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Managing the complexity of empty container movements through repositioning strategies and routing practices under certain demand and supply : doctoral dissertation
Alaa Abdelshafie, 2023, doktorska disertacija

Opis: Over the past decades, container transportation management has become an important part of the global maritime industry. Due to an ever-increasing movement of containers across the globe in line with the economic boom, the trade imbalance and issues related to empty containers have become inevitable. The accumulation of empty containers in specific ports not only causes a waste of money but also increases the environmental footprint. Accordingly, the urgent need for empty container management has been gaining more attention than ever before, as the shipping companies recognized that more revenues are always derived from a good repositioning strategy. In this respect, this thesis described state-of-the-art of empty container management, focusing on the practices concerning the movement of empty containers that are varied between organizational policies, technical solutions, and optimization applications. With the development of computer-aided systems, the combination of optimization and simulation models has been proposed to tackle the maritime empty container problem. The thesis shows how the strengths of optimization-based simulation can be integrated to provide high-quality solutions with low computational costs. Agent-based modelling was developed to model the global movements of empty containers, providing realistic details of interactions among entities and characteristics of components within the system. The model was applied between ports in the Middle East and Asia for one of the biggest shipping lines worldwide. By using simulated annealing (SA), the best sequence for moving containers can be determined. The results comparison demonstrate that the proposed optimised repositioning strategy can significantly reduce the shipping line’s costs and make full use of empty containers in the planning horizon.
Ključne besede: shipping industry, container transportation management, empty container repositioning, simulation, optimization, agent-based modelling
Objavljeno v DKUM: 08.12.2023; Ogledov: 579; Prenosov: 24
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Repositioning and optimal re-allocation of empty containers : a review of methods, models, and applications
Alaa Abdelshafie, May Salah, Tomaž Kramberger, Dejan Dragan, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Managing empty-container movements is one of the most challenging logistics problems in the shipping field. With the growth of global trade imbalance, the repositioning process has become necessary, immediately after emptying a container. The main contribution of this research paper is to enrich the most frequently used methods, models, and applications in the literature, for relaxing the empty-container-repositioning problem. The article presents practices that vary between organizational policies, technical solutions, and modelling applications. A review of optimization models has been used for comparisons, based on specified criteria, such as the time frame, inputs, outputs, scale of the project, and value. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) was applied through the online database Web of Science (WOS). It gives a comprehensive description of all the relevant published documents. On the basis of conducting a brief systematic review, future research opportunities have been determined, considering the emerging phenomena in container transport chains.
Ključne besede: shipping industry, container-transportation management, empty-container repositioning, optimization methods
Objavljeno v DKUM: 08.08.2023; Ogledov: 444; Prenosov: 66
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Konstruiranje novega manipulatorja za transport transportnih zabojnikov v podjetju container d.o.o. : diplomsko delo
Aleš Mohar, 2022, diplomsko delo

Opis: Cilj naloge je bil izdelati novo transportno napravo za transport kontejnerjev oznake ISO, JUMBO in ostalih nestandardnih kontejnerjev. Lotili smo se razvoja in konstruiranja nove transportne naprave prav iz vidika omejitve prostora in delovnega procesa v lakirnici. Raziskali smo tržišče s transportnimi napravami, preverili njihove zmogljivosti dvigovanja, zmožnost umestitve transportne naprave v prostor lakirnice in delovni proces. Eden glavnih razlogov proti nakupu nove transportne naprave na trgu je omejitev prostora in nezmožnost dvigovanja različnih širin kontejnerjev. Obstoječa transportna naprava ne omogoča varnega dvigovanja kontejnerjev različnih širin, zaradi česar prihaja v delovnem procesu do neprimernih tehnik ravnanja z njo. Pri iskanju rešitev smo si pomagali s pregledom trga in ponudb transportnih naprav. Poleg pregleda trga smo za snovanje transportne naprave uporabili metoda dialoga in metodo 635. V procesu razvoja in konstruiranja smo izdelali 3D model, izvedli trdnostno analizo in izdelana potrebna tehniška dokumentacija. Cilj diplomske naloge je bil uspešno dosežen.
Ključne besede: Transportna naprava (manipulator), konstruiranje, numerična analiza, MKE, PTC Creo, Container d.o.o, ISO, JUMBO, kontejner.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 19.09.2022; Ogledov: 679; Prenosov: 84
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Container throughput forecasting using dynamic factor analysis and ARIMAX model
Marko Intihar, Tomaž Kramberger, Dejan Dragan, 2017, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The paper examines the impact of integration of macroeconomic indicators on the accuracy of container throughput time series forecasting model. For this purpose, a Dynamic factor analysis and AutoRegressive Integrated Moving-Average model with eXogenous inputs (ARIMAX) are used. Both methodologies are integrated into a novel four-stage heuristic procedure. Firstly, dynamic factors are extracted from external macroeconomic indicators influencing the observed throughput. Secondly, the family of ARIMAX models of different orders is generated based on the derived factors. In the third stage, the diagnostic and goodness-of-fit testing is applied, which includes statistical criteria such as fit performance, information criteria, and parsimony. Finally, the best model is heuristically selected and tested on the real data of the Port of Koper. The results show that by applying macroeconomic indicators into the forecasting model, more accurate future throughput forecasts can be achieved. The model is also used to produce future forecasts for the next four years indicating a more oscillatory behaviour in (2018-2020). Hence, care must be taken concerning any bigger investment decisions initiated from the management side. It is believed that the proposed model might be a useful reinforcement of the existing forecasting module in the observed port.
Ključne besede: container throughput forecasting, ARIMAX model, dynamic factor analysis, exogenous macroeconomic indicators, time series analysis
Objavljeno v DKUM: 12.12.2017; Ogledov: 2198; Prenosov: 438
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The costs of container transport flow between Far East and Serbia using different liner shipping services
Vladislav Rajkovič, Nenad Đ. Zrnić, Đorđe Stakić, Borut Mahnič, 2015, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Liner shipping is the most efficient mode of transport for goods. International liner shipping is a sophisticated network of regularly scheduled services that transports goods from anywhere in the world to anywhere in the world at low cost and with greater energy efficiency than any other form of international transportation. Liner shipping connects countries, markets, businesses and people, allowing them to buy and sell goods on a scale not previously possible. Today, the liner shipping industry transports goods representing approximately one-third of the total value of global trade. Ocean shipping contributes significantly to international stability and security. Considering the large and constant struggle in the market in terms of competitive pricing of products, a very important and indispensable role represents the container transport with a clear task to define the final price of the product. This paper analyzes the costs of container transport flow between Far East and Serbia, using different liner shipping services, observing the six world’s largest container operators (Maersk Line, Mediterranean Shipping Company, CMA CGM, Evergreen Line, China Ocean Shipping Company and Hapag-Lloyd) and inland (truck-rail-river) transport corridors. These corridors include distance between selected Mediterranean ports (Koper, Rijeka, Bar, Thessaloniki, Constanta) and Serbia. As a result, in this paper is considered a mathematical model that provides a comparative analysis of transportation costs on the different routes. It is observed already existing transport routes and it is also given hypothetical review to the development of new transport routes. The main goal of this research is to provide an optimal route with lowest transportation cost during container transport. Selection of the best route in the intermodal network is a very difficult and complex task. The costs in all modes of transport and the quality of their services are not constant parameters and changes depending on a number of conditions and characteristics. The analysis of this model within combined maritime and land-based networks would prove helpful for the study of logistics chains, the hinterland-foreland continuum, intermodal transport systems, and market competitiveness.
Ključne besede: costs, container transport, liner shipping, mathematical model
Objavljeno v DKUM: 17.11.2017; Ogledov: 1983; Prenosov: 454
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Numerical-experimental analysis of the foldable containers strength
Sevket Celović, Miloš Tipsarević, Taško Maneski, Tomaž Vuherer, Dražan Kozak, 2015, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: This paper describes the numerical and the experimental methodology for analysis of plastic packaging strength characteristics that are representative of its strength in the real life. Numerical analysis was conducted by the application of finite elements using "KOMIPS" software. The experiments were executed with the equipment "GOM" and software application "ARAMIS". The main issues we want to answer are related to correctly ordering and defining characteristics of container. This article will show how we can predict experimental results by the means of finite element analysis; we find this is a very strong learning tool that would enable designers to improve the structural strength of new products in the future. Experimental and numerical analysis results have to date shown a high degree of correlation.
Ključne besede: experiment, FEM, foldable container, strength
Objavljeno v DKUM: 12.07.2017; Ogledov: 1143; Prenosov: 375
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Distortion of the substructure of a 20-ft shipping container exposed to zinc hot-dip galvanizing
Ivana Ivanović, Aleksandar Sedmak, Rebeka Rudolf, Leo Gusel, Biljana Grujić, 2013, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The main goal of this study was to build a model for a numerical simulation of hot-dip galvanizing of a 20-ft ISO shipping container. For that purpose, the basic transient thermo-mechanical problem of a steel structure under the influence of the temperature characteristic for a zinc hot-dip galvanizing bath was analyzed. Numerical calculations were performed for a simple part and for the complex substructure of the container. Calculations were carried out on the Salome-Meca platform using a Netgen mesh generator and a Code_Asterfinite-element solver.
Ključne besede: shipping container, structural steel, zinc hot-dip galvanizing, transient heat transfer, distortion
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 1357; Prenosov: 116
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Sattelzug Prüfstandskonzept
David Belovič, 2014, magistrsko delo

Opis: In dieser Arbeit werden wir ein modulares Prüfstandskonzept entwickeln, das durch ganz Europa mit einem Nutzfahrzeugtransport ohne besonderheiten transportiert werden kann. Das Prüfstandskonzept soll die meisten Arten von Verbrennungskraftmaschinen, die in modernen Fahrzeugen eingebaut sind, aufnehmen und sie auf Euro-5 oder Euro-6-Norm testen. Das Konzept soll Flexibilität und Modularität aufweisen. So soll es über eine kurze Zeit des Aufbaus und eine Möglichkeit der Skalierung verfügen.
Ključne besede: Testzelle, Auflieger, Container, Verbrennungsmotor, Konzeptentwicklung, CAD, Solidworks, Kostenschätzung, Abgasprüfung.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 12.12.2014; Ogledov: 1699; Prenosov: 94
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