1. Cyber (in)security of personal data and information in times of digitizationMiha Dvojmoč, Mojca Tancer Verboten, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: In an employment relationship, work and pay are no longer the only important aspects, as importance is increasingly shifting toward obligations concerning the protection of personal data and privacy arising from the prohibition of causing harm to the employer and the duty of loyalty to the employer. The article deals with the constitutionally protected right to privacy and the protection of personal data from the point of view of ensuring cyber security at the employer. The employer is obligated to protect the right to privacy by legal provisions, whereas from the point of view of ensuring the protection of privacy and information, the employer must protect, first and foremost, the personal data of employees. The main purpose of the legal protection of personal data is the lawful and fair processing of the personal data of individuals. Employers are thus facing an increasing number of risks related to the safety of employees and the security of business processes, and it is therefore important to establish comprehensive corporate security to ensure adequate security across all levels. Ključne besede: cyber security, protection of personal data, protection of privacy, cyber threats, protection of business secrets Objavljeno v DKUM: 11.06.2024; Ogledov: 140; Prenosov: 5 Celotno besedilo (375,13 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
2. Identifying key activities, artifacts and roles in agile engineering of secure software with hierarchical clusteringAnže Mihelič, Tomaž Hovelja, Simon Vrhovec, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Different activities, artifacts, and roles can be found in the literature on the agile engineering of secure software (AESS). The purpose of this paper is to consolidate them and thus identify key activities, artifacts, and roles that can be employed in AESS. To gain initial sets of activities, artifacts, and roles, the literature was first extensively reviewed. Activities, artifacts, and roles were then cross-evaluated with similarity matrices. Finally, similarity matrices were converted into distance matrices, enabling the use of Ward’s hierarchical clustering method for consolidating activities, artifacts, and roles into clusters. Clusters of activities, artifacts, and roles were then named as key activities, artifacts, and roles. We identified seven key activities (i.e., security auditing, security analysis and testing, security training, security prioritization and monitoring, risk management, security planning and threat modeling; and security requirements engineering), five key artifacts (i.e., security requirement artifacts, security repositories, security reports, security tags, and security policies), and four key roles (i.e., security guru, security developer, penetration tester, and security team) in AESS. The identified key activities, artifacts, and roles can be used by software development teams to improve their software engineering processes in terms of software security. Ključne besede: secure software development, security engineering, agile methods, agile development, software development, software engineering, software security, application security, cybersecurity, cyber resilience Objavljeno v DKUM: 29.11.2023; Ogledov: 402; Prenosov: 10 Celotno besedilo (557,17 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
3. Country life in the digital era : comparison of technology use and cybercrime victimization between residents of rural and urban environments in SloveniaIgor Bernik, Kaja Prislan Mihelič, Anže Mihelič, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Cybercrime is one of the most significant security challenges of the 21st century. However, official statistics do not provide insights into its prevalence and nature. Representative cross-sectional field studies may help fill this gap, focusing on differences between urban and rural technology users. We (a) investigated the association between the purpose of computers and other electronic device usage and perceived vulnerability, (b) compared the differences in the purpose of computers or other electronic device use and perceived vulnerability, and (c) compared the perceived cyber victimization between residents of rural and urban areas. We conducted a field study that resulted in a representative sample of the Republic of Slovenia in Europe. We found several significant differences in the purpose of technology use and perceived cyber victimization. Furthermore, the results indicate that the purpose of technology use is somehow associated with perceived vulnerability in cyberspace; however, such associations are different in cyberspace than in the material world. Ključne besede: cyber victimization, cybercrime, rural environment, technology use, perceived vulnerability Objavljeno v DKUM: 31.07.2023; Ogledov: 411; Prenosov: 44 Celotno besedilo (840,72 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
4. Cyber Security- Training Students and Scholars for the Challenges of Information and Communication Technologies in Research and Studies for Internationalisation : handbook2023 Opis: This handbook is a product of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership between the partners Université Polytéchnique Hauts-de-France, Politechnika Poznanska, Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg and the coordinator University of Maribor. Contentuous contribution were made by staff of University of Maribor and Politechnika Poznanska, evaluations by staff of the other two partners. The handbooks handles virtual learning environments in the international education and research area and exposure of the systems to cybercrime. Besides introductory contributions on legal aspects of challenges in the fields of human rights, European regulations of data security, civil law and criminal law aspects of caber security of virtual learning environments and methodologies of their introduction w8ithin organisations, the handbook also gives useful instructions for elaboration of virtual courses within virtual learning environments relevant for the internationalised research and education not only since the Covid-19 pandemic. The handbook is dedicated to use on the internet within the Moodle system. Ključne besede: cyber security, virtual learning environment, data security, cyber crime, systems Objavljeno v DKUM: 13.04.2023; Ogledov: 544; Prenosov: 35 Celotno besedilo (5,72 MB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
5. How does educational background shape the perception of cybercrime? : a survey of computer science and law students on selected controversial issuesAndrzej Uhl, Andrzej Porębski, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Purpose: The technical dimensions of cybercrime and its control have rendered it an inconvenient subject for many criminologists. Adopting either semantic (legal) or syntactic (technical) perspectives on cyber criminality, as theorised by McGuire, can lead to disparate conclusions. The aim of this paper is to examine how these perspectives and corresponding educational backgrounds shape opinions on cybercrime and cybercrime policy. Design/Methods/Approach: To address this research question, we first provide a non-exhaustive review of existing critical literature on a few selected controversial issues in the field, including cyber vigilantism, file sharing websites, and political hacking. Based on these areas, we developed an online survey that we then distributed among students of law and computer science, as well as to a ‘non-cyber contrast group’ including mainly students of philology and philosophy. Findings: Statistical analysis revealed differences in the way respondents approached most of the issues) to most of the issues, which were sometimes moderated by the year of studies and gender. In general, the respondents were highly supportive of internet vigilantism, prioritised the cybercrimes of the powerful, and encouraged open access to cybersecurity. The computer science students expressed a lower fear of cybercrime and approved of hacktivism more frequently, while the law students affirmed a conservative vision of copyrights and demonstrated higher punitiveness towards cyber offenders. Interestingly, the computer science students were least likely to translate their fear of cybercrime into punitive demands. Research Limitations/Implications: The findings support the distinction between various narratives about cybercrime by showing the impact of professional socialization on the expressed opinions. They call for a consciously interdisciplinary approach to the subject and could be complemented by a comprehensive qualitative inquiry in the perception of cyber threats. Originality/Value: The authors wish to contribute to the understanding of the construction of cybercrime on the border of criminal law and computer science. Additionally, we present original data which reveal different views on related issues held by potential future professionals in both areas. Ključne besede: cybercrime, cyber victimisation, cyber punitiveness, internet crime Objavljeno v DKUM: 27.01.2023; Ogledov: 493; Prenosov: 9 Povezava na datoteko Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
6. Use of a simulation environment and metaheuristic algorithm for human resource management in a cyber-physical systemHankun Zhang, Borut Buchmeister, S. Liu, Robert Ojsteršek, 2019, samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji Ključne besede: simulation modelling, evolutionary computation, cyber-physical system, heuristic kalman algorithm, human resource management Objavljeno v DKUM: 06.06.2019; Ogledov: 1421; Prenosov: 419 Celotno besedilo (1,41 MB) |
7. Advances in cybersecurity 20172017, znanstvena monografija Opis: Understanding the cyberspace and awareness of its effects impacts the lives of all individuals. Thus, the knowledge of cybersecurity in both organizations and private operations is essential. Research on various aspects of cybersecurity is crucial for achieving adequate levels of cybersecurity. The content of this scientific monograph provides answers to various topical questions from the organizational, individual, sociological, technical and legal aspects of security in the cyberspace. The papers in the monograph combine the findings of researchers from different subareas of cybersecurity, show the effects of adequate levels of cybersecurity on the operations of organizations and individuals, and present the latest methods to defend against threats in the cyberspace from technical, organizational and security aspects. Ključne besede: cybersecurity, cyber resilience, mobile security, digital privacy, IoT security Objavljeno v DKUM: 08.12.2017; Ogledov: 1923; Prenosov: 332 Celotno besedilo (3,56 MB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
8. Vloga zavarovanj pri varnostni politiki podjetja v povezavi z internetnimi tveganjiMelita Kolenko, 2016, diplomsko delo Opis: Elektronsko poslovanje nas z razvojem informacijske tehnologije spremlja na vsakem koraku. Vse pomembne dokumente hranimo že v elektronski obliki. Pogosto se poslužujemo storitev v oblaku, tako da niti ne vemo, kje se podatki fizično nahajajo. Vse več trgovanja se vrši prek spletnih strani. Račune plačujemo s plačilnimi karticami prek spletnih portalov. V prostem času igramo računalniške igrice skupaj s prijatelji na internetu. In za vse te dejavnosti se moramo registrirati, kar pomeni, da upraviteljem internetnih strani zaupamo naše osebne podatke, podatke o naših bančnih računih in podobno.
In že od samega začetka je elektronsko poslovanje izpostavljeno tudi kibernetskim napadom. Primeri v diplomskem delu dokazujejo, da pred njimi nihče ni varen. Pogosto so vodilni podjetij mnenja, da se lahko z ustrezno računalniško opremo zavarujejo pred tovrstnimi vdori, a vendar so to naivne misli. Hekerji vedno najdejo nek način. In ni problematičen le sam vdor. Največji problem predstavlja vprašanje, kaj bo heker z ukradenimi podatki naredil.
Cyber zavarovanje omogoča finančno varnost, ko do kibernetskega napada že pride, ne more pa preprečiti samega napada. Ključne besede: Elektronsko poslovanje, cyber zavarovanje, kibernetski napad, kršitev, risk management. Objavljeno v DKUM: 15.06.2016; Ogledov: 1451; Prenosov: 89 Celotno besedilo (1,52 MB) |
9. PRIMERJAVA UPORABE DRUŽBENEGA OMREŽJA FACEBOOK MED OTROKI STARIMI MED OSEM IN DVANAJST LET NA OBMOČJU REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE IN REPUBLIKE HRVAŠKEAna Krmek, 2015, magistrsko delo Opis: Facebook je najbolj priljubljeno družbeno omrežje, katerega uporablja veliko ljudi širom sveta. Najobčutljivejša skupina, ki uporablja to družbeno omrežje, so otroci, mlajši od trinajst let, katerim ga zakon prepoveduje uporabljati. Kljub prepovedi, ga uporabljajo, vzroki za to pa so sledeči: velika priljubljenost, želja po druženju v zelo razširjeni spletni skupnosti in želja po posnemanju starejših bratov in sester ali kolegov iz šole, ki uporabljajo Facebook, in s tem ustvarjajo intenzivno željo po uporabi družabnih omrežij med mladostniki. Težava pri uporabi družbenih omrežij so posledice uporabe. Otroci lahko postanejo odvisni od Facebooka, na spletu so izpostavljeni zlorabam in tovrstne negativne interakcije lahko vodijo v doživljanje raznih travm. Ker je uporaba Facebooka med mladostniki, mlajšimi od 13 let, vse večja, njene posledice v čustveni rasti in razvoju utegnejo biti težke. Zato želimo raziskati, na kakšen način in v kolikšni meri otroci na Hrvaškem in v Sloveniji uporabljajo Facebook.
Magistrsko delo je razdeljeno na teoretični del, ki se nanaša na otroke na Facebooku, in raziskovalni del, v katerem so prikazane hipoteze, rezultati raziskave, interpretacija in zaključek. Glavni cilj dela je zbir rezultatov, koliko in kako slovenski in hrvaški otroci med 8 in 12 let uporabljajo Facebook.
V uvodu smo pojasnili razdelitev dela in njegove cilje. Teoretični del je pojasnjuje razvojno psihologijo ciljne starostne skupine (8–12 let). Potem smo se osredotočili na vlogo staršev pri vzgoji otrok v obdobju družbenih omrežji. Pokazali smo, s čim se starši borijo pri vzgoji sodobnih otrok, kako jih vzgajajo in kaj o tem pravijo znanstveniki.
V nadaljnjem delu naloge smo podrobno analizirali ciljno skupino otrok in njihov razvoj. Pri analizi smo navedli osnovne definicije družbenih omrežij, v okviru tega tudi Facebooka, največje svetovne družabne mreže, ustanovljene leta 2004 s strani Marka Zuckerberga in njegovega kolega iz Harvarda Eduarda Saverina. Po navedbi osnovnih definicij smo se osredotočili na prednosti in slabosti uporabe Facebooka, družbeno življenje otrok na Facebooku ter nekaj do zdaj opravljenih raziskav na to temo. Pri slabostih smo pojasnili, kaj pomeni »cyber bullying« ter nekatere druge nevarnosti, ki pretijo na otroke na družbenih omrežjih. Med prednostmi uporabe Facebooka pri otrocih, mlajših od 13 let, smo prikazali, kako Facebook omogoča enostavno ohranjanje stikov s prijatelji in družino, pridobivanje novih prijateljev in deljenje idej in zamisli.
V raziskovalnem delu smo predstavili dvanajst hipotez, iz katerih smo razvili raziskavo. Vsaka hipoteza je vezana na uporabo Facebooka med otroci, starimi od 8 do 12 let, iz območja Hrvaške in Slovenije. Po navedbi hipotez smo predstavili rezultate raziskave ter jih prikazali v tabelah in grafih. Zatem smo napisali interpretacijo, kjer smo teoretični del naloge povezali s pridobljenimi rezultati ter posledično ovrgli ali potrdili hipoteze. V zaključku smo navedli glavne ugotovitve dela, njegove negativne strani ter možnosti za nadaljnje raziskave. Ključne besede: družabna omrežja, Facebook, otroci, cyber bullying, odvisnost Objavljeno v DKUM: 19.08.2015; Ogledov: 1919; Prenosov: 201 Celotno besedilo (2,27 MB) |