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Odnos domačinov do filmskih festivalov v Sarajevu : zaključno delo VS študijskega programa
Berina Halilović, 2023, diplomsko delo

Opis: Tema zaključnega dela je »Odnos domačinov do filmskih festivalov v Sarajevu«. Z analizo literature smo ugotovili, da se v Sarajevu organizira 7 filmskih festivalov, zato se nam je zdelo pomembno raziskati, kako domačini doživljajo filmske festivale in ali filmski festivali vplivajo, na domačine Sarajeva pozitivno ali negativno. Metoda, ki smo jo uporabili pri raziskavi, je bila anketa, natančneje,spletna anketa, ki smo jo objavili na družbenih omrežjih. Naša raziskovalna populacija so bili prebivalci Sarajeva. Ključne ugotovitve naše raziskave so, da so bili anketirani lokalni prebivalci bolj zadovoljni s pozitivnimi učinki filmskih festivalov v Sarajevu kot z negativnimi. Vplivi, s katerimi so se anketirani domačini najbolj strinjali, so povezani s turizmom, natančneje, s promocijo in obiskanostjo destinacije. To nas je pripeljalo do zaključka, da lokalni prebivalci Sarajeva prepoznavajo, da se s pomočjo filmskih festivalov razvija turizem in v tem obdobju kraj obišče veliko število turistov. V teoretičnem delu smo opisali raziskave, povezane z lokalnim prebivalstvom in filmskim turizmom, v katerih so avtorji raziskovali, kako filmski turizem vpliva na zadovoljstvo lokalnega prebivalstva. Na koncu smo te raziskave primerjali z našo in videli, kje se raziskave razlikujejo in kje so enake.
Ključne besede: film, kultura, festivali, vpliv turizma, domačini, Sarajevo
Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.07.2023; Ogledov: 478; Prenosov: 53
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Revitalization of the Walter Perić Power Plant in Sarajevo : master thesis
Merima Tica, 2021, magistrsko delo

Opis: The master thesis focuses on the analysis and research of Sarajevo’s central area of Marijin Dvor, and specifically the revitalization of the electrical power plant Walter Perić. The focus is on understanding the proper ways in which degraded zone and dilapidated buildings ought to be revitalized, but also the benefits of revitalizing city cores. It is a multifaceted discourse, thus, the research focuses on industrial heritage and brownfield development in the context of Sarajevo’s City Planning Strategy, as well as, the concept of ruins. The analyses culminate in project offering a new urbanism proposal for the degraded zones in Marijin Dvor, with a focus on the adaptive reuse of the former electrical power plant complex with a new cultural program.
Ključne besede: industrial heritage architecture, adaptive reuse, ruins, Marijin Dvor, Sarajevo
Objavljeno v DKUM: 28.09.2021; Ogledov: 984; Prenosov: 113
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The identifying characteristics of the robbery crimes and its perpetrators in the Canton Sarajevo
Borislav Petrović, Irma Deljkić, Eldan Mujanović, 2011, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Purpose: The intention of this paper is to present the characteristics of robbery crimes and its perpetrators in the Canton Sarajevo. In that sense, the impetus behind this empirical study stems from the following research question: „What circumstances and characteristics of robberies best structure a certain types of robbery offenders?”. Design/Methods/Approach: The methodology for this research involved methods of data collection relating to the documentation analysis of 120 court and police records, and methods of descriptive and inferential statistics for the analysis of collected data. Findings: The results of the empirical research indicate that the number of accomplices, and the characteristics of planning and preparing for the execution of these crimes, well-differentiate robbers in the Canton Sarajevo on professional and opportunistic. Furthermore, the results show that population of robbers mainly consists of recidivists. Research limitations: Main limitations of this paper are related to the quantitative empirical evidence, since it uses only data from the official police and court records. Future research should include qualitative measures. Practical implications: Our findings provide a useful source of information for academics and practitioners in the field of criminology and criminal justice. Police might benefit also from our results, since the knowledge of the modus operandi of this crime and the places of execution may contribute to revealing the identity of such perpetrators in the Canton Sarajevo. Originality/Value: The original contribution of this paper is that it introduces an authentic classification scheme for robbers in the Canton Sarajevo. No comparable research currently exists.
Ključne besede: robbery crimes, perpetrators, modus operandi, Canton Sarajevo
Objavljeno v DKUM: 04.05.2020; Ogledov: 880; Prenosov: 23
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Shopping and business centres in Sarajevo
Rahman Nurković, 2012, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: In the paper, influence of shopping and business centres: Mercator, Tuš, Obi Robot, Konzum and BBI on development of Sarajevo city is analysed. Results of the survey made among visitors indicate to presence of social functions (walk, leisure, recreation, fun, socialization) in five centres. The mentioned functions are more expressed in new shopping centres, while shopping is the most important motive of visits to commercial centres. Sarajevo city makes, with its surrounding, a functionally connected wholeness – city, respectively an urban region.
Ključne besede: shopping and business centres, central business centre, public space, social functions, Sarajevo
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.04.2018; Ogledov: 1265; Prenosov: 113
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Perceived neighbourhood social disorder and attitudes toward feeling safe in Sarajevo
Elmedin Muratbegović, Fahrudin Memić, 2012, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Purpose: In this article, the authors examine how fear of crime levels vary depending upon the degree of quality of living conditions within neighbourhoods. Additionally, the intervening mechanisms that link the degree of living quality with the level of fear of crime within neighbourhoods of Sarajevo, the capital city of Bosnia and Herzegovina will be explored. Design/Methods/Approach: This article shows the impact which neighbourly relations and social (dis) organization have on citizens’ perceptions of the so-called fear of crime. In order to measure the fear of crime in general, the authors relied on Van der Wurff’s model which has already been widely used in criminology and which is based on six vignettes describing six different social situations. The authors used a multi-stage random probability method to select a representative sample of households living in urban zones of Sarajevo. The sample population (N = 400) consisted of adult (18 years or older) inhabitants of urban areas comprising Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Findings: The Neighbourhood Disorder and Fear of Crime models indicate that welldeveloped social networks have a significant impact on feeling safe within Sarajevo’s neighbourhoods. Research Limitations/Implications: The most serious objection that can be raised with regard to this survey is the application of the interview as the only data collection technique. Most certainly, the inclusion of other techniques (e.g. focus groups) and methods would achieve more valid results. Practical implications: From the perspectives of practical implications, fear of crime can negatively impact citizens’ lives, and it is important to prevent this phenomenon in our communities, through everyday police activities and activities of other institutions of formal and informal social control. Originality/Value: The incidence and perceptions of safety in Sarajevo has become linked with perceived problems of social stability, moral consensus, and the collective informal control processes that underpin the social order of neighborhoods.
Ključne besede: fear of crime, neighborhood, social disorder, risk of crime, safety feeling, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 1242; Prenosov: 63
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Boris Hranjec, 2010, diplomsko delo

Opis: Od druge polovice 60-tih let naprej, s pričetkom razvoja rock glasbe, so bile v rock glasbi ustvarjene številne socialnopolitično obarvane pesmi, v katerih so se znameniti rock izvajalci ukvarjali z najrazličnejšimi socialnopolitičnimi temami. Še več, v njihovih pesmih niso pomembna samo socialnopolitično naravnana besedila, ampak tudi glasba sama, ki ima včasih zmožnost izraziti določene situacije, ki jih same besede v tekstu ne morejo. Na primer, glasba, v rock glasbi je to največkrat zvok kitar in bobnov, lahko metaforično predstavi določene situacije, predmete, in celo gibanje teh predmetov (letalo ki leti). Irska skupina U2 vsekakor spada v skupino rock glasbenikov, katerih glasba je socialnopolitično naravnana. V njihovi 30-let dolgi karieri so U2 ustvarili številne, socialnopolitično orientirane pesmi. Interpretirane pesmi v tej diplomski seminarski nalogi so dokaz, da takšne rock pesmi niso zgolj nekakšna nepomembna besedila in glasba, ampak pesmi katerih sporočilo nas uči o nekaterih pomembnih socialnopolitičnih problemih.
Ključne besede: rock glasba, socialnopolitične teme, metafore v glasbi, U2, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Silver & Gold, Miss Sarajevo
Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.07.2010; Ogledov: 3235; Prenosov: 375
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