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Review of bioplastics characterisation by terahertz techniques in the view of ensuring a circular economy
Andreja Abina, Tjaša Korošec, Uroš Puc, Aleksander Zidanšek, 2023, pregledni znanstveni članek

Opis: The increasing scarcity of natural resources, worsening global climate change, environmental degradation, and rising demand for food are forcing the biotechnology and plastics industries to seek and apply circular economy models that would lead to a sustainable transition in the production and use of bioplastics. Circular economy models can improve the economic productivity of bio-based plastics and have a positive impact on the environment by reducing conventional plastic waste and the consumption of petrochemical feedstocks for plastic production. In addition, some agricultural wastes that have the potential to be used as bioplastics can be reused. Terahertz (THz) systems are already used in the plastics and rubber industries for non-destructive testing, detection, imaging, and quality control. Several reports have highlighted the potential applications of THz spectroscopy and imaging in polymer analysis and plastics characterisation. This potential is even greater with chemometric methods and artificial intelligence algorithms. In this review, we focus on applications that support the transformation of the biotechnology sector to the circular economy, particularly via the transition from conventional plastics to bioplastics. In this review, we discuss the potential of THz systems for the characterisation and analysis of bioplastics and biopolymers. The results of previous studies on biopolymers in the THz frequency range are summarised. Furthermore, the potential of using artificial intelligence approaches such as machine learning as advanced analytical methods in THz spectroscopy and imaging, in addition to the conventionally used chemometric methods, is discussed. The results of this review highlight that THz technology can contribute to closed technological circles in important areas of biotechnology and the related plastics and rubber industries.
Ključne besede: terahertz spectroscopy, terahertz imaging, circular economy, biopolymer, biotechnology, bioplastics
Objavljeno v DKUM: 16.04.2024; Ogledov: 354; Prenosov: 189
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2002, revija

Opis: The journal publishes scientific works from the following fields: animal science, plant production, farm mechanisation, farm buildings, land management, agricultural economics, rural sociology, and ecology, preservation of biodiversity, biotechnology, microbiology, physiology, soil science and bioethics. In addition, papers discussing innovative pedagogical methods, philosophy of education or solutions to teaching problems in life science may be included.
Ključne besede: agriculture, ecology, biotechnology, microbiology
Objavljeno v DKUM: 24.04.2018; Ogledov: 2662; Prenosov: 105
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Production of biogas by CSF technology
Maša Knez Marevci, Mojca Škerget, Željko Knez, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Hydrogen is expected to become an important fuel in the long-term since in combination with fuel cells it offers the opportunity of an intrinsically clean energy supply. By application of supercritical water gasification (SCWG) concept, sustainable hydrogen can be produced from biomass and waste. The paper offers an overview of some recently published papers dealing with SCWG of model compounds and a summary of the investigations on SCWG of real agricultural and food processing wastes. In the frame of our work an intense research was performed to support analyses of SCWG of glycerol and was supported by the investigation of phase equilibrium for the systems gas/water and gas mixtures/water. When glycerol/water solutions were directly injected in the reactor operating at supercritical conditions, gases with high C2+ were obtained by the reforming in supercritical water unit. To reduce the hydrocarbon concentrations and to obtain a syngas with higher CO/CO2 ratios from a mixture of gases (H2, CO, CO2 and CH4), catalytic reactions at high pressure and temperature were introduced reflecting in an increase of the content of H2 and CO. Solubility measurements were conducted for the binary systems of gas and water at elevated pressures and temperatures.
Ključne besede: biogas, SCF technology, biotechnology
Objavljeno v DKUM: 19.07.2017; Ogledov: 1091; Prenosov: 208
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Micropropagation of the narrow endemic Hladnikia pastinacifolia (Apiaceae)
Jana Ambrožič-Dolinšek, Terezija Ciringer, Mitja Kaligarič, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The monotypic Hladnikia pastinacifolia Rchb. is a narrow endemic species, with an extremely small distribution area in Slovenia, prone to any kind of threat that could lead to species extinction. Tissue culture techniques are proposed as a conservation measure for rapid propagation and ex-situ conservation. Tissue culture was initiated from seeds and juvenile plants obtained from natural sites on a solid Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium, with and without growth regulators. We tested various combinations and concentrations of growth regulators, and the best proliferation of axillary shoots, on average 14, was obtained on MS medium with 5 μM BAP and 3 μM IBA and 3% sucrose. Rooting was achieved after transferral of the shoots to an MS medium with 2 μM IBA and 3% sucrose. The rooted plants were acclimatized on a mixture of limestone sand, potting soil and vermiculite in a ratio of 10:2:2, with pH in the range of 7.5–8.0. In vitro propagation methods provide an important opportunity for the propagation and preservation of H. pastinacifolia by rapidly increasing the number of plants, without disturbing the wild population.
Ključne besede: biotechnology, micropropagation, micropropagation, tissue culture, Hladnikia pastinacifolia, Apiaceae
Objavljeno v DKUM: 28.03.2017; Ogledov: 1992; Prenosov: 484
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The importance of education of future elementary teachers about modern biotechnology issues
Jana Ambrožič-Dolinšek, Andrej Šorgo, 2011, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The tremendous development of science and technology has influenced many aspects of our everyday lives, society and environment. A good example of such technology is biotechnology. However, besides its promise, this technology has also raised several controversial issues to which answers are not easily available. With increasing knowledge and applications on one side and controversy on the other the teaching of science is, anything but easy. Development of competencies for these issues, and questions like why, when, and how to integrate modern biotechnology into science education are becoming prominent in the near future. Nowadays, when we are confronted with issues of varying degrees of complexity and importance, it is necessary that teachers at all levels of education have the basic tools to cope with these issues. This is one of reason why we have attempted to establish what kind of knowledge, values and opinions about genetic engineering and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are characteristic for the students, future Elementary Teachers, at three Slovene Faculties of Education. We collected answers of 360 questionnaires from pre-service elementary school teachers and analysed their statements from the field of general and classical genetics, modern biotechnology, legislation and the acceptance of different kind of GMOs. Prospective teachers have some knowledge of general and classical genetics and less knowledge about the use of modern biotechnology. They have concerns and fears about different kind of GMOs, mostly negative attitudes towards different kinds of GMOs, or they hold no strong opinions about them. Microorganisms and plants are generally more acceptable than GM animal. Furthermore, more knowledge does not mean that individual GMOs are more acceptable.
Ključne besede: genetically modified organisms, GMO, students of elementary education, biotechnology, knowledge
Objavljeno v DKUM: 21.12.2015; Ogledov: 6801; Prenosov: 53
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The relationship among knowledge of, attitudes toward and acceptance of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) among Slovenian teachers
Andrej Šorgo, Jana Ambrožič-Dolinšek, 2009, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The objective of this study was to investigate knowledge about, opinions on and attitudes toward and finally readiness to accept genetically modified organisms (GMO) among Slovenian teachers. On average, they have higher levels of knowledge in classical genetics, and poor levels of knowledge about modern issues in biotechnology, and their attitudes toward GMOs are not extreme. They make decisions based on the acceptability of a particular GMO and not on GMOs in general, following two patterns: genetic modifications (GM) microorganisms and plants are more acceptable than animals, and GMOs are more acceptable if they can not be used directly for consumption and produce something recognized as useful. The relationship among knowledge of, attitudes towards and readiness to accept GMO showed that there is no correlation between knowledge and attitudes, only a weak correlation between knowledge and acceptance, and a solid correlation between attitudes and readiness to accept GMO. The practical implication of our findings is that acceptance of GMOs will not be changed by providing new technical or scientific information to teachers but by changing attitudes. The appropriate strategies and actions for improving university courses in biotechnology and the implication for classroom science activities and future research are discussed.
Ključne besede: biotechnology, genetic modifications, genetically modified organisms, acceptance, attitudes, education, knowledge
Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.06.2012; Ogledov: 7101; Prenosov: 109
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Knowlege of, attitudes toward, and acceptance of genetically modified organisms among prospective teachers of biology, home economics, and grade school in Slovenia
Andrej Šorgo, Jana Ambrožič-Dolinšek, 2010, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The objective of this study was to investigate knowledge, opinions, and attitudes toward, as well as readiness to accept genetically modified organisms (GMOs) among prospective primary and secondary Slovene teachers. Our findings are that prospective teachers want to take an active role in rejecting or supporting individual GMOs and are aware of the importance of education about genetically modified organism (GMO) items and their potential significance for society. Through cluster analysis, we recognized four clusters of GMOs, separated by degree of genetically modified acceptability. GM plants and microorganisms which are recognized as useful are accepted. They are undecided about organisms used in research or medicine and reject organisms used for food consumption and for fun. There are only weak correlations between knowledge and attitudes and knowledge and acceptance of GMOs, and a strong correlation between attitudes and acceptance. The appropriate strategies and actions for improving university courses in biotechnology are discussed.
Ključne besede: biotechnology, genetic modifications, genetically modified organisms, acceptance, attitudes, education
Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.06.2012; Ogledov: 2294; Prenosov: 102
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Knowledge about and acceptance of genetically modified organisms among pre-service teachers: a comparative study of Turkey and Slovenia
Andrej Šorgo, Jana Ambrožič-Dolinšek, Muhammet Usak, Murat Özel, 2011, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Genetically modified organisms cannot be regarded as merely a topic for academic debate, since these have serious implications as a research field and for production based on genetic engineering. Public debates rarely base their arguments on elements rooted in scientific arguments and knowledge but are heavily loaded with emotions, opinions and informal reasoning. This study aimed to investigate the knowledge and acceptance of genetically modified organisms among prospective teachers in Slovenia and Turkey. Knowledge of genetic modification was measured with a two-tier instrument. The level of acceptance of genetic modification was measured with a 17-item instrument. Findings revealed that knowledge of genetics and biotechnology barely influenced the acceptability of genetic modification, and correlations are low. The relationship between knowledge and acceptance was not significant among Slovenian students and while significant for the Turkish or combined groups, the r values were only 0.179 and 0.244. It was found that differences in the acceptability of clusters of different kinds of genetically modified organisms do exist between the two countries. In both countries, participants recognized microorganisms and plants that produce something useful as the most acceptable organisms, while at the other end were animals used for consumption or as donors of organs. Practical implications for teaching are discussed and implications for further studies are drawn.
Ključne besede: biotechnology, genetic modifications, genetic engineering, teaching
Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.06.2012; Ogledov: 2239; Prenosov: 97
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Enzymatic fatty ester synthesis
Simona Pečnik, Željko Knez, 1992, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Fatty ester synthesis with immobilized 1,3-specific lipase from Mucor Miehei is described. 1,2-Isopropylidene glycerol was peoduced by condensation of glycerol with acetone was esterified with oleic acid in the presence of a Mucor Miehei lipaze (Lipozyme TM) to obtain 1,2 isopropylidene- 3-oleoyl glycerol. The effects of various process parameters (temperature and pressure)and various ratios (enzyme/substrate) have been investigated to determine optimal conditions for the esterification process. The highest conversion of oleic acid (80% w/w) was obtained at 55 oC and 57.057 bar, while the optimal addition of lipase to substrate was determined to be 0,096 g per gram of reaction mixture. The esterification can be modelled successfully as a reverse second order reaction. Thermodynamic properties of the reaction system at 55 oC and 0.057 bar were also determined. Activation energy was 20.82 kJ/mole, entropy of activation -0,26 kJ/(Kmole) and free energy of activation was 103.32 kJ/mole.
Ključne besede: chemical engineering, biotechnology, esterification, syntheses, esters, enzymes, lipase, Mucor miehei, reaction kinetics, reaction thermodynamics, 1, 2-isopropylidene-3-oleoyl glycerol
Objavljeno v DKUM: 06.06.2012; Ogledov: 2549; Prenosov: 99
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