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Slovene-English language contact and language change
Nada Šabec, 2011, original scientific article

Abstract: The paper focuses on Slovene - English language contact and the potential language change resulting from it. Both the immigrant context (the U.S. and Canada) and Slovenia, where direct and indirect language contact can be observed respectively, are examined from two perspectives: social on the one hand and linguistic on the other. In the case of Slovene Americans and Canadians the ernphasis is on language maintenance and shift, and on the relationship between mother tongue preservation and ethnic awareness. The linguistic section examines different types of bilingual discourse (borrowing, code switching), showing how the Slovene inflectional system in particular is being increasingly generalized, simplified and reduced, and how Slovene word order is gradually beginning to resemble that of English. In the case of Slovenia we are witnessing an unprecedented surge in the influence of English on Slovene, especially in the media (both classic and electronic), advertising, science, and the language of the young. This influence will be discussed on a number of levels, such as lexical, syntactic and intercultural, and illustrated by relevant examples.
Keywords: language contacts, language changes, accommodation, language shift, borrowing, code switching, identity
Published in DKUM: 16.05.2017; Views: 1956; Downloads: 228
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Globalization: The Influence of English on the Language of Macedonian and Slovene Students
Emi Nikolovska, 2016, master's thesis

Abstract: Globalization influences economic development political systems, the environment, languages and cultures as well as many other aspects of societies worldwide. Language has become an integral and very sensitive element in the process of globalization; therefore globalization related issues cannot be discussed without the analysis of language changes. Today the English is a means of mutual communication of the emerging global culture spread by international trade and relations, the internet, science, literature, sports and entertainment. The influence of the English language on Macedonian and Slovene is evident on almost all linguistic levels. The main goal of this thesis is to present the influence that English has on the language of Macedonian and Slovene students. The research is focused on the analysis of undergraduate theses in order to indicate the linguistic levels where the influence is most evident and frequent. Additionally, as part of the research, I have prepared questionnaires distributed among students currently studying at major universities in Macedonia and Slovenia. The results show that the most affected linguistic levels are vocabulary and orthography. Furthermore, the results point to the necessity of enriching the technological terminology in both languages of interest. Students do not have negative attitudes toward the expansion of English; on the contrary they believe that it provides certain benefits (education, career, international communication). Macedonian and Slovene are not threatened by the spread of the English language, but that does not mean that we should stop protecting our linguistic heritage and indulge in indiscriminate use of words borrowed from English.
Keywords: globalization, global language, influence, English, students, word borrowing
Published in DKUM: 05.10.2016; Views: 1945; Downloads: 188
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Loanwords in English from Romance languages
Ana Rutar, 2016, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: English has had an interesting history and during its development came into contact with various other cultures and languages. Thus, the present thesis presents English loanwords from the Romance languages, i.e. French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. Each of them came into contact with English during different periods and for different reasons. One of the outcomes of contacts between languages are loanwords. The first part of my diploma paper focuses on theoretical points about historical events that connect English, Romance languages and borrowing, and adds explanations about types of loanwords and reasons for their transference. The second part focuses on the interaction between English and each of the four Romance languages, their mutual historical background, exchanged loanwords, their semantic fields, specific reasons for their borrowing, and changes during assimilation. In addition, an analysis of etymological origin of the chosen loanwords was made for each language specifically. In the last part of the thesis, conclusions are drawn about the aspects that English and the Romance languages have in common and those that historically and sociolinguisticly differentiate them.
Keywords: borrowing, loanwords, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Romance languages
Published in DKUM: 12.09.2016; Views: 1300; Downloads: 102
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Andreja Krošelj, 2015, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Code-switching is one of the possible linguistic outcomes in a bilingual/multilingual environment. Despite the lack of consensus among linguists about terminology definition, most agree on the fundamental difference between borrowing and code-switching; the latter requiring a complete switch to L2. This diploma paper discusses code-switching in comments on Slovene Internet journalistic articles. In the empirical section, forty-five comments on twenty-five Slovene Internet journalistic articles were analysed. The research had two main objectives; the first one was to establish which language contact phenomena the examples represent according to various definitions, and to determine terminology used in further analysis with its accompanying definitions. The second goal was to discover characteristics of code-switching in Internet comments, including listing the topics most frequently commented when using code-switching, and languages commentators have switch to, naming the reasons for switching, and describing grammatical characteristics of switches. The results have shown that the line between borrowing and intrasentential code-switching is not always clear cut. Intersentential code-switching has proven to be the most frequent type of switching. Music, politics and entertainment industry are topics most frequently commented by using code-switching. English being lingua franca of the Internet has proven to be also the language commentators most frequently switched to. Switches, often triggered by the topic and/or style of writing of the commented texts, communicate something beyond the superficial meaning of their words. In most cases, more than one reason for such behaviour can be assigned to an individual example. Grammatical analysis has shown that comments, often written in Netspeak, possess many grammatical features of spoken discourse.
Keywords: code-switching, borrowing, Internet comments, bilingualism, Netspeak, grammar of spoken discourse
Published in DKUM: 13.10.2015; Views: 1498; Downloads: 180
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