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Operational crisis management techniques in the catering industry in times of recession : the case of the municipality of Piran
Marko Kukanja, Tanja Planinc, 2013, original scientific article

Abstract: This study examines crisis management techniques in the catering industry. The sur- vey was conducted in the municipality of Piran, the most developed Slovenian municipality in terms of tourism and an important tourist center in the northern Mediterranean. This paper investigates the response of the catering industry to the economic crisis by analyzing the use of different micro-level crisis practices in the catering industry. The study uses a questionnaire to evaluate the importance and usage of different crisis management techniques in the catering industry. The findings indicate a high level of inconsistency between the importance and usage of crisis management techniques. Government assistance is by far the most important and most used technique in times of crisis. Suggestions for future research and useful information for managers of catering facilities are provided.
Keywords: recession, crisis management, catering industry, municipality of Piran
Published in DKUM: 06.09.2023; Views: 291; Downloads: 0

Cluster analysis as a tool of guests segmentation by the degree of their demand
Damijan Mumel, Boris Snoj, 2002, original scientific article

Abstract: Authors demonstrate the use of cluster analysis in findin out (ascertaining) the homogenity/heterogenity of guests as to the degree of their demand. The degree of guests' demand is defined according to the importance of perceived service quality components measured by SERVQUAL, which was adopted and adapted, according to the specifics of health spa industry in Slovenia. Goals of the article are: (a) the identification of the profile of importance of general health spa service quality components, and (b) the identification of groups of guests (segments) according to the degree of their demand in the research in 1991 compared with 1999. Cluster analysis serves as useful tool for guest segmentation since it reveals the existence of important differences in the structure of guests in the year 1991 compared with the year 1999. The results serve as a useful database for management in health spas.
Keywords: catering, hotel management, analysis, segmentation, services, quality
Published in DKUM: 04.07.2017; Views: 799; Downloads: 98
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Upravljanje tveganj v oskrbovalni verigi na primeru catering podjetja
Mateja Povirk, 2016, bachelor thesis/paper

Abstract: Danes se še premalo zavedamo vseh različnih vrst tveganj, ki obstajajo. Kljub temu, da ima organizacija ali podjetje zastavljene in urejene procese z nekaterimi preventivnimi ukrepi za tveganja, lahko v oskrbovalni verigi podjetja pride do različnih posledic. V nalogi so opredeljene različne vrste tveganj, ki so povezana z delovanjem podjetja v oskrbovalni verigi, posebno tveganja v poslovanju in operativna tveganja. Za upravljanje tveganj je potrebno tveganja zaznati in identificirati, narediti analizo z vrednotenjem tveganj, se z njimi spopasti in vzpostaviti nadzor. Povezavo med logistiko in cateringom smo vzpostavili tako, da se naloga osredotoča na del oskrbovalne verige catering podjetja s poudarkom na delovanju znotraj podjetja. Zajema opis delovanja cateringa in na praktičnih primerih predstavi pomembnost zavedanja o obstoječih tveganjih. Na primerih so razčlenjeni možni vzroki za posamičen primer. S pomočjo fishbone metode smo analizirali izbrane probleme in prišli do predlogov za preprečitev nastanka neugodnih situacij. Na podlagi rešitev lahko podjetje izboljša sistem upravljanja tveganj, operacije in poslovanje podjetja, zmanjša tveganja, optimizira procese, izboljša kakovost, ipd. V sklopu problematike so omenjeni tudi standardi HACCP in ISO, kateri pripomorejo k sistematičnem upravljanju tveganj in uspešnem poslovanju. Ravno ti in vzpostavitev prilagojenih ter primernih sistemov v podjetju, pomaga k optimalnemu delovanju podjetja in s tem k obvladovanju tveganj.
Keywords: tveganja v poslovanju, upravljanje tveganj v oskrbni verigi, catering podjetje, operativna tveganja, sistem HACCP, ISO standardi
Published in DKUM: 06.12.2016; Views: 2337; Downloads: 294
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