51. Sustainable refurbishment of Martin Konšak Primary School in MariborHristijan Babuka, 2016, magistrsko delo Opis: The thesis tends to present a comprehensive approach for sustainable refurbishment of primary schools, treating Martin Konšak Primary School in Maribor as a case study. The first part provides theoretical framework in which understanding of the sustainable refurbishment of schools is formed. Moreover, energy-efficient and sustainable principles of design are introduced. The following part deals with detailed analysis of the existing school. The investigation extends from site analysis - climate conditions, orientation, and urban context - to school building analysis, which includes an overview of the history and the current situation of the school, architectural evaluation, and energy analysis, resulting in summarizing the advantages and disadvantages of the existing building. The final part synthesizes the knowledge and proposes a final design solution for sustainable refurbishment of the school. The refurbishment concept involves renovation or demolition of particular elements and extension of the building's volume. Furthermore, it covers energy-efficient design principles and passive and active strategies to reduce energy consumption of the building and improve its environmental performance. The thesis concludes with simulations of building's energy use before and after the refurbishment. Ključne besede: sustainable refurbishment, sustainable school, school refurbishment, architecture, energy efficiency, thermal envelope, energy performance. Objavljeno v DKUM: 23.09.2016; Ogledov: 2332; Prenosov: 298 Celotno besedilo (136,70 MB) |
52. LEARNING AND USING FOREIGN LANGUAGES AT A DIDACTIC FARMSimona Eder, 2015, diplomsko delo Opis: Learning and using foreign languages in a natural environment, in real-life situations at the didactic farm (at the Eder farm) is the theme of this diploma thesis. Nowadays primary schools are more and more aware of teaching different real-life skills outside the school’s own four walls. They do not expect their pupils to learn just for good grades, they want them to learn and prepare for possible situations in their future life.
The first part of the thesis presents the history of teaching and learning outside the classroom, defines the meaning of the term "didactic farm" and presents the Eder didactic farm, its history, ethnological collection, offers, target groups, possible types of visits and topics.
On the basis of four possible foreign language courses during the visits to the didactic farm the results, advantages and disadvantages of teaching foreign language at the didactic farm, responses of children, teachers’ opinions and possibilities of further developments are presented. The hypotheses have all been confirmed, with the remark, that the children have fewer difficulties coping with new ways of FL learning and using then teachers.
The primary aim of the thesis was to find possible improvements for the integration of didactic farms and schools in the local or wider school district. Another goal was to invite them to learn and use foreign languages at a didactic farm that provides appropriate offers, attractive and diverse themes and contributes to the greater prevalence of such foreign language learning in natural environment. Ključne besede: Learning and using foreign languages, real life skills, didactic farm, kindergarten and school children, natural environment Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.10.2015; Ogledov: 1722; Prenosov: 142 Celotno besedilo (3,01 MB) |
53. Children and virtual reality : some dilemas of educationJasminka Zloković, Metod Černetič, Olga Dečman Dobrnjič, 2009, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Possible responses to the extremely complex and delicate question of the influence that exercises on the development of a child as a unique personality, on the child's psycho-social development and on the education of a child generally may be provided by serious research of a cohort sequential design, either in research programmes in the field of educational sciences or of other social disciplines. The present paper confronts some dilemmas of the modern world. Particularly those between the educational values, families and schools and education supplied (imposed) by virtual reality that promotes the social standardization of behaviour and the perception of values and of the world around us. The aggressiveness of the mass media in presenting as and without an often results in a virtual life for a child, with virtual friends, education and even virtual families. In the time of developing technology, an important question arises: how to deal with such a situation. Do we direct young people to carefully select from what modern virtual reality has to offer and how do we do that? Ključne besede: virtual reality, education, values, environment, school Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 1333; Prenosov: 202 Celotno besedilo (166,34 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
54. Examples of applying contemporary art practices in the visual arts curriculum in grammar schoolsJerneja Herzog, Matjaž Duh, 2013, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci Opis: The experience of practitioners has confirmed that primary and secondary schools in Slovenia do not pay enough attention to contemporary art practices. Teachers do not sufficiently (or not at all) include contemporary artists in art education. Consequently, students are not informed about experiencing and receiving contemporary art. They are often unable to define it and make their own opinions about it, as they have problems understanding and reading the content and force of expression regarding contemporary artworks. The current article shows a few examples of how grammar school teachers can successfully apply contemporary art practices in the visual arts curriculum. It presents the content-related, pedagogical-and-didactic planning and the possibilities of including contemporary art practices. The works of good quality, presented in the present article, have confirmed that contemporary art can be exceptionally interesting to students themselves, provocative and, above all, different from what they are used to. Ključne besede: sodobna umetnost, kurikulum, gimnazija, likovna umetnost, curriculum, grammar school, visual arts Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 1992; Prenosov: 34 Povezava na celotno besedilo |
55. The role and meaning of school counseling when dealing with peer violenceMarija Javornik, Suzana Kovše, Mateja Ploj Virtič, 2013, strokovni članek Opis: The subject of discussion is peer violence and the role of school counselors when dealing with this problem. The first part of the article gives a definition of peer violence as it applies to the role of the school counselor when dealing with peer violence. The second part of the article shows the results of empirical research which took place in March and April of 2010 on a sample of 428 students from Slovene schools. The fundamental objective of this research was to determine the actual state of this problem in practice: determining the role of school counseling in discovering and solving problems concerning peer violence; finding out whether students trust school counselors, whether they turn to them when in trouble, whether they cooperate with school counselors and if school counseling also works preventively. Ključne besede: vzgoja in izobraževanje, nasilje vrstnikov, nadlegovanje, preventiva, šolsko svetovanje, education, bullying, peer violence, preventive work, school counseling Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 1243; Prenosov: 23 Povezava na celotno besedilo |
56. GHG emissions reduction based on a heuristic optimization approach : an example of a SBRP problemDejan Dragan, Klemen Prah, Tomaž Kramberger, Maja Fošner, 2013, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci Opis: Since the transport causes about 26% of global CO2 emissions, the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) is becoming increasingly necessary. To achieve this objective, several approaches were adopted, like for example the employment of alternative sustainable technologies, or the enforcement of changes in driving skills. In contrast with this kind of approaches, an interesting approach is to reduce the vehicle miles of travel (VMT). In this paper, the concept of VMT reduction based on a heuristic optimization approach is introduced. The suitability of this concept has been tested for the School Bus Routing Problem (SBRP). Working mechanisms of the adopted heuristic optimization algorithms are briefly explained. As can be seen from the results, the optimization of bus stops, bus routes and driving schedules can significantly reduce the amount of VMT and consequently the amount of CO2 emissions. Ključne besede: transport planning, environment, heuristic optimization approach, school bus routing problem Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 1974; Prenosov: 47 Povezava na celotno besedilo |
57. Oblikovanje armaturne plošče v osebnem avtomobiluSimon Koražija, 2014, diplomsko delo Opis: Delo sodobnega oblikovalca je v osnovi prelivanje idej v končni produkt, predpogoj za uspešen izdelek pa je temeljito raziskovanje in razumevanje uporabnika. V diplomskem delu je bil uporabnik preučevan po stanfordski metodologiji skozi pet faz: empatija, definicija, ideacija, prototipiranje in testiranje; rezultati in spoznanja le-teh pa so osnovni namen raziskave. Končni izdelek je namreč le produkt lastne interpretacije rezultatov. Ključne besede: dizajn, inženirsko oblikovanje izdelkov, aramaturna plošča, osebni avtomobil, d.school Objavljeno v DKUM: 20.10.2014; Ogledov: 2282; Prenosov: 159 Celotno besedilo (1,89 MB) |
58. TEACHING ENGLISH THROUGH SONGSEda Drmota, 2013, diplomsko delo Opis: The diploma thesis addresses the use of music in teaching English and discusses many aspects of music and language learning. The theoretical part introduces music as an important factor in people's lives and presents reasons for its decisive role in acquiring a foreign language. It also provides a comparison between language and music and their effect on human brains. The attention is paid to songs which are presented as an effective pedagogical tool indispensible especially in young learners’ classroom.
The aim of the empirical part is to give insight into the use of songs in current English classrooms by examining six English coursebooks which are used with fourth and fifth graders. The study clarifies the function of songs and analyses their presentation based on chosen criteria which define a good language learning song. My research also focused on pupils and their experience of songs in chosen coursebook. The sample included 124 pupils. The aim was to find out which songs are pupils' favourite and which criteria are the most important to them when choosing a favourite song. The findings of the research have been set in the conclusion. Ključne besede: foreign language teaching, early language teaching, English coursebooks, Primary School, music, song, human brains, motivation Objavljeno v DKUM: 09.05.2013; Ogledov: 4256; Prenosov: 405 Celotno besedilo (1,11 MB) |
59. CELOVITI PRISTOP PRI ZAGOTAVLJANJU INFORMACIJSKE VARNOSTI V OSNOVNI ŠOLISamo Štraser, 2012, magistrsko delo Opis: Informacijska varnost je zelo zahtevno in težko obvladljivo področje. Pri zagotavljanju informacijske varnosti moramo predvideti vse morebitne nevarnosti, saj je informacijski sistem varen toliko, kot je varen njegov najšibkejši člen. Najbolj tipična področja, ki jih moramo pri zagotavljanju informacijske varnosti upoštevati so: sistemska varnost, varnost podatkov, omrežna varnost, fizična varnost, organizacijska varnost.
Zagotavljanje informacijske varnosti v osnovni šoli se zdi na prvi pogled zelo enostavno opravilo, vendar temu nikakor ni tako. Rezultati raziskave, ki smo jo izvedli med slovenskimi osnovnimi šolami, kažejo, da za informacijsko varnost v osnovnih šolah po Sloveniji ni najbolje poskrbljeno. Informacijska varnost je namreč individualna skrb vsake posamezne šole, zato ne moremo govoriti o nekih skupnih in celovitih rešitvah, kot jih npr. uporabljajo ponekod v tujini. V Sloveniji sicer deluje nekaj državnih institucij, ki osnovnim šolam pomagajo pri zagotavljanju informacijske varnosti, vendar bo potrebno na tem področju še marsikaj izboljšati.
V prispevku smo predstavili stanje na področju zagotavljanja informacijske varnosti v slovenskem šolstvu. Predstavili smo tudi nekatere dobre prakse, ki se jih poslužujejo v tujini. V skladu s temi smo oblikovali splošne smernice za izboljšanje informacijske varnosti, ki smo jih uporabili pri prenovi informacijskega sistema na OŠ Neznanih talcev Dravograd. Menimo, da je opisani pristop uporaben tudi za ostale osnovne šole v Sloveniji. Ker ne zahteva velikih finančnih vložkov, ima s tega stališča veliko praktično vrednost. Ključne besede: Informacijska varnost, smernice, osnovna šola odprtokodna programska oprema, Open School Server Objavljeno v DKUM: 21.01.2013; Ogledov: 2109; Prenosov: 211 Celotno besedilo (2,66 MB) |
60. A hidden curriculum in kindergartens and empathy of preschool teachersJurka Lepičnik-Vodopivec, 2007, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The present article illustrates the problem of a hidden curriculum in kindergartens. It is presented as an important part of the overt curriculum. The empathy of kindergarten teachers is shown within the scope of a hidden curriculum. The second part discusses the results of the research on empathy of preschool teachers as an important element of the hidden curriculum in kindergartens. Four dimensions of empathy were identified: social self-confi dence, calmness, sensitivity and non-conformism. Each of these dimensions contributes on its own and together with the others to a better understanding of empathy of kindergarten teachers, which undoubtedly influences and encourages the development of emphatic communication among preschool teachers, children and parents. Ključne besede: pre-school education, curriculum, kindergartens, hidden curricula, empathy, preschool teachers Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.06.2012; Ogledov: 2924; Prenosov: 115 Povezava na celotno besedilo |