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Impaired neurodevelopmental genes in Slovenian autistic children elucidate the comorbidity of autism with other developmental disorders
Danijela Krgović, Mario Gorenjak, Nika Rihar, Iva Opalič, Špela Stangler Herodež, Hojka Gregorič Kumperščak, Peter Dovč, Nadja Kokalj-Vokač, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) represent a phenotypically heterogeneous group of patients that strongly intertwine with other neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs), with genetics playing a significant role in their etiology. Whole exome sequencing (WES) has become predominant in molecular diagnostics for ASD by considerably increasing the diagnostic yield. However, the proportion of undiagnosed patients still remains high due to complex clinical presentation, reduced penetrance, and lack of segregation analysis or clinical information. Thus, reverse phenotyping, where we first identified a possible genetic cause and then determine its clinical relevance, has been shown to be a more efficient approach. WES was performed on 147 Slovenian pediatric patients with suspected ASD. Data analysis was focused on identifying ultrarare or “single event” variants in ASD-associated genes and further expanded to NDD-associated genes. Protein function and gene prioritization were performed on detected clinically relevant variants to determine their role in ASD etiology and phenotype. Reverse phenotyping revealed a pathogenic or likely pathogenic variant in ASD-associated genes in 20.4% of patients, with subsequent segregation analysis indicating that 14 were de novo variants and 1 was presumed compound heterozygous. The diagnostic yield was further increased by 2.7% by the analysis of ultrarare or “single event” variants in all NDD-associated genes. Protein function analysis established that genes in which variants of unknown significance (VUS) were detected were predominantly the cause of intellectual disability (ID), and in most cases, features of ASD as well. Using such an approach, variants in rarely described ASD-associated genes, such as SIN3B, NR4A2, and GRIA1, were detected. By expanding the analysis to include functionally similar NDD genes, variants in KCNK9, GNE, and other genes were identified. These would probably have been missed by classic genotype–phenotype analysis. Our study thus demonstrates that in patients with ASD, analysis of ultrarare or “single event” variants obtained using WES with the inclusion of functionally similar genes and reverse phenotyping obtained a higher diagnostic yield despite limited clinical data. The present study also demonstrates that most of the causative genes in our cohort were involved in the syndromic form of ASD and confirms their comorbidity with other developmental disorders.
Keywords: reverse phenotyping, single event variants, NDD-associated genes, GRIA1 gene, NR4A2 gene, SIN3B gene, autism, child
Published in DKUM: 12.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 3
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The theme of love in various pedagogical concepts
Maja Hmelak, Karakuma Samai, 2021, review article

Abstract: The theme of love throughout history appears in many pedagogical concepts, where it has been researched in detail by various pedagogical theorists and practitioners, and many have also included it in their educational concepts. It is important from the point of view of the child and his involvement in the educational process itself and for proper introduction into the process itself, it requires an empathetic and professionally trained teacher and educator. Through a review of numerous scientific and professional works, the authors investigated the occurrence of the theme of love and found that it appears in many pedagogical concepts. These were presented in detail, critically evaluated and professionally analyzed and compared. They also found that the role of the teacher and educator and their example, which students and children follow, is crucial for the introduction of the theme of love.
Keywords: child, educator, love, pedagogical concepts, teacher
Published in DKUM: 19.08.2024; Views: 66; Downloads: 8
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The moderating impact of types of caregiving on job demands, resources, and their relation to work-to-family conflict and enrichment
Sara Tement, Christian Korunka, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: This research aims to examine for whom combining work and family/caregiving may be most harmful. Employed parents, elder caregivers, and the sandwiched generation were compared with their coworkers without such responsibilities. Based on the job demandsresources model, we assumed that high job demands/low job resources would relate to work-to-family conflict (WFC) and low job demands/high job resources to work-to-family enrichment. However, this effect would depend on employees family/caregiving responsibilities. Using a large sample of Slovenian employees (N = 1,285), we found support for the moderating role of the type of caregiving responsibility between workload and WFC. In addition, the type of caregiving had a moderating effect on the relationship between coworker support and WFC. Support was also found for the differential impact of job resources on work-to-family enrichment. The results therefore indicate the relevance of types of caregiving responsibility in workfamily research and practice.
Keywords: skrb za otroke, skrb za starejše, konflikt med delom in družino, obogatitev, delovne zahteve, delovni resursi, child care, elderly care, work-to-family conflict, enrichment, job demands, job resources
Published in DKUM: 02.08.2024; Views: 93; Downloads: 4
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International surrogacy arrangements - perspectives on international regulation
Jasmina Alihodžić, Anita Duraković, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: Although more than 30 years have passed since the birth of the first surrogate baby, surrogacy motherhood as a form of ART is still one of the most controversial issues that reflect moral, ethical, cultural, psychological, medical, economic and legal dilemmas. The juxtaposition of legal solutions at the national level has given rise to discussions on the optimal solutions for regulating model international surrogacy arrangements. Given the current social and political climate, the authors of this paper advocate for the reform of international adoption procedures as opposed to passing a new convention, in a way that respective provisions of international adoption convention should be adapted to capture the effects of international surrogacy arrangements - recognition of legal parentage, provided that it is in the best interests of the child, and that there is a biological link between the child and at least one intended parent.
Keywords: international surrogacy arrangements, international regulation, reform of international adoption procedure, recognition of legal parentage, best interest of the child
Published in DKUM: 15.01.2021; Views: 710; Downloads: 58
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Saviour siblings - current overview, dilemmas and possible solutions?
Sandra O. Samardžić, 2019, original scientific article

Abstract: In certain cases, when an already born child is affected with a fatal disease and needs transplantation, the only possible solution could be the creation of saviour sibling. Saviour sibling is a term that refers to a child born through a procedure in which an embryo, created in vitro, is being tested in order to determine whether such an embryo could provide stem cells or tissue for an already born, ill child. If the embryo is both, a matching donor and free of the disease, it could be implanted and after the birth of a child, the umbilical cord stem cells or tissue could be used for treatment of a sick sibling. However, this procedure poses a number of dilemmas. This paper aims to give a brief analysis of these issues, to address some of the main concerns and to provide possible solutions for future regulation of this technique.
Keywords: saviour sibling, right of the child to health, medically assisted reproduction, bone marrow, stem cells
Published in DKUM: 15.01.2021; Views: 952; Downloads: 28
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Victim-offender mediation and observance of procedural rights in the Macedonian juvenile justice system : competitive or balancing?
Stojanka Mirčeva, Vesna Stefanovska, Bogdancho Gogov, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: Purpose: The paper examines the observance of procedural rights of the parties referred to Victim-Offender Mediation (VOM) in the Justice System for Children (JSC), and particularly pioneering practice associated with challenges pertaining to the multicultural character of the community. Design/Methods/Approach: Analysis is based on qualitative data collected by using in-depth interviews and document analysis. Sources of data were relevant stakeholders in the referral procedure, the Child and the Victim, as well as court/prosecutors files. In-depth interviews were carried out with 17 stakeholders to capture professional attitudes, attached meanings and experience of the respondents in relation to VOM. Document analysis as a data collection technique was applied to two prosecutor’s files and one court file which, at present, are the only cases of VOM in JSC. Findings: The main findings pertain to the indispensable recognition that meanings attributed to VOM in JSC, as well as expectations, vary extensively among respondents. In turn, this situation shapes the procedural rights of the parties in 3 VOM cases. In addition, basic principles of VOM are implemented in line with the perceived significance of procedural rights in VOM cases. Research Limitations / Implications: The findings relate only to respondents’ attitudes and views on VOM as well as data contained in court/prosecutor’s files. In-depth knowledge on the implementation of procedural rights during VOM process is missing due to the impossibility for participatory observation of the joint meetings. Originality/Value: While across Europe much research on balancing VOM principles and fair trial standards has been conducted, no research at all has been carried out in Macedonia in relation to VOM in JSC. This small scale survey is particularly valuable in filling up the existing empirical gap, and findings might be used as a basis for developing system prerequisites for VOM.
Keywords: victim-offender mediation, child offenders, victims, Macedonian Justice System for Children
Published in DKUM: 16.04.2020; Views: 949; Downloads: 55
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Comparative analysis of ART in the EU : cross-border reproductive medicine
Gordana Kovaček-Stanić, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: The need for cross-border reproductive medicine exists for several reasons. Some are due to the fact that some states do not permit particular ART procedures; thus couples travel to the state where needed procedure is allowed (surrogate motherhood, embryo donation, posthumous fertilization). Other situations are due to the fact of who is entitled to ART procedures. In some states ART procedures are not allowed to same-sex couples or a single woman. The consequence of the cross-border reproductive medicine might be that the born child becomes parentless (“limping legal parentage”) and stateless. Since the best interest of the child is the paramount principle in contemporary family law, it is most important to find solutions for these situations. The most complicated issues are the consequences arising from international surrogacy arrangements. The Hague Conference on private international law is working on these issues trying to find the best solutions.
Keywords: cross-border, reproductive medicine, child, parentage, Hague Conference, EU
Published in DKUM: 08.10.2018; Views: 995; Downloads: 74
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Analysis of didactic games in selected coursebooks
Mateja Krajnc, 2017, master's thesis

Abstract: For early foreign language learning, it is typical that it is carried out in a dynamic, varied and child-friendly way. This means that there is a wide variety of media used in these lessons, which enrich the learning process and make learning more efficient and, most importantly, more interesting for the students. One of the many media is also didactic games, which is being used more and more in practice. Due to the actuality of the topic of didactic games, the purpose of this Master’s thesis is to analyze didactic games in selected coursebooks for English in the fourth grade of primary school. In the theoretical part the terms “(child’s) play”, “game” and “didactic game” are defined, based on the technical literature. The importance of child’s play for the development of children and the significance of games in the educational process are presented. Numerous types of didactic games are listed and presented, along with their use in the classroom. Furthermore, the term “coursebook” is defined and the importance of its role in the educational process illustrated. At the end of the theoretical section, the requirements for coursebook design are presented and the characteristics of a quality coursebook listed. In the empirical section of the thesis, the analysis that was carried out based on the selected coursebooks is presented. The research shows that there is a small share of didactic games in the selected coursebooks and that language games and communicative games prevail. The majority of games are intended for practicing vocabulary, speaking and listening. The research also reveals that didactic games encourage all forms of work (individual work as well as pair work and group work).
Keywords: child’s play and games, didactic games, early ELT classroom, coursebooks, coursebook design, analysis of didactic games
Published in DKUM: 15.06.2017; Views: 1813; Downloads: 186
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Maternal perceptions of and responses to child sexual abuse
Zlatka Rakovec-Felser, Lea Vidovič, 2016, original scientific article

Abstract: Background: Several researches indicate that most child victims delay disclosing of sexual abuse for significant periods of time. There are numerous reasons as to why children are avoiding the disclosure of the abuse. The aim of this study was to determine how a mother’s response to a child’s allegations impacts the child’s willingness to disclose sexual abuse. Methods: We conducted a retrospective quantitative and qualitative analysis of 73 court-referred cases of child sexual abuse which have been disclosed in Slovenia in the last ten years. All the child victims included in the study were female and the perpetrators adult male persons. The expert opinions were made by the same expert. Results: We realized that, at the occurrence of abuse, the child victims were from 4 to 15 years old and their mean age was at 11. 5 years. About two-thirds of children were victims of the intra-familial type (61.6%) and a little more than one third of extra-familial type of sexual abuse (38.4%). The group of victims with the support of their mothers needed about 9 months to disclose the secret, while the delay of the disclosure in the cases without the support of mothers was much longer (M=6.9 years). Conclusion: For female child victims of sexual abuse the perceived protective attitude of their mothers is very important. Especially when the sexual abuse happened in the family, the mother’s support can attribute to stop the ongoing abuse, eliminate its immediate effects and decrease its likely negative long-term outcome.
Keywords: child sexual abuse, disclosure, maternal response
Published in DKUM: 05.04.2017; Views: 1507; Downloads: 426
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Metka Lovrin, 2015, master's thesis

Abstract: The purpose of the MA thesis was to explore three English picture books (Sometimes I Like to Curl up in a Ball, The Slurpy Burpy Bear and The Gruffalo) and their Slovene translations (Včasih se rad kotalim kakor žoga, Rigajoči medved and Zverjasec) in regard to inappropriate child behavior which is usually deemed socially unacceptable by adults. Therefore, the aim of my qualitative research was to scrutinize such behavioral occurrences by using comparative and hermeneutic analysis, and to provide inductive reasons with thick description as to why these translation shifts occurred. The empirical part, in which I analyzed relevant sample passages in verbal (and visual) context, has led me to three major categories: “Discrepancy between Childish Authenticity and Social Values”, “Politeness” and “Demonization”. These revealed that corrective changes cannot be applied to Slovene picture book translation in general, but are subject to the individual translator’s child image.
Keywords: Picture book, translation, comparative analysis, inappropriate behavior, child image.
Published in DKUM: 11.08.2016; Views: 1717; Downloads: 158
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