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Novel GPU-accelerated high-resolution solar potential estimation in urban areas by using a modified diffuse irradiance model
Niko Lukač, Domen Mongus, Borut Žalik, Gorazd Štumberger, Marko Bizjak, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: In the past years various methods have been developed to estimate high-resolution solar potential in urban areas, by simulating solar irradiance over surface models that originate from remote sensing data. In general, this requires discretisation of solar irradiance models that estimate direct, reflective, and diffuse irradiances. The latter is most accurately estimated by an anisotropic model, where the hemispherical sky dome from arbitrary surface’s viewpoint consists of the horizon, the circumsolar and sky regions. Such model can be modified to incorporate the effects of shadowing from obstruction with a view factor for each sky region. However, state-of-the-art using such models for estimating solar potential in urban areas, only considers the sky view factor, and not circumsolar view factor, due to high computational load. In this paper, a novel parallelisation of solar potential estimation is proposed by using General Purpose computing on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU). Modified anisotropic Perez model is used by considering diffuse shadowing with all three sky view factors. Moreover, we provide validation based on sensitivity analysis of the method’s accuracy with independent meteorological measurements, by changing circumsolar sky region’s half-angle and resolution of the hemispherical sky dome. Finally, the presented method using GPPGU was compared to multithreaded Central Processing Unit (CPU) approach, where on average a 70x computational speedup was achieved. Finally, the proposed method was applied over a urban area, obtained from Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) data, where the computation of solar potential was performed in a reasonable time.
Keywords: solar energy, solar potential, anisotropic diffuse irradiance, LiDAR, GPGPU
Published in DKUM: 17.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 3
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Vine canopy reconstruction and assessment with terrestrial lidar and aerial imaging
Igor Petrović, Matej Sečnik, Marko Hočevar, Peter Berk, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: For successful dosing of plant protection products, the characteristics of the vine canopies should be known, based on which the spray amount should be dosed. In the field experiment, we compared two optical experimental methods, terrestrial lidar and aerial photogrammetry, with manual defoliation of some selected vines. Like those of other authors, our results show that both terrestrial lidar and aerial photogrammetry were able to represent the canopy well with correlation coefficients around 0.9 between the measured variables and the number of leaves. We found that in the case of aerial photogrammetry, significantly more points were found in the point cloud, but this depended on the choice of the ground sampling distance. Our results show that in the case of aerial UAS photogrammetry, subdividing the vine canopy segments to 5 × 5 cm gives the best representation of the volume of vine canopies.
Keywords: precision agriculture, remote sensing, 3D point clouds, vineyard, canopy reconstruction, terrestrial lidar, aerial photogrammetry, manual defoliation
Published in DKUM: 15.07.2024; Views: 123; Downloads: 10
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LiDAR-Based Maintenance of a Safe Distance between a Human and a Robot Arm
David Podgorelec, Suzana Uran, Andrej Nerat, Božidar Bratina, Sašo Pečnik, Marjan Dimec, Franc Žaberl, Borut Žalik, Riko Šafarič, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper focuses on a comprehensive study of penal policy in Slovenia in the last 70 years, providing an analysis of statistical data on crime, conviction, and prison populations. After a sharp political and penal repression in the first years after World War II, penal and prison policy began paving the way to a unique "welfare sanction system", grounded in ideas of prisoners' treatment. After democratic reforms in the early 1990s, the criminal legislation became harsher, but Slovenia managed to avoid the general punitive trends characterized by the era of penal state and culture of control. The authoritarian socialist regime at its final stage had supported the humanization of the penal system, and this trend continued in the first years of the democratic reforms in the 1990s, but it lost its momentum after 2000. In the following two decades, Slovenia experienced a continuous harshening of criminal law and sanctions on the one hand and an increasing prison population rate on the other. From 2014 onwards, however, there was a decrease in all segments of penal statistics. The findings of the study emphasize the exceptionalism of Slovenian penal policy, characterized by penal moderation, which is the product of the specific local historical, political, economic, and normative developments.
Keywords: LIDAR, robot, human-robot collaboration, speed and separation monitoring, intelligent control system, geometric data registration, motion prediction
Published in DKUM: 16.02.2024; Views: 417; Downloads: 32
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Simplified method for analyzing the availability of rooftop photovoltaic potential
Primož Mavsar, Klemen Sredenšek, Bojan Štumberger, Miralem Hadžiselimović, Sebastijan Seme, 2019, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper presents a new simplified method for analyzing the availability of photovoltaic potential on roofs. Photovoltaic systems on roofs are widespread as they represent a sustainable and safe investment and, therefore, a means of energy self-suffciency. With the growth of photovoltaic systems, it is also crucial to correctly evaluate their global effciency. Thus, this paper presents a comparison between known methods for estimating the photovoltaic potential (as physical, geographic and technical contributions) on a roof and proposes a new simplified method, that takes into account the economic potential of a building that already has installed a photovoltaic system. The measured values of generated electricity of the photovoltaic system were compared with calculated photovoltaic potential. In general, the annual physical, geographic, technical and economic potentials were 1273.7, 1253.8, 14.2 MWh, and 279.1 Wh, respectively. The analysis of all four potentials is essential for further understanding of the sustainable and safe investment in photovoltaic systems.
Keywords: photovoltaic system, rooftop photovoltaic potential, economic potential, light detection and ranging, LiDAR
Published in DKUM: 05.12.2023; Views: 386; Downloads: 20
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Novel Half-Spaces Based 3D Building Reconstruction Using Airborne LiDAR Data
Marko Bizjak, Domen Mongus, Borut Žalik, Niko Lukač, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Automatic building reconstruction from laser-scanned data remains a challenging research topic due to buildings’ roof complexity and sparse data. A novel automatic building reconstruction methodology, based on half-spaces and a height jump analysis, is presented in this paper. The proposed methodology is performed in three stages. During the preprocessing stage, the classified input point cloud is clustered by position to obtain building point sets, which are then evaluated to obtain half-spaces and detect height jumps. Half-spaces represent the fundamental shape for generating building models, and their definition is obtained from the corresponding segment of points that describe an individual planar surface. The detection of height jumps is based on a DBSCAN search within a custom search space. During the second stage, the building point sets are divided into sub-buildings in such a way that their roofs do not contain height jumps. The concept of sub-buildings without height jumps is introduced to break down the complex building models with height jumps into smaller parts, where shaping with half-spaces can be applied accurately. Finally, the sub-buildings are reconstructed separately with the corresponding half-spaces and then joined back together to form a complete building model. In the experiments, the methodology’s performance was demonstrated on a large scale and validated on an ISPRS benchmark dataset, where an RMSE of 0.29 m was obtained in terms of the height difference.
Keywords: LiDAR point cloud, building reconstruction, half-spaces, Boolean operations
Published in DKUM: 01.12.2023; Views: 388; Downloads: 25
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Interaktivno upodabljanje oblakov točk LiDAR na očalih za navidezno resničnost z uporabo pametnega telefona : diplomsko delo
Žiga Pušnik, 2023, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V diplomskem delu je opisana implementacija mobilne aplikacije za operacijski sistem Android, ki na pametnem telefonu prikaže oblak točk svetlobnega zaznavanja in merjenja (ang. Light Detection and Ranging – LiDAR). Aplikacija omogoča premikanje po navideznem prostoru in pri vizualizaciji točk s pomočjo očal za navidezno resničnost (ang. Virtual Reality – VR) omogoča prepričljivejšo izkušnjo realnega okolja. Najcenejša očala so na trgu dostopna že za 15 €. S testiranjem aplikacije smo preverili njeno uporabnost in omejitve. Ugotovili smo, da se glede na zahtevnost pogleda pri upodabljanju večjih oblakov točk pojavijo večje razlike v hitrosti upodabljanja. V našem primeru smo pri merjenju števila sličic na sekundo (ang. frames per second – fps) pri oblaku z 1.000.000 točkami v osnovnem pogledu izmerili 54 fps, v pogledu VR pa 24 fps.
Keywords: LiDAR, oblak točk, očala, navidezna resničnost, pametni telefon
Published in DKUM: 21.09.2023; Views: 503; Downloads: 19
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Načrtovanje in implementacija optimizacijskega algoritma rojev delcev za lokalizacijo mobilnega robota pepper : magistrsko delo
Erik Rot Weiss, 2023, master's thesis

Abstract: V tem magistrskem delu se raziskuje načrtovanje in implementacija optimizacijskega algoritma rojev delcev za lokalizacijo mobilnega robota Pepper. Osredotočamo se na interpretacijo senzorskih meritev z uporabo algoritma rojev delcev in njegovo primerjavo z genetski algoritmom. Preizkušamo algoritem v izven omrežnem okolju lokalizacije, kjer so podatki, ki so obravnavani, prave meritve LiDAR v znanih točkah v prostoru. Delo se konča z implementacijo algoritma na robota za sočasno lokalizacijo med obratovanjem robota.
Keywords: lokalizacija, mobilni robot Pepper, algoritem rojev delcev, genetski algoritem, LiDAR meritve
Published in DKUM: 06.09.2023; Views: 427; Downloads: 34
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Načrtovanje in sledenje poti kmetijskega robota FarmBeast : diplomsko delo
Domen Toš, 2022, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Kmetijski robot FarmBeast je nastal v okviru obštudijskega dela študentov treh fakultet Univerze v Mariboru. V nadaljevanju diplomske naloge je opisan postopek ustvarjanja algoritma za načrtovanje in sledenje poti ob avtonomni vožnji robota. Naloga robota je, da se avtonomno vozi po polju koruze in ob tem načrtuje pot, kateri bo kasneje sledil. Postopek opisa zajema spoznavanje strojnega dela opreme, predvsem senzorjev, kot so LiDAR, IMU, inkrementalni dajalnik, itd., ki so ključni faktor, da se lahko robot avtonomno premika ter programskega dela, ki je rezultat našega dela. Programske kode so zapisane v programskem jeziku C++, ki je eden najbolj razširjenih jezikov in je priporočljiv za programiranje v meta operacijskem sistemu ROS. ROS deluje na operacijskem sistemu LINUX, na katerem smo uporabljali tudi 3D simulacijsko okolje Gazebo in grafični vmesnik Rviz.
Keywords: FarmBeast, LiDAR, ROS, Gazebo
Published in DKUM: 14.09.2022; Views: 499; Downloads: 42
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