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Low Code Programming with APEX : How to and Practical Cases

Opis: This textbook introduces Oracle Application Express (APEX), a low-code platform for building data-driven web applications. It aims to equip readers with the skills to fully utilize APEX for real-world business challenges. Part I covers the basics of APEX in twelve chapters, including environment setup, database preparation, navigation, data exchange, application creation, report and form management, and team collaboration. Part II presents twelve business cases that provide a comprehensive understanding of application development from a business, data, and user interface perspective. Each case includes business views, problem definitions, use cases, data models, and application interfaces. The textbook is designed for approximately 75 hours of study and is suitable for both experienced developers and beginners. It includes additional material such as exported applications, scripts, data and video tutorials to enhance learning.
Ključne besede: low-code programming, application development, web applications, Oracle APEX, practical examples
Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.10.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 10
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An efficient multi-resolution chain coding
Andrej Nerat, Damjan Strnad, Krista Rizman Žalik, Borut Žalik, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Ključne besede: chain code, progressive chain code, multi-resolution chain code
Objavljeno v DKUM: 28.08.2024; Ogledov: 55; Prenosov: 9
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Commit-level software change intent classification using a pre-trained transformer-based code model
Tjaša Heričko, Boštjan Šumak, Sašo Karakatič, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Software evolution is driven by changes made during software development and maintenance. While source control systems effectively manage these changes at the commit level, the intent behind them are often inadequately documented, making understanding their rationale challenging. Existing commit intent classification approaches, largely reliant on commit messages, only partially capture the underlying intent, predominantly due to the messages’ inadequate content and neglect of the semantic nuances in code changes. This paper presents a novel method for extracting semantic features from commits based on modifications in the source code, where each commit is represented by one or more fine-grained conjoint code changes, e.g., file-level or hunk-level changes. To address the unstructured nature of code, the method leverages a pre-trained transformer-based code model, further trained through task-adaptive pre-training and fine-tuning on the downstream task of intent classification. This fine-tuned task-adapted pre-trained code model is then utilized to embed fine-grained conjoint changes in a commit, which are aggregated into a unified commit-level vector representation. The proposed method was evaluated using two BERT-based code models, i.e., CodeBERT and GraphCodeBERT, and various aggregation techniques on data from open-source Java software projects. The results show that the proposed method can be used to effectively extract commit embeddings as features for commit intent classification and outperform current state-of-the-art methods of code commit representation for intent categorization in terms of software maintenance activities undertaken by commits.
Ključne besede: software maintenance, code commit, mining software repositories, adaptive pre-training, fine-tuning, semantic code embedding, CodeBERT, GraphCodeBERT, classification, code intelligence
Objavljeno v DKUM: 14.08.2024; Ogledov: 87; Prenosov: 11
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Evaluating the usability and functionality of intelligent source code completion assistants: a comprehensive review
Tilen Hliš, Luka Četina, Tina Beranič, Luka Pavlič, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: As artificial intelligence advances, source code completion assistants are becoming more advanced and powerful. Existing traditional assistants are no longer up to all the developers’ challenges. Traditional assistants usually present proposals in alphabetically sorted lists, which does not make a developer’s tasks any easier (i.e., they still have to search and filter an appropriate proposal manually). As a possible solution to the presented issue, intelligent assistants that can classify suggestions according to relevance in particular contexts have emerged. Artificial intelligence methods have proven to be successful in solving such problems. Advanced intelligent assistants not only take into account the context of a particular source code but also, more importantly, examine other available projects in detail to extract possible patterns related to particular source code intentions. This is how intelligent assistants try to provide developers with relevant suggestions. By conducting a systematic literature review, we examined the current intelligent assistant landscape. Based on our review, we tested four intelligent assistants and compared them according to their functionality. GitHub Copilot, which stood out, allows suggestions in the form of complete source code sections. One would expect that intelligent assistants, with their outstanding functionalities, would be one of the most popular helpers in a developer’s toolbox. However, through a survey we conducted among practitioners, the results, surprisingly, contradicted this idea. Although intelligent assistants promise high usability, our questionnaires indicate that usability improvements are still needed. However, our research data show that experienced developers value intelligent assistants highly, highlighting their significant utility for the experienced developers group when compared to less experienced individuals. The unexpectedly low net promoter score (NPS) for intelligent code assistants in our study was quite surprising, highlighting a stark contrast between the anticipated impact of these advanced tools and their actual reception among developers.
Ključne besede: intelligent assistants, source code completion, source code
Objavljeno v DKUM: 21.05.2024; Ogledov: 188; Prenosov: 15
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The Influence of English on the Language of Croatian Influencers on YouTube, Instagram and TikTok Social Media : master's thesis
Ena Cilar, 2023, magistrsko delo

Opis: The rapid spread of the English language, which is frequently referred to as a lingua franca, has had a significant impact on other languages and the peculiar language of computer-mediated communication. What is more, the Internet, social media and digital influencers are the key agents of both language change and changes in the modern society. Due to the globally growing popularity of social media influencers, the purpose of this thesis is to explore the ways in which their language use is affected by the globality of English, with a focus on Croatian influencers. Therefore, data for this paper are drawn from altogether 270 social media posts published by the eight most successful Croatian influencers on YouTube, Instagram and TikTok. The research methods include linguistic, thematic and content analysis. The results reveal that the use of ‘ad hoc loanwords’ and intra-sentential code-switching are more common among Croatian influencers in comparison with outdated Anglicisms and inter-sentential code-switching. While the most frequently used loanwords among Croatian influencers belong to the categories of cyberculture and popular culture, the use of loanwords belonging to particular semantic fields is not strongly related to their thematic content categories. The importance and originality of this thesis are that it is the first study to provide new insights into the language use of Croatian influencers in relation with English as a global and leading online language. However, due to practical constraints, it is limited in terms of the research sample size and generalizability, which offers implications for further research.
Ključne besede: English as a global language, influence of English on Croatian, Croatian social media influencers, computer-mediated communication, loanwords, code-switching
Objavljeno v DKUM: 04.01.2024; Ogledov: 544; Prenosov: 61
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Lebensgeschichten im Grenzraum. Mehrsprachigkeit und Identität im steirisch-slowenischen Sprachraum : Magisterarbeit
Anja Brelih, 2022, magistrsko delo

Opis: Sprache ist nicht nur zum Kommunizieren da, sondern sie ist auch ein Teil unserer Identität, unsere Kultur und Lebensweisen. Die Lebensgeschichten im Grenzraum haben eine lange und spannende Geschichte, die sich auch noch bis heute auswirkt. Jeder Grenzraum ist einzigartig und unterscheidet sich von anderen Grenzräumen. Wir sehen uns den Grenzraum zwischen Österreich und Slowenien an, und widmen uns besonders der Mehrsprachigkeit und Identität im steirisch-slowenischen Sprachraum. Der Grenzraum zwischen der Steiermark und Slowenien war ein sehr gemischtsprachiges Gebiet, auf beiden Seiten wurde Slowenisch und Deutsch gesprochen. Erst mit der Grenzziehung wurden die Kontakte der beiden Sprachen unterbrochen. Es wurden nicht nur sprachliche Beziehungen getrennt, sondern auch familiäre und wirtschaftliche Beziehungen. Wegen der Grenzziehung entstanden Minderheiten und zwar auf beiden Seiten. Die sprachlichen Minderheiten wurden sehr lange Zeit verschwiegen, man hörte nicht gerne die jeweils andere Sprache auf seinem Gebiet. Mit der Geschichte des Grenzraums beschäftigte man sich erst in den 1980er Jahren. Auch noch heute weiß man nicht viel über die Geschichten der Menschen, die in der Nähe von der Grenze gewohnt und mit der Grenze gelebt haben. In der Arbeit werden reale Lebensgeschichten von GrenzbewohnerInnen beschrieben, die diese Entwicklungen reflektieren. Ein sehr großes Problem war, dass die Menschen früher nicht gerne über ihre Zweisprachigkeit/Mehrsprachigkeit gesprochen haben, da diese von der Mehrheitsbevölkerung negativ bewertet wurde und sie daher ihre Zwei-/Mehrsprachigkeit verbargen. Das gilt sowohl für die slowenische Minderheit in der Steiermark als auch für die deutschsprachige Minderheit in Slowenien. Mit Hilfe von Audio- und Videointerviews bekommen wir einen praktischen Blick in die Geschichten der Mehrsprachigkeit im steirisch-slowenischen Sprachraum.
Ključne besede: Sprache, Grenzraum, Identität, Dialekt, Code-Switching
Objavljeno v DKUM: 02.11.2022; Ogledov: 603; Prenosov: 51
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Software based encoder/decoder generation for data exchange optimization in the internet of things : master's thesis
Tjaž Vračko, 2022, magistrsko delo

Opis: Efficient encoding of data is an important part of projects in the Internet of Things space. Communication packets must be kept as small as possible in order to minimize the power consumption of devices. In this thesis, an automatic code generation tool, irpack, is proposed that will unify the way packets are defined across all future projects at Institute IRNAS. Using a schema, this tool generates source code of encoders and decoders in target programming languages. A schema evolution system is also defined, by which changes to packets can be compatible across multiple versions. The tool is then applied to a selection of past projects to gauge its usefulness. It is determined that irpack is able to encode the same data into a similar or smaller size packet, while also providing additional versioning information.
Ključne besede: encoding/decoding, schema, schema evolution, bit packing, code generation
Objavljeno v DKUM: 31.01.2022; Ogledov: 811; Prenosov: 72
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Design of an Embedded Position Sensor with Sub-mm Accuracy : magistrsko delo
Matej Nogić, 2019, magistrsko delo

Opis: This master’s thesis presents the development of a machine-vision based localization unit developed at Robert Bosch GmbH, Corporate Sector Research and Advance Engineering in Renningen, Germany. The localization unit was developed primarily for position detection purposes with three degrees of freedom in highly versatile manufacturing systems but has an immense potential to be used anywhere where a precise, low-cost localization method on a two-dimensional surface is required. The complete product development cycle was carried out, from the components selection, schematic and optical system design, to the development of machine vision algorithms, four-layer Printed Circuit Board design and evaluation using an industrial robot. Thanks to the use of a patented two-dimensional code pattern, the localization unit can cover a surface area of 49 km2. The size and speed optimized, self-developed machine-vision algorithms running on a Cortex-M7 microcontroller allow achieving an accuracy of 100 µm and 60 Hz refresh rate.
Ključne besede: localization, machine-vision, code pattern, image sensor, embedded system
Objavljeno v DKUM: 14.01.2020; Ogledov: 1340; Prenosov: 56
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Effects of social interactions on learning and developing foreign language and phonetic learning in infancy
Tina Dornik, 2019, magistrsko delo

Opis: The main aim of the master's thesis is to gather as much information as possible on early second language acquisition, types of bilingualism and language changes that occur in early second language acquisition and bilingualism. The main objective was visiting a 21-month-old child, regularly for one hour per week, for a period of one year, with whom the author communicated exclusively in English. The purpose of this was to determine the possibilities of developing the earliest type of bilingualism possible in a child living in an all Slovenian family. The fundamental research question was whether a constant but relatively short (1x per week) form of social interaction could result in development of this form of bilingualism. The author collects material through fieldwork with audio and video material and writing a journal with basic findings and further suggestions for work in this field.
Ključne besede: early second language acquisition, bilingualism, language, phonetics, code-switching
Objavljeno v DKUM: 29.08.2019; Ogledov: 1283; Prenosov: 80
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Prevzemno pravo v Združenem kraljestvu Velike Britanije, pred in po implementaciji Direktive EU o prevzemih
Renato Kenda, 2018, magistrsko delo

Opis: Magistrsko delo obravnava ureditev področja prevzemov v Združenem kraljestvu Velike Britanije in Severne Irske, pred in po implementaciji Direktive EU o prevzemnih ponudbah. Naloga sistematično predstavi temeljne institute in organe v postopkih prevzemov v Združenem kraljestvu ter njihovo ureditev in razmerja med njimi po implementaciji direktive, ki je deloma posegla v tradicionalno in zelo uspešno zasnovo prejšnje ureditve. Avtor na kratko opiše tudi postopek razvoja direktive in zadržke, ki so jih imele posamezne države članice, predvsem Združeno kraljestvo, do nekaterih določb direktive. Osrednji del naloge podrobneje obravnava normativno ureditev prevzemov v Združenem kraljestvu. Opisana je zgodovina prevzemov v Združenem kraljestvu in pravil, ki so jih spremljala, vse od nezavezujočih aktov, ki so jih avtonomno sprejeli pomembnejši deležniki tamkajšnjega trga vrednostnih papirjev, do celovite in zakonsko obvezujoče ureditve The City Code on Takeovers and Mergers in ključnega organa v postopkih prevzemov – The Takeover Panela. Poseben poudarek je namenjen prav posledicam, ki jih je povzročila zahteva direktive po ustanovitvi obveznega organa v postopkih prevzemov in podelitvi zakonske narave prevzemnim pravilom. Takšna zahteva je temeljito posegla v konceptualno zasnovo The Takeover Panela, ki je vse do takrat deloval na podlagi dogovora s temeljnimi akterji trga prevzemov v Združenem kraljestvu, prav ti akterji so tudi imenovali njegove organe in praviloma vedno spoštovali njegove odločitve. Med preučevanjem področja je avtor ugotovil, da implementacija Direktive EU o prevzemih, ni pomembneje spremenila temeljnih značilnosti prevzemnega prava v Združenem kraljestvu. Drži, da imata po implementaciji, tako The Takeover Panel kot The City Code on Takeovers and Mergers zavezujočo pravno naravo, ki je v diametralnem nasprotju z njuno tradicionalno zasnovo, pa vendar se zaradi vseh političnih kompromisov v postopku sprejemanja direktive, kot tudi možnosti izvzetja od uporabe nekaterih določb, njuna vloga ni pomembneje spremenila. The Takeover Panel je de facto še vedno edini, ki bdi nad izvrševanjem prevzemnih pravil v Združenem kraljestvu, saj so sodišča omejila svojo vlogo le na pomoč The Takeover Panelu pri izvrševanju njegovih odločitev. Tudi vsebinske določbe The City Code on Takeovers and Mergers v postopku implementacije direktive niso doživele korenitejše spremembe. Že prejšnja ureditev je vsebovala večino zahtev direktive, potrebne so bile le manjše spremembe, ki udeležencem v postopkih prevzemov v Združenem kraljestvu ne bi smele povzročati večjih problemov. Takšna ugotovitev je skladna tudi z dejstvom, da so politični kompromisi v postopku sprejemanja direktive ključno zmanjšali njen harmonizacijski učinek, zato implementacija v Združenem kraljestvu, v nasprotju s prvotnimi pomisleki, ni pomembneje posegla v tradicionalno ureditev tamkajšnjih prevzemnih postopkov.
Ključne besede: prevzemi, Direktiva EU o prevzemnih ponudbah, The City Code on Takeovers and Mergers, The Takeover Panel, samoregulacija.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 24.09.2018; Ogledov: 1465; Prenosov: 215
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