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Use of emulsion-templated, highly porous polyelectrolytes for in vitro germination of chickpea embryos : a new substrate for soilless cultivation
Janja Majer Kovačič, Terezija Ciringer, Jana Ambrožič-Dolinšek, Sebastijan Kovačič, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: The application of highly porous and 3D interconnected microcellular polyelectrolyte polyHIPE (PE-PH) monoliths based on (3-acrylamidopropyl)-trimethylammonium chloride as soilless cultivation substrates for in vitro embryo culture is discussed. The embryo axes isolated from chickpea seeds are inoculated onto the surface of the monoliths and allowed to germinate. Germination study show that the newly disclosed PE-PH substrate performs much better than the conventionally used agar as the germination percentage, shoot and root length, fresh and dry weight as well as the number of leaves are enhanced. The PE-PHs exhibit a higher absorption capacity of the plant growth medium, that is, 36 g·g–1 compared to agar, that is, 20 g·g–1, and also survive autoclaving conditions without failing. The key advantage over standard agar substrates is that they can be reused several times and also without prior sterilization. These results suggest that PE-PHs with exceptional absorption/retention properties and robustness have great potential as soilless substrates for in vitro plant cultivation.
Keywords: absorption, catalyst supports, germination, plants, porosity
Published in DKUM: 15.07.2024; Views: 114; Downloads: 11
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Unmasking the structure of a chiral cubic thermotropic liquid crystal phase by a combination of soft and tender resonant X-ray scattering
Timon Grabovac, Ewa Górecka, Chenhui Zhu, Damian Pociecha, Nataša Vaupotič, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: A resonant X-ray scattering response for two structural models of a chiral cubic phase with a giant unit cell, one composed of a continuous grid and micelles and the other with three continuous grids, is studied theoretically and compared to experimental measurements. For both structural models resonant enhancement of all the symmetry-allowed diffraction peaks is predicted, as well as the existance of several symmetry forbidden peaks (pure resonant peaks). Experimental measurements were performed at the carbon and sulphur absorption edge. Only one pure resonant peak was observed, which is predicted by both models. Two low-angle symmetry allowed peaks, not observed in non-resonant scattering, were resonantly enhanced and their intensity angular dependence can distinguish between the two structural models.
Keywords: resonant X-ray scattering, chiral cubic thermotropic liquid crystal phase, structural models, carbon absorption edge, sulphur absorption edge
Published in DKUM: 13.06.2024; Views: 140; Downloads: 14
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All Silica Micro-Fluidic Flow Injection Sensor System for Colorimetric Chemical Sensing
Vedran Budinski, Denis Đonlagić, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper presents a miniature, all-silica, flow-injection sensor. The sensor consists of an optical fiber-coupled microcell for spectral absorption measurements and a microfluidic reagent injection system. The proposed sensor operates in back reflection mode and, with its compact dimensions, (no more than 200 µm in diameter) enables operation in small spaces and at very low flow rates of analyte and reagent, thus allowing for on-line or in-line colorimetric chemical sensing.
Keywords: optical fiber sensor, spectral absorption microcell, colorimetry
Published in DKUM: 31.07.2023; Views: 457; Downloads: 22
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Sol-gel/Ag coating and oxygen plasma treatment effect on synthetic wound fluid sorption by non-woven cellulose material
Zdenka Peršin Fratnik, Tanja Pivec, Miran Mozetič, Karin Stana-Kleinschek, 2017, other scientific articles

Abstract: Non-woven cellulose material was functionalized using two techniques, i.e. the coating with AgCl via sol-gel and oxygen plasma. The treatment effects were studied regarding the wound fluid adsorption potential using physiological saline, synthetic exudate and synthetic blood. Plasma treatment was most efficient since a significant improvement by absorbency rate and capacity was evident, less pronounced in case of synthetic blood. The combination of both treatments showed a similar trend, while the effects were less prominent, but still sufficient by managing fluid-associated as well as infected wounds.
Keywords: non-woven cellulose fabric, sol-gel, oxygen plasma, absorption, synthetic wound fluids
Published in DKUM: 31.08.2017; Views: 1494; Downloads: 406
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X-ray absorption spectroscopy and related techniques
Alojz Kodre, Iztok Arčon, Jana Padežnik Gomilšek, 2004, original scientific article

Abstract: In the extensive field of X-ray diagnostic techniques, nowadays mostly implemented on synchrotron X-ray sources, the X-ray absorption methods offer a relatively simple tool for structural analysis of materials. The advantage of the methods is the sensitivity to chemical species and the insensitivity to the long-range order. An overview of various detection techniques is given together with the discussion of accuracy of the method with regard to the spatial resolution and the possible contamination by intra-atomic contributions, the multielectron photoexcitations.
Keywords: X-rays, absorption, EXAFS, XANES
Published in DKUM: 30.08.2017; Views: 991; Downloads: 97
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High-resolution X-ray absorption spectrometry of atomic vapors
Andrej Mihelič, Alojz Kodre, Iztok Arčon, Jana Padežnik Gomilšek, 2004, original scientific article

Abstract: A measurement of an x-ray absorption spectrum of a monatomic sample yields pure atomic absorption essential for the EXAFS (Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure) analysis in cases of a weak structural signal. A construction of an absorption cell to contain vapor sample takes into account specific properties of the investigated element. Metal-vapor absorption cells for the elements K, Zn, Rb, Cd, Cs, and Hg are presented and comments are made on the use of materials and the operating mechanisms of the cells.
Keywords: x-ray absorption, atomic vapors, K, Zn, Rb, Cd, Cs, EXAFS
Published in DKUM: 18.08.2017; Views: 1233; Downloads: 121
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Experimental and numerical evaluation of the mechanical behavior of strongly anisotropic light-weight metallic fiber structures under static and dynamic compressive loading
Olaf Andersen, Matej Vesenjak, Thomas Fiedler, Jehring, Lovre Krstulović-Opara, original scientific article

Abstract: Rigid metallic fiber structures made from a variety of different metals and alloys have been investigated mainly with regard to their functional properties such as heat transfer, pressure drop, or filtration characteristics. With the recent advent of aluminum and magnesium-based fiber structures, the application of such structures in light-weight crash absorbers has become conceivable. The present paper therefore elucidates the mechanical behavior of rigid sintered fiber structures under quasi-static and dynamic loading. Special attention is paid to the strongly anisotropic properties observed for different directions of loading in relation to the main fiber orientation. Basically, the structures show an orthotropic behavior; however, a finite thickness of the fiber slabs results in moderate deviations from a purely orthotropic behavior. The morphology of the tested specimens is examined by computed tomography, and experimental results for different directions of loading as well as different relative densities are presented. Numerical calculations were carried out using real structural data derived from the computed tomography data. Depending on the direction of loading, the fiber structures show a distinctively different deformation behavior both experimentally and numerically. Based on these results, the prevalent modes of deformation are discussed and a first comparison with an established polymer foam and an assessment of the applicability of aluminum fiber structures in crash protection devices is attempted.
Keywords: aluminum fiber, fiber structure, orthotropy, sintering, compression, static loading, dynamic loading, energy absorption, numerical simulation
Published in DKUM: 21.06.2017; Views: 1148; Downloads: 569
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