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Analysing flexural response in RC beams: a closed-form solution designer perspective from detailed to simplified modelling
Denis Imamović, Matjaž Skrinar, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper presents a detailed analytical approach for the bending analysis of reinforced concrete beams, integrating both structural mechanics principles and Eurocode 2 provisions. The general analytical expressions derived for the curvature were applied for the transverse displacement analysis of a simply supported reinforced concrete beam under four-point loading, focusing on key limit states: the initiation of cracking, the yielding of tensile reinforcement and the compressive failure of concrete. The displacement’s results were validated through experimental testing, showing a high degree of accuracy in the elastic and crack propagation phases. Deviations in the yielding phase were attributed to the conservative material assumptions within the Eurocode 2 framework, though the analytical model remained reliable overall. To streamline the computational process for more complex structures, a simplified model utilising a non-linear rotational spring was further developed. This model effectively captures the influence of cracking with significantly reduced computational effort, making it suitable for serviceability limit state analyses in complex loading scenarios, such as seismic impacts. The results demonstrate that combining detailed analytical methods with this simplified model provides an efficient and practical solution for the analysis of reinforced concrete beams, balancing precision with computational efficiency.
Keywords: reinforced concrete structures, non-linear behaviour, transverse displacement, moment–curvature diagram, rotational spring model
Published in DKUM: 10.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 4
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Curvature potential unveiled topological defect attractors
Luka Mesarec, Aleš Iglič, Veronika Kralj-Iglič, Wojciech Góźdź, Epifanio Giovanni Virga, Samo Kralj, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: We consider the theoretical and positional assembling of topological defects (TDs) in effectively two-dimensional nematic liquid crystal films. We use a phenomenological Helfrich–Landau–de Gennes-type mesoscopic model in which geometric shapes and nematic orientational order are expressed in terms of a curvature tensor field and a nematic tensor order parameter field. Extrinsic, intrinsic, and total curvature potentials are introduced using the parallel transport concept. These potentials reveal curvature seeded TD attractors. To test ground configurations, we used axially symmetric nematic films exhibiting spherical topology.
Keywords: topological defects, nematic liquid crystals, nematic shells, geometric potentials, curvature
Published in DKUM: 30.09.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 7
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Nonlinear semi-numeric and finite element analysis of three-point bending tests of notched polymer fiber-reinforced concrete prisms
Žiga Unuk, Milan Kuhta, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: A nonlinear semi-numeric and finite element analysis of three-point bending tests of notched polymer fiber-reinforced concrete prisms was performed. The computational and experimental results were compared in terms of the load-displacement behavior. The vertical midspan displacement and the crack mouth opening displacement results were considered. The nonlinear semi-numeric computational procedure involved the moment-curvature relation, calculated by considering the constitutive material law from the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010, and considered a plastic hinge mechanism to simulate the cracked region behavior. Two sets of tensile mechanical properties were considered for the constitutive material law: back-calculated (by an inverse analysis) tensile strength properties from the experimental results, and tensile strength properties calculated by simplified expressions from the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010. Other mechanical properties were determined by additional compressive tests and standard relations for the dependency of various mechanical properties on the concrete compressive strength. The nonlinear finite element analysis incorporated the Menetrey-Willam material model to simulate the fiber-reinforced concrete behavior. The nonlinear semi-numeric analysis load-displacement results based on the back-calculated tensile strength properties relatively accurately matched with the experimental results, whereas the nonlinear semi-numeric analysis load-displacement results based on tensile strength properties calculated by simplified expressions from the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010 and the nonlinear finite element analysis load-displacement results showed certain shortcomings.
Keywords: polymer fiber-reinforced concrete, moment-curvature relation, nonlinear plastic hinge, load-displacement relation, crack width, nonlinear analysis, finite element analysis, Menetrey-Willam material model, three-point bending test, compressive test
Published in DKUM: 19.02.2024; Views: 350; Downloads: 26
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Stable assemblies of topological defects in nematic orientational order
Arbresha Hölbl, Luka Mesarec, Juš Polanšek, Aleš Iglič, Samo Kralj, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: We considered general mechanisms enabling the stabilization of localized assemblies of topological defects (TDs). There is growing evidence that physical fields represent fundamental natural entities, and therefore these features are of interest to all branches of physics. In general, cores of TDs are energetically costly, and consequently, assemblies of TDs are unfavorable. Owing to the richness of universalities in the physics of TDs, it is of interest to identify systems where they are easily experimentally accessible, enabling detailed and well-controlled analysis of their universal behavior, and cross-fertilizing knowledge in different areas of physics. In this respect, thermotropic nematic liquid crystals (NLCs) represent an ideal experiment testbed for such studies. In addition, TDs in NLCs could be exploited in several applications. We present examples that emphasize the importance of curvature imposed on the phase component of the relevant order parameter field. In NLCs, it is represented by the nematic tensor order parameter. Using a simple Landau-type approach, we show how the coupling between chirality and saddle splay elasticity, which can be expressed as a Gaussian curvature contribution, can stabilize Meron TDs. The latter have numerous analogs in other branches of physics. TDs in 2D curved manifolds reveal that the Gaussian curvature dominantly impacts the assembling and stabilization of TDs. Furthermore, a strong enough curvature that serves as an attractor for TDs is a respective field that could be imposed in a fast enough phase transition. Assemblies of created TDs created in such a disordered environment could be stabilized by appropriate impurities.
Keywords: topological defects, nematic liquid crystals, Gaussian curvature, topological charge
Published in DKUM: 17.07.2023; Views: 421; Downloads: 24
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Impact of curvature on nematic topological defects
Luka Mesarec, 2018, doctoral dissertation

Abstract: Topological defects (TDs) appear almost unavoidably in continuous symmetry breaking phase transitions. The topological origin makes their key features independent of systems' microscopic details; therefore TDs display many universalities. Because of their strong impact on numerous material properties and their significant role in several technological applications it is of strong interest to find simple and robust mechanisms controlling the positioning and local number of TDs. There are strong evidences that in physics the fields are fundamental entities of nature and not particles. If this is the case then topological defects (TDs) might play the role of fundamental particles. An adequate testing ground to study and gain fundamental understanding of TDs are nematic liquid crystals. We present a numerical study of TDs within effectively two dimensional closed soft films exhibiting in-plane orientational ordering. Popular examples of such class of systems are liquid crystalline shells and various biological membranes. We analyze the impact of extrinsic and intrinsic curvature on positions of topological defects (TDs) in two-dimensional (2D) nematic films. We demonstrate that both these curvature contributions are commonly present and are expected to be weighted by comparable elastic constants. A simple Landau-de Gennes approach in terms of tensor nematic order parameter is used to numerically demonstrate impact of the curvatures on position of TDs on 2D ellipsoidal nematic shells. We introduce the Effective Topological Charge Cancellation mechanism controlling localised positional assembling tendency of TDs and the formation of pairs (defect,antidefect) on curved surfaces. Furthermore, we estimate a critical depinning threshold to form pairs (defect,antidefect) using the electrostatic analogy. Finally, we show how one could efficiently switch among qualitatively different structures by using a relative volume of ordered shells, which represents a relatively simple naturally accessible control parameter. In doctoral thesis, we developed theoretical model of erythrocyte membrane by using a hybrid Helfrich-Landau type mesoscopic approach, taking into account in-plane membrane ordering. We demonstrate that the derived extrinsic membrane energy term, which strongly depends on the local orientations of the molecules, is essential for the predicted broadening of the range of the relative volumes corresponding to the stable discocyte shapes, which is otherwise very narrow if only intrinsic curvature energy term dominates.
Keywords: Topological defects, Continuum fields, Nematic liquid crystals, Biological membranes, Nematic shells, Landau-de Gennes formalism, Topological charge, Nanoparticles, Gaussian curvature, Electrostatic analogy, Intrinsic curvature, Extrinsic curvature, Crystal growth nucleation, Relative volume
Published in DKUM: 09.03.2018; Views: 2391; Downloads: 242
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Vesiculation of biological membrane driven by curvature induced frustrations in membrane orientational ordering
Dalija Povše Jesenek, Šárka Perutková, Wojciech Góźdź, Veronika Kralj-Iglič, Aleš Iglič, Samo Kralj, 2013, original scientific article

Abstract: Membrane budding often leads to the formation and release of microvesicles. The latter might play an important role in long distance cell-to-cell communication, owing to their ability to move with body fluids. Several mechanisms exist which might trigger the pinching off of globular buds from the parent membrane (vesiculation). In this paper, we consider the theoretical impacts of topological defects (frustrations) on this process in the membranes that exhibit global in-plane orientational order. A Landau–de Gennes theoretical approach is used in terms of tensor orientational order parameters. The impact of membrane shapes on position and the number of defects is analyzed. In studied cases, only defects with winding numbers m = ±1/2 appear, where we refer to the number of defects with m = 1/2 as defects, and with m = –1/2 as anti-defects. It is demonstrated that defects are attracted to regions with maximal positive Gaussian curvature, K. On the contrary, anti-defects are attracted to membrane regions exhibiting minimal negative values of K. We show on membrane structures exhibiting spherical topology that the coexistence of regions with K > 0 and K < 0 might trigger formation of defect–anti-defect pairs for strong enough local membrane curvatures. Critical conditions for triggering pairs are determined in several demonstrative cases. Then the additionally appeared anti-defects are assembled at the membrane neck, where K < 0. Consequent strong local fluctuations of membrane constituent anisotropic molecules might trigger membrane fission neck rupture, enabling a membrane fission process and the release of membrane daughter microvesicles (ie, vesiculation).
Keywords: structural transitions, topological defects, membrane microvesicles, membrane curvature, membrane fission, vesiculation
Published in DKUM: 03.08.2017; Views: 1339; Downloads: 433
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Curvature-controlled topological defects
Luka Mesarec, Pavlo Kurioz, Aleš Iglič, Wojciech Góźdź, Samo Kralj, original scientific article

Abstract: Effectively, two-dimensional (2D) closed films exhibiting in-plane orientational ordering (ordered shells) might be instrumental for the realization of scaled crystals. In them, ordered shells are expected to play the role of atoms. Furthermore, topological defects (TDs) within them would determine their valence. Namely, bonding among shells within an isotropic liquid matrix could be established via appropriate nano-binders (i.e., linkers) which tend to be attached to the cores of TDs exploiting the defect core replacement mechanism. Consequently, by varying configurations of TDs one could nucleate growth of scaled crystals displaying different symmetries. For this purpose, it is of interest to develop a simple and robust mechanism via which one could control the position and number of TDs in such atoms. In this paper, we use a minimal mesoscopic model, where variational parameters are the 2D curvature tensor and the 2D orientational tensor order parameter. We demonstrate numerically the efficiency of the effective topological defect cancellation mechanism to predict positional assembling of TDs in ordered films characterized by spatially nonhomogeneous Gaussian curvature. Furthermore, we show how one could efficiently switch among qualitatively different structures by using a relative volume v of ordered shells, which represents a relatively simple naturally accessible control parameter.
Keywords: topological defects, Gaussian curvature, self-assembling, crystal growth nucleation
Published in DKUM: 20.07.2017; Views: 1288; Downloads: 466
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Effective topological charge cancelation mechanism
Luka Mesarec, Wojciech Góźdź, Aleš Iglič, Samo Kralj, 2016, original scientific article

Abstract: Topological defects (TDs) appear almost unavoidably in continuous symmetry breaking phase transitions. The topological origin makes their key features independent of systems’ microscopic details; therefore TDs display many universalities. Because of their strong impact on numerous material properties and their significant role in several technological applications it is of strong interest to find simple and robust mechanisms controlling the positioning and local number of TDs. We present a numerical study of TDs within effectively two dimensional closed soft films exhibiting in-plane orientational ordering. Popular examples of such class of systems are liquid crystalline shells and various biological membranes. We introduce the Effective Topological Charge Cancellation mechanism controlling localised positional assembling tendency of TDs and the formation of pairs {defect, antidefect} on curved surfaces and/or presence of relevant “impurities” (e.g. nanoparticles). For this purpose, we define an effective topological charge Δmeff consisting of real, virtual and smeared curvature topological charges within a surface patch Δς identified by the typical spatially averaged local Gaussian curvature K. We demonstrate a strong tendency enforcing Δmeff → 0 on surfaces composed of Δς exhibiting significantly different values of spatially averaged K. For Δmeff ≠ 0 we estimate a critical depinning threshold to form pairs {defect, antidefect} using the electrostatic analogy.
Keywords: topological defects, topological charge, numerical studies, orientational ordering, nematic liquid crystals, liquid crystalline shells, biological membranes, nanoparticles, Gaussian curvature, electrostatic analogy, annihilation, topology
Published in DKUM: 23.06.2017; Views: 1141; Downloads: 350
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Numerical study of membrane configurations
Luka Mesarec, Miha Fošnarič, Samo Penič, Veronika Kralj-Iglič, Samo Kralj, Wojciech Góźdź, Aleš Iglič, 2014, original scientific article

Abstract: We studied biological membranes of spherical topology within the framework of the spontaneous curvature model. Both Monte Carlo simulations and the numerical minimization of the curvature energy were used to obtain the shapes of the vesicles. The shapes of the vesicles and their energy were calculated for different values of the reduced volume. The vesicles which exhibit inplane ordering were also studied. Minimal models have been developed in order to study the orientational ordering in colloids coated with a thin sheet of nematic liquid crystal (nematic shells).The topological defects are always present on the surfaces with the topology of a sphere.The location of the topological defects depends strongly on the curvature of the surface. We studied the nematic ordering and the formation of topological defects on vesicles obtained by the minimization of the spontaneous curvature energy.
Keywords: biological membranes, vesicles, spontaneous curvature model, Monte Carlo simulations, nematic shells, orientational ordering, topological defects
Published in DKUM: 14.06.2017; Views: 1285; Downloads: 396
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Nematic liquid crystal locking menisci
Milan Svetec, Mitja Slavinec, 2013, original scientific article

Abstract: We study meniscus driven locking of point defects of nematic liquid crystals confined within a cylindrical tube with free ends. Curvilinear coordinate system is introduced in order to focus on the phenomena of both (convex and concave) types of menisci. Frank's description in terms of the nematic director field is used. The resulting Euler-Lagrange differential equation is solved numerically. We determine conditions for the defects to be trapped by the meniscus.
Keywords: liquid crystal, defects, meniscus curvature
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 3260; Downloads: 363
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