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Slovenščina kot učni jezik na slovenskih univerzah
Marko Jesenšek, 2014, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: Prispevek prinaša razmislek o statusu slovenskega jezika kot učnega jezika na naših državnih univerzah; gre za prizadevanja slovenske rektorske konference, da naj bi se uvedel tuji jezik (angleščina) kot učni jezik oz. da bi se učni jezik na naših univerzah določal v statutih posameznih univerz. Premislek o jezikovnem odpadništvu dela slovenske univerzitetne elite, sklicevanje na tuje študente in napačno razumljena internacionalizacija ter odprtost naših predavanj, skupni evropski univerzitetni prostor, bolonja, želja, da je čim več predavanj v angleščini na eni strani, na drugi pa samobitnost slovenskega jezika, ki je po ustavi uradni/državni/prvi in za večino tudi materni jezik v RS; nasprotja med Predlogom Zakona o visokem šolstvu in določili v Resoluciji in Zakonu o slovenskem jeziku; vprašanja in izzivi, ki jih za slovenski jezik kot učni jezik in jezik znanosti postavljajo taka (na videz) izključujoča se nasprotja.
Keywords: slovenščina, učni jezik, slovenske univerze, internacionalizacija, Slovenian language, language of instruction, Slovene universities, internationalisation
Published in DKUM: 05.08.2024; Views: 78; Downloads: 6
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Bilingualism in Slovenian Istria : Studies and Issues in Its Preservation
Mojca Kompara Lukančič, Nives Lenassi, Sandro Paolucci, 2023

Abstract: The volume starts with an overview chapter of studies on bilingualism and bilingual individuals in general, and the particular aspects and characteristics of bilingualism in Slovenian Istria. It continues with three chapters focusing on Italian in the bilingual area of the Slovenian coast. The second chapter presents surveys on the position of bilingualism, the influence of Italian media, the results of the secondary school leaving exams in Italian, and the status of bilingualism in Slovenian schools in the bilingual Littoral communities. The third chapter offers an analysis of texts and documents translated from Slovenian into Italian; that is, bilingual texts available on the websites of the four bilingual municipalities: Koper, Izola, Piran, and Ankaran. The final chapter presents some detailed aspects of studies carried out on administrative texts of the bilingual municipalities, focusing on selected lexical units and acronyms, and offering translation solutions that guarantee and preserve minority rights and offer uniform terminology.
Keywords: the Italian language, bilingualism, terminology, translation, Slovenian Istria
Published in DKUM: 01.06.2023; Views: 522; Downloads: 82
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Students' attitudes towards the use of Slovene as L1 in teaching and learning of business English at tertiary level
Nataša Gajšt, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: Over the past decades, the monolingual (English-only) approach to English language teaching and learning has prevailed. In recent years, however, the trend of using students' first language (L1) in teaching and learning English as a foreign language has re-emerged. However, the research on the use of L1 in teaching English for specific purposes is far from extensive. The aim of this study was to investigate the use of Slovene as the students' L1 in teaching and learning Business English at tertiary level. The specific objectives were to determine the students' attitudes towards the teachers' and the students' use of Slovene during Business English lessons and the students' use of Slovene in learning Business English. The present study was quantitative, with data gathered via a questionnaire. The results show that, on the one hand, there is some inclination towards the use of L1 both in class and during their study of Business English. On the other hand, the preference towards the use of predominantly (or exclusively) English in class is also present and is positively correlated with the level of students' knowledge of English. The results are of value to English language teachers as they suggest the contexts in which students' L1 could be used in the process of teaching and learning English for specific purposes.
Keywords: business English, foreign language study and teaching, Slovenian language, native language, didactics
Published in DKUM: 09.08.2017; Views: 1866; Downloads: 371
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TextProc - a natural language processing framework and its use as plagiarism detection system
Janez Brezovnik, Milan Ojsteršek, 2011, original scientific article

Abstract: A natural language processing framework called TextProc is described in this paper. First the frameworks software architecture is described. The architecture is made of several parts and all of them are described in detail. Natural language processing capabilities are implemented as software plug-ins. Plug-ins can be put together into processes that perform a practical natural processing function. Several practical TextProc processes are briefly described, like part-of-speech tagging, named entity tagging and others. One of those is capable to perform plagiarism detection on texts in Slovenian language, which is explained in detail. This process is actually used in digital library of University of Maribor. The integration of digital library with TextProc is also briefly described. At the end of this paper some ideas for future development are given.
Keywords: natural language processing, text processing, text mining, Slovenian language, plagiarism detection
Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 3022; Downloads: 88
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Advanced features of Digital library of University of Maribor
Janez Brezovnik, Milan Ojsteršek, 2011, original scientific article

Abstract: Advanced features of digital library of University of Maribor are described inthis paper. A short introduction describes some basic facts about the digital library and mentions its main purpose, but the main part of this paperis about features, that are mostly not found in other digital libraries. These features include integration with other information systems, plagiarism detection, informative and useful statistics about mentors and specific content extraction from documents, served by the digital library. We present existing functionality and describe some ideas for future development. A natural language processing framework, called TextProc, is also briefly mentioned, since it is used to perform plagiarism detection.
Keywords: digital library, natural language, plagiarism detection, Slovenian language, text processing
Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 3167; Downloads: 61
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Developing a question answering system for the slovene language
Ines Čeh, Milan Ojsteršek, 2009, original scientific article

Abstract: In todayćs world the majority of information is sought after on the internet. A common method is the use of search engines. However since the result of a query to the search engine is a ranked list of results, this is not the final step. It is up to the user to review the results and determine which of the results provides the information needed. Often this process is time consuming and does not provide the sought after information. Besides the number of returned results the limiting factor is often the lack of ability of the usersto form the correct query. The solution for this can be found in the formof question answering systems, where the user proposes a question in the natural language, similarly as talking to another person. The answer is the exact answer instead of a list of possible results. This paper presents the design of a question answering system in natural slovene language. The system searches for the answers for our target domain (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) with the use of a local database, databases of the facultyćs information system, MS Excel files and through web service calls. We have developed two separate applications: one for users and the other for the administrators of the system. With the help of the latter application the administrators supervise the functioning and use of entire system. The former application is actually the system that answers the questions.
Keywords: question answering, Slovenian language, question classification, machine learning, question templates, personalization
Published in DKUM: 31.05.2012; Views: 2092; Downloads: 46
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Annotating discourse markers in spontaneous speech corpora on an example for the Slovenian
Darinka Verdonik, Matej Rojc, Marko Stabej, 2007, original scientific article

Abstract: Speech-to-speech translation technology has difficulties processing elements of spontaneity in conversation. We propose a discourse marker attribute in speech corpora to help overcome some of these problems. There have already been some attempts to annotate discourse markers in speech corpora. However, as there is no consistency on what expressions count as discourse markers, we have to reconsider how to set a framework for annotating, and, in order to better understand what we gain by introducing a discourse marker category, we have to analyse their characteristics and functions in discourse. This is especially important for languages such as Slovenian where no or little research on the topic of discourse markers has been carried out. The aims of this paper are to present a scheme for annotating discourse markers based on the analysis of a corpus of telephone conversations in the tourism domain in the Slovenian language, and to give some additional arguments based on the characteristics and functions of discourse markers that confirm their special status in conversation.
Keywords: discourse markers, speech corpora, annotating, conversation, discourse analysis, speech-to-speech translation, spontaneous speech, Slovenian language
Published in DKUM: 31.05.2012; Views: 2110; Downloads: 42
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