1. New Approach for Fertiliser Size Assessment Using Contactless ScanningAndrius Laucka, Darius Andriukaitis, Algimantas Valinevicius, Mindaugas Zilys, Dangirutis Navikas, Leonas Balasevicius, Audrius Merfeldas, Roman Sotner, Jan Jerabek, Zhixiong Li, Jožef Ritonja, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: camera, particle, measurement, silhuette, volume, position Objavljeno v DKUM: 22.05.2024; Ogledov: 157; Prenosov: 8 Celotno besedilo (3,99 MB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
2. Methodology of immersive video application : the case study of a virtual tourJure Jazbinšek, Gorazd Hren, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: A Virtual Tour is an interactive presentation of real places accessible directly with an Internet browser with no additional installations of apps of plugins. Once, 360° photos are recorded and processed (stitched into spherical panoramas), editing of a Virtual Tour (walk) enables connection of spherical panoramic photos (or videos) into interactive presentations. For an enhanced experience and stand-alone presenting ability, features are added, like natural-sounding voice for text-to-speech descriptions and embedded videos. During multiple virtual tour presentations, users, viewers and presenters reported exceptional usability and an immersive experience. Virtual Tours have great potential to reshape the future education process and establish a new benchmark for presentation. The Virtual Tours application is expected to be used in education, tourism and future building sites or industry, as a key component for workforce briefings, and “as build” documenting of various stages of build, with the possibilities to integrate into Building Information Modelling (BIM) models. Ključne besede: virtual tour, 360 camera, RICOH THETA Z1, 3dVista, Text to Speech Objavljeno v DKUM: 13.11.2023; Ogledov: 443; Prenosov: 5 Celotno besedilo (2,21 MB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
3. Energy efficient system for detection of elephants with Machine Learning : master's thesisMarko Sagadin, 2020, magistrsko delo Opis: Human-Elephant Conflicts are a major problem in terms of elephant conservation.
According to WILDLABS, an average of 400 people and 100 elephants are killed every year in India alone because of them.
Early warning systems replace the role of human watchers and warn local communities of nearby, potentially life threatening, elephants, thus minimising the Human-Elephant Conflicts.
In this Master's thesis we present the structure of an early warning system, which consists of several low-power embedded systems equipped with thermal cameras and a single gateway.
To detect elephants from captured thermal images we used Machine Learning methods, specifically Convolutional Neural Networks.
The main focus of this thesis was the design, implementation and evaluation of Machine Learning models running on microcontrollers under low-power conditions.
We designed and trained several accurate image classification models, optimised them for on-device deployment and compared them against models trained with commercial software in terms of accuracy, inference speed and size.
While writing firmware, we ported a part of the TensorFlow library and created our own build system, suitable for the libopencm3 platform.
We also implemented reporting of inference results over the LoRaWAN network and described a possible server-size solution.
We finally a constructed fully functional embedded system from various development and evaluation boards, and evaluated its performance in terms of power consumption.
We show that embedded systems with Machine Learning capabilities are a viable solution to many real life problems. Ključne besede: machine learning, microcontroller, on-device inference, thermal camera, low-power system Objavljeno v DKUM: 06.01.2021; Ogledov: 1469; Prenosov: 174 Celotno besedilo (13,35 MB) |
4. "Zrežirani" portret skozi medij fotografijeMateja Škrobar, 2018, diplomsko delo Opis: Diplomska naloga se osredotoča na žanr portretne fotografije, znotraj katere smo izpostavili t.i. »zrežirani« fotografski portret. Osredotočen pregled zgodovine portretne fotografije nas je informiral tako o različnih rabah kot o različnih estetikah portretiranja. Z aplikacijo deskriptivne metode smo analizirali fenomen re-prezentacije človeka in njegove identitete znotraj različnih družbeno-kulturnih okolij. Ugotovili smo, da »zrežirane« fotografije ne prikazujejo dejanskega stanja portretiranca, ampak želeno stanje ustvarjajo in tako potencirajo vizualno sporočilnost fotografije. Da bi ilustrirali teoretična stališča, ki jih zavzemamo skozi nalogo, smo analizirali dela določenih fotografov in umetnikov, ki z uporabo likovnih elementov gradijo vizualno podobo in tako vplivajo na gledalčevo zaznavo. Ključne besede: »foto persona«, portretna fotografija, carte de visit, camera obscura Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.11.2018; Ogledov: 1858; Prenosov: 202 Celotno besedilo (2,60 MB) |
5. Estimating the size of plants by using two parallel viewsBarbara Videc, Jurij Rakun, 2017, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: This paper presents a method of estimating the size of plants by using two parallel views of the scene, taken by a common digital camera. The approach relays on the principle of similar triangles with the following constraints: the resolution of the camera is known; the object is always in parallel to the camera sensor and the intermediate distance between the two concessive images is available. The approach was first calibrated and tested using one artificial object in a controlled environment. After that real examples were taken from agriculture, where we measured the distance and the size of a vine plant, apple and pear tree. By comparing the calculated values to measured values, we concluded that the average absolute error in distance was 0.11 m or around 3.7 %, and the absolute error in high was 0.09 m or 4.6 %. Ključne besede: digital image processing, size, digital camera, pixels, similar triangles Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.10.2018; Ogledov: 1334; Prenosov: 311 Celotno besedilo (727,92 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
6. Intra-minute cloud passing forecasting based on a low cost iot sensor - a solution for smoothing the output power of PV power plantsPrimož Sukič, Gorazd Štumberger, 2017, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Clouds moving at a high speed in front of the Sun can cause step changes in the output power of photovoltaic (PV) power plants, which can lead to voltage fluctuations and stability problems in the connected electricity networks. These effects can be reduced effectively by proper short-term cloud passing forecasting and suitable PV power plant output power control. This paper proposes a low-cost Internet of Things (IoT)-based solution for intra-minute cloud passing forecasting. The hardware consists of a Raspberry PI Model B 3 with a WiFi connection and an OmniVision OV5647 sensor with a mounted wide-angle lens, a circular polarizing (CPL) filter and a natural density (ND) filter. The completely new algorithm for cloud passing forecasting uses the green and blue colors in the photo to determine the position of the Sun, to recognize the clouds, and to predict their movement. The image processing is performed in several stages, considering selectively only a small part of the photo relevant to the movement of the clouds in the vicinity of the Sun in the next minute. The proposed algorithm is compact, fast and suitable for implementation on low cost processors with low computation power. The speed of the cloud parts closest to the Sun is used to predict when the clouds will cover the Sun. WiFi communication is used to transmit this data to the PV power plant control system in order to decrease the output power slowly and smoothly. Ključne besede: photovoltaic power plant, cloud passing forecasting, algorithm, sensor, Raspberry Pi, camera, wide-angle lens, optical filters, internet of things Objavljeno v DKUM: 20.07.2017; Ogledov: 2772; Prenosov: 485 Celotno besedilo (8,15 MB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
7. OD TEMNE SOBE DO FOTOGRAFIJESvetlana Kurnik, 2016, diplomsko delo Opis: V diplomskem delu z naslovom Od temne sobe do fotografije, sem se osredotočila na pomen svetlobe, ki ga le-ta ima pri nastajanju projicirane podobe vse od prazgodovine naprej. Najpreprostejši način za projiciranje podob je prav gotovo camera obcura. Camera obscura nam zveni kot kos najmodernejše tehnologije, resnici na ljubo pa gre za temen prostor, v katerega prehaja svetloba in ustvarja podobo. To je imelo še posebej magičen učinek na ljudi v prazgodovini, ko si še niso znali razlagati naravnih pojavov. Iz tega vidika je imela camera obscura velik verski pomen, prav tako je bila neke vrste koledar.
V veliki meri pa velja prepričanje, da je svetloba dobila svoj pomen pri nastajanju vidnih in trajnih podob šele, ko so prvi fotografi želeli ohraniti podobo na mediju. To je prvemu uspelo Josephu Nicéphorju Niépceu leta 1826 . Razvoj fotografije in fotografskega materiala pa je od 19. stoletja postopoma napredoval. Razločnost novonastalih podob na steklu, kovinski plošči oziroma papirju je v ljudeh sprva vzbujala strah in nelagodje; menili so, da bi te razločne podobe lahko oživele, hkrati pa jih je obdajalo nelagodje, da so opazovani. Do takrat so namreč svojo podobo lahko uzrli le kot odsev na vodni gladini ali v ogledalu.
V praktičnem delu diplomske naloge sem se lotila izdelave več camer obscur. V enih je podobo mogoče ohraniti, z drugimi pa jo je moč le opazovati. Ključne besede: camera obscura, fotografija, podoba, svetloba, projekcija Objavljeno v DKUM: 17.08.2016; Ogledov: 1534; Prenosov: 218 Celotno besedilo (6,96 MB) |
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