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Predicting the probability of cargo theft for individual cases in railway transport
Lorenc Augustyn, Małgorzata Kuźnar, Tone Lerher, Maciej Szkoda, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: In the heavy industry, the value of cargo transported by rail is very high. Due to high value, poor security and volume of rail transport, the theft cases are often. The main problem of securing rail transport is predicting the location of a high probability of risk. Because of this,the aim of the presented research was to predict the highest probability of rail cargo theft for areas. It is important to prevent theft cases by better securing the railway lines. To solve that problem the authors' model was developed. The model uses information about past transport cases for the learning process of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Machine Learning (ML).The ANN predicted the probability for 94.7% of the cases of theft and the Machine Learning identified 100% of the cases. This method can be used to develop a support system for securing the rail infrastructure.
Keywords: rail transport security, supply chain disruption, drones, security support systems, cargo theft, predicting, logistics, artificial neural network, drone monitoring, machine learning
Published in DKUM: 28.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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The weaponisation of drones – a threat from above used for terrorist purposes
Ice Ilijevski, Zlate Dimovski, Kire Babanoski, 2021, review article

Abstract: Purpose: The subject of this paper is to determine the threat of drones (unmanned aerial vehicles – UAVs), which are evolving rapidly and becoming more efficient, powerful, and easily weaponised, with regard to their use by terrorist organisations. Because of the precision, efficiency, and economy of drones, in the last decade terrorist organisations have used these to carry out attacks all over the world. The paper discusses the prevention and the countermeasures undertaken by national authorities, as well as the development of defensive tactics against drone strikes. The paper notes that the threat posed drones is even greater than many imagine, as they can be used to attack critical infrastructure. Design/Methods/Approach: The tactical ways in which terrorist organisations have made malicious use of drones are considered and described in the paper. In order to better understand the core of this problem, the methods and techniques of attack, the characteristics of the drones and the measures taken by the security and intelligence services in the fight against this threat are reviewed and assessed. All these questions were also addressed by theorists researching this field in semi-structured interviews conducted online. Findings: Because of the rapid development of the technology and progress in the area of drone production, as well as their low price and the availability, drones can be easily transformed into improvised explosive devices that are attractive to many terrorist organisations and individuals, producing a new type of asymmetrical threat. The threat coming from air that is posed by drones is very sophisticated and complex, and deserves more attention from national security authorities. Moreover, the development and introduction of protective and preventive approaches and mechanisms on an international level, and full implementation on a national level, is essential to prevent planned attacks with drones. Originality/Value: This topic is rarely discussed in security research and studies. The paper offers a solid overview of the problems and threats that drones are already causing to law enforcement agencies, and the challenges for national authorities with regard to preventing them.
Keywords: drone, unmanned aerial vehicle, terrorism, terrorist attack, threat
Published in DKUM: 26.01.2022; Views: 835; Downloads: 23
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Teleoperiranje kvadrokopterja Parrot AR. Drone s pomočjo haptične naprave Phantom Omni
Rok Kovše, 2015, master's thesis

Abstract: V magistrskem delu je opisano bilateralno teleoperiranje kvadrokopterja Parrot AR.Drone preko brezžičnega lokalnega omrežja s haptično napravo Phantom Omni. Haptična naprava služi kot krmilna palica za vodenje kvadrokopterja in kot haptični vmesnik, ki generira silo dotika kvadrokopterja z okoljem. Nadzor smeri letenja in translacijske hitrosti kvadrokopterja so izvedene v treh prostostnih stopnjah. Razdaljo od objekta do kvadrokopterja, ki jo preko haptične naprave transformiramo v virtualno silo, merimo s pomočjo ultrazvočnega senzorja. Povratna sila na krmilni palici haptičnega mehanizma operaterju onemogoča trke med plovilom in ovirami. Programiranje naprav je izvedeno s pomočjo programskega orodja Microsoft Visual Studio.
Keywords: AR.Drone, Phantom Omni, haptična naprava, kvadrokopter, mikrokrmilnik, ultrazvočni senzor, bilateralno teleoperiranje.
Published in DKUM: 05.02.2015; Views: 2411; Downloads: 206
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Bojan Miličević, 2012, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Diplomsko delo opisuje strojno opremo plovila AR.Drone. Opisani so elementi, ki so nameščeni na plovilu, njihove lastnosti, komunikacija med plovilom in klientom. Nameščene kamere na plovilu omogočajo prepoznavanje oznak drugih plovil, ter orientacijo v okolju. Med letenjem plovila poteka prenos navigacijskih podatkov in podatkov slike oz. videa preko brezžičnega omrežja. Za upravljanje plovila uporabljamo napravo z operacijskim sistemom android, ki komunicirata preko brezžičnega omrežja. V sami aplikaciji pa lahko prilagajamo nastavitve upravljanja plovila. Klient se direktno poveže na strežnik, ki je implementiran na AR.Drone. AR.Drone ima implementiran standard IEEE 802.11 g/n za brezžično povezavo. V diplomskem delu smo preučili možnost priklopa plovila na standard IEEE 802.15.4.
Keywords: plovilo AR.Drone, operacijski sistem Android, aplikacija AR.Free Flight
Published in DKUM: 26.11.2012; Views: 2048; Downloads: 195
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