1. Towards productive and ergonomic order picking : multi-objective modeling approachBrigita Gajšek, Simona Šinko, Tomaž Kramberger, Marcin Butlewski, Eren Özceylan, Goran Đukić, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: The logistics sector should strive for sustainability alongside productivity by protecting its order pickers' health and welfare. Existing storage assignment models are mainly based on the criterion of order picking time and, to a lesser extent, the human factor. In the paper, a solution to a storage assignment problem using a multi-objective model based on binary integer linear programing is presented by developing a solution that considers order picking time, energy expenditure and health risk. The Ovako Working Posture Assessment System (OWAS) method was used for health risk assessment. The downside of solely health risk-optimization is that the average order picking time increases by approximately 33 % compared to solely time-optimization. Contrary to this, the developed multi-objective function emphasizing time has proven to be promising in finding a compromise between the optimal order picking time and eliminating work situations with a very-high risk for injuries. Its use increases the time by only 3.8 % compared to solely time-optimization while significantly reducing health risk. Keywords: productivity, energy expenditure, order picking, order picking system, health risk, OWAS, multi-objective modeling, planning, logistics, ergonomics Published in DKUM: 13.08.2024; Views: 90; Downloads: 4 Full text (3,63 MB) This document has many files! More... |
2. Bi-objective assignment model for lean order picking in a warehouseBrigita Gajšek, Hrvoje Cajner, Tihomir Opetuk, Goran Đukić, Marcin Butlewski, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: With the introduction of Lean Warehousing, we are committed to using lean principles for more efficient warehousing operations, which are performed with quality and safety. Manual order picking, on which the paper is focused, is currently considered the most unfriendly to humans because, in the long run, it contributes to the appearance of musculoskeletal disorders. We record not only the increase in the average age of employees in warehouses but also in the number and duration of sick leave due to back and muscle pain. This paper explores the possibility of productive work while preventing order pickers from Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders. Using a laboratory experiment, we determine retrieval times for units with different characteristics and study required postures by guidelines of Revised NIOSH Lifting Equation. The final goal is to create a bi-objective assignment model. Keywords: warehousing, order picking, ergonomics, intralogistics, lean logistics, manual order picking, productivity, revised NIOSH lifting equation, warehousing, work-related musculoskeletal disorders Published in DKUM: 13.06.2024; Views: 92; Downloads: 6 Full text (802,52 KB) This document has many files! More... |
3. Use of ergonomic principles in manual order picking systemsNina Labus, Brigita Gajšek, 2018, original scientific article Abstract: Successful companies are continually striving to streamline costs and optimize processes, enabling them to grow progress, develop and ensure competitiveness on the market. A large part of the costs arises in warehouses, where up to 55% of total costs are generated by order- picking, which makes it important and interesting in terms of research. The paper explores "picker to part" order- picking concept, which enables flexible work and is the optimal choice for most companies. The concept is associated with a high level of work- related injuries and work -related illnesses. Work requires physical efforts resulting from handling heavy goods, performing repetitive movements and using manipulative means. Hum an as the main actor of the concept affects the costs caused by picking and the quality of work done, which depends on technological support, physically and psychologically capable and motivated people. Due to the high costs of service, the focus on time planning and productivity increases. Contrary, the lack of attention is paid to the working conditions and the health status of the pickers. To overcome this gab, a review of scientific and professional literature on ergonomic principles in picking concept "picker to part" was carried out, followed by a quantitative survey of ergonomic properties in warehousing activities. Results revealed that more than 60% of the surveyed order-pickers associate problems with health with the characteristics of work, about 24% of them associate health problems with the use of a particular means of transport, and all agree that provided measures to reduce physical effort and greater support of technologies influence on increased speed of work and better health status of order-pickers. Keywords: injuries, picker-to-part, ergonomics, picking, productivity, costs Published in DKUM: 25.04.2018; Views: 1546; Downloads: 468 Full text (344,50 KB) This document has many files! More... |
4. Intelligent support for defining aesthetical, ergonomical and material properties of designed productJasmin Kaljun, 2014, original scientific article Abstract: The presented paper gives an insight into a prototype of intelligent advisory system based on the aesthetic and ergonomic factors regarding product design, with emphasis on appurtenant design recommendations. The paper focuses on methodology of determining appropriate combination of ergonomic and aesthetic design actions during product design to achieve pleasant user experience. Along with products' function, ergonomics and aesthetics certainly belong to the most important design factors that affect user experience. In the field of ergonomics not only anthropometrical characteristics of prospective user are important. It is also of significant importance to select appropriate material for contact areas in order to assure comfortable and injury free use. Presented theoretical findings are supported with case study of hand tool handle design using intelligent advisory system Oscar. Keywords: aesthetics, ergonomics, intelligent support, material selection, product design Published in DKUM: 12.07.2017; Views: 1117; Downloads: 219 Full text (1,17 MB) This document has many files! More... |
5. Analiza obstoječega stanja in postavitev nove linije za izdelavo aparatovMiha Srt, 2014, undergraduate thesis Abstract: V proizvodnih obratih imajo danes delo podjetja, ki izdelujejo kvalitetne izdelke za nizko ceno. K nižanju cene izdelka veliko pripomore kratek čas izdelave izdelka, na čas izdelave pa vpliva postavitev delovnih mest, pretok materiala in zaporedje delovnih operacij na sestavni liniji. Zaradi vse večjega pomena zdravja zaposlenih v podjetjih se preko programov, ki so namenjeni izračunavanju optimalnosti delovnih pogojev v podjetjih ukvarjajo z izboljšanjem ergonomskih pogojev dela. S tem se dolgoročno prepreči morebiten nastanek delovnih nesreč zaradi preobremenjenega dela kratkoročno pa s tem dosegamo boljši učinek dela. Keywords: layout, ergonomics, SMED, ergocheck, workfactor, 5S, one piece flow, poka – yoke Published in DKUM: 27.10.2015; Views: 2015; Downloads: 147 Link to full text |
6. Improving products' ergonomic value using intelligent decision support systemJasmin Kaljun, Bojan Dolšak, 2012, original scientific article Abstract: During the process of defining suitable design solutions, a designer has to consider a wide range of influential factors. Ergonomics certainly belongs to more complex ones. Less experienced designers could encounter several problems during this design stage. Although some literature can be found about ergonomic design of hand tools, a designer still has to have amassed quite a lot of experience and knowledge in the field of ergonomic, in order to choose and carry out appropriate design and redesign actions. Existing computer tools for ergonomic design are not able to assist a designer with higher level advice within design process. An intelligent decision support system has been developed in order to overcome this bottleneck. This paper presents a knowledge base, containing ergonomic design knowledge specific for hand tools design. A pneumatic hammer handle design is used as a case study to show how ergonomic design knowledge built in the system is used to improve the ergonomic value of the product. Keywords: ergonomija, inteligentna podpora, ročna orodja, zajemanje znanja, razvoj ročke, pnevmatsko kladivo, ergonomics, intelligent support, hand tools, knowledge acquisition, handle design, pneumatic hammer Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1713; Downloads: 139 Link to full text |
7. Interdisciplinary approach to tool-handle design based on medical imagingGregor Harih, Andrej Čretnik, 2013, original scientific article Abstract: Products are becoming increasingly complex; therefore, designers are faced with a challenging task to incorporate new functionality, higher performance, and optimal shape design. Traditional user-centered design techniques such as designing with anthropometric data do not incorporate enough subject data to design products with optimal shape for best fit to the target population. To overcome these limitations, we present an interdisciplinary approach with medical imaging. The use of this approach is being presented on the development of an optimal sized and shaped tool handle where the hand is imaged using magnetic resonance imaging machine. The obtained images of the hand are reconstructed and imported into computer-aided design software, where optimal shape of the handle is obtained with Boolean operations. Methods can be used to develop fully customized products with optimal shape to provide best fit to the target population. This increases subjective comfort rating, performance and can prevent acute and cumulative trauma disorders. Provided methods are especially suited for products where high stresses and exceptional performance is expected (high performance tools, professional sports, and military equipment, etc.). With the use of these interdisciplinary methods, the value of the product is increased, which also increases the competitiveness of the product on the market. Keywords: product design, ergonomics, medical imaging, reverse engineering, innovation Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1497; Downloads: 375 Full text (2,38 MB) This document has many files! More... |
8. Ergonomic design recommendations based on an actual chainsaw designJasmin Kaljun, Bojan Dolšak, 2012, original scientific article Abstract: To develop high quality products, a designer has to consider various influential factors, one of which is ergonomics. And to fashion a specific product for the user, a designer needs expert knowledge of the user's requirements. However, expert knowledge can also be accessed through an intelligent advisory system for ergonomic design support. The effectiveness of such an expert system depends mainly on the quality of the knowledge base and on the appropriateness of the system's inference engine. Data for the systemćs knowledge base can be collected in different ways. One approach is to study relevant projects to collect appropriate ergonomic solutions; another is to recognise bottlenecks in ergonomic design. This paper presents a case study of the design of an actual chainsaw - with emphasison ergonomic design solutions - that can be transformed into ergonomic design recommendations. At the end of the paper, an application of one of the derived recommendations within the knowledge base of the intelligent advisory system is presented. Keywords: ergonomics, intelligent support, knowledge acquisition Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1586; Downloads: 424 Full text (1,32 MB) This document has many files! More... |
9. Ergonomic aspects of implementing computer technology into schoolsSamo Fošnarič, Uroš Drnovšek, 2009, review article Abstract: This paper addresses the issue of implementing computer technology into educational settings from an ergonomic point of view. On the basis of some latest findings in ergonomics and computer science we construct a model of ergonomic implementation of computer technology into schools and highlight some areas that still need researchers' attention in the future. We also present a review of certain findings and polemics in the fields of computerized classroom environment, ergonomic use of computers and ergonomic aspects of computer hardware and software. Keywords: education, ergonomics, computer hardware, computer software Published in DKUM: 07.06.2012; Views: 1594; Downloads: 40 Link to full text |
10. Intelligent decision support system for ergonomic product designJasmin Kaljun, Milenko Obad, Bojan Dolšak, 2011, review article Abstract: In general, computer tools for ergonomic CAD do not assist designer with higher level advice when performing ergonomic design. Designer has to possess expert knowledge and experience in many fields of engineering design including ergonomics in order to deliver successful designs. Such multi-levelexperts are rare and usually occupied. Two alternative ways are used to substitute these experts: teams of experts covering different areas of knowledge are established or some intelligent computer programs with expert knowledge are applied. In the second case, expert knowledge has to be collected, organized and encoded into the knowledge base of the system. An intelligent decision support system has been developed in order to overcome this bottleneck. This paper presents a knowledge base, containing ergonomic design knowledge specific for hand tools design. A pneumatic hammer handle design is used as a case study to show how ergonomic design knowledge built in the system is used to improve the ergonomic value of the product. Keywords: ergonomics, hand tools, knowledge acquisition, product development Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2026; Downloads: 43 Link to full text |