1. Energy security of the European Union and corruption in Central Asia as the main challenges for the European sustainable energy futureBojana Vasić, Ivan Pekić, Goran Šimić, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: Background
The main goal of the paper is to define, analyze and assess the basic security, development and institutional challenges faced by the Central Asian countries after 2022. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, and with the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis, Europe faced problems in ensuring energy security, which were further complicated by its decision to stop importing natural gas from the Russian Federation. The Central Asian region is rich in energy resources, but at the same time, it is also a region of special geopolitical interest of often-conflicting parties, characterized by limited information and insufficient academic literature about development, various aspects of security, internal specificities and future challenges.
The research included qualitative and quantitative analyses carried out for Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Germany. Data processing was performed based on 16 selected indicators in the fields of economy, energy, governance and climate change, for the time period 2011 to 2021. Data processing was performed using correlation and regression analysis (ANOVA).
The results showed that corruption represents one of the biggest problems faced by the countries of Central Asia, with the biggest variations in the calculated Standardized Confidence level, which shows that this indicator trend, in relation to the 16 indicators used, is the least predictable. This represents a significant problem for all countries that are supplied with energy products from this region, or plan to do so. Energy security is positive only in the case of Turkmenistan. Regression analysis shows that Kazakhstan reported the best positive trend for most indicators. Data for Germany show consistent values over the observed period.
The main conclusions of the paper indicate that the countries of Central Asia have certain specificities when it comes to sustainable development, where energy security, corruption and government efficiency can be considered the biggest problems. The European Union must find ways and mechanisms to overcome these and many other impediments if they decide to import energy products from the aforementioned region. Keywords: energy security, corruption perception, governance efectiveness, Central Asia, Germany Published in DKUM: 15.04.2024; Views: 257; Downloads: 9 Full text (1,59 MB) This document has many files! More... |
2. Crime prevention in Germany: Relevance of community crime prevention and victim-offender mediation : bachelor thesisRobi Pozderec, 2018, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Crime is an ancient problem, which has always been and will be a trouble for every society. Punishment has been seen as a natural reaction for crime or delinquent behaviour; if it didn’t help to reach the desired outcome, even harsher punishment was inflicted upon the offenders. Even though punishment became harsher throughout the time, it didn’t deter offenders from committing a crime. Over the centuries, crime prevention strategies were based on deterrence theory; this theory relied on perceiving the threat of punishment which is so severe, that it would outweigh any potential profit from committing a crime. In the 21st century, deterrence theory is still the dominant approach to prevent crime. Nevertheless, it was shown that imprisonment is poor strategy for crime prevention. Not only it does not deter offenders from committing a crime, but in some cases, after release from prison, they tend to reoffend because they have a problem with reintegration into society. In addition to not being effective as a strategy for drop in crime rates, incarceration is also very costly sanction. In the past decades, these reasons have led criminologists to put in the foreground alternative ways to imprisonment, which would result in effective crime prevention. Two of such are victim-offender mediation as a method of restorative justice and community crime prevention, where the community is the object of interest which relies on participation of the citizens and tries to recognize potential of crime in the community early on. Keywords: crime prevention, restorative justice, mediation, community, Germany Published in DKUM: 25.10.2018; Views: 1614; Downloads: 68 Full text (648,36 KB) |
3. Spiritual and philosophical foundations of English and German RomanticismAlen Gomilšek, 2016, undergraduate thesis Abstract: In the present thesis the philosophical foundations of German and English Romanticism are presented and compared. The thesis deals with philosophical ideas of Romanticism, which developed in late 18th century and at the beginning of 19th century in Europe. To understand the creation of Romanticism the political and cultural life of that time are presented and compared with the previous literary and philosophical epochs. Its objective is to show an idea of the mental attitude of young thinkers who wanted to express their feelings through internalization in literature. Thus, a comparison can be created between the social, cultural and political life of people and the moods of romantic intellectuals. Because the era of European Romanticism was a creative period in the early 19th century, this thesis presents writers and thinkers of two countries that had no active exchange of literary ideas, but ended up making an interesting discourse between philosophy of life and literature. The thesis reveals a picture of the mental perception of young intellectuals who made a unique contribution to the period known as Romanticism. Keywords: Romanticism, Philosophical concepts, England, Germany, Authors of Romanticism Published in DKUM: 27.09.2016; Views: 1285; Downloads: 226 Full text (715,48 KB) This document has many files! More... |
4. Cross-cultural comparison of online job advertisementsIrena Gorenak, Sonja Mlaker Kač, Sara Orthaber, 2010, original scientific article Abstract: Job advertisements should reflect an ideal candidate that the company is looking for. This is especially important for logistic companies which - due to their service-oriented nature - are inseparably connected with their employees. This paper aims to compare and analyse Slovenian, German and British online job advertisements from the field of logistics. Furthermore, this paper will discuss the structure and special features of job advertisements whereby relevant cultural differences between the three countries will be emphasized. With this in mind, differences in understanding logistics as such will be identified and cultural differences regarding employees' characteristics further discussed. For this purpose, six online job ads published in October 2008 in different online media in Slovenia, Germany and the UK will be qualitatively analysed. In the analysis relevant cross-cultural differences and similarities will be addressed and their implications further discussed. Keywords: online recruitment, cultural differences, logistics, Slovenia, Germany, UK Published in DKUM: 05.06.2012; Views: 2869; Downloads: 56 Link to full text |
5. ELEKTRONSKO BORZNIŠTVOMojca Šubernik, 2009, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Diplomsko delo E-borzništvo je razdeljeno na šest poglavij. V uvodnem delu je opredeljena problematika diplomskega dela, predstavljen je namen raziskovanja, zastavljeni cilji, predpostavke in omejitve ter uporabljene metode raziskovanja.
Drugo poglavje zajema splošne opredelitve elektronskega poslovanja in njegov vsebinski pomen. Govori o prehodu podjetij na elektronsko poslovanje in o značilnostih poslovanja, ki so nastale zaradi uporabe interneta. Opisane so tudi vrste elektronskega poslovanja glede na udeležence, ter najpogostejše pojavne oblike elektronskega poslovanja, ki jih srečujemo v našem vsakdanjem življenju.
V naslednjem, tretjem poglavju so zajete predvsem informacije o borzništvu, od opredelitve pojma borza, do zapovedi trgovanja na borzi. Prav tako je opisana zgodovina borzništva, od starih Grkov, vse do razvoja moderne borze. V tem poglavju je govora tudi o poteku trgovanja na borzi, predstavljen je trg vrednostnih papirjev v Sloveniji in Ljubljanska borza z strukturo borznega trga . Poglavje pa se prav tako dotakne osrednje teme, elektronskega borzništva z opisom delovanja trgovalnih sistemov elektronskega borzništva ter prednosti in pomankljivosti, ki jih uporaba le tega prinaša.
Četrto poglavje je osredotočeno na analizo konkretnih primerov trgovalnih sistemov elektronskega borzništva, in sicer E-Trade Germany in GBD-Online. Opisana je uporaba obeh sistemov in razložene funkcije, ki jih ponujata.
Na podlagi analiziranih funkcij sistemov iz četrtega poglavja, sta v petem poglavju trgovalna sistema primerjana in ocenjena. Izpostavljene so izrazitejše ugotovitve, kot je na primer trgovanje v živo, vpogled v globino trga in prijaznost ter kompleksnost uporabniškega vmesnika.
Šesto, zaključno poglavje je zasnovano na podlagi ugotovitev delovanja trgovalnih sistemov spletnega borzništva in s tem povezanih možnih smernic in trendov nadaljnjega razvoja.
Keywords: E-borzništvo, elektronsko poslovanje, borza, zgodovina borzništva, trgovanje na borzi, elektronsko borzništvo, trgovalni sistemi elektronskega borzništva, E-Trade Germany, GBD-Online, trgovanje v živo Published in DKUM: 22.12.2009; Views: 3059; Downloads: 243 Full text (1,43 MB) |