1. Optimization of embedded retaining walls under the effects of groundwater seepage using a reliability-based and partial factor design approachRok Varga, Bojan Žlender, Primož Jelušič, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: In this paper, a comparative analysis of the effects of groundwater, seepage and hydraulic heave on the optimal design of embedded retaining walls is carried out. The optimization model for an optimal retaining wall (ORW) minimizes the total length of the retaining wall considering design constraints. The model is extended to include the probability of failure as an additional constraint. This overcomes the limitations of the partial safety factor approach, which does not fully account for uncertainties in the soil. In contrast, the reliability-based design (RBD) approach integrates these uncertainties and enables an assessment of the impact of seepage and hydraulic heave on the reliability of the structure. A real-coded genetic algorithm was used to determine optimal designs for both optimization methods. The results of the case study show that the addition of seepage (groundwater flow) to the hydrostatic conditions has a modest effect on the embedment depth. The design based on partial safety factors, which takes seepage into account, leads to a slight increase in the embedment depth of 0.94% compared to a retaining wall design that only takes the hydrostatic conditions of the groundwater into account. When designing on the basis of probability failure, the percentage increase in embedment depth due to seepage is between 2.19% and 6.41%, depending on the target probability of failure. Furthermore, the hydraulic heave failure mechanism did not increase the required embedment depth of the retaining wall, which means that the failure mechanism of rotation near the base was decisive for the design. Keywords: embedded retaining wall, reliability-based design, partial safety factor design, optimization, genetic algorithm Published in DKUM: 10.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 4 Full text (2,13 MB) This document has many files! More... |
2. Linear algorithms for the Hosoya index and Hosoya matrix of a treeAleksander Vesel, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: The Hosoya index of a graph is defined as the total number of its independent edge sets. This index is an important example of topological indices, a molecular-graph based structure descriptor that is of significant interest in combinatorial chemistry. The Hosoya index inspires the introduction of a matrix associated with a molecular acyclic graph called the Hosoya matrix. We propose a simple linear-time algorithm, which does not require pre-processing, to compute the Hosoya index of an arbitrary tree. A similar approach allows us to show that the Hosoya matrix can be computed in constant time per entry of the matrix. Keywords: Hosoya index, Hosoya matrix, optimal algorithm Published in DKUM: 18.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2 Full text (260,38 KB) This document has many files! More... |
3. Optimization of a circular planar spiral wireless power transfer coil using a genetic algorithmNataša Prosen, Jure Domajnko, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Circular planar spiral coils are the most important parts of wireless power transfer systems. This paper presents the optimization of wireless power transfer coils used for wireless power transfer, which is a problem when designing wireless power transfer systems. A single transmitter coil transfers power to a single receiving side. The performance of the wireless power transfer system depends greatly on the size and shape of the wireless power transfer system. Therefore, the optimization of the coils is of the utmost importance. The main optimization parameter was the coupling coefficient between the transmitter and the receiver coil in the horizontally aligned and misaligned position. A genetic evolutionary algorithm was used to optimize the coil, according to the developed cost function. The algorithm was implemented using the MATLAB programming language. The constraints regarding the design of the coils are also presented for the problem to be analyzed correctly. The results obtained using the genetic algorithm were first verified using FEM simulations. The optimized coils were later fabricated and measured to confirm the theory. Keywords: wireless power transfer, coil optimization, genetic algorithm, coupling coefficient measurement Published in DKUM: 14.08.2024; Views: 77; Downloads: 9 Full text (3,54 MB) |
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5. A new transformation technique for reducing information entropy : a case study on greyscale raster imagesBorut Žalik, Damjan Strnad, David Podgorelec, Ivana Kolingerová, Luka Lukač, Niko Lukač, Simon Kolmanič, Krista Rizman Žalik, Štefan Kohek, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: This paper proposes a new string transformation technique called Move with Interleaving (MwI). Four possible ways of rearranging 2D raster images into 1D sequences of values are applied, including scan-line, left-right, strip-based, and Hilbert arrangements. Experiments on 32 benchmark greyscale raster images of various resolutions demonstrated that the proposed transformation reduces information entropy to a similar extent as the combination of the Burrows–Wheeler transform followed by the Move-To-Front or the Inversion Frequencies. The proposed transformation MwI yields the best result among all the considered transformations when the Hilbert arrangement is applied. Keywords: computer science, algorithm, string transformation, information entropy, Hilbert space filling curve Published in DKUM: 22.05.2024; Views: 160; Downloads: 9 Full text (26,44 MB) This document has many files! More... |
6. FLoCIC: A Few Lines of Code for Raster Image CompressionBorut Žalik, Damjan Strnad, Štefan Kohek, Ivana Kolingerová, Andrej Nerat, Niko Lukač, Bogdan Lipuš, Mitja Žalik, David Podgorelec, 2023, original scientific article Keywords: computer science, algorithm, prediction, interpolative coding, PNG, JPEG LS, JPEG 2000 lossless Published in DKUM: 22.05.2024; Views: 165; Downloads: 23 Full text (10,78 MB) This document has many files! More... |
7. Sustainable design of circular reinforced concrete column sections via multi-objective optimizationPrimož Jelušič, Tomaž Žula, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: An optimization model for reinforced concrete circular columns based on the Eurocodes is presented. With the developed optimization model, which takes into account the exact distribution of the steel reinforcement, which is not the case when designing with conventional column design charts, an optimal design for the reinforced concrete cross section is determined. The optimization model uses discrete variables, which makes the results more suitable for actual construction practice and fully exploits the structural capacity of the structure. A parametric study of the applied axial load and bending moment was performed for material cost and CO2 emissions. The results based on a single objective function show that the optimal design of the reinforced concrete column cross section obtained for the material cost objective function contains a larger cross-sectional area of concrete and a smaller area of steel compared with the optimization results when CO2 emissions are determined as the objective function. However, the optimal solution in the case where the material cost was assigned as the objective function has much more reserve in axial load capacity than in the optimal design where CO2 was chosen as the objective function. In addition, the multi-objective optimization was performed to find a set of solutions that provide the best trade-offs between the material cost and CO2 emission objectives. Keywords: reinforced concrete columns, circular cross section, costs, CO2 emissions, multi-objective optimization, genetic algorithm Published in DKUM: 15.04.2024; Views: 338; Downloads: 208 Full text (4,56 MB) This document has many files! More... |
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10. Indoor positioning system based on bluetooth low energy technology and a nature-inspired optimization algorithmPrimož Bencak, Darko Hercog, Tone Lerher, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: Warehousing is one of the most important activities in the supply chain, enabling competitive advantage. Effective management of warehousing processes is, therefore, crucial for achieving minimal costs, maximum efficiency, and overall customer satisfaction. Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) are the first steps towards organizing these processes; however, due to the human factor involved, information on products, vehicles and workers may be missing, corrupt, or misleading. In this paper, a cost-effective Indoor Positioning System (IPS) based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology is presented for use in Intralogistics that works automatically, and therefore minimizes the possibility of acquiring incorrect data. The proposed IPS solution is intended to be used for supervising order-picker movements, movement of packages between workstations, and tracking other mobile devices in a manually operated warehouse. Only data that are accurate, reliable and represent the actual state of the system, are useful for detailed material flow analysis and optimization in Intralogistics. Using the developed solution, IPS technology is leveraged to enhance the manually operated warehouse operational efficiency in Intralogistics. Due to the hardware independence, the developed software solution can be used with virtually any BLE supported beacons and receivers. The results of IPS testing in laboratory/office settings show that up to 98% of passings are detected successfully with time delays between approach and detection of less than 0.5 s. Keywords: warehousing, indoor positioning systems, bluetooth low energy, particle swarm optimization, nature–inspired algorithm, intralogistics Published in DKUM: 17.08.2023; Views: 432; Downloads: 63 Full text (2,42 MB) This document has many files! More... |