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Foucault za varstvoslovce
Benjamin Flander, 2006, published professional conference contribution

Keywords: varstvoslovje, varnost, Foucault, epistemologija, postmoderna teorija
Published in DKUM: 29.03.2024; Views: 205; Downloads: 5
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Clarifying power, domination, and exploitation : between "classical" and "Foucauldian" concepts of power
Tibor Rutar, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: The paper examines two ubiquitous concepts of power: the "classical sociological" concept which draws on Max Weber's definition of power, and the "Foucauldian" concept which stems from Michel Foucault's genealogical works. Three main theses are argued for. First, the two concepts are not, in most respects, as radically different as it is usually claimed. It is demonstrated that both can make room for different sources of power, for understanding power in a non-reified way, for the fact that power is rarely completely centralised, etc. Second, in those respects in which the two concepts actually differ, the classical view of power is more convincing and useful than the Foucauldian one. It is demonstrated that the Foucauldian view is implicitly positivist in the normative domain and thus unable to differentiate between power and domination, and that it succumbs to errors of methodological holism (i. e. undertheorising agency). Third, it is argued that the classical sociological view allows to analytically distinguish between power, domination and exploitation. These three categories are shown not to be synonymous and to carry with them importantly different sociological implications. It is demonstrated that exploitation cannot merely refer to any process of unpaid appropriation of surplus as obvious false positives are generated from this definition. Nonetheless, such appropriation is the fundamental characteristic which differentiates exploitation from domination (but not power itself), and this reveals an important sociological implication for the dynamics of struggle of the exploited against exploitation in contrast to the struggle of the dominated against the dominators.
Keywords: power, domination, exploitation, Foucault, value-neutrality
Published in DKUM: 24.10.2017; Views: 1499; Downloads: 164
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Kristina Kolak, 2012, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Written in 1957 by one of the most influential contemporary British dramatist Harold Pinter, The Dumb Waiter may never have gained the popularity of other Pinter works, yet it remains to this day one of his most challenging and provocative plays, a powerful metaphor of man’s position in modern society. The play was labelled a “comedy of menace” and placed within the Theatre of the Absurd, while its political side was often overlooked. The very title of the play contains Pinter’s political cynicism as well as his almost apocalyptic view of the future of the human race and is highly symbolic of some of Pinter’s most frequently employed techniques and themes: silence and violence of language, one-way communication, use and abuse of power, the exposure of characters to ominous menace, and the sense of imprisonment of body and soul when trapped inside four walls. Pinter’s preoccupation with confined spaces and consequently with seemingly free individuals who are deprived of basic human rights, such as freedom of speech, blends nicely with Foucault’s vision of a modern carceral society. In this diploma thesis, the play is analysed through Michel Foucault’s concept of panopticism, where the “Pinteresque” room acquires a symbolic meaning of modern man’s ravaged state of mind and loss of identity, constantly exposed to surveillance and the invisible power of the modern information society.
Keywords: The Dumb Waiter, Harold Pinter, Theatre of the Absurd, comedy of menace, Pinteresque, Michel Foucault, panopticism.
Published in DKUM: 12.06.2012; Views: 3043; Downloads: 163
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Feministična problematizacija obravnave ženske seksualnosti
Tamara Žerjav, 2009, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Naloga teoretično obravnava nekatere pomembnejše teorije ženske seksualnosti in povezavo slednje z močjo in družbenim položajem žensk. Vključuje psihoanalitični pogled Sigmunda Freuda na ženski seksualni razvoj in feministične kritike tega razumevanja s stališča družbenega konstruktivizma, zlasti pa se osredotoča na opredelitev oblasti v teoriji Michela Foucaulta in povezavo oblasti s konstrukcijo ženskega telesa ter ženskega seksualnega subjekta. Končno so analitična orodja in koncepti, ki jih nudijo feministične teorije in kritike ter Foucaultova teorija, uporabljeni pri obravnavi podobe in konstrukcije ženske seksualnosti v sodobnih slovenskih medijih, namenjenih ženskam. Pri tem avtorica ugotavlja, da se je z družbenim položajem žensk spremenila tudi njihova javna podoba ter seksualna vloga in podoba. Slednja delno izhaja tudi iz feminističnih kritik iz šestdesetih in sedemdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja, vendar pa ne vključuje družbene kritičnosti takratne obravnave seksualnosti in političnosti kolektivnega delovanja.
Keywords: feminizem, Foucault, medijska podoba, psihoanaliza, oblast, seksualnost
Published in DKUM: 25.11.2009; Views: 3943; Downloads: 1072
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