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Exploring the role of advertising in the context of tourist-destination congruity
Tina Šegota, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Tourists are flooded with advertising messages, including destination-attribute-based or user-imagery-based pictures, to persuade them to visit the destination. While research emphasizes destination choice to result from tourist-destination congruity, examining the influence different pictures have on tourist decision-making is of increasing interest. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the efficacy of destination-attribute-based versus user-imagery-based ad stimuli to influence the tourist-destination congruity and predict a person’s likelihood of choosing the destination. Results from a quantitative study of 496 young Slovenians show that a higher degree of ideal and ideal social tourist-destination congruence would lower one’s perceived purchase risk and yield positive attitudes toward the ad with a destination-attribute-based picture as opposed to the ad with a user-imagery-based picture. Implications for destination marketing are discussed, such as evaluating a typical destination visitor when one is included in the advertising and when one is not.
Ključne besede: congruity, advertising, marketing, tourist, picture, visualization
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.10.2023; Ogledov: 433; Prenosov: 58
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Selected legal problems of online advertising
Aleksandra Nowak-Gruca, 2018, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The aim of this article is to analyse the most important issues related to the latest forms of online advertising. In particular, appreciating the importance of online advertising in the development of the information society, the question is then raised about the legal limits of the admissibility of advertising, which is invasive, insistent or contains hidden meaning, inaccessible to the recipient's awareness of content. This issue has been presented from the perspective of European Union (EU) law, in the context of selected directives relevant for online advertising. The problem raised in the article deserves to be developed because we observe a sharp increase in the importance of the Internet, and the online advertising issue has not been the subject of comprehensive regulation in EU law.
Ključne besede: online advertising, native advertising, product placement, unfair competition, integrity in advertising
Objavljeno v DKUM: 02.08.2018; Ogledov: 1398; Prenosov: 345
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Visual Intelligence – Use and Manipulation in TV Advertising
Vlatka Bajcer, 2017, magistrsko delo

Opis: The main goal of this master thesis is to study how visual communication in TV advertising affects our psyche, examine the elements that can serve to awaken emotions and certain reactions of viewers. TV commercials are one of the most popular content available to us on television, bringing great profits to TV stations, as well as profit organizations that are advertised on their channels. Competition in TV advertising is huge and in order to achieve a successful campaign is necessary to understand how the marketing, media, psychology of visual communication and other elements that can affect the psyche of the viewer, such as cultural identity are functioning.
Ključne besede: Visual Communication, Culture, TV Advertising, Color Psychology, Marketing
Objavljeno v DKUM: 23.11.2017; Ogledov: 1626; Prenosov: 111
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Andreja Ferk, 2016, diplomsko delo

Opis: The language of automotive advertising has to be effective, special, innovative and creative. Advertisers use convincing language to awake the desire to buy the advertised product. In advertisements both language with the emotive power and visual components make an impact on the consumer. Theoretical foundation of this work consists of two literary sources. The first one is a work written by Guy Cook: The Discourse of Advertising, which provides some insight in advertising as discourse. The second work is Martin and White’s Language of Evaluation, Appraisal in English which contributed to the theoretical explanation of evaluative language. The empirical part investigates advertising as discourse, different elements of context and the language of advertisements through appraisal framework.
Ključne besede: advertising, discourse of advertising, language of evaluation, appraisal
Objavljeno v DKUM: 25.10.2016; Ogledov: 1849; Prenosov: 124
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Rok Pleteršek, 2014, diplomsko delo

Opis: Internet je globalen medij, ki ne pozna meja in preko katerega se informacije distribuirajo bistveno drugače, kot na primer v tiskanih medijih, na radiu in na televiziji. Diplomsko delo obravnava vpliv deliktov storjenih preko interneta na določitev mednarodne pristojnosti sodišč v okviru Uredbe št. 44/2001 z dne 22. december 2000 o pristojnosti in priznavanju ter izvrševanju sodnih določb v civilnih in gospodarskih zadevah. Avtor predstavi analizo in pomen odločbe Sodišča Evropske unije v združeni zadevi eDate Advertising GmbH proti X in Oliver Martinez in Robert Martinez proti MGN Limited, v kateri je Sodišče EU prvič postavilo smernice določanja mednarodne pristojnosti, zaradi kršitev osebnostnih pravic na internetu. Odločba Sodišča EU v združeni zadevi je pomemben mejnik, v okviru katere je Sodišče EU omogočilo, da je celotno škodo mogoče uveljavljati tudi v kraju, kjer je težišče spora. S tem je na novo definiralo pravila o tem, sodišče katere države je pristojno za reševanje spora zaradi posega v čast in dobro ime zaradi objave informacij na spletu.
Ključne besede: eDate Advertising GmbH proti X, Oliver Martinez in Robert Martinez proti MGN Limited, Shevill, kršitev osebnostnih pravic, kiberprostor, mednarodna pristojnost sodišč, Bruseljska uredba I.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 19.12.2014; Ogledov: 2325; Prenosov: 365
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Olena Ivanyk, 2013, diplomsko delo

Opis: We may observe reflections of a particular culture from different prospectives. One of such perspective is the culture of consumption. The easiest way to understand it is to take a deeper look into forms and methods of advertising within it. The main purpose of this graduation thesis is to uncover and analyze differences that appear as a result of translating text advertisements from English to Slovene. Special emphasis is put on additional meaning that appears in target language as a result of translation and the meaning that was lost due to translation. Theoretical foundation of this work consists of one of the works written by A. L. Becker - Beyond Translation: Essays towards a Modern Philology (1995) – in which he introduces to us notions of meaning exuberances and deficiencies that appear in target language text as a result of the process of translation. Another work that contributed to the theoretical basis is the Textbook of Translation, written by P. Newmark (1988), which describer translation techniques and principles upon which the analytical part of the final thesis was made. The empirical part investigates the translation of English advertisements into Slovene, taking into account the translational shifts which are due to differences in language in culture. The comparative analysis between English and Slovene written advertisement texts also includes the translation of certain language devices on the level of sentence as well as on the level of text. As a theoretical foundation about advertising, works written by Myers - World of Ads (1994) - and G. Cook - Discourse of Advertising (1992) were of great value. Both authors approach advertisement texts as a reflection of a particular society's characteristics. They also consider language as such to be the main tool in achieving the effect of persuasion on potential consumers.
Ključne besede: Advertising, deficiency, exuberance, adaptation, figurative language, vagueness of meaning, culture.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 17.07.2013; Ogledov: 2046; Prenosov: 109
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