1. Hybrid reality development - can social responsibility concepts provide guidance?Igor Perko, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: Purpose: This paper aims to define hybrid reality (HyR) as an ongoing process in which artificial intelligence (AI) technology is gradually introduced as an active stakeholder by using reasoning to execute real-life activities. Also, to examine the implications of social responsibility (SR) concepts as featured in the HyR underlying common framework to progress towards the redefinition of global society.
Design/methodology/approach: A combination of systemic tools is used to examine and assess the development of HyR. The research is based on evolutionary and learning concepts, leading to the new meta-system development. It also builds upon the viable system model and AI, invoking SR as a conceptual framework. The research is conducted by using a new approach: using system dynamics based interactions modelling, the following two models have been proposed. The state-of-the-art HyR interactions model, examined using SR concepts; and a SR concept-based HyR model, examined using a smart vehicle case.
Findings: In the HyR model, interaction asymmetry between stakeholders is identified, possibly leading to pathological behaviour and AI technology learning corruption. To resolve these asymmetry issues, an interaction model based on SR concepts is proposed and examined on the example of an autonomous vehicle transport service. The examination results display significant changes in the conceptual understanding of transport services, their utilisation and data-sharing concepts.
Research limitations/implications: As the research proposal is theoretical in nature, the projection may not display a fully holistic perspective and can/should be complemented with empirical research results.
Practical implications: For researchers, HyR provides a new paradigm and can thereby articulate potential research frameworks. HyR designers can recognise projected development paths and the resources required for the implication of SR concepts. Individuals and organisations should be aware of their not necessarily passive role in HyR and can therefore use the necessary social force to activate their status.
Originality/value: For the first time, to the best of the author’s knowledge, the term HyR is openly elaborated and systemically examined by invoking concepts of SR. The proposed model provides an overview of the current and potential states of HyR and examines the gap between them. Keywords: artificial intelligence, social responsibility, systems thinking, cybernetics, hybrid reality, interactions model Published in DKUM: 04.02.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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2. Wearable online freezing of gait detection and cueing systemJan Slemenšek, Jelka Geršak, Božidar Bratina, Vesna M. Van Midden, Zvezdan Pirtošek, Riko Šafarič, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: This paper presents a real-time wearable system designed to assist Parkinson’s disease patients experiencing freezing of gait episodes. The system utilizes advanced machine learning models, including convolutional and recurrent neural networks, enhanced with past sample data preprocessing to achieve high accuracy, efficiency, and robustness. By continuously monitoring gait patterns, the system provides timely interventions, improving mobility and reducing the impact of freezing episodes. This paper explores the implementation of a CNN+RNN+PS machine learning model on a microcontroller-based device. The device operates at a real-time processing rate of 40 Hz and is deployed in practical settings to provide ‘on demand’ vibratory stimulation to patients. This paper examines the system’s ability to operate with minimal latency, achieving an average detection delay of just 261 milliseconds and a freezing of gait detection accuracy of 95.1%. While patients received on-demand stimulation, the system’s effectiveness was assessed by decreasing the average duration of freezing of gait episodes by 45%. These preliminarily results underscore the potential of personalized, real-time feedback systems in enhancing the quality of life and rehabilitation outcomes for patients with movement disorders. Keywords: Parkinson’s disease, freezing of gait, machine learning, real-time systems, wearable devices, on-demand stimulation Published in DKUM: 31.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 1
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3. Predicting the probability of cargo theft for individual cases in railway transportLorenc Augustyn, Małgorzata Kuźnar, Tone Lerher, Maciej Szkoda, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: In the heavy industry, the value of cargo transported by rail is very high. Due to high value, poor security and volume of rail transport, the theft cases are often. The main problem of securing rail transport is predicting the location of a high probability of risk. Because of this,the aim of the presented research was to predict the highest probability of rail cargo theft for areas. It is important to prevent theft cases by better securing the railway lines. To solve that problem the authors' model was developed. The model uses information about past transport cases for the learning process of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Machine Learning (ML).The ANN predicted the probability for 94.7% of the cases of theft and the Machine Learning identified 100% of the cases. This method can be used to develop a support system for securing the rail infrastructure. Keywords: rail transport security, supply chain disruption, drones, security support systems, cargo theft, predicting, logistics, artificial neural network, drone monitoring, machine learning Published in DKUM: 28.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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4. Socioeconomic status and school type as predictors of academic achievementH. Eren Suna, Hande Tanberkan, Bekir S. Gür, Matjaž Perc, Mahmut Özer, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: We evaluated the effects of socioeconomic status and school type on academic achievement based on data from two million students over a 10 year period through three national transition systems in Turkey. Each of the three transition systems has its own national examination, and the data includes only students who took these exams. We used covariance analysis to compare the mean scores of public schools and private schools after controlling the effect of students' socioeconomic levels. We found that students in private schools, who were socioeconomically stronger, had significantly higher academic achievement levels in language, mathematics, and science tests, and this finding was valid across all three transition systems. These effects were further exuberated when all the students were tracked by means of a national exam and placed into different high schools. It was found that the negative impact of one's socioeconomic level on students' scores reached its maximum value when all students were placed into high schools by means of a national exam. In all systems, the mean scores of private school students decreased significantly when the socioeconomic level was controlled. Our research has important implications for school tracking policies, specifically indicating that it would be better to omit or at least delay their deployment to post high-school education. Keywords: school tracking, socioeconomic status, academic achievement, school type, transition systems Published in DKUM: 23.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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6. Aging in industry 5.0 : enhancing human–robot synergy in manufacturing and logisticsThilini Ranasinghe, Eric Grosse, Tone Lerher, 2024, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: Thanks to rapid technological developments in robotics, various automation technologies are being applied in warehouses today. Order picking, as a key process in warehouse operations, has drawn attentioThis paper presents a systematic literature review exploring the impact of human–robot (HR) systems on older workers in manufacturing and logistics industries, drawing insights into how these systems can be optimally designed to address human factors in four key areas—perceptual, physical, cognitive, and psychosocial—aligning with the goals of Industry 5.0. By analyzing 19 articles selected from the Scopus and Web of Science databases, we identified both the benefits and challenges that HR systems pose to the aging workforce. We conclude that to achieve Industry 5.0 goals, HR systems must be designed to balance automation with human skills, promoting adaptability and inclusivity tailored to the diverse responses of older workers.n in academia and practice for decades. In addition to many studies dedicated to manual and fully automated order picking, efforts have also been made to study semi-automated warehouses in which humans and robots collaborate. However, these studies mostly focused on system efficiency and ignored ergonomic aspects. Order picking was confirmed as a labor-intensive process in an environment in which workers are at a high risk of developing health problems. Therefore, this study addresses the investigation of physical human working conditions in both manual and robot-assisted order picking systems via real-life laboratory experiments and simulation modeling. We used a motion capture system to assess human working postures when working with and without robot assistance. In addition, we estimated the daily workload by applying the energy expenditure concept. Using simulation experiments, we were able to extend the results to various practical scenarios with different design variables, for example warehouse layouts, order sizes, and human-robot team configuration. Our preliminary results reveal that human-robot collaboration can reduce human workload. Posture evaluation also shows a slight improvement. Keywords: aging, human–robot systems, manufacturing, logistics, industry 5.0, human-centricity Published in DKUM: 21.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 4
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7. Evolutionary games on multilayer networks : a colloquiumZhen Wang, Lin Wang, Attila Szolnoki, Matjaž Perc, 2015, review article Abstract: Networks form the backbone of many complex systems, ranging from the Internet to human societies. Accordingly, not only is the range of our interactions limited and thus best described and modeled by networks, it is also a fact that the networks that are an integral part of such models are often interdependent or even interconnected. Networks of networks or multilayer networks are therefore a more apt description of social systems. This colloquium is devoted to evolutionary games on multilayer networks, and in particular to the evolution of cooperation as one of the main pillars of modern human societies. We first give an overview of the most significant conceptual differences between single-layer and multilayer networks, and we provide basic definitions and a classification of the most commonly used terms. Subsequently, we review fascinating and counterintuitive evolutionary outcomes that emerge due to different types of interdependencies between otherwise independent populations. The focus is on coupling through the utilities of players, through the flow of information, as well as through the popularity of different strategies on different network layers. The colloquium highlights the importance of pattern formation and collective behavior for the promotion of cooperation under adverse conditions, as well as the synergies between network science and evolutionary game theory. Keywords: kooperacija, sociološke mreže, evolucijske igre, kolektivni pojav, samo-organizacija, fazni prehodi, recipročnost, fizika socioloških sistemov, cooperation, social networks, evolutionary games, collective phenomena, self-organization, phase transitions, reciprocity, physics of social systems Published in DKUM: 17.09.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 1
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8. Rational involutions and an application to planar systems of ODEIvan Mastev, Valery Romanovski, Yun Tian, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: An involution refers to a function that acts as its own inverse. In this paper, our focus lies on exploring two-dimensional involutive maps defined by rational functions. These functions have denominators represented by polynomials of degree one and numerators by polynomials of a degree of, at most, two, depending on parameters. We identify the sets in the parameter space of the maps that correspond to involutions. The investigation relies on leveraging algorithms from computational commutative algebra based on the Groebner basis theory. To expedite the computations, we employ modular arithmetic. Furthermore, we showcase how involution can serve as a valuable tool for identifying reversible and integrable systems within families of planar polynomial ordinary differential equations. Keywords: involutions, reversibility, integrability, centers, cubic systems Published in DKUM: 12.08.2024; Views: 57; Downloads: 8
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9. Single-tray VLM vs dual-tray VLM : quantitative throughput comparisonGoran Đukić, Tihomir Opetuk, Brigita Gajšek, Tone Lerher, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: In this paper quantitative comparison of resulting throughputs for single-tray and dual-tray VLM devices is presented. Comparison is based on mathematical models for throughput approximating dual command times of VLM's crane, for selected parameters of VLM device (height and crane's velocity) and selected picking times per delivered tray. Analysis showed that throughput increase achieved by using dual-tray VLM's depends mostly on the average picking time relative to the expected dual command time of the VLM's crane. Highest improvements are possible for picking time equal to expected dual command time and amounts over 80%, however for extremely low or high picking times improvements are significantly reduced. Keywords: order-picking, throughput model, vertical lift module systems, quantitative analysis, intralogistics, dual-tray VLM, single-tray VLM Published in DKUM: 12.08.2024; Views: 48; Downloads: 9
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10. Acceptance of GIS within ERP system : research study in higher educationSimona Sternad Zabukovšek, Polona Tominc, Zdenko Deželak, Gaik Nalbandyan, Samo Bobek, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: GIS is often used in companies where employees already use enterprise information systems/enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and where both systems are used simultaneously. This article is a research study of GIS acceptance by users using GIS, not as a stand-alone tool, but as an integrated tool into the ERP system. The research was conducted using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), one of the most often used research models for researching behavioral intention and actual use of information systems. For this research study, TAM has been modified and extended with external factors. The main research objective is to identify determinants of GIS acceptance and the attitude of individuals toward using GIS integrated with ERP systems. The structural equation model with partial least squares (PLS) method was used to analyze collected survey data. The study researched 12 external factors in the TAM model, out of which 10 were found significant. The most important factors that impact behavioral intention to use ERP-GIS systems are perceived usefulness of ERP-GIS systems and attitude toward using GIS, followed by education and training about ERP-GIS systems and perceived enjoyment using ERP-GIS systems. Keywords: geographic information systems (GIS), enterprise resource planning (ERP), GIS and ERP integration, GIS acceptance, technology acceptance model (TAM) Published in DKUM: 09.07.2024; Views: 103; Downloads: 13
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