Motivation for Learning English in AdulthoodJerneja Osredkar, 2019, master's thesis
Abstract: Technological development, information technology development, new ways of communicating and globalisation have influenced the society and knowledge greatly. One's knowledge needs to be upgraded and improved constantly since it enables the quality of work, personal development, as well as a better quality of life in society. Due to historical spread of the language and the economic power of the United States of America, English has gained the position of a global language and is used as a lingua franca in the world. Therefore, many invidiuals decide to learn English in adulthood. Their decision to enrol in language courses and final success depend on many factors, motivation certainly being one of the key factors. The main aim of the master’s thesis is to find out what motivates adults to take part in language courses as well as what the potential barriers are. The analysis of the survey has not shown any major differences in motivation between older and younger adults; however, factor analysis shows that knowledge is the most important value upon which people decide to enrol in the English language classes. When analysing barriers, situational barriers have proven as the most pressing issue once again.
Keywords: lifelong learning, the English language, motivation, barriers to learning
Published in DKUM: 20.12.2019; Views: 1296; Downloads: 157
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