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Challenges in commercializing biomimetic membranes
Mark Edward Perry, Steen Ulrik Madsen, Tine Jørgensen, Sylvia Braekevelt, Karsten Lauritzen, Claus Hélix-Nielsen, 2015, pregledni znanstveni članek

Opis: The discovery of selective water channel proteins-aquaporins-has prompted growing interest in using these proteins, as the building blocks for designing new types of membranes. However, as with any other new and potentially disruptive technology, barriers for successful market entry exist. One category includes customer-related barriers, which can be influenced to some extent. Another category includes market-technical-related barriers, which can be very difficult to overcome by an organization/company aiming at successfully introducing their innovation on the market%in particular if both the organization and the technology are at early stages. Often, one faces barriers from both these categories at the same time, which makes it necessary to gain insight of the particular market when introducing a new innovative product. In this review we present the basic concepts and discuss some of these barriers and challenges associated with introducing biomimetic aquaporin membranes. These include technical issues in membrane production and product testing. Then we discuss possible business models for introducing new technologies in general, followed by a presentation of beach-head market segments relevant for biomimetic aquaporin membranes.
Ključne besede: aquaporin membranes, biomimetic, commercialization, early stage technology
Objavljeno v DKUM: 21.06.2017; Ogledov: 1519; Prenosov: 347
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Human potentials management in transport
Drago Pupavac, Ratko Zelenika, Marinko Jurčević, 2004, drugi znanstveni članki

Opis: The paper explores the significance of human potentials management in micro and macro transport systems and investigates to what extent do the human potentials represent the factor of growth and development of transport systems. The facts gathered in this paper should represent the quantitative starting points for viewing the specifics of transport service productions and future movements on the transport labour market, and the possibilities of information technologies implementation in transport human potentials management optimizations, all with the aim of producing new and of improving the inherited comparative advantages of the Croatian transport systems.
Ključne besede: traffic, transport systems, human potential, labour market, information technology
Objavljeno v DKUM: 02.06.2017; Ogledov: 1371; Prenosov: 148
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Processing poly(ether etherketone) an a 3D printer for thermoplastic modelling
Bogdan Valentan, Žiga Kadivnik, Tomaž Brajlih, Andy Anderson, Igor Drstvenšek, 2013, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: PEEK, poly(ether etherketone), is one of the high-quality industrial polymers. It is widely used in extremely demanding areas like automotive, aircraft and space industries. Because of the fact that it is bio-compatible, PEEK is also used for medical implants that are usually made by milling a block of the material. The article presents the results of an investigation of processing PEEK on a 3D printer for thermoplastic modelling. The used procedure is one of the additive manufacturing procedures and, as such, it builds a product by adding material layer by layer to get the finished product. Commercially available machines are unable to achieve the required melting and environment temperatures, so a new machine was developed. The machine was designed and built at the company Ortotip d.o.o. and it is able to produce the parts of up to 130 mm Ž 130 mm Ž 150 mm. After the initial testing, test specimens, according to standards EN ISO 527-2: 2012 and EN ISO 178: 2011, were produced and tested at the facilities of the PEEK manufacturer Invibio (from the UK). The article presents the steps taken when developing the PEEK modelling machine, the test methods to verify the mechanical properties of manufactured products and the results of the material testing. The machine was developed to produce medical implants (specific maxillofacial prosthesis), but with additional testing (that will help to improve the mechanical properties of produced parts) practically all bone-replacement implants can be made.
Ključne besede: PEEK, 3D printer, implant, medical application, thermoplastic, FDM, biocompatible, additive technology
Objavljeno v DKUM: 17.03.2017; Ogledov: 3203; Prenosov: 173
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Influence of the working technology on the development of alloys H13-w(Cu) 87.5 %
Uroš Artiček, Marko Bojinović, Mihael Brunčko, Ivan Anžel, 2014, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Most dies in the casting industry for injection moulding are machined from the premium-grade H13 tool steel. They provide excellent performance in terms of mechanical properties and service life; however, these dies are characterised by a relatively low thermal conductivity. The tool-and-die industry is interested in depositing a material of a high thermal conductivity onto steel in order to improve the thermal management and productivity. We have explored the possibility of using copper with a new technology. In this study, the microstructure evolution and mechanical properties are discussed using the Laser Engineered Net ShapingTM (LENSTM) technology. For a better understanding of the solidification, the microstructure of a LENS sample was compared with the microstructure of a reference alloy produced with the ingot-casting technology having the same chemical composition of H13-w(Cu) 87.5 %. We carried out light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, an EDS microchemical analysis, the tensile test and microhardness testing. The results show a successful fabrication of LENS samples; their microstructure is more homogeneous compared to the castings; they show better mechanical properties and represent a good potential for further development and use.
Ključne besede: casting, laser engineered net shaping technology, microstructure, mechanical properties
Objavljeno v DKUM: 16.03.2017; Ogledov: 1964; Prenosov: 133
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A Psychological Analysis of a Post Modern Adaptation of The Tempest
Deja Kučer, 2017, magistrsko delo

Opis: The master’s thesis A Psychological Analysis of a Post Modern Adaptation of The Tempest deals with scientific analysis of the underlying themes which are common to the play The Tempest (1610–11) from Elizabethan era and its modern adaptation, a science fiction film Forbidden Planet (1956). I focus on character analysis and continue with Freud’s psychological theory focusing on two models of human psyche, in which according to the structural model the psyche consists of three entities: id, ego and superego. The other model of the human psyche is the topographical model, where I explain the differences between the unconscious and conscious mind. I also present Freud’s theory of dreams. In addition, I link Freud’s theory to the two literary works. The analysis shows what consequences can occur if one’s id, as a source of aggressive drives, gets too strong and acts only to satisfy its primeval impulses. Through parallelism between magic and technology I found that technology has the greatest impact on the one who possess it.
Ključne besede: The Tempest, Forbidden Planet, adaptation, Freud, id, dreams, magic, technology
Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.03.2017; Ogledov: 1682; Prenosov: 179
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Educationa Park - Technical Academy Maribor
Samanta Rebernak, 2016, magistrsko delo

Opis: The Educational Park - Technical Academy Maribor is a new concept with which we wish to enrich the city of Maribor. The main idea is to connect research and education with practical experience, start up companies and the production spaces of big companies. This broad content with multiple additions could be placed in the Business Industrial Zone Tezno, with certain modifications to the existing structures. This thesis deals with the evolution of industrial architecture and especially its importance to the city of Maribor. We present an in depth historical analysis of the company TAM, the predecessor of today’s BIZ Tezno, which was one of the biggest factories with research facilities and educational spaces in the former Yugoslavia. The urban master plan consists of the placement of the afore-mentioned content in the facilities of BIZ Tezno. The idea is to create an open, inviting space that would be a part of city life, with the addition of sports facilities, pool areas, a museum of industrial heritage, a concert hall, etc. As a continuation of the master plan, we also designed an industrial architectural model that shows how the concept of the Educational park can be implemented in the facilities of an established company. We also contemplated the use of renewable materials and, therefore, used timber in the construction. The facility would be an addition to the brand image of any company that values sustainable development and progress.
Ključne besede: degraded urban areas, brownfield, converting a factory complex, Maribor industrial heritage, TAM, industrial architecture, Science park, Technology Park, Industrial Park, Timber construction, Timber hybrid construction
Objavljeno v DKUM: 20.04.2016; Ogledov: 2322; Prenosov: 260
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Analysing energy and material saving technologies' adoption and adopters
Iztok Palčič, Marc Pons, Andrea Bikfalvi, Josep Llach Pagès, Borut Buchmeister, 2013, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The main objective of this paper is to map the adoption of technologies for energy reduction and resources consumption in production. The aim is also to contribute to the identification and understanding of the characteristics of the manufacturing firms that use these kinds of energy and material saving technologies. Our research is based on data from the largest European manufacturing survey to date and it includes data from Spain and Slovenia. The results show that the use of specific energy saving technologies and material saving technologies in manufacturing firms is still modest. Dividing manufacturing firms based on technology intensity sectors and based on their relative energy efficiency we have concluded that firms in high technology industries focus less on energy efficiency than low technology firms. Some other specific relationships between the use of energy efficient technologies and adopters' characteristics (e. g. use of environmental management systems) are presented in this paper.
Ključne besede: energy efficiency, manufacturing firms, energy saving technology, material saving technology, European manufacturing survey
Objavljeno v DKUM: 21.12.2015; Ogledov: 1646; Prenosov: 104
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Development of a part-complexity evaluation model for application in additive fabrication technologies
Bogdan Valentan, Tomaž Brajlih, Igor Drstvenšek, Jože Balič, 2011, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Klasičnim odrezovalnim postopkom so se v zadnjih letih pridružili tako imenovani dodajalni postopki (slojevite tehnologije ali po domače 3D-tiskalniki). Če smo še pred leti vsaj okvirno vedeli kateri postopek izbrati za kateri izdelek, pa danes, ob upoštevanju vedno širše palete slojevitih tehnologij, temu ni več tako in le redki posamezniki še zmorejo slediti razvoju na tem izredno živahnem in hitro rastočem področju. Predstavljen je način določanja kompleksnosti izdelka na osnovi 3D-modela in uporaba izračuna pri izbiri izdelovalnega postopka ter določanju časa poobdelave pri določenih slojevitih tehnologijah. Članek opisuje osnovne značilnosti formata STL kot izhodne CAD-datoteke, ki predstavlja osnovo za analizo in razvoj postopkov določanja kompleksnosti oblike samega modela. Predstavljenih je več modelov iz realnega okolja, na katerih je izvedena analiza vhodnih podatkov in postopek določanja kompleksnosti oblike. Predstavljeni so aktualni izdelovalni postopki, primerni tako za izdelavo unikatnih izdelkov kot tudi za serijsko izdelavo, s posebnim poudarkom na slojevitih tehnologijah. Na osnovi temeljnih lastnosti izdelovalnih tehnologij so analizirani testni modeli in s pomočjo ocene kompleksnosti določeni primerni postopki izdelave oziroma čas, potreben za poobdelavo posameznega izdelka, izdelanega po postopkih slojevitih tehnologij. Rezultati so primerljivi z izkustveno določitvijo izdelovalnega postopka na osnovi ocene strokovnjakov, tako da je ob manjših dodelavah metoda tudi praktično uporabna. Sistem dokaj natančno izloči modele, ki jih je moč izdelati po postopku struženja, prav tako je ustrezno določena meja za uporabo rezkalnega stroja. Pri slojevitih tehnologijah enoznačno izbiro omejuje dejstvo, da te tehnologije v večini primerov omogočajo izdelavo izdelkov ne glede na njihovo kompleksnost. Izbira se je tako omejila na dve skupini, in sicer slojevite tehnologije, pri katerih je potreben dodaten podporni material, in slojevite tehnologije, pri katerih podporni material ni potreben, oziroma ga je mogoče reciklirati. Pri izbiri izdelovalnega postopka bi, ob upoštevanju določenih dodatnih omejitev posameznih slojevitih tehnologij, bila mogoča natančnejša izbira glede na kriterije, kot so čas izdelave, proizvodni stroški, material idr., vendar bi to zahtevalo aktualno bazo podatkov o samih postopkih. Sam način izračuna je bil izbran zaradi razmeroma preprostega izračuna in dokaj natančnega določanja kompleksnosti. Uporaba kompleksnosti za določanje izdelovalnega postopka pred tem ni bila raziskana. S problemom določanja časa poobdelave se danes srečujemo pri praktično vseh slojevitih tehnologijah, ta dejavnik pa bistveno vpliva tako na celoten čas izdelave kot tudi na ceno izdelka. Predstavljena rešitev omogoča izračun časa poobdelave na uporabniku razumljiv način in ob upoštevanju individualnih vplivov specifične naprave s preprosto primerjalno metodo glede na čas poobdelave testnih modelov.
Ključne besede: rapid prototyping, STl, complexity, shape, layered technology, technology selection
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 1652; Prenosov: 100
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The development of four-year-old child's competences with the help of information-communication technology
Jurka Lepičnik-Vodopivec, Pija Samec, 2012, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Nowadays it is very difficult to avoid the information-communication technology. It is present everywhere: in the business world, civil services, education, at home. The ability to search, choose and use relevant data and information among endless choices, offered by the modern technology, is also seen as a key competence. This article presents the influence which the ICT has on the development of four-year-old children's competences. The present issue is a part of an extensive study which also deals with children's access to the ICT and its usage at home. The data was gathered with the help of 130 parents, who filled out a questionnaire and provided us with their opinions about their children's usage of the ICT at home. We discovered that the ICT influences the development of certain competences to some extent. We also tried to see if there are any differences based on the child's gender and parents' level of education.
Ključne besede: vzgoja in izobraževanje, predšolski otroci, informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija, IKT, družinsko okolje, education, preschool children, information-communication technology, ICT, home environment
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 1419; Prenosov: 38
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