1. Environmental attitude of drivers in Alimosho local government area, Lagos, NigeriaChinenye Lilian Okafor, Onipede Wusu, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: This study examined the environmental attitude of drivers towards vehicle emission. The survey design that employed a five point Likert scale questionnaire and administered to 402 respondents (drivers) generated the data analysed. Data analysis involved descriptive and regression statistical tools. The results suggest that there was significant association between respondents’ sex, occupation, education and their environmental attitudes. A greater percentage (87. 3%) of the respondents was slightly more likely to agree that emissions from cars and trucks have serious impact on air quality. Majority (57.5%) of the respondents who were civil servants appeared to possess positive (favourable) attitudes towards the influence of emissions on the environment. Logistic regression suggest that respondents’ sex, occupation, education and vehicle’s purpose, income, age and social group significantly predicted their environmental attitudes. The study concludes that most of the sample possessed positive (favourable) environmental attitude towards vehicle emissions. This suggests that the environmental attitude of drivers towards emissions is not responsible for poor air quality. The policy implications of the findings include the need for the adoption of the polluter-pay-principle to reduce the volume of vehicles on our road, the necessity of promoting mass public transportation (such as the BRT and LAGBUS) as a way of reducing vehicle emission. Finally, sensitization program through social groups and schools is imperative. Ključne besede: air quality, environmental attitude, drivers, vehicle emissions Objavljeno v DKUM: 23.08.2024; Ogledov: 56; Prenosov: 2 Celotno besedilo (1,23 MB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
2. Attitude of motorists towards road ethics: empirical studyFunsho Idowu Obakemi, 2018, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Road traffic safety among socioeconomic issues has become the major concern across the globe due to rise in road crashes attributed largely to human factor. This study tends to address attitudinal behavior of road users towards road ethics in Ilorin metropolis-Nigeria; covering both driver and motorcyclists and perception of motorists on road traffic enforcement agent. Questionnaire was employed as survey tools. Ordered logistic model were used to analyse the data on attitude of motorists and road traffic laws enforcement agents. About 87% of the 440 administered questionnaire were returned valid. A 3-model analysis was carried out and the findings showed that the attitude of the motorists, road traffic law enforcement agents and demographical index (gender, age and education) correlated with, and influence compliance with road traffic laws. Ključne besede: road safety ethics, attitude & behavior, ABC-model, ordered logistic model Objavljeno v DKUM: 22.08.2024; Ogledov: 43; Prenosov: 6 Celotno besedilo (430,31 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
3. European first-year university students accept evolution but lack substantial knowledge about it: a standardized European cross-country assessmentPaul Kuschmierz, Anna Beniermann, Alexander Bergmann, Rianne Pinxten, Tuomas Aivelo, Justyna Berniak-Woźny, Gustav Bohlin, Anxela Bugallo-Rodriguez, Pedro Cardia, Bento Filipe Barreiras Pinto Cavadas, Andrej Šorgo, Gregor Torkar, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Investigations of evolution knowledge and acceptance and their relation are central to evolution edu‑
cation research. Ambiguous results in this feld of study demonstrate a variety of measuring issues, for instance difer‑
ently theorized constructs, or a lack of standardized methods, especially for cross-country comparisons. In particular,
meaningful comparisons across European countries, with their varying cultural backgrounds and education systems,
are rare, often include only few countries, and lack standardization. To address these defcits, we conducted a stand‑
ardized European survey, on 9200 frst-year university students in 26 European countries utilizing a validated, com‑
prehensive questionnaire, the “Evolution Education Questionnaire”, to assess evolution acceptance and knowledge, as
well as infuencing factors on evolution acceptance. Ključne besede: evolucija, znanje, visokošolsko izobraževanje, ocenjevanje, Evropa, evolution, acceptance, knowledge, multilevel modeling, socioscientific issues, religious faith, higher education, Europe, assessment, attitude Objavljeno v DKUM: 02.09.2022; Ogledov: 602; Prenosov: 11 Povezava na celotno besedilo |
4. Death Personified: Comparison of Death’s Characterisation in Selected Literature and European Folktales : master thesisAna Marija Laktić, 2022, magistrsko delo Opis: This thesis analyses the character of Death in selected literary works based on Kastenbaum and Aisenberg’s typology of death’s personifications as set in 1972 (the Macabre, Gay Deceiver, the Automaton, Gentle Comforter), the attitudes presented within the texts, and how they compare to other contemporary portrayals of Death. The thesis focuses on eight literary works wherein death is personified through content analysis and the use of the comparative method, which showed multiple similarities among death personifications in terms of gender, appearance, manner of collecting the dead, and what attitudes are expressed towards the character. Death, when given a physical appearance, was predominantly male, with attributes reminiscent of the Grim Reaper. All personifications contained elements of the Macabre type (8 of 8), and none could be categorised under only one type. The second most represented type is the Automaton (4), followed by the Gay Deceiver (3), and Gentle Comforter (2). The thesis also included the addition of the Superhero – Comedic type by Cantù (2). These portrayals of death’s character correspond to ones present in contemporary works and implement traits from past depictions, including attitudes towards death, alongside their own unique interpretation. Ključne besede: literature, death, personification, attitude towards death, folklore Objavljeno v DKUM: 04.05.2022; Ogledov: 799; Prenosov: 39 Celotno besedilo (1,20 MB) |
5. The Language of Appraisals in Articles About Ice HockeyJanja Sterle, 2019, magistrsko delo Opis: Media articles, regardless of the media in which they are published (e.g. news, a report, a notification), are generally expected to be characterized by balance and objectivity as one of their most important and identifiable characteristics. However, the results of the analysis show that this is not entirely true for the articles about ice hockey analysed in this thesis. Thus, the presence of a certain degree of subjectivity has been determined. In the thesis, the article was considered objective when the writer wrote about the facts and data that could be checked and did not reveal his/her emotions, presence or opinion. At the same time, the article was considered subjective when the writer was present in the article in a way that s/he revealed his/her emotions or s/he evaluated what was going on and/or the hockey players. For the analysis, the appraisal model developed in 2005 by Martin and White was used because it turned out to be the most useful as their appraisal categories (graduation, engagement, and attitude) cover all lexical choices, with which one shows his/her attitude or engagement or graduates something. Appraisal can be a single word or a phrase that indirectly/implicitly or directly/explicitly expresses one’s opinion, judgement, or engagement. According to the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (LDOCE), appraisal is “a statement or opinion judging the worth, value, or condition of something” (https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/appraisal), while the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (OALD, 8th Edition) defines it as “a judgement of the value, performance or nature of sb/sth” (OALD 2010: 62). The analysis of the articles was carried out with Computer Assisted Text Markup and Analysis (CATMA) platform. Objectives of the thesis were to research the differences in the use of appraisals in the articles that describe the same event, i.e. the ice hockey match. Thus, it was researched how the author’s presence and engagement were reflected through appraisal, and how much of subjectivity was present in the articles that were supposed to be objective. Next, I was interested in how the writer is positioned in the articles which report about the winning team, and how in the articles reporting about the losing team. Finally, it was researched which types of appraisal were used in three articles which report about the same match and were published on the official web sites of Los Angeles Kings and Colorado Avalanche, and in the article that was published in a neutral web media FOX Sports. The results showed that the articles that were published on the official web sites of the teams tended to be more subjective as numerous instances of the writer’s presence and engagement were found. On the other hand, the article from the neutral web site turned out to be the most objective and unbiased, even though some instances of the writer’s presence and engagement were found as well. Ključne besede: appraisal system, appraisals, ice hockey, graduation, engagement, attitude. Objavljeno v DKUM: 06.06.2019; Ogledov: 1676; Prenosov: 98 Celotno besedilo (2,56 MB) |
6. Attitudes of social gerontology and physiotherapy students towards the elderlyDiana Jeleč Kaker, Marija Ovsenik, Jože Zupančič, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Background/Goal: Attitudes towards older persons are particularly important for healthcare students and practitioners. The aim of our work is to analyse the attitudes of social gerontology and physiotherapy students towards elderly persons.
Method: A structured questionnaire using the Kogan Attitudes towards Older People scale (KAOP) was used to collect data. Statistical methods were applied to evaluate the data: reliability test, t-test for independent samples and bivariate correlational analysis.
Results: Social gerontology and physiotherapy students accept the elderly with awareness and respect. Few age-related prejudices and stereotypes were found among them, and they do not problematise the elderly. Social gerontology students have more positive attitudes towards the elderly than physiotherapy students do. Male students and students who live in the same household with elderly persons are more appreciative towards them, but they have more prejudices; the same applies to a lesser extent to students who do not live in the same household with an elderly person.
Conclusion: Although minor deviations from a positive attitude were found, probably resulting from different experiences with elderly people, the results of this study raise hopes that respectful relations and cooperation across age groups will continue. Ključne besede: attitude, student, social gerontology Objavljeno v DKUM: 28.11.2017; Ogledov: 1319; Prenosov: 389 Celotno besedilo (337,08 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
7. Pragmatic functions of Christian expressions in spoken discourseDarinka Verdonik, Zdravko Kačič, 2012, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Different kinds of pragmatic expressions in spoken discourse, such as discourse markers, interjections, topic orientation markers, pragmatic deictics, general extenders, etc., have attracted the attention of researchers over recent decades. However, expressions that have their origins within religions have not as yet been studied from the pragmatic perspective, even though in everyday conversation they are used in non-religious contexts and content-free manners more often than within a religious context. The present study is based on the GOS Slovenian reference speech corpus, and covers the more common Christian expressions used in the corpus data, namely: bog "God", bože "God", marija "Mary", madona "Madonna", jezus "Jesus", hudič "Devil", vrag "Devil". The study attempts to highlight the contexts in which these expressions are used, as well as the pragmatic functions they perform. Ključne besede: Slovene, religious expressions, Christian vocabulary, speech, discourse, attitude, corpus linguistics Objavljeno v DKUM: 30.12.2015; Ogledov: 1600; Prenosov: 356 Celotno besedilo (140,73 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
8. Possible consequences of student's relationship to parents and to schoolMajda Pšunder, Antonija Milivojević Krajnčič, 2009, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: This research work is dealing with the different behaviour of the young, adolescent people and their perception of the relationship with their parents and their attitude towards school in the time of their early adolescence. Research work is answering the questions connected with the relationship with the parents, attitude towards school as well as the behaviour deviation of adolescents (youth). The research is based on claim that teenager's relationship with his mother and father have an important influence on his/her behavior, especially on the conflicts with the environment. Opačič (1995) argues that the relationship between parents, the environment and the teenagers is not so important. Therefore, we were interested in teenagers' attitudes towards their relationships that they have with their parents. The following dimensions of a relationship were emphasized (observed in greater detail): control, punishment, intimacy and carelessness on the side of the parents. Through those dimensions we could show the teenager's comprehension of the relationship they have with their parents and/or mother and father's comprehension of the relationship in the early phase of adolescence. He stresses (emphasizes) their attitude (perception of) towards such relationships. Some quantity research procedures are used in this research work. There are four different non-standardized questionnaires: The frequency of the behaviour deviation, A relationship with a mother, A relationship with a father, A conflict situations with parents connected with different conversation themes, An attitude towards school. The study relies on descriptive and causal-non-experimental methods of empirical pedagogical research. The research includes an accidental sample of the pupils attending 7th and 9th class of the Primary school in Maribor in the school year 2007 (n=300).Istraživanje se bavi odstupanjem u ponašanju maloljetnih osoba i njihovom percepcijom odnosa sa roditeljima, te odnosa prema školi u periodu rane adolescencije. Temelji se na uvjerenju da odnosi maloljetnika s majkom i ocem bitno utječu na njihovo socijalno ponašanje, a posebno na konflikte sa okolinom. Opačič (1995) je ustanovio da nije važno, kako se roditelji i okolina ponašaju u odnosu prema njima, nego kako maloljetnici vide (percipiraju) te odnose. Zato nas je prije svega zanimalo, kako maloljetnici vide odnose s roditeljima naglašavajući slijedeće dimenzije odnosa: kontrola, kažnjavanje, intimnost (blizina), zanemarivanje od strane roditelja. Pomoću tih dimenzija željeli smo osvijetliti maloljetnikovo doživljavanje odnosno viđenje odnosa sa strane majke i oca u periodu rane adolescencije. U istraživanju su korišteni kvantitativni istraživački postupci, upotrijebljeni instrument mjerenja obuhvaćaju četiri nestandardizirana anketna upitnika: Čestoća odstupanja u ponašanju, Odnos s majkom, Odnos s ocem, Konflikt s roditeljima u vezi različitih temam razgovora, Odnos prema školi. Koristili smo deskriptivnu i kauzalnu-neeksperimentalnu metodu empirijskog pedagoškog istraživanja. Istraživanje uključuje slučajni uzorak učenika, koji su školske godine 2007. pohađali 7. i 9. razred osnovne škole općine Maribor (n=300). Ključne besede: early adolescence, behaviour, attitude towards school, conflicts Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.06.2012; Ogledov: 1864; Prenosov: 30 Povezava na celotno besedilo |