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Foreign insolvent debtor : some essential questions a creditor is facing in international collective insolvency proceedings
Jorg Sladič, 2012, original scientific article

Abstract: Creditors in international trade are often faced with issues of an insolvent foreign debtor who often has property and assets in several states. In such a case creditors are faced with difficulties of international collective insolvency proceedings. The introductory parts of the article examines the standard questions like the question of a single, universal property of an individual or legal person and on the other hand the principles of territoriality and universality in public international law as far as the effects of foreign collective insolvency proceedings are concerned. The article then deals with issues of the centre of main interests as the point of contact and issues opened with the application of the lex concursus.
Keywords: private international law, insolvency law, principle of territoriality, principle of universality, principle of single universal assets and property, recognition of decisions of foreign courts rendered in collective insolvency proceedings, recognition of effects of a foreign collective insolvency proceedings, centre of main interests
Published in DKUM: 01.08.2018; Views: 1079; Downloads: 57
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Legal regulation of possession in the Republic of Slovenia
Renato Vrenčur, 2017, scientific monograph

Abstract: Possession is actual control over a thing. While the relationship between a possessor and a thing allows the former to use the thing, enjoy it and dispose of it, it is not important if he or she also has the right to do so. Possession represents one of fundamental components (entitlements) of ownership, which, despite the fact that it only represents actual control over a thing, nevertheless indicates certain belonging of a thing to a person who exercises actual control. Possession is not a right and therefore does not include fundamental entitlements, but it does contain the entitlement to legal protection. A possessor, who does not necessarily even have the right to possess a thing, may require protection of possession either through self help or with an action. The monograph comprehensively discusses regulation of possession, and at the same time offers systematically collected and arranged recent case law in this field.
Keywords: property law, possession, real rights, legal protection, disturbance of possession
Published in DKUM: 27.01.2017; Views: 4782; Downloads: 452
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Cancellation properties of products of graphs
Wilfried Imrich, Sandi Klavžar, Douglas F. Rall, 2007, other scientific articles

Abstract: V tem kratkem prispevku razširimo rezultate Fernándeza, Leightona in López-Presa o enoličnosti ▫$r$▫-tih korenov nepovezanih grafov glede na kartezični produkt na druge produkte in pokažemo, da lahko z njihovimi metodami izpeljemo nova pravila krajšanja.
Keywords: matematika, teorija grafov, produkti grafov, pravilo krajšanja, enoličnost korenov, mathematics, graph theory, graph products, cancellation property, uniqueness of roots
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1270; Downloads: 90
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Algorithm for recognizing Cartesian graph bundles
Blaž Zmazek, Janez Žerovnik, 1999, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Abstract: Graph bundles generalize the notion of covering graphs and graphs products. Authors W. Imrich, T. Pisanski and J. Žerovnik constructed an algorithm that finds a presentation as a nontrivial Cartesian graph bundle for all graphs that are Cartesian graph bundles over triangle-free simple base (Discrete Math. 167, 168 (1998) 393-403). The uniquesquare property is defined in Discrete Math., 244 (2002) 551-561, and it is shown that any equivalence relation possesing the unique square property determines the fundamental factorization of a graph as a nontrivial Cartesian graph bundle over arbitrary base graph. In this paper we define the relation ▫$Delta$▫ having the unique square property on Cartesian graph bundles over ▫$K_4 setminus e$▫-free simple base. We also give a polynomial algorithm for recognizing Cartesian graph bundles over ▫$K_4 setminus e$▫-simple base.
Keywords: matematika, teorija grafov, kartezični grafovski svežnji, enolična lokalna produktna lastnost, osnovna faktorizacija, razpoznavanje, polinomski algoritem, mathematics, graph theory, Cartesian graph bundles, unique square property, fundamental factorization, polynomial algorithm, recognition
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1258; Downloads: 93
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Experience and perspectives of private security
Sašo Gerasimoski, 2009, review article

Keywords: security, private security, private property, Macedonia
Published in DKUM: 04.06.2012; Views: 2999; Downloads: 75
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