1. Monitoring website accessibility : evaluating current approaches and a proposal for improvementsMatjaž Debevc, Tilen Škraba, Bogdan Cerovac, Ines Kožuh, Nataša Rajh, 2023, original scientific article Keywords: accessibility, World Wide Web, web content accessibility guideline, web accessibility directive, accessibility monitoring, accessibility statement, feedback mechanism Published in DKUM: 12.06.2024; Views: 112; Downloads: 3 Full text (598,91 KB) This document has many files! More... |
2. Micro Focus NetExpress1998, manual Keywords: računalništvo, programska oprema, software, računalniško programiranje, baze podatkov, obdelava podatkov, AOP, računalniške mreže, mreže, Basic, aplikacija, WWW, World Wide Web, UNIX, operacijski sistemi, COBOL, Windows, struktura, priročniki Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1048; Downloads: 64 Link to full text |
3. Web based video on demand about deaf history : lecture presented on Deaf history international, 5éme conférence internationale á Pais sur l'histoire des sourds, Institut National des Jeunes Sourds de Paris, June 2003Matjaž Debevc, Živa Ribičič, 2003, unpublished conference contribution Keywords: izobraževanje na daljavo, video na zahtevo, pretočni video, internet, svetovni splet, gluhi, naglušni, slovenski znakovni jezik, distance education, distance learning, video on demand, streaming video, Internet, world wide web, deaf, hard of hearing, Slovene sign language Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 3392; Downloads: 44 Link to full text |
4. Micro Focus Net Express 3.0 University edition1999 Keywords: CD-ROM, računalniške diskete, kompaktne plošče, računalništvo, programska oprema, software, računalniško programiranje, baze podatkov, obdelava podatkov, AOP, računalniške mreže, mreže, Internet, Basic, aplikacija, WWW, World Wide Web, UNIX, operacijski sistemi, COBOL, Windows, struktura Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1161; Downloads: 35 Link to full text |
5. Internet marketing : strategy, implementation and practiceDave Chaffey, Richard Mayer, Kevin Johnston, Fiona Ellis-Chadwick, 2000, manual Keywords: business, Internet, marketing, computer application, marketing strategy, informations, marketing planning, marketing channels, marketing structure, World Wide Web, promotion, electronic commerce, electronic transactions, success of business operation, efficiency, retail sale, future, forecasting, development, business decision-making Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 3164; Downloads: 111 Link to full text |
6. The business of ecommerce : from corporate strategy to technologyPaul May, 2000, manual Keywords: new economy, enterprises, corporations, electronic commerce, interactions, virtual reality, retail sale, competition, customer, globalization, information technology, computer networks, internet, World Wide Web, HTML, Hypertext Markup Language, client/server, models, application, business strategy Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2499; Downloads: 55 Link to full text |
7. Accountant's guide to the InternetEric E. Cohen, manual Keywords: Internet, računalniške mreže, WWW, World Wide Web, informacijski viri, uporaba računalnika, elektronska pošta, elektronsko poslovanje, računovodstvo, revizor, računovodski delavci, strokovnjaki, komuniciranje, on-line, informacije, ekonomska propaganda, promocija, računalniško izmenjavanje podatkov, mednarodno poslovanje, podpora, poslovanje, marketing, trženje, finančno poslovanje Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 1906; Downloads: 92 Link to full text |
8. Customer service on the Internet : building relationships, increasing loyalty, and staying competitiveJim Sterne, manual Keywords: potrošnik, storitve, psihologija osebnosti, znanje, individualizem, Internet, Extranet, računalniške mreže, marketing, trženje, komuniciranje, odnosi z javnostjo, konkurenca, WWW, World Wide Web, konkurenčnost, prednost, informacijski viri, računalništvo, uporaba računalnika, telekomunikacije, elektronska pošta, strategija trženja, vrednotenje, tržno planiranje, uporabniki, podpora, promocija, elektronsko poslovanje, uspešnost poslovanja, meritve, priročniki, case study Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2028; Downloads: 67 Link to full text |
9. The lead generation handbook : how to generate all the sales leads you'll ever need - quickly, easily, and inexpensivelyRobert W. Bly, manual Keywords: prodaja, vodenje, poslovodni delavci, prodajna politika, management, direktno trženje, neposredna prodaja, pospeševanje prodaje, poslovno okolje, potrošnik, psihologija potrošnika, ekonomska propaganda, prostor, prodaja po pošti, promocija, osebna prodaja, prodaja po telefonu, mediji, radio, televizija, WWW, World Wide Web, računalniške mreže Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 1582; Downloads: 72 Link to full text |
10. Marketing on the InternetJill H. Ellsworth, Matthew V. Ellsworth, manual Keywords: računalniške mreže, Internet, marketing, trženje, WWW, storitve, potrošnik, ekonomska propaganda, odnosi z javnostjo, World Wide Web, HTML, Hypertext Markup Language, AOP, računalniška grafika, obdelava podatkov, uporaba računalnika, poslovanje, uspešnost poslovanja, on-line, informacijski viri, telekomunikacije Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 1834; Downloads: 40 Link to full text |