1. Defining a sustainable supply chain for buildings Off-Site envelope thermal insulation solutions : proposal of a methodology to investigate opportunities based on a context analysisMiriam Benedetti, Carlos Herce, Matteo Sforzini, Tiziana Susca, Claudia Toro, 2024, review article Abstract: External wall thermal insulation is one of the most effective solutions on the market to increase energy efficiency in the built environment. Off-Site Construction (OSC), through better control of the various parameters involved, can bring important advantages, such as the reduction of construction time, the improvement of product and process quality, etc. In the last years, the rapidly growing demand for thermal insulation systems, stimulated also by tax incentives, has generated a unique situation in Italy compared to the rest of Europe, also leading to a considerable fragmentation of the supply chain with several players involved (component and system manufacturers, distributors, and installers). The complexity of such context makes Italy an extremely challenging and insightful case study for a supply chain and sustainability study, also considering the fact that the energy efficiency of the Italian building stock represents a crucial challenge to achieve the country's energy saving goals since 40% of final energy consumption derives from buildings and 75% of the building stock presents a low energy performance (energy labels E, F and G). This article presents both an analysis of the Italian market of manufacturers of building envelope thermal insulation solutions, highlighting the different players in the supply chain in terms of number, type, and marketed products and solutions, and a focus on sustainable and recycled materials. The study also aims to define a methodology to investigate the state of play and opportunities for industrialisation of this market and its bottlenecks. In the article, a questionnaire is proposed to collect information and opinions on the spread of OSC and the perception of companies and professionals regarding the advantages and disadvantages of industrializing the sector. A first validation of the survey is presented in the form of industrial focus groups. Keywords: supply chain sustainability, industrial energy efficiency, off-site construction, construction industrialisation, sustainable building materials, modular buildings Published in DKUM: 01.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 1 Link to file This document has many files! More... |
2. Tilt correction toward building detection of remote sensing imagesKang Liu, Zhiyu Jiang, Mingliang Xu, Matjaž Perc, Xuelong Li, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: Building detection is a crucial task in the field of remote sensing, which can facilitate urban construction planning, disaster survey, and emergency landing. However, for large-size remote sensing images, the great majority of existing works have ignored the image tilt problem. This problem can result in partitioning buildings into separately oblique parts when the large-size images are partitioned. This is not beneficial to preserve semantic completeness of the building objects. Motivated by the above fact, we first propose a framework for detecting objects in a large-size image, particularly for building detection. The framework mainly consists of two phases. In the first phase, we particularly propose a tilt correction (TC) algorithm, which contains three steps: texture mapping, tilt angle assessment, and image rotation. In the second phase, building detection is performed with object detectors, especially deep-neural-network-based methods. Last but not least, the detection results will be inversely mapped to the original large-size image. Furthermore, a challenging dataset named Aerial Image Building Detection is contributed for the public research. To evaluate the TC method, we also define an evaluation metric to compute the cost of building partition. The experimental results demonstrate the effects of the proposed method for building detection. Keywords: building detection, cost of building partition, deep neural network, remote sensing, tilt correction Published in DKUM: 26.09.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 1 Full text (8,62 MB) This document has many files! More... |
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4. Active BIM system for optimized multi-project ready-mix-concrete deliveryHana Begić, Mario Galić, Uroš Klanšek, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: Purpose – Ready-mix concrete delivery problem (RMCDP), a specific version of the vehicle routing problem (VRP), is a relevant supply-chain engineering task for construction management with various formulations and solving methods. This problem can range from a simple scenario involving one source, one material and one destination to a more challenging and complex case involving multiple sources, multiple materials and multiple destinations. This paper presents an Internet of Things (IoT)-supported active building information modeling (BIM) system for optimized multi-project ready-mix concrete (RMC) delivery. Design/methodology/approach – The presented system is BIM-based, IoT supported, dynamic and automatic input/output exchange to provide an optimal delivery program for multi-project ready-mix-concrete problem. The input parameters are extracted as real-time map-supported IoT data and transferred to the system via an application programming interface (API) into a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) optimization model developed to perform the optimization. The obtained optimization results are further integrated into BIM by conventional project management tools. To demonstrate the features of the suggested system, an RMCDP example was applied to solve that included four building sites, seven eligible concrete plants and three necessary RMC mixtures. Findings – The system provides the optimum delivery schedule for multiple RMCs to multiple construction sites, as well as the optimum RMC quantities to be delivered, the quantities from each concrete plant that must be supplied, the best delivery routes, the optimum execution times for each construction site, and the total minimal costs, while also assuring the dynamic transfer of the optimized results back into the portfolio of multiple BIM projects. The system can generate as many solutions as needed by updating the real-time input parameters in terms of change of the routes, unit prices and availability of concrete plants. Originality/value – The suggested system allows dynamic adjustments during the optimization process, andis adaptable to changes in input data also considering the real-time input data. The system is based on spreadsheets, which are widely used and common tool that most stakeholders already utilize daily, while also providing the possibility to apply a more specialized tool. Based on this, the RMCDP can be solved using both conventional and advanced optimization software, enabling the system to handle even large-scale tasks as necessary. Keywords: active building information modeling, BIM, internet of things, IoT, multi-project environment, optimization, ready-mix-concrete delivery, RMC Published in DKUM: 11.09.2024; Views: 32; Downloads: 0 |
5. Investigating the influence of reflective materials on indoor thermal environment and solar reflectance in buildingsJihui Yuan, Yasuhiro Shimazaki, Masaki Tajima, Shaoyu Sheng, Zhichao Jiao, Marko Bizjak, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: This in-depth study explores the intricate dynamics of reflective materials, emphasizing their impact on the indoor thermal environment and urban heat island (UHI) mitigation. Examining diffuse highly reflective (DHR), general reflective (GR), and retro-reflective (RR) materials on a simplified building model during summer days, the research utilizes outdoor experiments to analyze air and surface temperatures, as well as solar radiation. Prioritizing key metrics—mean radiant temperature (MRT), operative temperature (OT), and solar reflectance (ρ)—the study uncovers nuanced distinctions in DHR, GR, and RR materials. Solar reflectance calculations consistently show higher values for DHR and RR materials compared to GR material, highlighting reflectance's pivotal role in influencing surface temperatures and indoor thermal environment. When evaluating the impact of exterior wall materials on building temperatures, RR material with a 76% reflectance performs similarly to DHR material (82%). Notably, with a 6% lower reflectance in RR, the temperature contrast between external and internal walls is only about 1.5 °C at its maximum, underscoring RR's effectiveness as an outer wall material for UHI mitigation and building energy conservation, surpassing both DHR and GR materials. Keywords: urban heat island, reflective materials, indoor thermal environment, solar reflectance, simplified building model Published in DKUM: 23.08.2024; Views: 110; Downloads: 7 Full text (4,82 MB) |
6. Energy Efficiency Indicators of a Single Unit HouseIztok Brinovar, Gregor Srpčič, Zdravko Praunseis, Sebastijan Seme, Bojan Štumberger, Miralem Hadžiselimović, 2019, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: This article deals with the evaluation of energy efficiency indicators of an older single unit house with the use of "KI energija 2017" software, which is widely used among qualified Slovenian experts authorized to carry out the energy performance assessments and issue an energy performance certificate. The energy performance analysis before and after the implementation of proposed measures has shown significant energy saving potential in renovation of existing buildings. Keywords: energy efficiency, energy indicators, energy performance, building renovation, CO2 emissions Published in DKUM: 04.12.2023; Views: 488; Downloads: 30 Full text (18,06 MB) This document has many files! More... |
7. Novel Half-Spaces Based 3D Building Reconstruction Using Airborne LiDAR DataMarko Bizjak, Domen Mongus, Borut Žalik, Niko Lukač, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: Automatic building reconstruction from laser-scanned data remains a challenging research topic due to buildings’ roof complexity and sparse data. A novel automatic building reconstruction methodology, based on half-spaces and a height jump analysis, is presented in this paper. The proposed methodology is performed in three stages. During the preprocessing stage, the classified input point cloud is clustered by position to obtain building point sets, which are then evaluated to obtain half-spaces and detect height jumps. Half-spaces represent the fundamental shape for generating building models, and their definition is obtained from the corresponding segment of points that describe an individual planar surface. The detection of height jumps is based on a DBSCAN search within a custom search space. During the second stage, the building point sets are divided into sub-buildings in such a way that their roofs do not contain height jumps. The concept of sub-buildings without height jumps is introduced to break down the complex building models with height jumps into smaller parts, where shaping with half-spaces can be applied accurately. Finally, the sub-buildings are reconstructed separately with the corresponding half-spaces and then joined back together to form a complete building model. In the experiments, the methodology’s performance was demonstrated on a large scale and validated on an ISPRS benchmark dataset, where an RMSE of 0.29 m was obtained in terms of the height difference. Keywords: LiDAR point cloud, building reconstruction, half-spaces, Boolean operations Published in DKUM: 01.12.2023; Views: 388; Downloads: 20 Full text (13,79 MB) This document has many files! More... |
8. Interoperability of infrastructure and transportation information models: A public transport case studyNenad Čuš Babič, Sara Guerra de Oliveira, Andrej Tibaut, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: The duplication of semantic data modelled in different disciplines poses interoperability challenges. Information models that benefit from the application of standards that enable data reusability and prevent redundancy and misuse should be compatible, particularly when different systems are used in the same domain-specific area, as in the case of public transportation. Transportation information models, leading and providing reliable and robust public transport services, can nowadays be enriched with information found in building information models devoted to transportation infrastructure. Therefore, in the present paper, a mapping between the standards and technical specifications that support each modelling approach is explored, analysed, and aligned to maximise the best out of the current common practices used. The information from the Industry Foundation Classes IFC specification-based models complements the conceptual and physical transportation models, where Transmodel and NeTEx are well-established, with accurate (as-built) detailed characteristics of the transportation infrastructure (stop places, quays, entrances, access spaces and equipment as ramps, staircases, and escalators). The extraction of topological information stored in IFC models allows for navigation-network extraction, information about spaces, and passages between spaces. A specific public transport case study focused on a train station is detailed to better corroborate and illustrate the advantages and uses of compatible and complementing modelling approaches. As building-information-modelling awareness and use is growing, the validated mapping approach can benefit from the future application of automation procedures. Keywords: transmodel, NeTEx, IFC, interoperability, building topology, navigation network Published in DKUM: 22.09.2023; Views: 540; Downloads: 17 Full text (3,15 MB) This document has many files! More... |
9. Vpliv team building programov na razvoj zaposlenih v podjetjuŽiga Pačnik, 2022, master's thesis Abstract: Usposabljanje in razvoj zaposlenih je nepogrešljivo strateško orodje za izboljšanje njihove uspešnosti. Glavni cilj magistrskega dela je preučiti vpliv team building programov na razvoj zaposlenih. Zaradi sunkovite globalizacije in modernizacije so podjetja primorana slediti trendom in si zagotavljati ustrezno konkurenčno prednost. Osrednji proces lahko pusti posledice na zaposlenih, če se vzporedno s tem procesom ne zagotavljajo ustrezni mehanizmi razvoja zaposlenih in s tem povezanega zadovoljstva na delovnem mestu. V dobi sodobnega kapitalizma so zaposleni z visoko specializacijo znanja v podjetjih višje vrednoteni, saj so kvalificiran in s tem težje zamenljiv kader. Namen magistrskega dela je v sklopu teoretičnih okvirjev preučiti dejavnike, ki vplivajo na razvoj zaposlenih, na njihovo dobro počutje in zadovoljstvo. Nadalje raziščemo programe in pristope, s katerimi organizacije dosegajo želene vplive. V okviru praktičnega dela s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika analiziramo vpliv team building programov na razvoj zaposlenih v podjetjih Informatika, d. d., in Oryx, d. o. o. Team building predstavlja pomembno strategijo za razvoj organizacij, saj je v ospredju medsebojno sodelovanje zaposlenih in nadgradnja njihovega nivoja interakcije. Ker je v Sloveniji vpliv team building programov slabše raziskano področje, se na podlagi praktičnih okvirjev osredotočimo na vpliv, ki ga imajo team building programi na zaposlene. S pomočjo interpretacije pridobljenih rezultatov ugotovimo, da team building programi izboljšajo učinkovitost in produktivnost zaposlenih na primeru sodelujočih podjetij. Ravno tako zaposleni pozitivno vrednotijo odnos do team building programov. Starostna segmentacija v sodelujočih podjetjih ne vpliva na stopnjo zadovoljstva z izvajanjem team building programov, kar indicira na dobro zastavljenost programov. Ravno tako so zaposleni v večji meri zadovoljni z delovnim mestom, zato pogostost udeležbe na team building programih neposredno ne vpliva na njihovo zadovoljstvo. Vsekakor pa zaposleni menijo, da team building programi pozitivno vplivajo na njihove odnose med sodelavci. Na podlagi ugotovitev magistrskega dela sklenemo, da izvedba team building programov pripomore k vsesplošni blaginji podjetij in je relevantna. Keywords: team building, team building programi, razvoj zaposlenih, zadovoljstvo, motivacija, dobro počutje Published in DKUM: 01.06.2022; Views: 851; Downloads: 180 Full text (1,47 MB) |
10. Serious vs. Satire – Today’s Future as Depicted in the World-Building Elements of Blade Runner and FuturamaAnja Švigelj, 2021, master's thesis Abstract: This thesis explores the world-building elements in the Blade Runner movies (Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049) and the TV series Futurama. The theoretical framework presents the terminology related to the titles’ and their world-building elements: science fiction and speculative fiction, dystopia and cyberpunk, satire and parody. Lastly, the concept of world-building is presented and the framework of the elements that are analyzed is defined.
The world-building elements of the worlds of Blade Runner and Futurama are divided into the cultural and physical. The cultural elements are then further divided into: society and social issues, language, and science and technology. The physical are planet and climate, and the cityscape. This part of the thesis is a comparative analysis of the elements. It focuses on how the elements are presented in their respective worlds and compares them to each other and how they might relate to our own reality today and in the future. The comparative analysis shows how the satirical Futurama and serious, cyberpunk Blade Runner ‘predict’ future realities. Those are at the same time alternate and akin to our own. Keywords: Blade Runner, Futurama, world-building, satire, dystopia Published in DKUM: 01.04.2021; Views: 989; Downloads: 83 Full text (1,98 MB) |