1. Corrosion characterization and ion release in SLM-manufactured and wrought Ti6Al4V alloy in an oral environmentMirjam Bajt Leban, Tadeja Kosec, Matjaž Finšgar, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: As-produced and heat-treated TiAlV samples were prepared by selective laser melting and compared to wrought samples of identical chemical composition. Microstructural, corrosion, and spectroscopic studies of additively manufactured samples in artificial saliva at 37 °C, with NaF and at pH 2.3 were as a novelty combined with metal ion release during 42 days immersion. In artificial saliva higher amount of ions was released on SLM specimen when compared to wrought alloy. The total amount of ions released from SLM specimen in AS containing NaF was 10-times higher than in AS, while in AS with lactic acid it was 100-times higher. Keywords: Ti6Al4V, SLM, corrosion, ion release, XPS, ToF-SIMS Published in DKUM: 05.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 3 Full text (15,86 MB) This document has many files! More... |
2. The development, validation, and optimization of a SWAdSV method for the simultaneous determination of epinephrine and uric acid in real samples using a poly(L-cysteine) modified SPCE sensorDavid Majer, Matjaž Finšgar, 2023, original scientific article Keywords: epinephrine, uric acid, L-cysteine, pLC-SPCE, ToF-SIMS Published in DKUM: 08.05.2024; Views: 221; Downloads: 19 Full text (1,26 MB) This document has many files! More... |
3. ǂThe ǂcorrosion resistance of dental Ti6Al4V with differing microstructures in oral environmentsMirjam Bajt Leban, Tadeja Kosec, Matjaž Finšgar, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: The impact of the microstructural properties of a Ti6Al4V alloy on its electrochemical properties, as well as the effect of the α- and β-phases present within it, is still unclear. With the introduction of new, emerging technologies, such as selective laser melting and post heat treatments, the effect of the microstructure on an alloy's corrosion properties has become increasingly interesting from a scientific perspective. When these alloys are produced through different methods, despite an identical chemical composition they have diverse microstructures, and consequently display varying resistance to corrosion. In the present research study, Ti–6Al–4V alloy specimens produced by three different processes, leading to the formation of three different microstructures were investigated: heat treated specimen fabricated by selective laser melting, wrought and cast specimens. The impact of the microstructure of these alloys when immersed in artificial saliva was studied through the use of various electrochemical techniques, by microscopical examinations, and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry. Corrosion properties were investigated by the measurement of open circuit potential, linear polarization, and potentiodynamic curve measurements followed by microscopical examinations, and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry examination was conducted to reveal spatial distribution of alloying species on oxide film. It was found that the difference between specimens containing an α+β microstructure was small and not dependent on the aspect ratio of the β-phase, alloy grain size, and vanadium partitioning coefficient, but rather on the size, shape, and content of this phase. Keywords: Ti6Al4V, dental alloy, microstructure, corrosion resistance, heat treatment, ToF-SIMS Published in DKUM: 07.05.2024; Views: 198; Downloads: 13 Full text (8,12 MB) This document has many files! More... |
4. The synthesis, surface analysis, and cellular response of titania and titanium oxynitride nanotube arrays prepared on TiAl6V4 for potential biomedical applicationsKatja Andrina Kravanja, Luka Suhadolnik, Marjan Bele, Uroš Maver, Jan Rožanc, Željko Knez, Maša Knez Marevci, Matjaž Finšgar, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: Titania nanotubes are gaining prominence in the biomedical field as implant materials due to their mechanical durability, nano-rough properties, and positive influence on cellular response. This work aimed to synthesize titania and titanium oxynitride (TieOeN) nano- tubular arrays on TiAl6V4 substrates using an anodic oxidation process followed by annealing in air or by additional nitridation in NH3 atmosphere. Different nanotubular layers of unique morphology and structure were fabricated and investigated using advanced surface analysis and biocompatibility tests. In-depth surface analysis was per- formed by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), 3D profilometry, X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectroscopy (ToF-SIMS). Cell testing using adipose- derived mesenchymal stem cells and human fetal osteoblasts demonstrated good cell viability, high proliferative capacity, and a favorable overall effect on cell morphology for the TieOeN nanotubes. Keywords: surface analysis, XPS, AFM, tandem ToF-SIMS, titania nanotubes, Ti-O-N nanotubes, anodization Published in DKUM: 07.05.2024; Views: 186; Downloads: 19 Full text (8,31 MB) This document has many files! More... |
5. Razvoj in analiza frit za emajliranje aluminijevih zlitin : doktorska disertacijaMitja Bukovec, 2021, doctoral dissertation Abstract: Doktorska raziskava je temeljila na razvoju frit za emajliranje aluminijevih zlitin, saj je uporaba zlitin zaradi njihove nizke cene, nizke gostote in odlične trdnosti vedno večja. Tako se aluminijeve zlitine uporabljajo v različnih panogah, vendar je njihova uporaba omejena zaradi njihove visoke kemijske aktivnosti in potencialno slabe korozijske odpornosti v kislih, alkalnih in kloridnih raztopinah. Študija je zajemala raziskave različnih surovin ter oksidne sestave frit.
Da smo dobili homogen granulat, smo za posamezno frito določili optimalne pogoje časa in temperaturo taljenja. S talilnim mikroskopom smo opazovali površino in določili štiri talilne točke: sintranja, zmehčanja, polkrogle in stekanja. Razteznostni koeficient frite smo določili z dilatometrom, ter ga primerjali z razteznostnim koeficientom posamezne aluminijeve zlitine.
Pred emajliranjem smo vzorce zlitin očistili in nekatere tudi zbrusili, da bi ugotovili vpliv predhodne obdelave zlitine na vezavo emajla. Pripravljenih je bilo več frit, med katerimi je bilo sedem frit, s katerimi smo emajlirali tri vrste aluminijevih zlitin in sicer AA2024, AA6082 in AA7075. Za posamezno frito smo določili optimalne pogoje časa in temperaturo žganja. Korozijska odpornost emajliranih vzorcev je bila preizkušena v 5-odstotni raztopini NaCl pri sobni temperaturi z uporabo meritev elektrokemijske impedančne spektroskopije in meritev krivulj ciklične polarizacije. Korozijska odpornost emajliranih vzorcev se je v primerjavi z neemajliranimi aluminijevimi zlitinami povečala.
Sestava, površinska in globinska homogenost dveh najučinkovitejših emajliranih vzorcev sta bila potrjena z uporabo FE-SEM posnetkov, jedkanja z ionskim izvorom klastrov argona in z kvantitativno analizo z uporabo rentgenske fotoelektronske spektroskopije. Dodatno je bila za opis 3D sestave frit uporabljena tehnika masne spektrometrije sekundarnih ionov z detektorjem na čas preleta in jedkanjem z uporabo ionskega izvora O2+. Globino nastalega kraterja pri globinskem profiliranju smo analizirali z uporabo 3D profilometra. Keywords: frita, emajl, aluminijeva zlitina, korozija, elektrokemija, XPS, ToF-SIMS, 3D profilometrija Published in DKUM: 12.04.2021; Views: 1356; Downloads: 137 Full text (12,90 MB) |
6. Makhnëv, A. A. (RS-AOSUR); Nosov, V. V. (RS-AOSUR): Automorphisms of strongly regular Krein graphs without triangles. (Russian. Russian summary). - Algebra Logika 44 (2005), no. 3, 335--354, 384; translation in Algebra Logic 44 (2005), no. 3, 185--196Primož Potočnik, 2006, review, book review, critique Keywords: matematika, teorija grafov, avtomorfizem, Kreinov graf, Klebshov graf, ▫$n$▫-klika, mathematics, graph theory, automorphism, Krein graph, Klebsh graph, Higman-Sims graph, ▫$n$▫-clique, ▫$n$▫-coclique Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 826; Downloads: 39 Link to full text |