1. Hydrothermal conversion of oilseed cakes into valuable products : influence of operating conditions and whey as an alternative process liquid on product properties and their utilizationAleksandra Petrovič, Tjaša Cenčič, Sabina Vohl, Gregor Hostnik, Matjaž Finšgar, Lidija Čuček, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: hydrothermal carbonization, hydrochar, process liquid, oilseed press cake, cheese whey, catalyst Objavljeno v DKUM: 29.08.2024; Ogledov: 64; Prenosov: 9
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2. Use of emulsion-templated, highly porous polyelectrolytes for in vitro germination of chickpea embryos : a new substrate for soilless cultivationJanja Majer Kovačič, Terezija Ciringer, Jana Ambrožič-Dolinšek, Sebastijan Kovačič, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The application of highly porous and 3D interconnected microcellular polyelectrolyte polyHIPE (PE-PH) monoliths based on (3-acrylamidopropyl)-trimethylammonium chloride as soilless cultivation substrates for in vitro embryo culture is discussed. The embryo axes isolated from chickpea seeds are inoculated onto the surface of the monoliths and allowed to germinate. Germination study show that the newly disclosed PE-PH substrate performs much better than the conventionally used agar as the germination percentage, shoot and root length, fresh and dry weight as well as the number of leaves are enhanced. The PE-PHs exhibit a higher absorption capacity of the plant growth medium, that is, 36 g·g–1 compared to agar, that is, 20 g·g–1, and also survive autoclaving conditions without failing. The key advantage over standard agar substrates is that they can be reused several times and also without prior sterilization. These results suggest that PE-PHs with exceptional absorption/retention properties and robustness have great potential as soilless substrates for in vitro plant cultivation. Ključne besede: absorption, catalyst supports, germination, plants, porosity Objavljeno v DKUM: 15.07.2024; Ogledov: 114; Prenosov: 11
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3. Innovative gasification technology for the circular economyTeos Perne, Marko Šetinc, Tine Seljak, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: This article presents a novel gasification technology process in the context of achieving carbon neutrality by establishing a sustainable circulation of carbonaceous materials with a focus on the production of virgin materials from various kinds of waste. The technology can alleviate the key limitations of existing gasification systems, which are the production and management of residue tars. The innovative technology process re-utilizes tars within the reaction itself, enabling an endless cycle of carbon. It also ensures high flexibility for efficiently handling heterogenic waste materials. Ključne besede: gasification, carbonaceous, waste, tars, syngas, catalyst, circular economy, carbon, methano Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.12.2023; Ogledov: 452; Prenosov: 10
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4. Recent advances in the development of automotive catalytic converters: a systematic reviewLaura Robles-Lorite, Ruben Dorado Vicente, Eloisa Torres Jiménez, Gorazd Bombek, Luka Lešnik, 2023, pregledni znanstveni članek Opis: Despite the current boost in the use of electric vehicles to reduce the automotive sector’s footprint, combustion vehicles are and will be present in our cities in both the immediate and long term. In this sense, catalytic converters, which are exhaust gas post-treatment systems for vehicle emission control, are critical for complying with increasingly stringent environmental regulations. This work proposes a systematic review to identify the most relevant knowledge regarding the parameters (materials, geometries, and engine conditions), conditions (cold start, oxygen storage, and deactivation), and mathematical models to consider in the design of catalytic converters. The Scopus database contains 283 records related to this review’s objective. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 65 reports were retrieved for evaluation. A table was created to present the results and prepare this manuscript. The evaluation revealed that the following topics were active: the study of non-noble catalyst materials, as well as new substrate materials and geometries, for designing more compact and cost-effective catalytic converters; the development of strategies to improve conversion during cold starts; and the development of accurate and fast estimation models. Ključne besede: automotive converters, catalytic converters, emissions reduction, exhaust gas post-treatment, catalyst deactivation, oxygen storage, numerical models Objavljeno v DKUM: 06.09.2023; Ogledov: 453; Prenosov: 41
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5. Kinetic studies of catalytic ozonation of atrazineBrigita Tepuš, Marjana Simonič, 2008, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The aim of our work was to degrade atrazine by the ozone treatment of both a model and the original drinking water samples, using Pt-catalyst, and to evaluate the performance of this catalyst. The rate constant for the reaction of atrazine with ozone was determined in the model water sample. The activation energies and the reaction orders of ozone decomposition were determined in both the model and the drinking water samples. Ozone treatment using Pt-catalyst has some influence on the loss of atrazine in the sources of drinking water. The concentration of some metabolites in the model and drinking water was observed during ozone treatment. The toxicity of atrazine to crustacean Daphnia magna in the original drinking water and in the ozone treated water samples was also assessed. Ključne besede: ozone, Pt-catalyst, atrazine, water treatment, waste water, kinetics Objavljeno v DKUM: 05.07.2017; Ogledov: 1352; Prenosov: 86
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6. PROJEKT UVAJANJA CRM REŠITVE V PODJETJENatalija Vinšek, 2012, diplomsko delo Opis: Konkurenca je vsak dan večja in podjetja iščejo različne načine kako dobiti svoje mesto na trgu. To vodi v dejstvo, da želijo podjetja v današnjih dneh vedeti vse o svojih strankah in njihovih potrebah. Če strankam ne ponudimo kaj zanimivega, bodo odšli h konkurenci. CRM rešitve so programi, ki nam omogočajo, da shranimo velike količine pridobljenih podatkov o naših strankah.
Če želimo imeti CRM rešitev, jo moramo najprej uvesti v podjetje. Toda, pred tem je potrebno poznati nekaj opredelitev o sami CRM rešitvi in kako nam lahko pomaga pri našem poslovanju, posebej pri prodaji, trženju, servisu in podpori.
Na žalost je veliko projektov uvedbe neuspešnih. To je zaradi prepričanja podjetja, da je dovolj, če pokličemo uvajalca in mu prepustimo delo. Vendar moramo prispevati svoj del tudi mi. Najprej moramo spremeniti poslovne procese, da bodo ustrezali novi CRM rešitvi, nato prepričati zaposlene, zakaj je nova CRM rešitev boljša. Prepričati se moramo, da je dovolj vključen tudi menedžment in so tudi oni seznanjeni s podrobnostmi uvedbe. To so le nekateri dejavniki, ki nam pomagajo k uspešni uvedbi.
Za učinkovitejše uvajanje je veliko ponudnikov CRM rešitev razvilo svoje metodologije za uvajanje le-teh. Te metodologije se lahko uporabijo kot okvir za uvedbo vsake nove CRM rešitve in pomagajo zmanjšati možnost neuspešne uvedbe. Ključne besede: CRM, CRM rešitev, upravljanje odnosov s strankami, prodaja, trženje, servis in podpora, stranke, metodologija uvajanja, uvedba CRM, Maximizer CRM, Sure Step, Catalyst, ASAP metodologija. Objavljeno v DKUM: 17.12.2012; Ogledov: 3457; Prenosov: 430
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8. In-situ investigation of sucrose hydrolysis - successful link between design of experiment, RC1 and reactIR systemKatja Zajšek, Andreja Goršek, 2008, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The main purpose of this work was combining the modern laboratory equipment (RC1 reaction calorimeter and ReactIRTMiC10 reaction analysis system) and the concept of the Taguchi fs design of experiment to determine the relative influence of important process parameters affecting the sucrose hydrolysis. The reaction was catalyzed by strong acidic cation-exchange resin Amberlite IR-120 in H+ form. Four process parameters, including reaction temperature (.), sucrose mass concentration (fÁS), catalyst mass concentration (fÁC) and the rotational frequency of the stirrer (fm) at four levels were considered in this study. Relative contributions of the proposed influencing process parameters on hydrolysis time were estimated by analysis of the variance (ANOVA). The results showed that . had a substantial effect on the reaction time (78,3 %), the fm and fÁC had a smaller ones (7,9 % and 6,4 %, respectively), meanwhile the remain fraction to 100 % represents error (7,4 %). The optimum conditions, where the time required for complete sucrose hydrolysis would be the shortest, are: .= 79 Ključne besede: sucrose hydrolysis, catalyst, Taguchi method, in-situ FTIR, reaction calorimeter RC1 Objavljeno v DKUM: 31.05.2012; Ogledov: 2533; Prenosov: 73
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