1. Assessing the situation of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises in the emerging markets of Egypt under COVID-19 implicationsNourhan Ahmed Saad, Sonja Mlaker Kač, Sara El Gazzar, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) play a vital role in emerging economies, thus this research aims at assessing the current situation of Egyptian MSMEs under COVID-19 pandemic and identifying the role of Egyptian MSMEs in economic growth and development. This research adopted qualitative design; 24 semi-structured interviews were conducted with different eco-system stakeholders and MSMEs’ managers using content analysis to analyse collected data based on NVivo software. The findings revealed the importance of MSMEs sector in the emerging markets as well as global ones. Additionally, MSMEs play a significant role in enhancing country’s economic growth and development, particularly in GDP, job opportunities, domestic products/services, national income, sub-contractor, and individual/society welfare. Furthermore, the findings identify the main challenges that face Egyptian MSMEs under COVID-19 implications through analysing the four main strategic factors and concluded by policy recommendations that could be implemented by MSMEs’ owners to take full advantage in the Egyptian context and their contribution on country’s economic growth. Keywords: MSMEs sector, COVID-19, economic growth, egyptian context, policy action Published in DKUM: 17.07.2024; Views: 127; Downloads: 14
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2. On parsing programming languages with Turing-complete parserBoštjan Slivnik, Marjan Mernik, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: A new parsing method based on the semi-Thue system is described. Similar to, but with more efficient implementation than Markov normal algorithms, it can be used for parsing any recursively enumerable language. Despite its computational power, it is meant to be used primarily for parsing programming and domain-specific languages. It enables a straightforward simulation of a number of existing parsing algorithms based on context-free grammars. The list includes both top-down shift-produce methods (such as SLL and LL) and bottom-up shift-reduce methods (such as LALR and LR), as well as mixed top-down-and-bottom-up methods such as LLLR. To justify the use of the new parsing method, the paper provides numerous examples of how a parser can actually be made in practice. It is advised that the main part of the parser is based on some simple well-established approach, e.g., SLL(1), while syntactically more complicated phrases can be parsed by exploiting the full power of the new parser. These phrases may either be extensions to the original language or some embedded domain-specific language. In all such and similar cases, no part of the language is restricted to be context-free. In fact, context-sensitive languages can be handled quite efficiently. Keywords: Turing-complete parsing, context-sensitive, error recovery Published in DKUM: 14.02.2024; Views: 325; Downloads: 25
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3. The influence of non-formal artistic and creative activities in multicultural educational contextsFernando Pérez-Martin, 2017, original scientific article Abstract: Our schools are becoming more and more multicultural every year. It is no longer uncommon to have in the same classroom students from over a dozen nationalities, with diverse backgrounds, beliefs and ways of seeing the world. This article is an invitation to reflect on the role that non-formal artistic and creative activities can play in multicultural educational settings. To this end, an excerpt from a Case Study carried out in one of Canada%s most multicultural schools is presented, showcasing some of the activities developed there and analysing the positive influences they have in its educational community. Keywords: non-formal art, music education, Case Study research, creativity, multicultural education, Educational context Published in DKUM: 16.11.2017; Views: 1338; Downloads: 357
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4. Context-dependent factored language modelsGregor Donaj, Zdravko Kačič, 2017, original scientific article Abstract: The incorporation of grammatical information into speech recognition systems is often used to increase performance in morphologically rich languages. However, this introduces demands for sufficiently large training corpora and proper methods of using the additional information. In this paper, we present a method for building factored language models that use data obtained by morphosyntactic tagging. The models use only relevant factors that help to increase performance and ignore data from other factors, thus also reducing the need for large morphosyntactically tagged training corpora. Which data is relevant is determined at run-time, based on the current text segment being estimated, i.e., the context. We show that using a context-dependent model in a two-pass recognition algorithm, the overall speech recognition accuracy in a Broadcast News application improved by 1.73% relatively, while simpler models using the same data achieved only 0.07% improvement. We also present a more detailed error analysis based on lexical features, comparing first-pass and second-pass results. Keywords: speech recognition, factored language model, dynamic backoff path, word context, inflectional language, morphosyntactic tags Published in DKUM: 26.06.2017; Views: 1829; Downloads: 374
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5. Comparing Shakespeare`s Othello to Three Film AdaptationsAlenka Gomivnik, 2015, undergraduate thesis Abstract: William Shakespeare's plays have had countless adaptations on stage and film, because his 16th century plays can still be made modern and interesting nowadays. They can be adapted to the modern world or played out in costumes and settings appropriate for their original contexts.
This thesis will explore whether the temporal and cultural context alters the way the play is interpreted over decades. That is why the thesis will deal with three films: The Tragedy of Othello: The Moor of Venice, directed by Orson Welles, made in 1952; Othello, directed by Oliver Parker, made in 1995; and O, directed by Tim Blake Nelson, made in 2001.
Each screenwriter and director has their own vision of a story they are trying to tell, whether it be an adaptation, appropriation or an original work. This thesis will explore whether the main theme of Othello remained intact across all three adaptations or whether, despite being changed to some extent, the adaptation can still be recognised as Othello. Keywords: William Shakespeare, Othello, Iago, Desdemona, adaptation, appropriation, film, play, director, Orson Welles, Oliver Parker, Tim Blake Nelson, theme, cultural context, temporal context Published in DKUM: 04.01.2016; Views: 1742; Downloads: 114
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6. Translation of Swearwords in Literary Autobiographies: The Case of Miles DavisMatjaž Praprotnik, 2012, undergraduate thesis Abstract: My thesis focuses on swearwords in the autobiography of Miles Davis. I define them, explain their function and compare swearwords in the original and the translation. My attempt was to argue the appropriateness of the translation and I used the dictionary of Slovene language (SSKJ) and results from the corpora Fidaplus to provide support for my claims. Context and connotation were among the most important criteria, since these often ruled out a literal translation because they are not used in the same manner in Slovene as in English.
A deeper analysis was done on three swearwords: motherfucker, nigger and bitch. The first represents the most difficult challenge for the translator, because it is used in several different ways and can take on numerous functions. A translation for the word does not exist; therefore, the translator had to find several other translation solutions. The analysis has shown that the translator tried to keep one translation solution per function of the word, e.g., pizdun when the word was used to refer to people, and pizdarija when the referent was an object or a situation. However, translating motherfucker often demanded a certain degree of creativity from the translator because it was also used to refer to women or even Davis’ own father, as a means for comparison and as an adjective. It is difficult to find consistent solutions in these cases; therefore, the translator had to adapt his translation to individual cases.
Nigger itself was not as challenging as the previous word, because črnuh has already been established as a prototypical translation in Slovene. Albeit several possible translations, e.g. mrha, kuzla, prasica, pička, translations for bitch still raised doubts in some cases. Connotations were of key importance in this case, because they had to match the original, where they could either be positive, negative or neutral. Kuzla was inappropriate in some cases, because it is always used with negative connotations in Slovene; however, mrha is used with all three connotation possibilities and therefore seems to be the most appropriate translation.
Generally, I found that translating swearwords is difficult because swearing relies strongly on the originating culture, and each culture is marked by different characteristics; these characteristics, in particular, represent a challenge for the translator. Keywords: translation, swearwords, Miles Davis, autobiography, connotation, context Published in DKUM: 14.11.2012; Views: 2066; Downloads: 97
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