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Fluctuating number of energy levels in mixed-type lemon billiards
Črt Lozej, Dragan Lukman, Marko Robnik, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: In this paper, the fluctuation properties of the number of energy levels (mode fluctuation) are studied in the mixed-type lemon billiards at high lying energies. The boundary of the lemon billiards is defined by the intersection of two circles of equal unit radius with the distance 2B between the centers, as introduced by Heller and Tomsovic. In this paper, the case of two billiards, defined by B = 0.1953, 0.083, is studied. It is shown that the fluctuation of the number of energy levels follows the Gaussian distribution quite accurately, even though the relative fraction of the chaotic part of the phase space is only 0.28 and 0.16, respectively. The theoretical description of spectral fluctuations in the Berry-Robnik picture is discussed. Also, the (golden mean) integrable rectangular billiard is studied and an almost Gaussian distribution is obtained, in contrast to theory expectations. However, the variance as a function of energy, E, behaves as - E, in agreement with the theoretical prediction by Steiner.
Ključne besede: nonlinear dynamics, quantum chaos, mixed-type systems, energy level statistics, lemon billiards, billiards
Objavljeno v DKUM: 13.10.2023; Ogledov: 518; Prenosov: 24
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Quantum chaos in triangular billiards
Črt Lozej, Giulio Casati, Tomaž Prosen, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: We present an extensive numerical study of spectral statistics and eigenfunctions of quantized triangular billiards. We compute two million consecutive eigenvalues for six representative cases of triangular billiards, three with generic angles with irrational ratios with π, whose classical dynamics is presumably mixing, and three with exactly one angle rational with π, which are presumably only weakly mixing or even nonergodic in case of right triangles. We find excellent agreement of short- and long-range spectral statistics with the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble of random matrix theory for the most irrational generic triangle, while the other cases show small but significant deviations which are attributed either to a scarring or superscarring mechanism. This result, which extends the quantum chaos conjecture to systems with dynamical mixing in the absence of hard (Lyapunov) chaos, has been corroborated by analyzing distributions of phase-space localization measures of eigenstates and inspecting the structure of characteristic typical and atypical eigenfunctions.
Ključne besede: quantum physics, quantum chaos, quantum scars, wave chaos, billiards, chaos and nonlinear dynamics, ergodic theory
Objavljeno v DKUM: 12.10.2023; Ogledov: 294; Prenosov: 43
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Triggered dynamics in a model of different fault creep regimes
Srđan Kostić, Igor Franović, Matjaž Perc, Nebojša Vasović, Kristina Todorović, 2014, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The study is focused on the effect of transient external force induced by a passing seismic wave on fault motion in different creep regimes. Displacement along the fault is represented by the movement of a spring-block model, whereby the uniform and oscillatory motion correspond to the fault dynamics in post-seismic and inter-seismic creep regime, respectively. The effect of the external force is introduced as a change of block acceleration in the form of a sine wave scaled by an exponential pulse. Model dynamics is examined for variable parameters of the induced acceleration changes in reference to periodic oscillations of the unperturbed system above the supercritical Hopf bifurcation curve. The analysis indicates the occurrence of weak irregular oscillations if external force acts in the post-seismic creep regime. When fault motion is exposed to external force in the inter-seismic creep regime, one finds the transition to quasiperiodic- or chaos-like motion, which we attribute to the precursory creep regime and seismic motion, respectively. If the triggered acceleration changes are of longer duration, a reverse transition from inter-seismic to post-seismic creep regime is detected on a larger time scale.
Ključne besede: geophysics, nonlinear dynamics, chaos, earthquake
Objavljeno v DKUM: 23.06.2017; Ogledov: 1483; Prenosov: 381
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Statistical Properties of Time-dependent Systems
Diego Fregolente Mendes De Oliveira, 2012, doktorska disertacija

Opis: In the dissertation I have dealt with time-dependent (nonautonomous) systems, the conservative (Hamiltonian) as well as dissipative, and investigated their dynamical and statistical properties. In conservative (Hamiltonian) time-dependent systems the energy is not conserved, whilst the Liouville theorem about the conservation of the phase space volume still applies. We are interested to know, whether the system can gain energy, and whether this energy can grow unbounded, up to infinity, and we are interested in the system's behaviour in the mean, as well as its statistical properties. An example of such a system goes back to the 1940s, when Fermi proposed the acceleration of cosmic rays (in the first place protons) upon the collisions with moving magnetic domains in the interstellar medium of our Galaxy, and in other galaxies. He then proposed a simple mechanical one-dimensional model, the so-called Fermi-Ulam Model (FUM), where a point particle is moving between two rigid walls, one being at rest and the other one oscillating. If the oscillation is periodic and smooth, it turned out in a nontrivial way, which is, in the modern era of understanding the chaotic dynamical systems, well understood, namely that the unbounded increasing of the energy (the so-called Fermi acceleration) is not possible, due to the barriers in form of invariant tori, which partition the phase space into regions, between which the transitions are not possible. The research has then been extended to other simple dyanamical systems, which have complex dynamics. The first was so-called bouncer model, in which a point particle bounces off the oscillating platform in a gravitational field. In this simple system the Fermi acceleration is possible. Later the research was directed towards two-dimensional billiard systems. It turned out that the Fermi acceleration is possible in all such systems, which are at least partially chaotic (of the mixed type), or even in a system that is integrable as static, namely in case of the elliptic billiard. (The circle billiard is an exception, because it is always integrable, as the angular momentum is conserved even in time-dependent case.) The study of time-dependent systems has developed strongly worldwide around the 1990s, in particular in 2000s, and became one of the central topics in nonlinear dynamics. It turned out, quite generally, but formal and implicit, in the sense of mathematical existence theorems, that in nonautonomous Hamilton systems the energy can grow unbounded, meaning that the system ``pumps" the energy from the environment with which it interacts. There are many open questions: how does the energy increase with time, in particular in the mean of some representative ensemble of initial conditions (typically the phase space of two-dimensional time-dependent billiards is four-dimensional.) It turned out that almost everywhere the power laws apply, empirically, based on the numerical calculations, but with various acceleration exponents. If the Fermi acceleration is not posssible, like e.g. in the FUM, due to the invariant tori, then after a certain time of acceleration stage the crossover into the regime of saturation takes place, whose characteristics also follow the power laws. One of the central themes in the dissertation is the study of these power laws, their critical exponents, analytical relationships among them, using the scaling analysis (Leonel, McClintock and Silva, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2004). Furthermore, the central theme is the question, what happens, if, in a nonautonomous Hamilton system which exhibits Fermi acceleration, we introduce dissipation, either at the collisions with the walls (collisional dissipation) or during the free motion (in-flight dissipation, due to the viscosity of the fluid or the drag force etc.). Dissipation typically transforms the periodic points into point attractors and chaotic components into chaotic attractors. The Fermi acceleration is always suppressed. We are interested in the phase portraits of
Ključne besede: nonlinear dynamics, dynamical systems, conservative and dissipative systems, time-dependent systems, Fermi acceleration, billiards, kicked systems, chaos, chaotic and periodic attractors, bifurcations, boundary crisis
Objavljeno v DKUM: 19.09.2012; Ogledov: 3259; Prenosov: 165
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Encyclopedia of complexity and systems science
slovar, enciklopedija, leksikon, priročnik, atlas, zemljevid

Opis: Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science provides an authoritative single source for understanding and applying the concepts of complexity theory together with the tools and measures for analyzing complex systems in all fields of science and engineering. The science and tools of complexity and systems science include theories of self-organization, complex systems, synergetics, dynamical systems, turbulence, catastrophes, instabilities, nonlinearity, stochastic processes, chaos, neural networks, cellular automata, adaptive systems, and genetic algorithms. Examples of near-term problems and major unknowns that can be approached through complexity and systems science include: The structure, history and future of the universe; the biological basis of consciousness; the integration of genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics as systems biology; human longevity limits; the limits of computing; sustainability of life on earth; predictability, dynamics and extent of earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, and other natural disasters; the dynamics of turbulent flows; lasers or fluids in physics, microprocessor design; macromolecular assembly in chemistry and biophysics; brain functions in cognitive neuroscience; climate change; ecosystem management; traffic management; and business cycles. All these seemingly quite different kinds of structure formation have a number of important features and underlying structures in common. These deep structural similarities can be exploited to transfer analytical methods and understanding from one field to another. This unique work will extend the influence of complexity and system science to a much wider audience than has been possible to date.
Ključne besede: cellular automata, complex networks, computational nanoscience, ecological complexity, ergodic theory, fractals, game theory, granular computing, graph theory, intelligent systems, perturbation theory, quantum information science, system dynamics, traffic management, chaos, climate modelling, complex systems, dynamical sistems, fuzzy theory systems, nonlinear systems, soft computing, stochastic processes, synergetics, self-organization, systems biology, systems science
Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.06.2012; Ogledov: 2813; Prenosov: 145
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