1. Predicting the probability of cargo theft for individual cases in railway transportLorenc Augustyn, Małgorzata Kuźnar, Tone Lerher, Maciej Szkoda, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: In the heavy industry, the value of cargo transported by rail is very high. Due to high value, poor security and volume of rail transport, the theft cases are often. The main problem of securing rail transport is predicting the location of a high probability of risk. Because of this,the aim of the presented research was to predict the highest probability of rail cargo theft for areas. It is important to prevent theft cases by better securing the railway lines. To solve that problem the authors' model was developed. The model uses information about past transport cases for the learning process of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Machine Learning (ML).The ANN predicted the probability for 94.7% of the cases of theft and the Machine Learning identified 100% of the cases. This method can be used to develop a support system for securing the rail infrastructure. Keywords: rail transport security, supply chain disruption, drones, security support systems, cargo theft, predicting, logistics, artificial neural network, drone monitoring, machine learning Published in DKUM: 28.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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2. Factors influencing the purchase intention of autonomous carsDarja Topolšek, Dario Babić, Darko Babić, Tina Cvahte Ojsteršek, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: Even though autonomous cars have not yet crossed into the mainstream car market, their adoption seems inevitable, but not much is known about the purchasing intention of ACs and potential influences on it. To better understand the influences of various factors on purchasing intentions of autonomous cars, research using bibliometrics, an online survey and SEM modelling was performed. Based on an analysis of previous research work and the unified theory of acceptance of technology, an empirical model was produced and tested using data obtained from an online survey involving 266 individuals. The goal was to analyse which characteristics of autonomous cars, socio-demographic variables of potential buyers, and buyers' personal and social characteristics could potentially influence the adoption of autonomous cars. The results show that factors of car safety, buyer age and level of education, perceived social influence, anxiety and performance expectancy are significantly correlated to purchasing intention of ACs, while correlations with other factors to purchasing intentions have not been proven. Keywords: autonomous cars, purchase intention, autonomous car adoption, SEM modelling, road transport, logistics Published in DKUM: 24.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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3. Factors of digital transformation in the maritime transport sectorMarija Jović, Edvard Tijan, Doroteja Vidmar, Andreja Pucihar, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: This paper aims to present the model of factors which influence the digital transformation in maritime transport sector. The preliminary model is based on a literature review and interviews conducted to identify the relevant factors influencing the digital transformation of stakeholders operating in the maritime transport sector. In order to test the model, the survey was conducted on the sample of Croatian administrative (port authorities, ministry, harbormaster’s offices, etc.) and commercial stakeholders (freight forwarders, agents, terminal operators, etc.) operating in maritime transport sector. The collected data was analyzed using the partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) approach. The research has shown that organizational, technological, and environmental (TOE) factors affect the digitalization of the organizations in the maritime transport sector. As a result of digitalization, changes in business models are visible: organizations in maritime transport sector generate additional revenue from new sources, provide new services, and introduce new sales channels. Keywords: digital transformation, maritime transport sector, seaports, TOE factors, PLS-SEM Published in DKUM: 16.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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4. Oskrbovalne verige in načrtovanje logistikeDavor Dujak, Adam Kolinski, Josip Mesarić, 2020, reviewed university, higher education or higher vocational education textbook Keywords: oskrbovalne verige, upravljanje, načrtovanje, transport, logistika, visokošolski učbeniki Published in DKUM: 13.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 16
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6. Spatial modelling of the transport mode choice : application on the Vienna transport networkSimona Šinko, Bojan Rupnik, Klemen Prah, Tomaž Kramberger, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: A new approach for spatial modelling of transport mode choice is presented in the paper. The approach tackles the problem by considering the trade-off between subjective and objective factors. To obtain mode Preference Rates (PRs) based on subjective factors, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is applied. The objective factors are expressed with the journey time from any point in the map to destination according to the available transport mode choice on the specific connection. The results are presented as PRs of individual transport modes. The model is validated on the con-ducted the survey, with students of Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) as a target audience. Members of different target groups (age, national, employment) decide differently regarding the transport choice, so it is better to analyse them separately. The presented model can be used for the city transport planning in any urban area. It can help promote the sustainable modes of transport in the areas that are less adjusted in sustainable manner. Keywords: transport mode choice, passenger transport, spatial modelling, city transport planning, city mobility, urban logistics, ergonomics, AHP, decision-making policy, GIS, students, objective and subjective factors, transport management Published in DKUM: 10.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 3
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7. Logistični procesi pri nabavi kemijskih materialov v podjetju Hisense Gorenje EuropeKlara Šmon, 2023, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Diplomsko delo smo razdelili na dva dela: teoretični in praktični. V teoretičnem delu smo opredelili, kaj je to logistika, opisali logistične podsisteme in elemente logistike s poudarkom na nabavni logistiki. V praktične delu pa se bomo omejili na logistične procese pri nabavi kemijskih elementov v podjetju Hisense Gorenje Europe.
Metode, ki smo jih pri raziskovalnem delu uporabili bodo poslovne, saj bomo v diplomski nalogi proučevali poslovno (nabavno) funkcijo podjetja. Uporabljene metode se lahko opredeli tudi kot dinamične, saj se poslovne funkcije spreminjajo in prilagajajo okoliščinam poslovanja. K raziskovanju smo pristopili deskriptivno, saj bomo s pomočjo strokovne literature in spletnih virov opredelili logistiko, opisali njene podsisteme in elemente. Podatke za pripravo diplomskega dela smo pridobili s pomočjo intervjuvanja mentorja, ki nam ga je dodelilo podjetje.
Hipoteza iz katere smo izhajali je bila, da dobro organizirana nabavna logistika pozitivno vpliva na delovanje podjetja Hisense Gorenje Europe. Keywords: logistika, nabava, Hisense Gorenje Europe, skladiščenje, transport, logistični procesi. Published in DKUM: 05.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 17
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8. Determination of neutron flux redistribution factors for a typical pressurized water reactor ex-core measurements using Monte Carlo techniqueTanja Goričanec, Bor Kos, Klemen Ambrožič, Andrej Trkov, Luka Snoj, Marjan Kromar, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: In a typical pressurized water reactor, neutron detectors located outside the reactor core monitor reactor power. In addition, they are also used to measure the reactivity of the control rods. A novel approach to calculate the ex-core neutron detector response in a typical pressurized water reactor using the Monte Carlo technique is presented. A detailed ex-core model of the Krško nuclear power plant was developed using the Monte Carlo neutron transport code MCNP. Due to the location of the ex-core neutron detectors, the hybrid code ADVANTG is used to generate variance reduction parameters to accelerte the convergence of the results outside the reactor core. To use ADVANTG, the fixed neutron source had to be reconstructed from the criticality core calculation. This paper presents the sensitivity analysis of the response of the ex-core detectors to the neutron data libraries used, the description of the fixed neutron source and the ADVANTG parameters. It was found that a pin-wise description of the neutron source for at least two rows of fuel assemblies at the core periphery is necessary for accurate results. Our results show the importance of a correct description of the prompt neutron spectra in the high energy region and the impact this has on the response of the ex-core detectors. The method in which the prompt neutron fission spectra for important fission nuclides are weighted by the calculated reaction rates has been shown to be the best approximation, with deviations from the reference calculation within statistical uncertainty. The effect of nuclear data libraries on the response of the ex-core detector was investigated, and the difference between the ENDF/B-VII.0 and the ENDF/B-VIII.0 nuclear data libraries was ∼11%. When the deficient evaluation of the 56Fe isotope included in the ENDF/B-VIII.0 nuclear data library was replaced by the improved evaluation from the IAEA INDEN project, the differences decreased to ∼3.7%. In addition, neutron flux redistributions due to control rod movement were investigated and flux redistribution factors were updated using Monte Carlo particle transport methods. The reaction rate redistribution factors obtained with methods presented in this paper are within 1% agreement with the currently used factors. Keywords: MCNP, ADVANTG, pressurized water reactor, Monte Carlo neutron transport, control rod, neutron flux redistribution factor, rod insertion, krško nuclear power plant Published in DKUM: 29.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 5
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9. Načini omejevanja vstopa v mestna središča : magistrsko deloSara Čepin, 2024, master's thesis Abstract: Mesta in mestna središča se zaradi povečanega cestnega prometa, prometnih zastojev
in onesnaženosti zraka odločajo za uvajanje različnih načinov omejevanja vstopa vozil v
mestna središča, med katerimi se najpogosteje pojavljajo območja pristojbin za zastoje
in nizko-emisijske cone. Za izbranih 10 mest smo izvedli analizo in primerjavo vpeljanih
shem omejevanja dostopa, predvsem s tehničnega vidika in z vidika tehnološke podpore,
vključili pa smo tudi ekonomski vidik. Ugotovili smo, da sheme v mestih uspešno
zmanjšujejo promet in prometne zastoje ter izboljšujejo kakovost zraka, vendar pa se
rezultati razlikujejo glede na mesto. Pristojbine za zastoje so se izkazale kot učinkovite
pri zmanjšanju prometa in prometnih zastojev, medtem ko nizko-emisijske cone niso
nujno dosegle enakega učinka. So pa po drugi strani zmanjšale število močno
onesnažujočih vozil v mestih. Za izboljšanje rezultatov mestnih shem priporočamo
kombinacijo obeh načinov omejevanja, pri čemer se prihodki pristojbin usmerijo v razvoj
in izboljšave javnega prevoza ter naložbe v infrastrukturo, uvedejo pa se tudi strožje
zahteve glede emisijskih standardov. Osrednji del shem mora biti spodbujanje
alternativnih oblik prevoza, velik pomen pa je treba nameniti tudi naprednim
tehnološkim sistemom, kot so kamere, sistem za samodejno prepoznavanje registrskih
tablic (angl. Automatic Number Plate Recognition; v nadaljanjevanju: ANPR) in globalni satelitski navigacijski sistem (angl. Global Navigation Satellite System; v nadaljevanju:
GNSS) za učinkovit nadzor vozil in zmanjšanje administrativnih stroškov. Keywords: sheme omejevanja dostopa, onesnaževanje, omejitve, cestni transport, mestna središča Published in DKUM: 27.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 9
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10. Varovanje tovora v medskladiščnem transportu : diplomsko deloAnastasija Kosić, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Diplomsko delo je povezano s temo varovanja in pritrjevanja tovora v medskladiščnem transportu. Na začetku je prikazana tematika dela, cilji diplomskega dela in določena raziskovalna vprašanja, ki se bodo obravnavala v diplomskem delu. Raziskovalna vprašanja se nanašajo na odnos med vozniki tovornih vozil in določenimi situacijami v medskladiščnem tovornem prevozu. V teoretičnem delu je predstavljena zakonodaja na področju varovanja in pritrjevanja tovora na področju Slovenije, pomen varovanja in pritrjevanje tovora, tehnike in metode varovanja in pritrjevanja tovora in pripomočki, ki se uporabljajo za varovanje in pritrjevanje tovora v medskladiščnem transportu. V raziskovalnem delu smo opravili anketni vprašalnik za voznike tovornih vozil mase >3,5 t. S pomočjo pridobljenih odgovorov, smo prišli do rezultatov, s katerim smo preverili naša raziskovalna vprašanja in hipoteze. Na podlagi pridobljenih rezultatov, smo ugotovili, da so privezovalni trakovi najbolj uporabljeno sredstvo za varovanje in pritrjevanje tovora. Raziskava tudi potrjuje, da so starejši vozniki, bolj ozaveščeni o pomenu in načinu varovanja in pritrjevanja tovora in da imajo vozniki z več letnimi izkušnjami, manjše težave pri prilagajanju opreme različnim vrstam tovora. V zadnjem delu diplomskega dela smo še podali možne izboljšave na tem področju, ki se nanašajo na izboljšavo usposabljanja voznikov tovornih vozil in povečanje obsega opreme na tovornem vozilu. Keywords: medskladiščni transport, pritrjevanje tovora, varovanje tovora, pripomočki za pritrjevanje tovora, tehnike in metode pritrjevanja tovora Published in DKUM: 27.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 12
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