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Primerjava orodij za oblikovanje uporabniških vmesnikov : diplomsko delo
Veronika Poštrak, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Glavno temo diplomske naloge predstavlja primerjalna analiza orodij za oblikovanje uporabniških vmesnikov: zaprtokodnega orodja Figma in odprtokodnega orodja Penpot. Namen dela je bil oceniti njune prednosti, slabosti in izzive pri uporabi ter raziskati vpliv razlik v funkcionalnostih na učinkovitost dela in kakovost digitalnih produktov. V praktičnem delu smo v obeh orodjih oblikovali spletno aplikacijo in ocenili, kako razlike v funkcionalnostih vplivajo na končni izdelek. Ugotovili smo, da Figma izstopa po širokem naboru knjižnic, pripomočkov in vtičnikov, medtem ko Penpot, z odprtokodno naravo in brezplačnimi funkcionalnostmi, omogoča prilagodljivosti in večji nadzor nad kodo. Rezultati so poudarili pomembnost prave izbire orodja pri oblikovanju digitalnih produktov.
Keywords: orodja, oblikovanje, uporabniški vmesnik, Figma, Penpot
Published in DKUM: 22.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 14
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Design reliable operating food ordering applications with UI/UX design : bachelor's thesis
Martina Arsovska, 2023, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: This bachelor's thesis illustrates the design process of two different food ordering mobile applications, ‘LUMA’ and ‘NIJA’. For the designing process we used ‘Figma’, a web-based interface design tool. It is also discussed the significance of UI/UX design and how it influences user engagement and satisfaction. In addition, we emphasized some of the applications key design components, such as logos, typography, colour palettes, as well as how we created and animated them. In this bachelor’s thesis we then reviewed the findings of the survey we conducted to collect input on the designs of the two applications.
Keywords: mobile applications, UI design, UX design, Figma, surveys
Published in DKUM: 23.05.2023; Views: 649; Downloads: 48
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