/instructors, senior administrator/managers/coordinators) as well as students, the business sector and others.
Ključne besede: guidelines, academic integrity, academic writing, academic publishing, ethics, plagiarism, copyright, data fabrication, data falsification, cheating
Objavljeno v DKUM: 15.10.2019; Ogledov: 2005; Prenosov: 121
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Vpliv nizkocenovnih letalskih prevoznikov na ekonomske kazalnike regij severnega jadrana
Marin Kajba, 2019, magistrsko delo/naloga

Opis: Magistrska naloga proučuje vpliv nizkocenovnih prevoznikov na ekonomske kazalnike regij severnega jadrana. Raziskavo smo opravili na podatkih 12 letališč v Sloveniji, Hrvaški in Italiji. Raziskava je doprinos k znanosti, saj v literaturi nismo zasledili tovrstne raziskave na tem geografskem področju. Tuji avtorji navajajo, da se je s prihodom nizkocenovnih letalskih prevoznikov v odročne kraje spremenil socialno-ekonomski status v regijah. Da bi analizirali vpliv v naši okolici, smo z DEA analizo izračunali tri različne učinkovitosti izbranih letališč (učinkovitost glede števila potnikov, tehnična učinkovitost in splošna učinkovitost). Izračunani so nam pomagali v nadaljevanju, ko smo preverili, kako letališča vplivajo na svojo okolico. Poiskali smo njihove vrednosti korelacije z bruto domačim proizvodom in številom nočitev v regijah. Ugotovili smo, da je večina italijanskih letališč 100% učinkovita v vseh letih, ki smo jih analizirali, učinkovitost ostalih pa narašča skozi leta. Izstopa le domače letališče Jožeta Pučnika, ki mu splošna učinkovitost pada. Rezultati, ki so predstavljeni na koncu dela lahko letališčem pomagajo pri načrtovanju nadaljnjega dela.
Ključne besede: nizkocenovni letalski prevozniki, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), učinkovitost, letališča
Objavljeno v DKUM: 11.06.2019; Ogledov: 1509; Prenosov: 96
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Patients' genetic data protection in Polish law and EU law : selected issues
Kinga Michałowska, Karol Magoń, 2018, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The article entitled "Patients' genetic data protection in Polish law and EU law - selected issues" presents issues related to the protection of patients' rights and focuses on the legal basis for genetic testing and genetic data protection. Based on a comparison of regulations of international law and regulations on genetic tests introduced in foreign legal systems, the text analyzes the assumptions for the draft of the Polish act on genetic tests performed for health purposes. It presents the patient's consent to testing, the scope of information provided to the patient, the right to disclose research results to related persons and the protection of genetic data. In reference to the regulations set out in other acts, it was noted that they do not guarantee the protection of information obtained as a result of research. Due to the particular nature of genetic data, they require increased protection, which can be guaranteed through implementation of the Act on Genetic Research. In the final part, authors presented the most important achievements of the judicature of European Court of Human Rights in the field of genetic data protection.
Ključne besede: genetic research, genetic data, protection of genetic data, patient's rights, medical documentation
Objavljeno v DKUM: 09.10.2018; Ogledov: 1436; Prenosov: 78
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Automatic S-phase arrival identification for local earthquakes
Izidor Tasič, Franc Runovc, 2009, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: In the case of a strong local earthquake, a quick report about the earthquake’s location is expected. Such reports are usually performed automatically, where the identification of the seismic-phase arrival of the various seismic waves on the seismogram is the most important task. For this purpose, numerous detecting methods for the first P-wave arrival identification and determination are used. But in some cases, where the number of seismic stations in a local seismic network is very small, an automatic reading of the S-wave arrival is required. An algorithm for the automatic picking of the S wave arrival from three-component seismic data has been developed. Three parameters of the signal are calculated from these data and the S phase arrival is declared when the product of the three parameters increases above a reference level. Such a so-called S-phase picker is used to automatically analyze the data from local earthquakes in Slovenia's seismic network.
Ključne besede: seismic waves, P and S waves, analysis of seismogram data, automatic picking of the S-wave arrival, seismic station, seismic network
Objavljeno v DKUM: 06.06.2018; Ogledov: 1092; Prenosov: 201
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High-Perssure process design for polymer treatment and heat transfer enhancement
Gregor Kravanja, 2018, doktorska disertacija

Opis: The doctoral thesis presents the design of several high-pressure processes involving »green solvents« so-called supercritical fluids for the eco-friendly and sustainable production of new products with special characteristics, fewer toxic residues, and low energy consumption. The thesis is divided into three main parts: polymer processing and formulation of active drugs, measurements of transport properties form pendant drop geometry, and study of heat transfer under supercritical conditions. In the first part, special attention is given to using biodegradable polymers in particle size reduction processes that are related to pharmaceutical applications for controlled drug release. The PGSSTM micronization process was applied to the biodegradable carrier materials polyoxyethylene stearyl ether (Brij 100 and Brij 50) and polyethylene glycol (PEG 4000) for the incorporation of the insoluble drugs nimodipine, fenofibrate, o-vanillin, and esomeprazole with the purpose of improving their bioavailability and dissolution rate. In order to optimize and design micronization process, preliminary transfer and thermodynamic experiments of water-soluble carriers (Brij and PEG)/ SCFs system were carried out. It was observed that a combination of process parameters, including particle size reduction and interactions between drugs and hydrophilic carriers, contributed to enhancing the dissolution rates of precipitated solid particles. In the second part, a new optimized experimental setup based on pendant drop tensiometry was developed and a mathematical model designed to fit the experimental data was used to determine the diffusion coefficients of binary systems at elevated pressures and temperatures. Droplet geometry was examined by using a precise computer algorithm that fits the Young–Laplace equation to the axisymmetric shape of a drop. The experimental procedure was validated by a comparison of the experimental data for the water-CO2 mixture with data from the literature. For the first time, interfacial tension of CO2 saturated solution with propylene glycol and diffusion coefficients of propylene glycol in supercritical CO2 at temperatures of 120°C and 150°C in a pressure range from 5 MPa, up to 17.5 MPa were measured. Additionally, the drop tensiometry method was applied for measuring systems that are of great importance in carbon sequestration related applications. The effect of argon as a co-contaminant in a CO2 stream on the interfacial tension, diffusion coefficients, and storage capacity was studied. In the third part, comprehensive investigation into the heat transfer performance of CO2, ethane and their azeotropic mixture at high pressures and temperatures was studied. A double pipe heat exchanger was developed and set up to study the effects of different operating parameters on heat transfer performance over a wide range of temperatures (25 °C to 90 °C) and pressures (5 MPa to 30 MPa). Heat flux of supercritical fluids was measured in the inner pipe in the counter-current with water in the outer pipe. For the first time, the heat transfer coefficients (HTC) of supercritical CO2, ethane and their azeotropic mixture in water loop have been measured and compared. A brief evaluation is provided of the effect of mass flux, heat flux, pressure, temperature and buoyancy force on heat transfer coefficients. Additionally, to properly evaluate the potential and the performance of azeotropic mixture CO2-ethane, the coefficients of performance (COP) were calculated for the heat pump working cycle and compared to a system containing exclusively CO2.
Ključne besede: supercritical fluids, PGSSTM, formulation of active drugs, biodegradable polymers, transport and thermodynamic data, pendant drop method, carbon sequestration, heat transfer coefficients
Objavljeno v DKUM: 28.05.2018; Ogledov: 1682; Prenosov: 229
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The degree of deterioration of the tunnels of the Prague Metro based on a monitoring assessment
Ivan Vaníček, Martin Vaníček, 2007, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Understanding the ageing of structures is a very important issue from the point of view of assessing the risk inherent in those structures. Geotechnical structures, of course, have their own specific risks. This paper is focused on the tunnels of the Prague Metro, looked at from various aspects, i.e., geology, construction systems, and the influence of flooding. The section of the tunnels that was selected for monitoring is one of the most affected, and has a large system of cracked segments. However, even for this affected section the monitoring systems, based on macro- and micro-approaches, showed no significant deterioration was taking place. Nevertheless, for long-term monitoring a wireless system for data collection and transfer was installed and implemented. The results so far have been very positive.
Ključne besede: tunnel, metro, deterioration, ageing, geology, construction, monitoring assessment, MEMS, geophysical, wireless data transfer, metro flooding
Objavljeno v DKUM: 18.05.2018; Ogledov: 1331; Prenosov: 64
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