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Residual dyebath purification using a system of constructed wetland
Alenka Ojstršek, Darinka Fakin, Danijel Vrhovšek, 2007, original scientific article

Abstract: A constructed wetland model, comprising two different substrate mixtures, was used to purify textile dyebath wastewater. Three laboratory prepared wastewaters containing three commercial dyes of different classes and chemicalconstitution (one vat and two reactive dyes), different chemicals (NaOH, NaCl) and auxiliaries (migration inhibitor, sequestering, defoaming andwetting agents) were employed. Purifying efficiency was verified by measuring pollution parameters, such as absorbance, pH, total organic carbon (TOC), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and electrical conductivity (EC). It was found that the constructed wetland model reduced dye concentration by up to 70%, lowered the TOC and COD values up to 88%, electrical conductivity up to 60% and pH from 12 to 7.6.
Keywords: textile dyeing, reactive dyes, vat dyes, wastewater treatment, constructed wetland model, biological treatment, purification
Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2315; Downloads: 99
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The use of constructed wetland for dye-rich textile wastewater treatment
Tjaša Griessler Bulc, Alenka Ojstršek, 2008, original scientific article

Abstract: The objective of the present paper was to examine the treatment efficiency of constructed wetlands (CW) for the dye-rich textile wastewater with special focus on colour reduction. Preliminary, a series of dynamic experiments were performed in the CW model packed with gravel, sand, and zeolitic tuff on three synthetically-prepared wastewaters using chemically differ dyestuffs, auxiliaries and chemicals, in order to investigate the potential of low-cost materials as media for textile dye-bath wastewater treatment. The obtained results evidence that applied CW model reduces colour by up to 70%, and COD and TOC by up to 45%. Based on these results, the pilot CW with vertical (VF) and horizontal flow (HF) was constructed near textile factory mainly for cotton and cotton/PES processing with intention to treat real textile wastewater in-situ. It was designed for 1 m3/d, covering 80 m2, packed with sand and gravel, and planted with Phragmites australis. The average treatment efficiency of the CW for the selected pollution parameters were: COD 84%, BOD5 66%, TOC 89%, Ntotal 52%, Norganic 87%, NH4-N -331%, sulphate 88%, anion surfactant 80%, total suspended solids (TSS) 93%, and colour 90%, respectively. The results unequivocally proved that the CW could offer an optimal solution to meet the environmental legislation as well as requirements for effective and inexpensive textile wastewater treatment.
Keywords: coloured textile wastewater, constructed wetland, Phragmites australis
Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 1984; Downloads: 87
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