1. Formation and characterization of fucus virsoides j. agardh pigment–polyethylene glycol microparticles producedMarija Banožić, Maja Čolnik, Mojca Škerget, Ana-Marija Cikoš, Krunoslav Aladić, Stela Jokić, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The particles from the gas-saturated solutions (PGSS) process was employed to micronize brown algae pigments separated by different extraction techniques. The particle formation of pigments with a coating material, polyethylene glycol (PEG), was carried out by the PGSS process using supercritical CO2. Environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were performed to characterize the produced particles, while encapsulation efficiency was determined using spectrophotometric methods. The physical properties of obtained microparticles were also determined. The PGSS process enabled a high encapsulation yield in the range from 61.60 to 73.73%, and high encapsulation efficiency in terms of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and carotenoid content. The release of CO2 during the PGSS process gave the microparticles their characteristic open and porous form, and enhanced the solubility and flow properties at the same time. Ključne besede: Fucus virsoides J. Agardh, pigment, encapsulation, particles from gas-saturated solutions Objavljeno v DKUM: 16.08.2023; Ogledov: 392; Prenosov: 44
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2. Uvedba koncepta inteligentne organizacije z uporabo rešitev SAPNejc Trpin, 2021, magistrsko delo Opis: Tehnologija se nenehno razvija in kot odraz na to se v poslovnem svetu pojavljajo različni koncepti, s pomočjo katerih lahko organizacije implementirajo najsodobnejše tehnologije kot so internet stvari, strojno učenje, napredna analitika in umetna inteligenca v svoje poslovanje. V zadnjih letih se vedno bolj govori o konceptu inteligentnih organizacij (angl. Intelligent enterprise), katere s pomočjo implementacije naprednih inteligentnih tehnologij v različnih industrijah uvajajo inovacije na raznih področji poslovanja ter s tem postavljajo mejnike tehnološkega napredka in strateškega razvoja za podjetja po vsem svetu. Ker številna podjetja, želijo doseči to inteligentno komponento poslovanja s pomočjo uvedbe koncepta inteligentne organizacije, so različni ponudniki programskih rešitev na trgu predstavili okvirje informacijske infrastrukture, nove programske rešitve in aplikacije, ki omogočajo integracijo najsodobnejših tehnologij v poslovanje. Eno takšnih podjetji je podjetje SAP, katero je na trg predstavilo svoj komplet rešitev za SAP inteligentno organizacijo.
V prvem delu magistrske nalogo smo se posvetili pojmu inteligentne organizacije, ga pojasnili, opredelili smo katere pogoje morajo podjetja izpolnjevati, da jih lahko tretiramo kot inteligentne organizacije inteligentne organizacije in predstavili pogoje za opredelitev podjetja kot SAP inteligentne organizacije ter opredelili osnovno sestavo SAP inteligentnih organizacij. Raziskali smo napredne tehnologije inteligentnih organizacij ter preučili pojem rešitev ERP, saj rešitve ERP predstavljajo digitalno jedro inteligentnih organizacij. V nadaljevanju smo raziskovali različne metodologije, strategije in kritične dejavnike katere je potrebno upoštevati pri uvedbi koncepta inteligentne organizacije v podjetje. Sledila je podrobnejša analiza SAP S/4 HANA rešitve in drugih tehnologij, ki pogosto igrajo pomembno vlogo pri uvedbi koncepta inteligentne organizacij ter predstavljajo njihove ključne komponente digitalnega okvirja ter informacijske podpore.
Drugi del magistrske naloge smo posvetili analizi treh študijskih primerov podjetij različnih panog, ki so v svoje poslovanje v določeni meri že uvedle koncept inteligentne organizacije s pomočjo rešitev podjetja SAP. Ob tem smo poskušali ugotoviti uspešnost implementacij koncepta v podjetja glede na njihove predhodno zastavljene cilje, preučili smo tudi katere rešitve so v posamezna podjetja bile implementirane, ter analizirali splošno stanje po uvedbi koncepta v podjetje. Ta del raziskave je predstavljal praktično osnovo, za potrditev ugotovitev iz teoretičnega dela. Ključne besede: Inteligentna organizacija, SAP, umetna inteligenca, ERP solutions, SAP S/4 HANA Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.09.2021; Ogledov: 1031; Prenosov: 149
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3. Analytical solutions for one-dimensional consolidation in unsaturated soils considering the non-Darcy law of water flowJiwei Li, Huabin Wang, 2014, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Analytical solutions were derived for the non-linear, one-dimensional consolidation equations for unsaturated soils. The governing equations with a non-homogeneous mixed-boundary condition were presented, in which the water flow was assumed to be governed by a non-Darcy law, whereas the air flow followed the Darcy law. The non-Darcy law was actually the non-linear, flux-gradients relationship. The consolidation equations were thus present in a strong, non-linear way. In order to analytically solve the equation, a homotopy analysis method (HAM) was introduced in the study, which is an analytical technique for nonlinear problems. Firstly, a governing equation in a dimensionless form was derived for a one-dimensional consolidation under unsaturated soils. The method was then used for a mapping technique to transfer the original nonlinear differential equations to a number of linear differential equations. These differential equations were independent with respect to any small parameters, and were convenient for controlling the convergence region. After this transferring, a series solution to the equations was then obtained using the HAM by selecting the linear operator and the auxiliary parameters. Meanwhile, comparisons between the analytical solutions and the results of the finite-difference method indicate that the analytical solution is more efficient. Furthermore, our solutions indicate that the dissipation of air pressure is much faster than that of water pressure, and the values for the threshold gradient I have obvious effects on the dissipation values of the excess pore-water pressure, but no significant effect on that of the excess pore-air pressure. Ključne besede: unsaturated soil, homotopy analysis method, analytical solutions, non-Darcy law, initial and boundary conditions Objavljeno v DKUM: 14.06.2018; Ogledov: 1471; Prenosov: 114
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4. Multiphase approach to developing model of logistics for coastal tourist destinationsSanja Bauk, Željko Ivanović, 2016, samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji Opis: The process of urbanization of coastal tourist destinations (CTDs) is taking place at high speed and at the same time creating a lot of complex problems. The positive trend of urbanization has resulted in increased volume of freight transport which leads to burdening the traffic network, time losses and causes traffic congestion problems on the streets with increased environmental pollution due to emissions, noise and vibration. These findings brought to some research being started on the EU level, aiming to develop new logistic solutions, so these areas could be developed on a sustainable basis. With this in mind, the paper proposes a method of developing a novel model of logistics (MoL) for CTDs through several stages. The point of proposed MoL lies in achieving optimal connectivity of transportation, warehousing and physical distribution of goods, and making it a single functional model, so as to allow simultaneous optimization of logistic processes in a CTD, and to incorporate logistics in tourist offer. Ključne besede: coastal tourist destinations, urbanization, traffic network, sustainable logistic solutions, model of logistics, optimization Objavljeno v DKUM: 09.05.2018; Ogledov: 1292; Prenosov: 415
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5. Forward osmosis in wastewater treatment processesJasmina Korenak, Subhankar Basu, Malini Balakrishnan, Claus Hélix-Nielsen, Irena Petrinić, 2017, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: In recent years, membrane technology has been widely used in wastewater treatment and water purification. Membrane technology is simple to operate and produces very high quality water for human consumption and industrial purposes. One of the promising technologies for water and wastewater treatment is the application of forward osmosis. Essentially, forward osmosis is a process in which water is driven through a semipermeable membrane from a feed solution to a draw solution due to the osmotic pressure gradient across the membrane. The immediate advantage over existing pressure driven membrane technologies is that the forward osmosis process per se eliminates the need for operation with high hydraulic pressure and forward osmosis has low fouling tendency. Hence, it provides an opportunity for saving energy and membrane replacement cost. However, there are many limitations that still need to be addressed. Here we briefly review some of the applications within water purification and new developments in forward osmosis membrane fabrication. Ključne besede: wastewater treatment, biomimetic membranes, desalination, draw solutions, forward osmosis Objavljeno v DKUM: 18.08.2017; Ogledov: 1533; Prenosov: 444
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6. Effect of drying parameters on physiochemical and sensory properties of fruit powders processed by PGSS-, vacuum- and spray-dryingUrban Feguš, Uroš Žigon, Marcus Petermann, Željko Knez, 2015, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Aim of this experimental work was to investigate the possibility of producing fruit powders without employing drying aid and to investigate the effect of drying temperature on the final powder characteristics. Raw fruit materials (banana puree, strawberry puree and blueberry concentrate) were processed using three different drying techniques each opera- ting at different temperature conditions: vacuum-drying (–27–17 °C), spray-drying (130–160 °C) and PGSS-drying (112–152 °C). Moisture content, total colour difference, antioxidant activity and sensory characteristics of the proces- sed fruit powders were analysed. The results obtained from the experimental work indicate that investigated fruit pow- ders without or with minimal addition of maltodextrin can be produced. Additionally, it was observed that an increase in process temperature results in a higher loss of colour, reduced antioxidant activity and intensity of the flavour profile. Ključne besede: particles from gas saturated solutions drying, vacuum-drying, spray-drying, sensory evaluation, fruit powders Objavljeno v DKUM: 18.08.2017; Ogledov: 1420; Prenosov: 390
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7. Towards the novel reasoning among particles in PSO by the use of RDF and SPARQLIztok Fister, Xin-She Yang, Karin Ljubič Fister, Dušan Fister, Janez Brest, Iztok Fister, 2014, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The significant development of the Internet has posed some new challenges and many new programming tools have been developed to address such challenges. Today, semantic web is a modern paradigm for representing and accessing knowledge data on the Internet. This paper tries to use the semantic tools such as resource definition framework (RDF) and RDF query language (SPARQL) for the optimization purpose. These tools are combined with particle swarm optimization (PSO) and the selection of the best solutions depends on its fitness. Instead of the local best solution, a neighborhood of solutions for each particle can be defined and used for the calculation of the new position, based on the key ideas from semantic web domain. The preliminary results by optimizing ten benchmark functions showed the promising results and thus this method should be investigated further. Ključne besede: resource definition framework, SPARQL, best solutions, RDF, PSO Objavljeno v DKUM: 15.06.2017; Ogledov: 1658; Prenosov: 434
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8. Periodic solutions and asymptotic analysis of ordinary differential equations : editorialMaoan Han, Pei Yu, Valery Romanovski, Tonghua Zhang, 2014, predgovor, uvodnik, spremna beseda Ključne besede: mathematics, periodic solutions, asymptotic analysis Objavljeno v DKUM: 13.06.2017; Ogledov: 1094; Prenosov: 323
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9. New feeder line rail freight paradigm for the European railwaysStanislav Božičnik, 2006, drugi znanstveni članki Opis: The article deals with the development of the new paradigm of the European rail freight system predominantly suitable for the feeder lines (market niches). Taking into consideration the so far adopted legal solutions of the EU Commission for internationalisation (liberalisation) of the European railway system, the concept of the new rail freight model was developed in order to contribute to the increase of the quality, as well as to the growth of the volume of the rail freight services in Europe. Based on the findings about the disadvantages of the existing rail freight paradigm, the new solution consisting of the three interrelated and interconnected subsystems: institutional, technical/technological and organisational, is proposed. New liberalised access to the entire European rail infrastructure network will increase the competition and most probably attract new railway freight service providers. The introduction of the suggested innovative solutions in form of small, self-propelled, bi-directional train formation that can be automatically coupled and decoupled and equipped with the innovative loading and unloading equipment (enabling loading/unloading operations wherever the truck can stay parallel to the train), is to be expected predominantly on the feeder lines (market niches) of the European railways. Ključne besede: rail freight, EU transport policy, railway freight system, rail freight paradigm, innovative freight technological solutions, transport policy Objavljeno v DKUM: 05.06.2017; Ogledov: 1230; Prenosov: 127
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10. Henríquez, Hernán R.: The Kneser property for abstract retarded functional differential equations with infinite delay. - Int. J. Math. Math. Sci. 2003, no. 26, 1645-1661 (2003). [ISSN 0161-1712]Miklavž Mastinšek, 2004, recenzija, prikaz knjige, kritika Ključne besede: matematika, diferencialne enačbe, Kneserjeva lastnost, zvezna polgrupa, mathematics, functional-differential equations, Kneser property, infinite delay, continuous semigroup, existence, mild solutions Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 1158; Prenosov: 23
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