1. Antimicrobial properties of different hop (Humulus lupulus) genotypesZala Kolenc, Tomaž Langerholc, Gregor Hostnik, Miha Ocvirk, Sara Štumpf, Maša Pintarič, Iztok Jože Košir, Andreja Čerenak, Alenka Garmut, Urban Bren, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: The antimicrobial activity of hop extracts obtained from different hop genotypes were investigated against Staphylococcus aureus and Lactobacillus acidophilus. In this study the pure xanthohumol, purified β-acids rich fraction, as well as α-acids with β-acids rich fraction were used to test antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Lactobacillus acidophilus; whereby, the antimicrobial activity of different hop extracts against Lactobacillus acidophilus was studied for the first time. Microbial susceptibility to purified hydroacetonic extracts from different hop varieties was investigated by the broth microdilution assay to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC). The hop hydroacetonic extracts were more effective against Staphylococcus aureus than against Lactobacillus acidophilus. Strong inverse correlations of MIC and MBC values were obtained with xanthohumol, cohumulone, n+adhumulone, colupulone and n+adlupulone contents, suggesting that the identified chemical hop compounds are directly responsible for antimicrobial effects. Moreover, the effect of the growth medium strength on the MIC values of hop extracts against Staphylococcus aureus was systematically investigated for the first time. The current study also reveals the effect of different hop extracts on Staphylococcus aureus, which responds to their presence by lag phase extension and generation time prolongation. Keywords: hop extract, xanthohumol, Staphylococcus aureus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, minimum inhibitory concentration, minimum bactericidal concentration Published in DKUM: 09.05.2024; Views: 203; Downloads: 18
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2. The Influence of Chestnut Extract and Its Components on Antibacterial Activity against Staphylococcus aureusSara Štumpf, Gregor Hostnik, Tomaž Langerholc, Maša Pintarič, Zala Kolenc, Urban Bren, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: Increasing antimicrobial resistance has caused a great interest in natural products as alternatives or potentiators of antibiotics. The objective of this study was to isolate individual tannins from crude chestnut extract as well as to determine the influence of both crude extracts (tannic acid extract, chestnut extract) and individual pure tannins (gallic acid, vescalin, vescalagin, castalin, castalagin) on the growth of Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. Their antibacterial activity was monitored by measuring the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) as well as the duration of the lag phase, growth rate and generation time. The effect of growth medium strength on the MIC of different tannins was also investigated. Bacterial growth was followed spectrophotometrically, and MIC values were determined by the microdilution method. The MIC values of various isolated compounds allowed us to determine the bioactive compounds and their contribution to antimicrobial activity. It was found that MIC values increase with increasing growth medium strength and that the lag phase lengthens with increasing tannin concentrations, while the growth rates decrease. Comparing the results of the two studies, the antimicrobial activity of tannins against S. aureus was not as pronounced as in the case of E. coli, which may indicate that a different mechanism of action is responsible for the antimicrobial effects of tannins on Gram-positive than on Gram-negative bacteria, or that a different mechanism is more pronounced. Keywords: tannins, antibacterial activity, MIC, MBC, Staphylococcus aureus, lag phase, generation time Published in DKUM: 20.02.2024; Views: 363; Downloads: 66
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3. Analiza fenolov v listih murv (Morus sp.) in njihov protibakterijski učinek : magistrsko deloŠpela Jelen, 2022, master's thesis Abstract: V sklopu magistrskega dela smo analizirali vsebnost skupnih in posameznih fenolov v listih genotipov različnih vrst murv (Morus alba, M. alba × rubra, M. nigra, M. australis). Na podlagi fenolnega profila smo odbrali genotipe z največjimi vsebnostmi in proučili protibakterijski učinek murvovih ekstraktov na rast dveh bakterij, grampozitivne Staphylococcus aureus in gramnegativne Escherichia coli. Skupne fenole vseh genotipov smo analizirali s Folin-Ciocalteujevo metodo, posamezne fenole smo analizirali s tekočinsko kromatografijo z UV/VIS-detekcijo. Protibakterijski učinek etanolnih ekstraktov smo določali s Kirby-Bauerjevo disk difuzijsko metodo in z difuzijskim antibiogramom z vdolbinicami. Vpliv protibakterijskega učinka vodnih murvovih ekstraktov na kinetiko rasti obeh bakterij smo preučevali s pomočjo spektrofotometra na mikrotitrski ploščici. Najvišje vrednosti skupnih fenolov (21,51 ± 2 mg GAE/g SS), klorogenske kisline (14,9 ± 0,86 mg/g SS), 4-kafeoilkininske kisline (4,36 ± 0,22 mg/g SS), 5-p-kumaroilkininske kisline (2,2 ± 1,21 mg/g SS), kvercetin glikozida (0,74 ± 0,01 mg/g SS) in kemferol-acetil-heksozida (4,42 ±0,01 mg/g SS) so dosegali sadni genotipi (M. alba × rubra, M. nigra, M. australis), medtem ko so genotipi bele murve (M. alba) vsebovali največ rutina (2,67 ± 0,7 mg/g SS) in kvercetin-malonil-heksozida (1,59 ± 0,39 mg/g SS). Pri difuzijskem antibiogramu z diski inhibicijskih con pri E. coli ni bilo, medtem ko je bil pri difuzijskem antibiogramu z vdolbinicami učinek bakteriostatičen. Pri poskusu s S. aureus se je inhibicijska cona izrazila pri vseh koncentracijah murvovih ekstraktov, a je bila bakteriostatična. Na podlagi spektrofotometričnih rezultatov lahko sklepamo, da murvov ekstrakt nekaj ur zavira rast bakterij S. aureus in E. coli, nato pa jo vzpodbudi, kar lahko pripišemo proteinom in ogljikovim hidratom v ekstraktu. Za nadaljnje raziskave bi bilo smiselno uporabiti čisti fenolni ekstrakt brez beljakovin in ogljikovih hidratov, saj slednji dve snovi predstavljata hranilo za bakterije. Keywords: Murve (Morus sp.), fenolni profil listov, protibakterijski učinek, S. aureus, E. coli Published in DKUM: 07.12.2022; Views: 852; Downloads: 161
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5. Epidemiološki in mikrobiološki pristopi za spremljanje bolnišničnih okužb v UKC MariborBožena Kotnik Kevorkijan, 2019, doctoral dissertation Abstract: Bolnišnične okužbe (BO) so okužbe, povezane z zdravstveno oskrbo (OPZ), ki nastanejo v bolnišnici in predstavljajo najpogostejši zaplet zdravljenja v bolnišnici. Spremljanje njihove pogostosti se lahko uporablja kot kazalnik kakovosti za bolnišnice. K spremljanju spreminjanja pogostosti BO lahko pristopimo tudi s ponavljajočimi se presečnimi raziskavami BO. Evropski center za preprečevanje in obvladovanje bolezni (angl. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, ECDC) vsakih pet let koordinira izvedbo evropske presečne raziskave BO.
Leta 2011 smo v Sloveniji opravili drugo Slovensko nacionalno presečno raziskavo BO (SNPRBO II), prevalenčno presečno raziskavo na dan (angl. point prevalence survey - PPS) v okviru evropske prevalenčne presečne raziskave BO. V raziskavi je sodeloval tudi Univerzitetni klinični center (UKC) Maribor. Visoko usposobljena zdravnica za obvladovanje in preprečevanje BO (ZOBO) je v UKC Maribor opravila vzporedno validacijo metode zbiranja podatkov, ki so jih zbrali anketarji v skladu s standardizirano metodologijo zbiranja podatkov, ki jo priporoča ECDC. Preverila je pravilnost zabeleženih podatkov za vse bolnike, pri katerih so anketarji prepoznali BO, in za vsakega petega bolnika, pri katerem anketarji niso prepoznali BO.
Ob spremljanju širjenja mikroorganizmov znotraj bolnišnice in prepoznavanju izbruhov je pomembna tipizacija mikroorganizmov, ki so povzročili BO. V UKC Maribor smo se odločili za tipizacijo proti meticilinu odpornih zlatih stafilokokov (angl. Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus, MRSA), saj je spremljanje MRSA obvezni kazalnik kakovosti v slovenskih bolnišnicah. Tipizirali smo tudi bakterijo Clostridium difficile (CD), saj marsikje v zdravstveno razvitih državah CD predstavlja kazalnik kakovosti in povzroča klinično pomembne okužbe. Za MRSA smo uporabili spa tipizacijo, za CD pa ribotipizacijo.
Cilji doktorske naloge so vključevali: razvoj modificirane, delovno intenzivnejše metode za validacijo uporabljene »običajne ECDC metode« za prepoznavanje BO v presečni raziskavi (»modificirana ECDC metoda«); ocenili smo prevalence BO ob uporabi »običajne ECDC metode« in »modificirane ECDC metode«, razvite v okviru doktorske naloge; občutljivost in specifičnost »običajne ECDC metode« za prepoznavanje BO v primerjavi z »modificirano ECDC metodo« ter potrebo po nadomestitvi »običajne ECDC metodo« z našo »modificirano ECDC metodo«. Opisali smo značilnosti bolnikov, vključenih v presečno raziskavo, izpostavljenost invazivnim postopkom, BO, izolirane mikroorganizme in odpornost nekaterih mikroorganizmov na izbrane antibiotike ali skupine antibiotikov, ter uporabo antibiotikov. Spremljali smo dva izbrana povzročitelja BO, MRSA in CD, v časovnem obdobju enega leta in ocenili pomen molekularnih tipizacij za prepoznavanje in nadzor BO.
V PPS smo vključili 991 bolnikov, to je vse bolnike, ki so bili hospitalizirani v UKC Maribor na dan raziskave. O vsakem smo zabeležili številne podatke, tudi o dejavnikih tveganja za BO, zdravljenju s protimikrobnimi sredstvi in BO. Z obema metodama smo prepoznali 52 bolnikov, ki so na dan raziskave imeli vsaj eno BO oziroma so bili na dan raziskave še vedno zdravljeni zaradi BO. Ustrezna ocena prevalence BO je bila 5,2 % (s 95 % intervalom zaupanja 3,9 % - 6,8 %). Največ BO so imeli bolniki v enotah za intenzivno zdravljenje (EIZ) 25,0 %, na kirurških oddelkih je imelo BO 6,2 % bolnikov, na ginekološkem in porodnem oddelku 4,4 %, na internih oddelkih 3,1 % bolnikov.
Z univariatnimi in multivariatnimi analizami smo opredelili neodvisne dejavnike tveganja za BO: prisotnost vsadka v zadnjem letu, prisotnost urinskega katetra, operacija v zadnjih 30 dneh in intubacija.
Skupno smo prepoznali 66 BO. Najpogostejše so bile okužbe spodnjih dihal (25 %), okužbe kirurške rane in okužbe sečil. 9 % BO je bilo prisotnih že ob sprejemu bolnika v UKC Maribor, 91 % BO pa je bilo pridobljenih v času aktualne hospitalizacije, največ v obdobju 4.–7. dne po sprejemu. V Keywords: bolnišnične okužbe, presečna raziskava, prevalenca, proti meticilinu odporen Staphylococcus aureus - MRSA, Clostridium difficile, spa tipizacija, ribotipizacija Published in DKUM: 14.01.2020; Views: 1926; Downloads: 454
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6. Inhibicija modificiranega polietilena na rast mikrobnih celicPatricia Govedić, 2017, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Namen diplomskega dela je proučiti antimikrobno učinkovitost modificiranega polietilena na rast mikrobnih celic. Antimikrobno učinkovitost modificiranih polietilenskih (PE) materialov smo testirali na štirih vzorcih (vzorci 1, 2, 3 in 4), ki so bili obdelani na različne načine in so vsebovali cinkov oksid (ZnO), kot potencialni inhibitor rasti mikrobnih celic. Kot slepi vzorec (vzorec, ki ne vsebuje inhibitorja rasti mikrobnih celic – ZnO) smo uporabili PE material brez aditivov (vzorec 0). Pri tem smo uporabili dve metodi za določevanje antimikrobne učinkovitosti testiranih materialov: klasično kontaktno metodo in metodo po ISO 22196:2007 standardu. Pri klasični kontaktni metodi gre za d inhibicije rasti mikrobnih celic na osnovi vizualnega zaznavanja in ne moremo natančno določiti stopnje inhibicije. To je enostavnejša, vendar manj natančna metoda. Pri uporabi metode po ISO 22196:2007 standardu pa lahko določimo stopnjo inhibicije, saj zajema indirektno števno metodo za določitev mikrobne populacije. Primerjali smo rezultate obeh metod in ugotovili, da klasična metoda ni dala zadovoljivih rezultatov, ker ni bilo mogoče zagotovo trditi ali gre za inhibicijo rasti mikrobnih celic ali ne. Z uporabo metode po ISO 22196:2007 pa smo lahko določili stopnjo inhibicije rasti mikrobnih celic na modificiranih materialih polietilena. Ugotovili smo, da je potrebno pripravljene razredčine vzorcev hraniti v ledeni kopeli (-4 °C), da preprečimo morebitno razmnoževanje mikroorganizmov v pripravljenih razredčinah pred pričetkom izvajanja testov.
Prav tako je potrebno testne materiale (predvsem slepe vzorce, ki ne vsebujejo ZnO) pred ponovno uporabo sterilizirati v avtoklavu s postopkom suhe sterilizacije, saj z metodo, ki jo opisuje ISO 22196:2007 (spiranje materiala s 70 % etanolom) ne zagotavlja popolnega uničenja mikrobnih celic na površini testnih vzorcev.
Z uporabo metode po ISO 22196:2007, kjer smo kot testna mikroorganizma uporabili Gram negativno bakterijo Escherichia coli (DSM 498) in Gram pozitivno bakterijo Staphylococcus aureus (DSM 346), smo dokazali, da vsi testni modificirani polietilenski materiali inhibirajo rast obeh bakterij. Keywords: ISO 22196:2007 standard, modificirani PE, inhibicija rasti mikrobnih celic, E. coli, S. aureus Published in DKUM: 14.09.2017; Views: 1170; Downloads: 71
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7. Vpliv različnih aditivov v izbranih polimernih materialih na rast gram pozitivnih in gram negativnih mikroorganizmovNika Kučuk, 2017, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Glavni namen diplomske naloge je bil določiti tisti polimerni material, ki bo najbolj zaviral rast mikroorganizmov. Antimikrobno aktivnost izbranih polimernih materialov z dodatkom različnih koncentracij cinkovega oksida (ZnO) ter drugih aditivov (stearinska kislina) smo testirali na gram negativni bakteriji Escherichia coli in gram pozitivni bakteriji Staphylococcus aureus. Analizni postopek smo izvedli v skladu z ISO standardom 22196:2007, kjer je opisana metoda, s katero smo določili antimikrobne lastnosti izbranih polimernih materialov. Uporabili smo osem različnih materialov, od katerih so bili štirje iz polietilena (PE), ostali štirje pa iz polipropilena (PP). Izbrani polimerni materiali so vsebovali različne koncentracije ZnO ter preostalih primesi.
Antimikrobno aktivnost materialov smo določevali na osnovi primerjave med številom preživelih bakterijskih kolonij na testnih vzorcih, ki so vsebovali ZnO, s številom preživelih bakterijskih kolonij na slepih vzorcih, ki niso vsebovali ZnO ali drugih primesi.
Rezultati so pokazali, da ZnO in dodane primesi v vseh uporabljenih polimernih materialih uspešno inhibirajo rast in razmnoževanje gram pozitivne bakterije S. aureus. Popolna inhibicija na gram negativno bakterijo E. coli pa je bila dokazana le pri dveh izbranih polimerih.
Metodo po ISO 22196:2007 smo potrdili na dveh komercialnih materialih, ki sta obdelana s tehnologijo Microban® in GermoSAFE ter zagotavljata antimikrobno učinkovitost. Keywords: antimikrobne lastnosti, inhibicija rasti mikroorganizmov, E. coli, S. aureus, cinkov oksid, polimerni materiali, polietilen, polipropilen Published in DKUM: 14.09.2017; Views: 1598; Downloads: 84
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8. Comparison of methods for detection of four common nosocomial pathogens on hospital textilesSabina Fijan, Sonja Šostar-Turk, Urška Rozman, 2014, original scientific article Abstract: Introduction: Although the most common vehicle for transmission of health-care acquired infections is the personto- person transmission route, the role of environment should not be ignored and hospital linen may contribute to the spreading of nosocomial infections. The contact plate method and swabbing are common methods for sampling microorganisms on textiles; however, results are available after two days as they are based on incubation followed by phenotypeidentification. An important alternative is using quick wash-off methods followed by PCR detection, which shortens the identification process from two days to a few hours.
Methods: The following test microorganisms at different concentrations were inoculated onto textile swatches and dried overnight: Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Clostridium difficile. RODAC plate sampling as well as a non-destructive wash-off method for capturing microorganisms from the textilesusing a Morapex device were used. The elution suspension from the Morapex device was used for two methods. In the first method, classical incubation on selective media followed by phenotypic identification was used and in the second method DNA was extracted from the elution suspension followed by amplification and agarose gel electrophoresis to visualize amplified products.
Conclusions: All chosen bacteria were found using all methods. However, the most sensitive proved to be detection using PCR amplification as we detected the sample with initial concentration of 102 cfu/mL inoculated onto the textile surface before drying. The final detectablerecovered bacterial concentration on textiles was up to 10 cfu/mL. Keywords: health care associated infections, hospital textiles, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Clostridium difficile, Morapex Published in DKUM: 05.04.2017; Views: 2185; Downloads: 429
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9. Real-time polymerase chain reaction for quantitative assessment of common pathogens associated with healthcare-acquired infections on hospital textilesUrška Rozman, Sabina Fijan, Sonja Šostar-Turk, Vid Mlakar, 2013, original scientific article Abstract: A hospital environment may act as a significant reservoir for potential pathogens that can be transmitted with hospital textiles, which could represent a source of healthcare-acquired infections. Quantitative assessment of nosocomial pathogens with real time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) on textiles can serve to verify the achievement of standards for textile hygiene of hospital laundry that assess the risk for acquiring hospital infection frominappropriately disinfected textiles. The aim of the study was to establish qPCR for quantitative assessment of selected common nosocomial pathogens (Clostridium difficile, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniaeand Pseudomonas aeruginosa) on hospital textiles and to compare the efficiency of the molecular method to the standard procedures for evaluating the bio burden of textiles in hospitals. This study demonstrated that presenceof nosocomial pathogens on hospital textiles can be confirmed with qPCR even where conventional techniques do not give any results. qPCR offers apossibility to confirm the presence of microorganisms in dead or viable but non-culturable states that cannot be detected by conventional sampling techniques but may still pose a hazard to public health. Keywords: healthcare-acquired infections, hospital textiles, Clostridium difficile, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1875; Downloads: 131
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10. Efficiency of four sampling methods used to detect two common nosocomial pathogens on textilesUrška Rozman, Sonja Šostar-Turk, Sabina Fijan, 2012, original scientific article Abstract: Detecting microorganisms on textiles is useful for many purposes, for example to determine the bioburden before laundering, assess the reduction in bacterial counts in connection with various laundry processes, or trace transfer routes in infection control investigations. Therefore a validated, reproducible and rational method is needed. For sampling microorganisms on textile surfaces the most commonly used method is the contact plate method using RODAC plates, first described by Hall and Hartnett followed by the swab sampling technique. Both methods can only capture microorganisms on the surface of the textiles while microorganisms that have penetrated into the deeper structure of the material will not be detected. In our research the contact plate method and the swabbing technique were compared with two wash-off methods. For the first wash-off method the destructive elution methodwas used, where microorganisms were eluted from the fabrics by shaking the fabrics for a certain time in an elution medium. For the fourth sampling method a nondestructive method that included a compact test device called MorapexŽ was used, which is based on forced desorption by pressing the microorganisms through the fabric without destroying the fabric. In our research, two types of microorganisms were included (Klebsiella pneumoniae andStaphylococcus aureus) that cause common nosocomial infections. The aim of this study was to compare the efficiency of the four sampling methods for detecting microorganisms on textiles and to determine the lowest concentration, which can still be detected. The percentage of microorganisms that were detected by both elution methods was substantially higher than by sampling of fabrics with the contact plate method or swabbing. It can be concluded that a nondestructive method using a modified MorapexŽ device can beapplied for quick determination of the hygienic condition of textiles. Keywords: textile hygiene, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, swabbing, RODAC plates, elution method, Morapex Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1701; Downloads: 115
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